Semihermetic Scroll Compressors
Semihermetic Scroll Compressors
Semihermetic Scroll Compressors
Technical Manual
General Technical Information:
1. Operating Principle of Scroll Compressor
Benefited from rapid development of precision machining process, more and more positive
displacement compressors evolved into rotary type for better efficiency and lower vibration and
noise. As rotary type has distinctively higher efficiency, it is spreading out world-wide, and its
application is expanding quickly. For instance, reciprocating type (over 40 USRT) has been
replaced by screw type, and the applications of scroll refrigerant compressors boomed as well.
Stationary Scroll
Orbiting Scroll
Scroll compressor design is based on the principle of involutes or scrolls which revolve around
each other in a “rolling” motion. By reducing the need for hydrodynamic lubrication that is
required to reduce friction at internal contact points, the scroll compressor provides an inherently
smooth operation and improves thermodynamic efficiency.
The compressor is the “engine” inside HVAC system, and how it operates plays an important role
in determining the effectiveness and efficiency of the system as a whole. The main benefits of
the scroll compressor are the quieter, smoother and more efficient operation along with greater
reliability and durability.
Scroll compression cycle can be illustrated as following:
1. Suction
When compressor starts operating, at certain angle the maximum suction
chamber formed between orbiting and fixed scrolls, and suction stage
starts with the suction chamber connected with low pressure side in system.
Intake volume of compressor is calculated by the maximum geometric
space formed.
2. Initial Compression
After suction, compression chamber of scroll sealed and separated from
low pressure side completely, orbiting scroll keeps revolving around
stationary scroll and continues to compress the chamber smoothly, which
means working fluid proceeds to be compressed continuously.
3. 4. Intermediate Compression
There are many advantages for the scroll
compressor such as less leakage, smooth
discharge etc. Refrigerant is compressed
progressively in the crescent-shape pockets
formed between two scrolls. Within commercial
positive displacement compressors, scroll type has
the best compression efficiency.
5. Discharge
When the refrigerant pressure achieves target level, the chamber will
be induced into discharge port. Medium pressure chamber and low
pressure chamber keep compressing and suction continuously. Impulse
of discharge is not obvious compared with other types of compressors.
2. Sectional View of Compressor
(1) Upper Shell
(2) Outlet
(3) Baffle
(4) Stationary Scroll
(5) Orbiting Scroll
(14) Motor
(15) Lower Counterweight
(16) Lower Bearing
3. Compressor Nomenclature & Illustration
a) Illustration of Nameplate
b) Compressor Nomenclature
TS xxx x
ChynTec TS Model
ChynTec semi-hermetic scroll refrigerant compressor
c) Power Supply
Power supply: Voltage and Frequency
60Hz 50Hz
_V_Hz Applied voltage Specification Applied voltage Specification
220V/60Hz 220V-3-60Hz
380V/50Hz 380V-3-50Hz
230V/60Hz 230V-3-60Hz
380V/60Hz 380V-3-60Hz
400V/50Hz 400V-3-50Hz
440V/60Hz 440V-3-60Hz
460V/60Hz 460V-3-60Hz
415V/50Hz 415V-3-50Hz
480V/60Hz 480V-3-60Hz
4. Operating Envelopes and Limitations
Compressor operating envelop depends on which refrigerant the compressor operates with. It
indicates that within the specified saturated suction and discharge temperature the compressor
can operate adequately for long term. It is the key element to ensure compressors operating life.
If the suction temperature is too low, it might cause the problem for motor to be cooled properly. If
the operating condensing temperature is too high, the motor is overloaded and it will shorten the
operating life of compressor.
The diagram below shows the operating envelopes of ChynTec scroll compressor for different
S type W type
L type H type
C type
1. The envelope above is based on superheat at 5K.
2. Thermostat of motor winding is attached as the standard protector for each compressor.
3. The superheat for the suction line of the compressor is kept at 5~10 K. Maximum compressor
discharge temperature: 125°C.
4. To prevent liquid refrigerant from entering into compressor and cause loss of lubrication, the
recommended minimum discharge superheat is 15K. The discharge temperature should be
maintained at least 15K higher than condensing temperature. Normally, discharge superheat
is 25K for R134a, and 35K for R22 and R407C.
5. Due to R134a refrigerant molecule is tiny, special gasket should be applied for refrigerant
passage in the system to prevent from refrigerant leakage after long period of operation.
R407C and R404A are mixture of different refrigerants which contains R134a. The
requirement is the same as R134a.
6. Lubricant POE oil for the model operates with refrigerant R-134a is hygroscopic. It will absorb
the moisture in the air and cause damage to the system. Less than 1 hour exposure of POE
oil to the air is strongly recommended.
7. The operating envelope above is marked by Dew point. R407C is a zeotropic mixture. R404A
is an azeotropic mixture. There is a temperature glide in R407C and R404A. When
mentioning about evaporating and condensing temperature, it is necessary to indicate DEW
point or MEAN point. The figure below shows the definite difference between Mean and Dew
temperature. The dotted line means isotherm not isobar. For R407C as an example, Mean
point temperature is 2~3℃ lower than Dew point temperature.
8. When compressors operate within operating envelop, if lower body temperature is too low,
excessive amount of liquid refrigerant may enter into compression chamber and cause
damage to compressors. We can estimate the safety range of lower body temperature with
respect to evaporating temperature as shown on figure below on the right. However, the
highest temperature of lower body cannot exceed 90℃.
5. Mechanical Specifications:
Standard Series, R22
Model TS165S TS185S TS210S TS250S TS280S TS310S
Speed (rpm) 3500
Displacement (m /hr) 45.6 49.8 56.1 69.5 78.3 86.7
Cooling Capacity (kcal/hr)* 41,600 46,300 51,400 63,100 71,200 79,200
Power Input (kW) 13.9 15.4 17.2 21.1 23.6 26.3
Speed (rpm) 2900
Displacement (m /hr) 38.4 41.5 46.7 57.9 65.3 72.3
Cooling Capacity (kcal/hr)* 34,700 38,600 42,800 52,600 59,300 66,000
Power Input (kW) 11.6 12.8 14.3 17.6 19.7 21.9
Height, mm 589 701
Width, mm 389 427
Body flange diameter, mm 363 382
Net weight, kg 155 160 165 195 205 215
Installation hole, mm 14
Suction pipe, mm 41.3 (1-5/8”) 41.3 (1-5/8”)
Piping Discharge pipe, mm 28.6 (1-1/8”) 34.9(1-3/8”)
Electric hose diameter, mm 25.4
Lock 220V 261 304 401 460 545 545
rotor 60Hz 380V 151 176 232 266 315 315
current 440V 131 152 201 230 273 273
(LRA) 50Hz 380V 125 146 192 220 261 261
220V 44 49 53 66 73 81
60Hz 380V 25 28 31 38 42 47
440V 22 25 27 33 37 41
Motor (Amp) *
50Hz 380V 22 24 26 32 35 39
220V 51 56 63 77 85 96
60Hz 380V 29 32 36 44 49 55
440V 26 28 32 39 43 48
50Hz 380V 25 27 31 37 41 46
Start-up Standard Standard direct start-up
method Optional None Y-Δ
Standard SUNISO_4GS
Oil charged(Liter) 3 3 3 4 4 4
Standard Oil heater 100W 220V
1. Cooling Capacity:The rated capacity under ARI operating condition. Measuring norm refers to
the regulations specified in CNS 11870B7273.
2. Nominal current:The nominal running current under ARI operating condition. Measuring norm
is as above.
3. Max. current:The maximum running current under the sufficiently cooling of motor.
Standard Series, R407C
Model TS165S TS185S TS210S TS250S TS280S TS310S
Speed (rpm) 3500
Displacement (m /hr) 45.6 49.8 56.1 69.5 78.3 86.7
Cooling Capacity (kcal/hr)* 38,800 43,100 47,700 59,100 66,600 73,700
Power Input (kW) 13.9 15.4 17.0 21.1 23.8 26.3
Speed (rpm) 2900
Displacement (m /hr) 38.4 41.5 46.7 57.9 65.3 72.3
Cooling Capacity (kcal/hr)* 32,300 35,900 39,800 49,300 55,500 61,400
Power Input (kW) 11.6 12.8 14.2 17.6 19.8 21.9
Height, mm 589 701
Width, mm 389 427
Body flange diameter, mm 363 382
Net weight, kg 155 160 165 195 205 215
Installation hole, mm 14
Suction pipe, mm 41.3 (1-5/8”) 41.3 (1-5/8”)
Piping Discharge pipe, mm 28.6 (1-1/8”) 34.9(1-3/8”)
Electric hose diameter, mm 25.4
Lock 220V 261 304 401 460 545 545
rotor 60Hz 380V 151 176 232 266 315 315
current 440V 131 152 201 230 273 273
(LRA) 50Hz 380V 125 146 192 220 261 261
220V 44 49 54 66 73 82
60Hz 380V 25 28 31 38 42 47
440V 22 25 26 33 37 41
Motor (Amp) *
50Hz 380V 21 24 27 32 36 40
220V 49 54 61 75 84 92
60Hz 380V 28 31 35 43 48 53
440V 25 27 31 38 42 46
50Hz 380V 24 26 30 36 41 45
Start-up Standard Standard direct start-up
method Optional None Y-Δ
Standard CPI_CP-2931AW
Oil charged(Liter) 3 3 3 4 4 4
Standard Oil heater 100W 220V
1. Cooling Capacity:The rated capacity under ARI operating condition. Measuring norm refers to
the regulations specified in CNS 11870B7273.
2. Nominal current:The nominal running current under ARI operating condition. Measuring norm
is as above.
3. Max. current:The maximum running current under the sufficiently cooling of motor.
Standard Series, R134a
Model TS110C TS125C TS130C TS160C TS185C TS200C
Speed (rpm) 3500
Displacement (m /hr) 45.6 49.8 56.1 69.5 78.3 86.7
Cooling Capacity (kcal/hr)* 27,400 29,900 33,400 41,700 46,700 51,700
Power Input (kW) 9.4 10.3 11.5 14.3 16.1 17.8
Speed (rpm) 2900
Displacement (m /hr) 38.4 41.5 46.7 57.9 65.3 72.3
Cooling Capacity (kcal/hr)* 22,900 25,000 27,900 34,800 39,000 43,100
Power Input (kW) 7.8 8.6 9.6 11.9 13.4 14.8
Height, mm 589 701
Width, mm 389 427
Body flange diameter, mm 363 382
Net weight, kg 155 155 160 185 195 205
Installation hole, mm 14
Suction pipe, mm 41.3 (1-5/8”) 41.3 (1-5/8”)
Piping Discharge pipe, mm 28.6 (1-1/8”) 34.9(1-3/8”)
Electric hose diameter, mm 25.4
Lock 220V 261 261 304 401 460 460
rotor 60Hz 380V 151 151 176 232 266 266
current 440V 131 131 152 201 230 230
(LRA) 50Hz 380V 125 125 146 192 220 220
220V 30 33 37 45 51 56
60Hz 380V 17 19 21 26 29 32
l current
440V 15 17 19 23 26 28
Motor (Amp) *
50Hz 380V 15 16 18 22 25 27
Max 220V 42 47 52 64 71 80
current 60Hz 380V 24 27 30 37 41 46
(I-max) 440V 21 24 26 32 36 40
* 50Hz 380V 21 23 26 31 35 39
Start-up Standard Standard direct start-up
method Optional None Y-Δ
Standard CPI_CP-2931AW
Oil charged(Liter) 3 3 3 4 4 4
Standard Oil heater 100W 220V
1. Cooling Capacity:The rated capacity under ARI operating condition. Measuring norm refers to
the regulations specified in CNS 11870B7273.
2. Nominal current:The nominal running current under ARI operating condition. Measuring norm
is as above.
3. Max. current:The maximum running current under the sufficiently cooling of motor.
Water-cooled Series, R22
Model TS165W TS185W TS210W TS250W TS280W TS310W
Speed (rpm) 3500
Displacement (m /hr) 45.6 49.8 56.1 69.5 78.3 86.7
Cooling Capacity (kcal/hr)* 40,700 46,100 50,300 61,000 70,300 77,800
Power Input (kW) 10.3 11.6 12.7 15.6 17.5 19.3
Speed (rpm) 2900
Displacement (m /hr) 38.4 41.5 46.7 57.9 65.3 72.3
Cooling Capacity (kcal/hr)* 33,900 38,400 41,900 50,800 58,600 64,800
Power Input (kW) 8.6 9.7 10.6 13.0 14.6 16.1
Height, mm 589 701
Width, mm 389 427
Body flange diameter, mm 363 382
Net weight, kg 155 155 160 190 200 210
Installation hole, mm 14
Suction pipe, mm 41.3 (1-5/8”) 41.3 (1-5/8”)
Piping Discharge pipe, mm 28.6 (1-1/8”) 34.9(1-3/8”)
Electric hose diameter, mm 25.4
Lock 220V 261 261 304 401 460 460
rotor 60Hz 380V 151 151 176 232 266 266
current 440V 131 131 152 201 230 230
(LRA) 50Hz 380V 125 125 146 192 220 220
220V 33 39 42 51 56 61
60Hz 380V 19 22 24 29 32 35
440V 17 20 21 26 28 31
Motor (Amp) *
50Hz 380V 17 19 21 25 27 30
220V 46 51 56 68 77 84
60Hz 380V 26 29 32 39 44 48
440V 23 26 28 34 39 42
50Hz 380V 22 25 27 33 37 41
Start-up Standard Standard direct start-up
method Optional None Y-Δ
Standard SUNISO_4GS
Oil charged(Liter) 3 3 3 4 4 4
Standard Oil heater 100W 220V
1. Cooling Capacity:The rated capacity under ET: 3℃, CT: 38℃, Subcooling:5K, Superheat:5K
operating condition. Measuring norm refers to the regulations specified in CNS 11870B7273.
2. Nominal current:The nominal running current under ET: 3℃, CT: 38℃. Measuring norm is as
3. Max. current:The maximum running current under the sufficiently cooling of motor.
Refrigeration, L Series, R22
Model TS165L TS185L TS210L TS250L TS280L TS310L
Speed (rpm) 3500
Displacement (m /hr) 45.6 49.8 56.1 69.5 78.3 86.7
Cooling Capacity (kcal/hr)* 25,200 27,800 30,700 38,500 42,800 47,400
Power Input (kW) 9.8 10.9 12.1 15.4 16.8 18.6
Speed (rpm) 2900
Displacement (m /hr) 38.4 41.5 46.7 57.9 65.3 72.3
Cooling Capacity (kcal/hr)* 21,000 23,200 25,600 32,100 35,700 39,500
Power Input (kW) 8.2 9.1 10.1 12.8 14.0 15.5
Height, mm 589 701
Width, mm 389 427
Body flange diameter, mm 363 382
Net weight, kg 155 160 165 190 200 210
Installation hole, mm 14
Suction pipe, mm 41.3 (1-5/8”) 41.3 (1-5/8”)
Piping Discharge pipe, mm 28.6 (1-1/8”) 34.9(1-3/8”)
Electric hose diameter, mm 25.4
Lock 220V 261 304 401 460 460 545
rotor 60Hz 380V 151 176 232 266 266 315
current 440V 131 152 201 230 230 273
(LRA) 50Hz 380V 125 146 192 220 220 261
220V 32 35 39 49 54 59
60Hz 380V 18 20 22 28 31 34
440V 16 18 20 25 27 30
Motor (Amp) *
50Hz 380V 16 17 19 24 26 29
220V 49 54 59 75 82 90
60Hz 380V 28 31 34 43 47 52
440V 25 27 30 38 41 46
50Hz 380V 24 26 29 36 40 44
Start-up Standard Standard direct start-up
method Optional None Y-Δ
Standard SUNISO_3GS
Oil charged(Liter) 3 3 3 4 4 4
Oil heater 100W 220V
Shutoff Valve Intake/Out Shutoff Valve
1. Cooling Capacity:The rated capacity under ET: -10℃, CT: 40, Subcooling:5K, Superheat:5K
operating condition. Measuring norm refers to the regulations specified in CNS 11870B7273.
2. Nominal current:The nominal running current under ET: -10℃, CT: 40℃. Measuring norm is as
3. Max. current:The maximum running current under the sufficiently cooling of motor.
Refrigeration, L Series, R404A
Model TS165L TS185L TS210L TS250L TS280L TS310L
Speed (rpm) 3500
Displacement (m /hr) 45.6 49.8 56.1 69.5 78.3 86.7
Cooling Capacity (kcal/hr)* 26,000 28,500 32,100 38,500 44,600 49,400
Power Input (kW) 11.4 12.3 13.9 17.5 19.4 21.4
Speed (rpm) 2900
Displacement (m /hr) 38.4 41.5 46.7 57.9 65.3 72.3
Cooling Capacity (kcal/hr)* 21,700 23,800 26,800 32,100 37,200 41,200
Power Input (kW) 9.5 10.3 11.6 14.6 16.2 17.8
Height, mm 589 701
Width, mm 389 427
Body flange diameter, mm 363 382
Net weight, kg 155 160 165 190 200 210
Installation hole, mm 14
Suction pipe, mm 41.3 (1-5/8”) 41.3 (1-5/8”)
Piping Discharge pipe, mm 28.6 (1-1/8”) 34.9(1-3/8”)
Electric hose diameter, mm 25.4
Lock 220V 261 304 401 460 460 545
rotor 60Hz 380V 151 176 232 266 266 315
current 440V 131 152 201 230 230 273
(LRA) 50Hz 380V 125 146 192 220 220 261
220V 37 39 44 56 59 66
60Hz 380V 21 22 25 32 34 38
440V 19 20 22 28 30 33
Motor (Amp) *
50Hz 380V 18 19 21 27 29 32
220V 51 56 63 78 85 94
60Hz 380V 29 32 36 45 49 54
440V 26 28 32 39 43 47
50Hz 380V 25 27 31 38 41 46
Start-up Standard Standard direct start-up
method Optional None Y-Δ
Standard CPI_CP-2931AW
Oil charged(Liter) 3 3 3 4 4 4
Oil heater 100W 220V
Shutoff Valve Intake/Out Shutoff Valve
1. Cooling Capacity:The rated capacity under ET: -10℃, CT: 40℃, Subcooling:5K, Superheat:5K,
operating condition. Measuring norm refers to the regulations specified in CNS 11870B7273.
2. Nominal current:The nominal running current under ET: -10℃, CT: 40℃. Measuring norm is as
3. Max. current:The maximum running current under the sufficiently cooling of motor.
Heat Pump, H Series, R22
Model TS165H TS185H TS210H TS250H TS280H TS310H
Speed (rpm) 3500
Displacement (m /hr) 45.6 49.8 56.1 69.5 78.3 86.7
Heating Capacity (kcal/hr)* 44,400 49,300 54,800 68,000 75,700 84,200
Power Input (kW) 14.8 16.3 18.3 22.4 25.0 27.8
Speed (rpm) 2900
Displacement (m /hr) 38.4 41.5 46.7 57.9 65.3 72.3
Heating Capacity (kcal/hr)* 37,000 41,100 45,700 56,700 63,100 70,200
Power Input (kW) 12.3 13.6 15.3 18.7 20.8 23.2
Height, mm 589 701
Width, mm 389 427
Body flange diameter, mm 363 382
Net weight, kg 160 165 170 195 205 215
Installation hole, mm 14
Suction pipe, mm 41.3 (1-5/8”) 41.3 (1-5/8”)
Piping Discharge pipe, mm 28.6 (1-1/8”) 34.9(1-3/8”)
Electric hose diameter, mm 25.4
Lock 220V 304 401 401 460 545 545
rotor 60Hz 380V 176 232 232 266 315 315
current 440V 152 201 201 230 273 273
(LRA) 50Hz 380V 146 192 192 220 261 261
220V 47 51 58 70 77 85
60Hz 380V 27 29 33 40 44 49
440V 24 26 29 35 39 43
Motor (Amp) *
50Hz 380V 23 25 28 34 37 41
220V 54 59 68 82 90 101
60Hz 380V 31 34 39 47 52 58
440V 27 30 34 41 45 51
50Hz 380V 26 29 33 40 44 49
Start-up Standard Standard direct start-up
method Optional None Y-Δ
Standard SUNISO_4GS
Oil charged(Liter) 3 3 3 4 4 4
Standard Oil heater 100W 220V
1. Cooling Capacity:The rated capacity under ET: 2℃, CT: 60℃, Subcooling:5K, Superheat:5K
operating condition. Measuring norm refers to the regulations specified in CNS 11870B7273.
2. Nominal current:The nominal running current under ET: 2℃, CT:60℃. Measuring norm is as
3. Max. current:The maximum running current under the sufficiently cooling of motor.
6. Dimensions of Compressors
TS165/185/210(S / W / H) TS110/125/130(C)
TS250/280/310(S / W / H) TS160/185/200(C)
7. Electrical Design
1. Explanation to Electrical Current
Compressor motor designs and illustrations are different among various compressor
manufacturers. It often confuses HVAC system electrical control designers. Electrical data
included in this manual are defined and specified as following:
a. Operating Envelopes
Normally, for air conditioning equipment, the system operating condition depends on both
ambient temperature and interior temperature setting. The operating envelope (please refer
to Section 4 of this manual) means the design envelop of compressor which maximum
running envelope is certified by strict running tests.
Do not exceed the envelope when setting the required operating point under the approved
envelope of compressor, or it will reduce life of system and compressor.
b. Performance Table
Performance table is the measured results of power input and refrigeration capacity for
various points within the compressor operating envelope.
The data are helpful for the HVAC system designers to know the maximum running current
of system for choosing proper electrical components and overload protections for each
individual system.
c. Nominal Condition
Nominal condition is that the compressor operates under different standard system
designed operating condition. All kinds of air conditioning system have different design
concepts and different nominal conditions, such as the following:
f. I-max
I-max is the maximum current of the compressor’s motor under normal cooling condition.
This is only for the reference of HVAC system designers who design their own electrical
protection circuit.
2. Motor Electrical Connection Board
3. Start-up Options
ChynTec compressors provide optional Y-Δ starting to customers. Y-Δ motor connects motor
coil by Y connection during starting, therefore reducing voltage on coils to 1/√3 of input voltage
and reconnects motor coil by Δ connection after starting. By doing so, we can decrease starting
current through voltage drop, i.e., so-called voltage-drop starting.
Y-Δ motor connection method is shown in the following motor wiring diagram:
In Y connection, MCM and MCS are inductive while motor leads Z, X, Y are tied together as a
neutral connecting as Y fashion. A few seconds later (1 sec is recommended), MCM and MCS
become deductive. Around 40 ms later, MCM and MCD are inductive, it turns out Δ run
After Y start, MCM and MCS are deductive for 40 ms and then MCM and MCD are inductive for
Δ run. Within as transient as 40 ms, pseudo short circuit might occur due to inappropriate
action of contactors, causing trip of compressors. When it occurs, we recommend usage of
adjustable Y-Δ dedicated Timer or slightly lengthen time span for MCM and MCS deduction –
MCM and MCD re-induction from 40 ms to 60 ms max directly in micro controller or PLC
program. Because motor is not powered during Y-Δ shift, shorter Y-Δ shift span is suggested
to prevent second start due to decreased rotation speed. However, if Y-Δ shift span is too
short, aforementioned pseudo short circuit might occur.
4. Electrical Wiring Diagram
Please refer to the motor wiring drawing on the inside cover of terminal box.
8. System Design & Application Advice
ChynTec scroll compressors have been applied widely for air conditioning and refrigeration.
Proper system design and application ensure the lifespan of the compressor and the
optimization of the capacity for the system.
A) Oil Heater
When compressor stops operating, the temperature of oil stocked in the lower body should be
10K higher than the low pressure saturate temperature to make sure that liquid refrigerant does
not store in the lower body of the compressor. Oil heater is a standard accessory to ChynTec
scroll compressors. We recommend oil heater is installed in all application system in order to
ensure long term operation. The oil heater specification is 220V, 100W. Please turn on oil
heater 12 hours before operation (if the suction or discharge shutoff valve is installed in the
system, please open it first.), and turn on the oil heater when compressor stops operating.
Under low ambient temperature, or big temperature difference between day and night, or long
period of time between compressors assembled and first time operation at customer site, if
discharge check valve and suction/discharge shutoff valve are not installed in the system,
excessive liquid (refrigerant and oil mixture) is likely to accumulated in compressors. It will
result in liquid start up and cause damage to compressor. Under this condition, we recommend
use of 150W oil heater, or extending heating time to more than 24 hours.
B) Thermostat
The motor of ChynTec scroll compressor is a 3 phase type, built in thermal protector. When the
motor is over heated caused by overload of the motor, shortage of refrigerant, or motor reverse,
the switch will trip. Because the protector will be reset automatically, we recommend to use
extra control (manual reset) to reset the system.
z High/Low pressure protector
It is necessary for scroll compressors to install high pressure protector to protect
compressors under the conditions of the block of fan, non-operative of cooling water in
system. It is necessary to install low pressure protector to protect compressors under the
conditions of shortage or leakage of refrigerant in system. How to setup the high/low
pressure protector depends on the application and working condition. In general, high
pressure protector should be lower than max high pressure listed above; low pressure
protector should be higher than min low pressure listed above.
The required minimum pressure difference between suction and discharge port of scroll
compressor is 4~5 kg/cm2 to make sure enough back pressure to force orbiting scroll to sit on
thrust bearing. If pressure difference below this required range, orbiting scroll will separate
from thrust bearing and cause unwanted movement. To create enough pressure difference, it is
necessary to maintain discharge pressure at certain level. Therefore, when compressor
operates in low ambient temperature condition, the control on discharge pressure is very
important. The noise level of compressor might be increased .
Phase voltage unbalanced value should be smaller than 2%, because the voltage unbalance
will cause certain phase current too high, and the motor will be over heated or burned out.
V − V + V AVG − VUW + V AVG − VVW
VUnbalance = AVG UV ×100
2 × V AVG
VAVG : the average of 3 phase voltages
VUV VVW VUW : UV, VW, and UW phase voltage
Our optional accessory of discharge temperature protector cutoff temperature is 125℃ and the
reset temperature is 105℃.
Suction port liquid injection device is to install a solenoid valve and an expansion vale between
liquid line and compressor suction port to introduce part of liquid refrigerant into compressor.
This is to utilize the latent heat of liquid refrigerant to cool down motor coil temperature, and
compression chamber temperature to ensure adequate long term operation and safety of
It is recommended to install suction port liquid
injection device when discharge temperature is
higher than 125℃ for certain system application.
The device includes high temperature expansion
valve and solenoid valve, as shown in the right
figure. The setting temperature of solenoid valve
is at 115℃. When discharge temperature reaches
115℃, solenoid vale will be opened; and
discharge temperature drops to 95℃, solenoid
valve will be closed again. If the discharge
temperature rises higher than 125℃ even the
solenoid valve has been opened, the discharge
temperature protector must be tripped to protect
compressor. High temperature expansion valve
equipped with a temperature sensor to detect
discharge temperature and control the flow of
refrigerant accordingly to utilize liquid refrigerant
to cool down discharge temperature.
9. Optional Accessories
Description Specification
Supply voltage:
Oil level watch 24VAC, 50/60Hz, +10/-15%,
Power supply:
AC 50/60Hz 24V-15%+10%
PTC motor protector AC 50/60Hz
Power supply:
PTC motor protector AC 50/60Hz 115-120/230-240V-15
(with phase sequence %+10% 3VA
relay) Phase sequence relay:
3 AC 50/60Hz, 200…575±10%
Oil recommends
Product Mineral oil POE oil
Series 4GS 3GS Icematic-299 CP-2931AW RL 32H
S Standard Optional
W Standard Optional
L Standard
H Standard Optional
R134a C Standard Optional
R407C S Standard Optional
R404A L Standard Optional
1. POE code: CP-2931AW. This POE oil is for compressor operates with refrigerant R407C,
R134a, R404A, R410A, etc.
2. POE oil is very hygroscopic. Less then 1 hour exposure to the air is strongly recommended
after the intake and outlet of the compressor is unsealed.
3. When the original refrigeration oil of the compressor and system unit is replaced by POE oil,
the remaining mineral oil must not exceed 3% to assure smooth long term operation.
10. Maintenance
1. All parts of compressor are recyclable, and shall be recovered, reused and/or disposed of
properly in connection with maintenance, repair and scrapping.
2. Maintenance notices:
a) Personal safety concern;
b) Be careful of the damage to environment and facility;
c) Be sure the system kept in good operating condition;
d) Consider the maintenance space at the system design and installation stage;
e) Must exam the leakage of refrigerant or oil after maintenance;
f) Reduce the operational cost of maintenance.
3. When change the type of refrigerant operates with the system, the following notices shall be
taken in account:
a) Make sure which type of refrigerant the system can operate with;
b) Examine all materials used in the system to ensure they are compatible with the
replaced refrigerant;
c) Verify the possibility of exceeding the allowable pressure;
d) Verify the motor capacity;
e) Pay attention to the refrigerant classification;
f) Prevent mixture of residual refrigerant and residual oil.
a) Besides the periodical check listed above for electricity insulation, the insulation condition
needs to be checked annually before operation after long period of shutting down.
b) If the abnormal noise/vibration is noted, please contact ChynTec immediately for technical
c) The pressure test and leakage test are required after compressor repairing.
d) When the change of bearing is necessary, please change the whole bearing set.
e) Unless instructions and procedures are followed, and services conducted by authorized
personnel, any damage caused will render the warranty void, and repairs will be on owner’s
11. Dimensions of Intake and Outlet Flange
TS Model Intake Flange
TS165/185/210(S/W/L/H) TS110/125/130(C) Outlet Flange
TS250/280/310(S/W/L/H) TS160/185/200(C) Outlet Flange