School of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering: Kathmandu University
School of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering: Kathmandu University
School of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering: Kathmandu University
School of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Level : Bachelor
Course : Engineering Survey I (CIEG202)
Group : CIEG (II/I)
Credit Hour: 3
Course Instructor: Manish Prakash
Learning Objectives:
Introduction to engineering surveying and its branch along with terminologies associated
with it.
Field procedure for linear measurement of different orders and calculation of different
errors associated and its correction.
Concept of chain surveying, instrument to be used and plotting of field data’s.
Gain knowledge of compass surveying, temporary & permanent adjustment of instrument
and plotting of field data’s.
The students should be able to understand terminologies used in levelling and field
procedure of profile levelling, cross-sectioning and reciprocal levelling.
Knowledge of plane table surveying and introduction to theodolite.
Text Books
A text book of surveying and levelling, R. Agor
Surveying, Dr. B.C. Punmia, Ashok K. Jain, Arun K. Jain, Volume I
A text book of surveying and levelling, Dr.K.R, Arora