Certified HR Professional (CHRP) Program: Artdo International
Certified HR Professional (CHRP) Program: Artdo International
Certified HR Professional (CHRP) Program: Artdo International
Certified HR Professional (CHRP) Program
Public or In-house Competency Development Programs (CDP) that are Performance Driven
Many people can claim to be a HR practitioner but to stand above the rest, one
must be a true Certified HR Professional.
On that note, I wish you great success in the journey through the exciting world of
Human Development. Indeed, the best is yet to come.
This program is also suitable for line managers who have significant HR and
staffing responsibilities and who want to improve their ability to manage human
resources within their scope of operations.
2 CHRP Prospectus
The CHRP Program
Strategic Role of HR
• Business Knowledge
• Personal Credibility
CHRP Prospectus
The CHRP Program (cont’d)
4 CHRP Prospectus
The CHRP Program (cont’d)
CHRP Prospectus
HR professionals confront a changing business world that demands new • Demonstrate innovation in creating
competencies and skills. HR needs to add significant value to organizations (HR services and products)
and do so at a quick pace. No longer can HR rely solely on administrative or • Demonstrate commitment to
delivery roles. Instead, the focus is shifting to strategic roles and contributions. continuous improvement and
In recognition of this, HR professional organizations throughout the world have learning
identified new competencies for HR. This includes the Society for Human Resource • Demonstrate high ethical standards of
Management in the U.S., the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development in the professional behavior
U.K. and the Australian Human Resource Institute.
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has released one of the Competencies:
most comprehensive studies in its latest HR Competency Model, based on over • Manage staffing
15 years of research and input from over 25,000 HR professionals. The model • Manage development
identifies five core areas of competence for HR professionals: • Manage organizational structure and
• Manage HR measurement
• Manage performance management
• Manage employee and labor relations
• Manage legal compliance
6 CHRP Prospectus
Learning Resources & Evaluation
Resource Guide
Each participant is provided with the ARTDO International-ITD Resource Guide
which includes text book, reading material, techniques, exercises, designs and
tips for HR professionals.
Resource Center
Participants may use the resource center at ITD for discussions, research, use of
computers and access to the internet.
Electronic Support
Participants and course leaders can continually communicate with one another
on-line to exchange notes and share ideas.
3. Application of learning -120 days after completion of 5 courses (Level 2, 3 & 4 d. HR Competency Post-assessment
evaluation). –participants complete another
a. HR Projects – Complete two competency based HR projects with 360 degree self-assessment to identify personal
feedback: gains from the courses.
• Design a strategic HR organizational design for one’s own company or complete
a strategic HR case study (for externals or job seekers). e. Adherence to Code of Ethics and
• Complete an appropriate project in one or more of the core areas: Commitment to Continuous
- Staffing/Employment – design recruiting, selection or placement system. Learning and development – all
- Performance Management – design compensation, benefits, performance certified participants must sign
appraisal or performance management plan. and commit to an HR code of
- Human Resource Development – design a training, organization development ethics, core values and on-going
or career development plan. professional development.
- Employee Relations/Security design an employee relations, labor union,
safety plan or program, or a legal audit or compliance program.
CHRP Prospectus
ARTDO International and ITD’s
Competency Development Program (CDP):
Level 5 : ROI
Primary Evaluation:
Level 1, 2, 3 & 4 (refer to p6)
Bottom - line
Other factors
Primary Evaluation:
Level 5
8 CHRP Prospectus
ARTDO International
ARTDO INTERNATIONAL, formerly • Australian Human Resource Institute
known as Asian Regional Training and (AHRI), (Australia)
Development Organization was founded • Association of Business Executives
in 1974 as an international non-profit (ABE, UK)
NGO umbrella body comprising national • Bahrain Society for Training and
training organizations, training and Development (Bahrain)
education institutions, HRD practitioners • Civil Service Development Institute
and multi-national companies from (Taiwan, China)
over 30 countries. Based in Asia with • Chinese Society for Training and
its Secretariat in Manila, Philippines, Development (Taiwan, China)
ARTDO INTERNATIONAL organizes • Gas Authority of India Ltd (India)
a major international Management and • Hong Kong Productivity Council,
HRD Conference annually and confers a Hong Kong (China)
region-wide annual “Asia-Pacific HRD • Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi
Award” on outstanding contributors (India)
to HRD. It also publishes a reference • Indian Institute of Management
journal, the “HRD Focus”, which is a (Kerala, India)
quarterly newsletter dealing with the • Indian Society for Training and
latest management and HRD issues and Development (India)
occasional papers on best practices. • Indonesian Personnel Management
Association (PMSM), (Indonesia)
Specific objectives • Indovina Bank (Vietnam)
• To assist the formation and growth • International I.T.D. Limited
of training and development (Thailand)
organizations and to foster closer • Intel Technology (M) Sdn Bhd
relations among these organizations. (Malaysia)
• To co-operate with international, • Kaizen Institute of Japan (Japan)
private and government organizations • Motorola Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Malaysia)
and institutions working in the field • Macau Productivity and Technology
of HRM and HRD. Transfer Centre (China)
• To encourage and sponsor researches • Malaysian Institute of Training and
and publications designed to meet Development (MITD)
the training and development needs • National Service Civil Service Institute
of the Asia-Pacific region and other (Taiwan, China)
parts of the world. • National Institute of Development
• To upgrade the standards of the Administration (NIDA), (Thailand)
HRD profession through a planned • Philippine Society for Training and
programme of education and skills Development (Philippines)
development. • Sarawak Shell Berhad (Malaysia)
• To serve as an international resource • Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabia)
centre for training and development. • Singapore Institute of Management
(SIM), (Singapore)
Being an ARTDO International member • Team International (Cairo, Egypt)
gives you access to a global network of • Tenaga Nasional Berhad (Malaysia)
international bodies and organizations. • Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM),
Some of the members of ARTDO (Malaysia)
international include: • New Zealand Association of Training
and Development, (New Zealand)
• Institute of Training and Development
• Asian Development Bank (ADB) www.artdointernational.org
CHRP Prospectus
Certified HR Professional (CHRP) Program
Please make copies of this form for registration and retain the original form for future use.
Name (Dr./Mr./Ms.)
Job Position
Total years in a training and development function (e.g. management, coordination) years
Tel Fax
Tel H/P
Should the participant be unable to attend the course, a substitute may be nominated to take his/her place for the same
seminar registered, but the Management of ITD must be notified of any such changes. All fees paid are strictly non
refundable unless a program is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the course details, payment information, procedures and policies and have
accepted the terms contained therein. All information provided in this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Please complete this form and send/fax/e-mail it to your nearest ITD Center. Kindly refer to the last page of the prospectus for the
individual center’s contact details.
10 CHRP Prospectus
Some of ITD World’s Corporate Clients for
Education, Training or Consultancy Projects include:
CHRP Prospectus
Transforming leaders and changing the world for the better.
The #1 global leadership development expert.
11/F Unit 1108-88 Corporate Centre
141 Valero Street, Salcedo Village
1227 Makati City, Manila
Tel: +632 887 7428
Fax: +632 844 8874
E-mail: itdmanila@itdworld.com