Project Stakeholders:analysis and Management Processes: April 2017
Project Stakeholders:analysis and Management Processes: April 2017
Project Stakeholders:analysis and Management Processes: April 2017
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1 author:
Youssra Riahi
Université Internationale de Rabat
All content following this page was uploaded by Youssra Riahi on 06 September 2018.
the results of the company in general, and by its environmental issues related to the company's
financial results in particular. They seek a return on operations. Life and community development still
investment, that is to say, of dividends. depend largely on the economic spin-offs
The employees of the company: constitute an generated by enterprises, in terms of employment,
essential part of the capital of the company. They but also professional taxes, the life of
ensure not only the production of a good or a associations, maintenance of utilities and
service, but may also improve the quality of businesses.
products and services if placed in favorable
conditions (quality of management and the working C. Phantom stakeholders
environment, incentives autonomy, training and People who are subject to, part of, or impacted
remuneration). by the project, yet have not formally been
identified by the project manager or project team
B. External stakeholders
as stakeholders.[4]
Businesses are increasingly aware of the need to
maintain a positive reputation in the marketplace, IV. THE POWER/INTEREST GRID
and this may require a more inclusive approach to
This instrument sheds light on the interest of
stakeholder management which recognizes the
possible actors in the project or some of their
legitimate needs and concerns of wider, secondary
aspects, and on the power or influence of an actor to
or „indirect stakeholders. External stakeholders are
move things forward and to achieve the expected
likely to have quite diverse objectives and degrees
of influence.
D. Key stakeholders
High power, high interest stakeholders are key Figure 5: Example of stakeholder engagement assessment
players. Key Players are stakeholders who have a matrix
high influence on your project and a high interest in
the project's success or failure. VI. STAKEHOLDER REGISTER
In order to identify the key stakeholders, many
It is the output of the process of the stakeholder
questions can be asked:
identification. This document includes:
Who holds the project budget?
Identification information: name,
Who is responsible for the relationship
organizational position, location, role in the
with the customers?
project, contact information;
Who will get promoted if the success of
Assessment information: major requirements,
the project is reached?
main expectations, potential influence in the
Who will be providing resources?
project, phase in the life cycle with the most
Stakeholder classification: internal/external,
This instrument focuses on the different views of supporter/neutral/resistor.
the key stakeholder in relation to the objectives of
the cooperation. To define a key stakeholder, we The stakeholder register must be consulted and
look at the three central decisive functions to have a updated regularly through the life cycle of a project
key position in the context of the project: because the stakeholders may change.
Legitimacy: Is the appreciation by the other
actors that the action of the first actor is desirable or
appropriate according to socially constructed
norms, values, beliefs and definitions. PLAN
Power: Is the ability (expressed or potential)
of an actor to impose his will on others. The project management plan includes stakeholder
Urgency: Is the feeling, by the actor management plan. It consists of identifying the
himself, that his own request is urgent or important. strategies required to effectively manage the
engagement of stakeholders.
The three criteria (power, legitimacy, urgency) The stakeholder management plan provides:
-Engagement level of stakeholders.
-Identified interrelationships between stakeholders.
-Stakeholder communication requirement during
the current project phase.
-Information that must be sent to all stakeholders
Figure 4: Salience model / Typology of stakeholders -Time frame required distributing the information.
Website: regular information updates on the project [4] “PROJECT STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT”- Project
Management and Leadership – 2016
in "self-service".
Individual Briefings: for those who have more STAKEHOLDER MAPPING APPROACH ROBERT
interest and are willing to attend. NEWCOMBE” Department of Construction Management &
Tours and Demonstrations: for interested external Engineering The University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box
219, Reading, RG6 6AW
people and organizations.
[6] PMI, 5th Edition PMBOK Guide-2013
Public forums: more appropriate when there are [7]
community stakeholders. ix
Press Releases: report on significant project [8] The Clarkson Centre, 1999
Advertisements and mailings: newspapers,
magazines, billboards.
Liaison committee: representatives from larger
[1] Youssra Riahi, “Project management: techniques and
methodologies”, International Journal of Science and Research,
Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017, 465 - 469
[2] PMBOK 2013, p.563
[3] “Internal, Connected and External Stakeholders”, CIPS
Group Easton House, Easton on the Hill, Stamford, Lincolnshire,
P9 3NZ, United Kingdom