CAribbean Studies Ia
CAribbean Studies Ia
CAribbean Studies Ia
Territory: Jamaica
Introduction 3-4
Conclusion 19
Limitation 20
Recommendation 21-22
References 23
Appendix 24
Crime has become a major problem in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Since recently there are many
criminal activities at the homes of residents. Some of these criminal activities are stealing and
murders. This increased criminal activity of this problem has captivated attention from the
governmental organizations such as the Jamaica Constabulary Force for the prevention of crime
and also the Ministry of National Security. Residents are concerned and expressed their concerns
The title of the study is “A survey of the effects of crime on the residents of Montego Bay.”
Montego Bay is a city of Jamaica comprising of many communities. There are over 500,000
persons populated in the city of Montego Bay. This research aims to discover about the kinds of
criminal activities are committed? How often these criminal activities occur? Who are most
affected by the criminals who commit these crimes and what solutions if any have been put in
This study can be seen as a research with vast educational value. Crime continues to be a major
issue in Jamaica but the Montego Bay is mostly affected by crime. When you’re able to increase
your knowledge on the background of criminals and criminal activities can give insights. This
research will allow you to know the reasons why the criminal activities are occurring. My study
will help to benefit me in my classes and to answer essay questions effectively. It will also
benefit the government and Minister of National Security. The Police and other persons benefit
from my research study to help them to know what causes the rapid increase in criminal
activities. The study can also be use to implement plans and strategies and exterminate the
problem because the resident can use this research to see how best they hcan decrease the level
This is the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or
In order to comprehend the effects of crime in Montego Bay, a number of sources were
examined.. Before doing the research an explanation of “What is Crime”? And “What is
According to Darrow in the book Crime: Its Causes and Treatment, crime can be defined as an
“act prohibited by the law of the country” and anyone who significantly breaks the law will
receive warrant providing penalties for its commission. Another way crime can be defined is
Crime is “any breach which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law.” Based on these
definitions about crime we can suggest that it’s the law states what activities are legal and what
According to Lawson in the book Crime and Deviance implied that any individual action that is
being conducted can be referred to a criminal or non criminal activity but it is based on the
circumstances surrounding its commission. He realized that other factors were forsaken.
However, those were the most important factors that contribute to the unlawful act. Some of
these roles comprise of: the role of the law enforcement agencies, how both the victim and
It is presume that urban areas are most likely to maintain an increase in criminal activities than
rural areas. The presumption was based on the fact that rural areas have more comparable social
structure that is more compatible and non- segregated than in the urban areas. However, this
presumption has changed over the years. According to ISA Handbook in Contemporary
Sociology by Deflem and cited by Ann B. Dennis and others, this book summarized the
contrasting types of planned criminal activities that occur in the urban areas. Here are some of
these criminal activities: burglary, robbery and fraud. Based on the book other crime that occurs
in the rural areas is: theft, trespassing, vandalism and murder (small scale). Murder still
Ann B Dennis and other authors also explained that these criminal activities have many
consequences on the resident living in the particular area. She also outlined that many residents
will feel exploited and intimidated in the location they reside. As a result of the increase in
criminal activities globalization will start to take place and persons will want to migrate from
Applied Research will be used in carrying out this study. This study will collect information
from residents in Montego Bay on the incidence of crime and how it affects the area. Applied
Research using calculable methods is an appropriate method of studying the effects of crime in
Montego Bay because no methodology data exists on the issue and the perspective of the
The method of data collection is an online questionnaire that was done. A questionnaire is a set
of pre-set questions given to persons who make up the population of the study. A questionnaire
comparatively easy to distribute and conception can also be made based on the data collected and
A conventional questionnaire was created to collect data from respondents. There were sixteen
(16) close ended questions and three (3) open ended questions.
Selection of Data
Montego Bay is a large area with a large population. With this pandemic only 75 persons were
Collection of Data
The study was conducted in March 2021. The study was collected for three weeks from March 1
to March 15. The questionnaires were distributed to different residents in Montego Bay and also
it was done online using the Google Forms Platform. The face to face respondents was given
three days to complete the questionnaires and return them to the researcher while the online
Theft Rape Burgarly Assault Trespassing Other
Crime Commited
Figure 1 is a column bar that shows the number of residents who selected the type of crime that
15% Lack of Education
Lack of Parental Control
Figure 2 is a pie chart showing the percentages of residents who selected the different causes of
Type of Family/Household the criminals come Responses
from Amount %
The table shows the type of household that criminals may live in.
Effect of Crime on Residents
Effect of Crime
Physical Hurt
Figure 3 is a bar graph shows the effects of crime on residents in Montego Bay.
Under 20 15 20 Female 55 73
21-30 30 40
31-40 15 20 Male 20 27
41-50 10 13
Over 50 5 6.7
Table 2 shows the demographic data of respondents. This includes the age group and gender of
Based on the findings of the study, it can be conclude that the population in Montego Bay is a
youthful one. Out of seventy five (75) persons questioned, 20% of them were under 20 years.
Residents between age group 21-30 make up 40% of the population in Montego Bay and 20%
make up the population for the age group, 31-40. For the age group 31-40 13% of the population
was respondents to the questionnaire and only 6.7% of the population responds to the
The majority of the crimes committed in Montego Bay are burglary and theft which was
indicated by 47% and 20% of the respondents respectively. This is obvious because a large
amount of persons have burglar bars at their doors and windows. There were 13% of the
respondents who chose rape while 6.7% of the respondents chose assault as a crime committed.
It is only 4% chose trespassing as a crime committed and 2.7% respondent chose ‘Other’ as the
type of crime.
In my research, I found out about the type of household that the criminals have grown up in.
47% of the respondents chose that the criminals are from Single Parent Family. 27% of the
respondents indicated that criminals would come from a sibling household. 13% of the
respondents chose both nuclear and extended family that the criminals would come from. It is
clear that the family household without two or more parental figures that’s where the criminal
originate from.
According to the findings the main cause of crime in Montego Bay are unemployment and
poverty. Unemployment was indicated by 47% of the respondents while poverty was chose by
20% of the respondents. It can be conclude that the criminals are very poor and they probably
don’t have the necessities to sustain life because they are unemployed so instead they commit
In my study, I have found out the effects that crime may have on the people in Montego Bay.
60% of the respondents indicated that death is an effect of crime on them because sometimes
they have close relatives or friends that die innocently. 20% of the respondents chose insecurity.
13% of the s indicated that they have been physically hurt because of the criminal activities
while only 6.70% of the respondents selected other. Other response were economic loss or
family problems
In my research residents were asked if they would leave the area and move to a safer area
because of the increase in criminal activities in Montego Bay. 70% of the residents indicated that
When examining the responses from the question, “What do you think the residents of Montego
Bay can do to reduce crime in their community”? Some respondents stated that we should
communicate with the police more. Other respondents say implement more cctv cameras. We
should have programmes for youths where they can be trained and they earn a little stipend.
They should have meetings where we would come together and talk about how to prevent crime.
Most respondents say that residents should point perpetrators and suspected persons in the area.
Most persons say that neighborhood watch should be in every community. In addition to that
another question was what they think the government can do to curb the issue of crime in
Montego Bay. Most respondents were about that the government should provide more
employment facilities, organize counseling sessions for criminals, train police on crime
prevention and make laws for harsher penalties with crime related offences.
Discussion of the Findings
My research indicated that residents in Montego Bay, an urban area, had an increased in criminal
activities being committed on citizens. Montego Bay was known to be a peaceful and non-
violent area. However, since recent times there has been an increase in the criminal activities in
Montego Bay.
In addition my research has indicated that majority of crimes committed in Montego Bay was
burglary and theft. The other type of crime committed was rape and assault that was indicated by
Crime has negative effects on the residents in Montego Bay. Many residents may have suffered
from agonizing experiences as a result of criminal activities. From my research it was indicated
that the majority of the respondents feel victimized or exploited and they feel unsafe because of
the area that they are living because of the increase in criminal activities in the area. This is
because they are unknown to which crime might occur. Some residents are worried about
whether or not they will be affected by the crime or if their immediate family members will be
affected. This supported Denis (2009) who pointed out that some persons may feel victimized or
threatened in the location they are currently living, this will result in a force of globalization and
then persons will migrate. My research supports the final part of that point. Some persons in
Montego Bay say they might migrate out of the parish to a safer place if the criminal activities
continue to increase.
Denis (2009) also indicated that in her book that residents will feel threatened. My research also
stated that residents won’t only feel uncertain but also they are normally physically hurt. They
are physically hurt when they try to protect themselves and property and sometimes that method
doesn’t work. It is presumed that criminals while entering the home of residents to steal their
personal belongings, residents will try to protect their personal belongings even though they are
physically hurt.
Jobes et al (2004) pointed out that social and cultural factors can explain why these criminal
activities are being committed. In my research I found that the main causes of crime is poverty,
lack of education and unemployment in Montego Bay. Jobes et al (2004) said that the poorer
educational facilities and fewer opportunities for employment causes the young people to turn to
crime as an alternative. However, my findings didn’t support this point. This is because
Montego Bay surrounded by hundreds of schools in the area and jobs opportunity such as call
center is available who always recruiting persons every day. The reason why criminals still
persist to engage in criminal activities is because they are too lazy and chose not to work for
what they want. They want to reap the benefit of other people’s work rather than getting paid the
work they have done. The young people nowadays prefer the easy living kind of lifestyle. In
addition to that they dislike going to and performing at school because they feel as if the
There are other social and cultural factors that could explain the causes of crime or the type of
household these criminals originate from. My research indicated that the crimes being
committed, criminals mainly are from single parent family and sibling households. These are
ones who most likely be the poor persons since the two parental figure are not there to provide
not only financial support but moral support. This point of view was supported by Jobes et al
when they mentioned about the factors that may influence someone to commit a crime. Some of
these criminals who are living alone are not going to school. Therefore, they may not have an
This research was a survey about the effects of crime in Montego Bay, Jamaica. The purpose of
the study was pursued to determine what kind of criminal activities were being committed in
Montego Bay, how frequent does the criminal activities occur, who are the persons affected by
the criminal activities, who engage in the criminal activities and what measures are put in place
to fix this problem in the area. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that high level of
criminal activities that have been taken place in Montego Bay. These criminal activities have a
negative impact on the residents living in the area. Some of the effects the persons faced
physical hurt, loss of personal belonging death and insecurity. These effects have result in
residents relocating from the area because the residents now see the area as unsafe so they would
move to area that is view as a safer place. Some of these factors that contribute to the crimes
being committed by criminals are social and cultural factors such as the type of household and
that these criminals come from poverty, lack of education and unemployment.
Data collection was limited administering questionnaires since it’s a pandemic and the
movement flow to go around in the area to collect data; I wasn’t able to do so. Most of my
results were collecting through the online survey platform, Google forms and some was done
face to face. The sample size was too small and it only applied to one parish in Jamaica.
Montego Bay is a growing place and known to be a peaceful place before criminal activities took
over. There was another difficulty experience in the distribution of the questionnaires since it
would be normally in the later afternoons when residents are home or either coming from work.
When the residents are home they would normally be occupied with domestic chores and other
affairs while when they are coming from work they are in a hurry to try to get home on time
because of curfew in my country, Jamaica. As a result the respondents took more time to answer
and return the questionnaires. Another limitation for this study is whether the information given
by the respondents was accurate. Some respondents may not have give given credible responses
because they think it’s better not to say anything. This would affect the accuracy of the research.
In minimizing the negative effects of residents in Montego Bay experience from criminal
1. According to the respondents, based on the type of crime that has been committed by
must be counseled and be educated about the effects that criminal activities may have on
sessions are to be conducted twice a week Monday and Thursday for two (2) hours (5pm-
7pm). The counseling session will be at St John’s Methodist Church in a private room.
Group sessions would also be offered on Wednesdays for two (2) hours (5pm-7pm). The
2. Education about how to protect yourself from criminals for the residents in Montego Bay.
This includes protecting your personal belonging and their property. A neighbourhood
watch can be put in place in all the communities of Montego Bay. Then the community
board can establish an annual awareness month campaign on crime and crime prevention.
In this campaign, residents in Montego Bay can meet at a public center where persons
will listen to exiting lectures from special speakers who will be lecturing on crime and
how to protect themselves from any criminal who try to commit criminal activities. The
minister and government representatives can attend and listen to the voices of the
Montego Bay residents on how they think they can minimize the negative effects of
3. High Fines and penalties for criminal activities committed by criminals especially when it
involves residents and their personal belongings can be used when imprisonment is not
4. The Government of Jamaica should provide more employment to more persons who are
Dorrow, C, (2007) Crime: It Causes and Treatments, Echo Library 2007 Publishers Retrieved
(February 24, 2021) from
Denis, A & Kalekin- Fishman, D, 2009 ISA Handbook in Contemporary Sociology Retrieved on
(March 1,2021)