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AAON LEED Feature 071015

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AAON for

What is LEED®?

The LEED rating system offers a way to place quanti-

“Sustainability” and “green” have recently fiable measures upon building innovations/improve-
become terms used within the building industry ments, and gives discrete guidelines to otherwise
(and others) to refer to a construction project loosely defined concepts such as “green” or “sustain-
that has low environmental impact, or boasts able.” LEED encourages those collaborating on struc-
highly efficient systems, or even promotes tural projects: owner, architect, mechanical engineer,
health and wellness among its occupants. But electrical engineer, lighting designer, contractor, and
these terms are loosely defined, leaving many others to cooperate in the development of high perfor-
asking the question “What makes a green build- mance buildings in order to meet minimum energy and
ing?” consumption targets.
To answer this question, and to define just how
Why pursue LEED accreditation?
“green” a building is, the U.S Green Building
Builders are adopting LEED accreditation in order to
Council (USGBC) has developed its Leadership
create efficient buildings with reduced operational
in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®)
costs and diminished environmental impact, while also
accreditation system.
maximizing the potential for satisfied and productive
building occupants.

How does LEED accomplish these goals?

LEED offers rating programs for different building project types including new construction, existing buildings,
commercial interiors, core and shell projects, homes, neighborhoods, schools, retail, and multiple buildings/cam-
pus projects. Each rating program has a number of required prerequisites and available credits in specific catego-
ries: sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, indoor environmental
quality, and innovation. The level of LEED certification obtained is determined by the number of credits achieved.
Four LEED certification levels are available: Certified, Silver, Gold, and Platinum, and each rating program is unique
in the number of points required to achieve the levels. For example, LEED for New Construction or LEED-NC requires
26 points for Certified, 33 points for Silver, 39 points for Gold, and 52 points for platinum. A brief overview of the
categories and examples of how credits are achieved (LEED-NC) follows. Consult the LEED rating programs (www.
usgbc.org) for specific details about each available credit including possible methods to achieve the points.

Sustainable sites Water efficiency

(14 points possible): (5 points possible):
These credits emphasize the environmental impact of These credits are obtained through conservation of
the structure and are impacted by site selection and water. They are earned by reducing or eliminating the
management. They are earned by minimizing pollution use of potable water for landscape irrigation, reducing
sources, building into an existing urban area, conserv- wastewater, and reducing overall water consumption.
ing undeveloped land, promoting natural habitats,
encouraging methods of alternative transportation, Energy and Atmosphere
(17 points possible):
managing stormwater, and diminishing the tempera-
This category incorporates two agendas: increasing
ture differences between developed and undeveloped
building energy efficiency and reducing atmospheric
impact. Energy credits are achieved by reducing over-
all energy usage, purchasing and producing renew-
able energy, commissioning building energy systems, Indoor Environment Quality
and developing long term strategies to evaluate and (15 points possible):
maintain efficiency. By increasing energy efficiency, This LEED category focuses on the creation and main-
the demand for electrical power is lessened, and the tenance of a comfortable, occupant-friendly indoor en-
use of raw materials required to generate the power vironment with credits for air quality, thermal comfort,
is reduced. Green power generation methods such as and providing daylighting and outdoor views. Indoor
solar or wind reduce carbon emissions and associated air quality credits are obtained by effectively ventilating
global warming. The credit for minimizing atmospheric the indoor space, utilizing low-emitting construction
impact is achieved by using no refrigerant, or by using materials (paints, carpets, adhesives), and minimizing
a refrigerant that has low ozone depletion and global the potential for pollutants to infiltrate the occupied
warming potential. space. Thermal comfort credits are obtained by provid- Each rating program
ing temperature controlled working environment and has a number of
Materials and Resources giving a majority of occupants the capability to make required prerequisites
(13 points possible): and available credits
adjustments for personal comfort. Daylighting credits
The majority of credits in this category are gained are obtained for providing a majority of occupants with in specific categories:
through reuse and recycling of building materials. Cred- sustainable sites, water
natural lighting. efficiency, energy and
its are available for: reusing existing building structures,
atmosphere, materials
reusing or recycling building materials, and diverting Innovation and Design Process
(5 points possible): and resources, indoor
building materials from disposal for recycling or reuse. environmental quality,
Credits are also available for using local materials, rap- One credit may be obtained in this category if a partici-
and innovation.
idly renewable materials, and utilizing certified wood pant on the project team holds LEED accreditation. The
products. The local material credits emphasize a reduc- remaining credits are achieved in one of two ways: by
tion in environmental impact from transportation. The significantly exceeding the requirements of the rating
use of rapidly renewable materials eases the depletion system, or alternatively by demonstrating innovation
of non-renewable resources. by a method that is not represented currently in the
LEED for New Construction Rating System.

What role do HVAC systems play in earning LEED credits?

While achieving LEED certification requires a total building perspective, the individual build-
ing components, such as the HVAC system, are brought into focus through specific credits. By
incorporating credits such as those emphasizing energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and ther-
mal comfort, the LEED rating program emphasizes quality and innovation in HVAC system

How does AAON support building green?

It is important that building engineers have the tools available that enable them to meet their
LEED credit goals. AAON recognizes the responsibility an equipment manufacturer has in providing
those tools, and supports the building construction industry by offering equipment with several
innovative standard and optional features that support building “green.”

Alternative Refrigerant
Systems with Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) refrigerants such as R-22 have a potential for ozone depletion
because they contain chlorine which breaks down ozone molecules in the upper atmosphere and disrupts
the absorption of potentially harmful UV-B radiation. Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants such as R-410A,
however, have no potential for ozone depletion because they contain no chlorine. As an early proponent of
the benefits of alternative refrigerants, AAON has been offering the environmentally responsible refrigerant
alternative, R-410A, in commercial air conditioning equipment since 2001.
Another concern surrounding refrigerants is a poten- materials, cigarette smoke, particles from processes
tial to contribute to global warming. Many refriger- such as printing, dust, and allergens can lead to health
ants have a global warming potential, a measure of concerns for building occupants. Ventilating the indoor
its direct effect on warming, which occurs with its space with fresh outdoor air dilutes these harmful con-
release into atmosphere. The best means of manag- taminants and aids in minimizing health risks. AAON
ing this effect is to minimize system leakage, which offers many features to handle a variety of various
begins with the manufacturing process. To that end, ventilation requirements including: 100% outside air
equipment manufactured by AAON is pressurized units, economizers, mixed air bypass, return air bypass,
and carefully tested at multiple stages through- power exhaust, sensible and total energy recovery
out the manufacturing process to find any defects wheels, large capacity cooling coils, and many others.
in the refrigerant system before shipment from the AAON also offers features to ensure that performance
factory. is maintained over the life of a ventilating unit such as:
hot gas bypass and freeze stats to prevent coil freezing,
Indoor Air Quality stainless steel gas heat exchangers, interior cabinet
There are several ways that HVAC equipment facilitates corrosion protection, serviceability features, and poly-
acceptable indoor air quality, and one of the most mer e-coated coils.
important is by providing ventilation. High concentra-
tions of indoor air pollutants such as volatile organic Humidity Control
compounds (VOCs) out-gassing from construction Another important role that HVAC equipment plays
in maintaining the quality of indoor air
is humidity regulation.
recommends indoor humidity levels of 30-60% RH tion. Proper filtration is an essential step to creating a
because air containing very little moisture is uncom- healthy indoor atmosphere through removal of dust,
fortable, while air containing too much moisture can spores, and other pollutants from both the ventilation
lead to potential health risks such as fungal and/or air and the recirculated space air. A key element to ad-
mold growth, and building deterioration. Typical air equate filtration is filter selection. Most filters are rated
conditioning installations remove moisture from the according to the MERV (minimum efficiency reporting
ventilating outdoor air by condensing it out of the value) scale, which assigns a number from 1 to 16 ac-
air, through the transfer of sensible heat, as the air is cording to the filter’s efficiency at trapping particles
passed over the evaporator coil and cooled to the dew from 0.3 microns up to 10 microns in diameter. As the
point. This does not always act as an adequate mecha- MERV rating increases, so does the ability of the filter
nism for humidity removal. One option that AAON to trap very fine particles. High MERV filters (MERV 13
offers to handle excessive humidity is a high capacity through MERV 16) are extremely efficient and are regu-
cooling coil. Since the saturation vapor pressure of wa- larly specified in applications such as hospital patient
ter decreases with decreasing temperature, the mois- facilities and designated indoor smoking areas where
ture in the air condenses on the cooling coil as the air airborne particle contamination must be kept very low.
passes through the coil. Thus, the additional rows of a For spaces such as surgery centers or clean rooms that
high capacity cooling coil allow for more dehumidifica- necessitate the strictest environmental quality, and
tion than a standard cooling coil. require filtration efficiencies greater than offered by
common filters, highly efficient HEPA filters are avail-
In some applications, situations can arise where the
able. HEPA filters provide the maximum arrestance for
space cooling load is low, and the space temperature
particles less than 0.3 microns in diameter. AAON of-
setpoint is satisfied without the supply air being cooled
fers a variety of filtration options, including HEPA filters
to the dew point to remove moisture. This can result in
and high MERV rated filters, to meet diverse building
a space humidity that is greater than desired. For such
requirements. Careful consideration of the filtration
situations, a reheat dehumidification strategy is imple-
needs of individual spaces is urged. Selecting filters
mented. When the temperature setpoint of the space
that are too permeable for potential pollutants may
is satisfied, but the humidistat setpoint is not satisfied,
not adequately purify the air. On the other hand, highly
the system will continue to operate, cooling the venti-
efficient filters require greater fan static pressures and
lation air to promote condensation, and then reheating
may require larger supply motors.
the air so as not to overcool the space. The AAON
hot gas reheat system uses modulating valves
Equipment Service
so that a controlled, precise amount of re-
An additional means of promoting indoor air quality is
heat is applied. This allows both space
to keep HVAC equipment clean and well maintained.
temperature and humidity to be
AAON incorporates several features into its products in
satisfied, and uncomfortable
order to make cleaning and servicing equipment easier.
temperature swings, typical
One such feature is the high performance foam com-
of on/off reheat systems,
posite panel construction. The paneling provides sev-
are avoided.
eral advantages over comparable fiberglass insulated
construction: it is more structurally rigid, provides a
Air Filtration
metal interior liner that is easier to clean, and does not
An HVAC system also
provide a porous surface that easily harbors dirt and
provides air filtration as
mold. Other features that improve cleanability and de-
a means of controlling
ter mold growth are: double sloped stainless steel drain
particulate contamina-
pans to encourage drainage and minimize corrosion,

« Signature Centre, Denver, CO

Certified LEED Platinum, HVAC system includes AAON RL
Series Rooftop Units and LL Series Chiller
internal coating with corrosion resistant paint, and rator section where warm outside air is passed over
raised, removable coils. AAON also makes its equip- the condensed liquid refrigerant to vaporize it, and
ment easily accessible with hinged door access and a condenser section where the refrigerant vapor is
half turn lockable handles. condensed as heat is transferred to the exhaust air.
As with the energy recovery wheel, this device can
Energy Recovery reduce the amount of energy required to effectively
When dedicating HVAC equipment to ventilation cool the space, and increase unit capacity.
applications, it is also important to consider energy
recovery. Exhausting conditioned air from the space Comfort
while conditioning fresh out- An important requirement for any HVAC system is
side air can require more en- that it provides a comfortable environment in ad-
ergy usage and cost more than dition to maintaining indoor air quality. The latest
recirculating the return air, AAON innovation, the Digital Precise Air Control
without an effective means (D-PAC™) system, is engineered to satisfy both re-
of energy recovery. To address quirements by providing cooling and dehumidifica-
that need, AAON offers total tion under any load conditions. The system incor-
and sensible energy recovery porates a Digital Scroll™ Compressor that has the
wheels and heat pipe heat ex- capability to accommodate changing load conditions
changers. via capacity modulation. It can vary the amount of
refrigerant flowing through the system, from 10%
The energy recovery wheel
of its capacity, up to full refrigerant flow. This gives
consists of a rotating media
the Digital Scroll™ compressor the ability to precisely
coated with a silica gel desic-
match load conditions and provide a superior level of
cant that transfers sensible
comfort than is offered by single or multi-step com-
(sensible and latent for total
energy recovery wheels) load
from the outside air to the In addition to the Digital Scroll™ Compressor, the D-
exhaust air to precondition PAC system also utilizes return air bypass. The return
the entering air and reduce air bypass feature provides an energy efficient means
required cooling and heating. These energy recov- to control humidity at low latent loads. It consists
ery devices can dramatically increase unit energy of an economizer for ventilation, a return air damper
efficiency and cooling capacity, allowing for the se- that allows return air to pass through the evaporator
lection of smaller tonnage units to satisfy the same coil, and a bypass damper to allow return air around
load as a unit not equipped with energy recovery. the evaporator. Up to 50% of return air may be by-
The total energy recovery wheel can be particularly passed around the coil, allowing dehumidification
effective at reducing space humidity (especially at of the mixed return and outside air which is then
Equipment manufactured
part load conditions) and mitigating discrepancy reheated by the bypassed return air.
by AAON is pressurized
and carefully tested at between the latent load of the space and the latent To provide the optimal level of humidity control at
multiple stages through- capacity of a cooling unit. higher latent loads, the D-PAC additionally includes
out the manufacturing
The heat pipe heat exchanger is an energy recovery a modulating hot gas reheat system. With the abil-
process to find any
defects in the refrigerant device that AAON can incorporate into custom built ity to vary the refrigerant flow to the reheat coil,
system before shipment equipment. It transfers sensible heat from the supply the modulating hot gas reheat system provides the
from the factory. air to the exhaust air as with the sensible recovery capability to compensate for excessive moisture, and
wheel, but unlike the energy recovery wheel, the heat maintain controlled humidity. By incorporating all
pipe performs this function with no moving parts. It three components, Digital Scroll™ compressor, re-
is constructed of several refrigerant tubes, partially turn air bypass, and modulating hot gas reheat, the
filled with refrigerant. The tubes consist of an evapo- D-PAC system will efficiently and accurately maintain
a comfortable environment under all conditions.
To maximize the efficiency of the D-PAC system, a introduce water into the air stream, causing the air
total energy recovery wheel can be coupled with the to approach saturated conditions, and causing the
system to precondition the air and further conserve dry bulb temperature of the air to approach wet bulb
energy. The D-PAC system eliminates the uncomfort- temperature. This is a particularly effective technique
able temperature swings that can accompany on/ for environments with hot, dry ambient air. With only
off control schemes, and difficulties in managing the blower motors and small water pumps consum-
humidity (particularly at part load conditions) while ing electricity, it also uses significantly less energy
maintaining efficiency by only providing the neces- than some alternative air conditioning solutions. This
sary capacity for precision cooling. system does not incorporate refrigerants of any kind,
so it has no potential for ozone depletion.
Energy Efficiency Some of the options AAON offers facilitate emerging
Minimizing the energy required to operate a build- energy efficient technologies such as low leaving air
ing is another important LEED objective to which an temperature systems, underfloor air distribution,
HVAC system can significantly contribute. Many of and chilled beams.
the same features that AAON provides to enhance in-
door air quality, responsibly manage refrigerant, and Low leaving air temperature systems supply air be-
improve occupant comfort also offer energy savings. tween 45°F and 50°F to the space. Because the leav- Some of the options
Features such as energy recovery wheels, R-410A ing air temperature is reduced from the standard AAON offers facili-
refrigerant, Digital Scroll™ Compressor technology, 55°F, the supply air flow rate is reduced, therefore tate emerging energy
providing the same amount of cooling with a lesser efficient technologies
economizers, and programmable control schemes such as underfloor air
with time of day scheduling increase system efficien- volume of air. Smaller volumes of air require lower
distribution and chilled
cies and reduce operational costs. static pressure capabilities which reduces fan energy
usage. The reduction in air supplied results in de-
AAON also offers condensing section alternatives to creased coil face velocity, smaller ductwork, smaller
consider when optimizing building efficiency. One supply fan motors, and better dehumidification.
such option is an AAON Evaporative-Cooled Con- Thus compared to a traditional system, ductwork in-
denser. The AAON Evaporative-Cooled condenser can stallation is cheaper, fan energy usage and noise are
provide 20 to 40% savings over air-cooled condens- reduced, and the space temperature setpoint can be
ers, and provides at least 22% water savings when set to a higher temperature and still maintain com-
compared with other evaporative-cooled condenser fort in the space because of the
designs by incorporating a de-superheating coil additional dehumidification.
above the wetted section. The de-superheating coil AAON units have been utilized
sensibly removes heat from the refrigerant, reducing in many low leaving air tem-
condenser coil temperature and maintaining heat perature applications.
transfer effectiveness by limiting scale formation and
fouling of the coil surface. Another option is a water- The underfloor air distributions
cooled condenser featuring either brazed plate or system supplies conditioned air
shell and tube heat exchangers. Water provides a at floor level to cool the occu-
better coefficient of heat transfer than air, and as a pied space and displace warm-
result, the water-cooled system can reduce required er air. This system does not rely
compressor capacity by up to 20%. These condenser on 55 °F supply air mixing with
options are available on AAON rooftop units, split room air to create a comfort-
system condensing units, and chillers. able condition in the space
as with traditional overhead
A feature AAON offers on custom products to mini- distribution. Instead, conditioned air is supplied at
mize energy consumption is direct evaporative warmer temperatures (typically 62°F to 68°F) and at
cooling. The evaporative cooler (commonly known low velocities directly to the occupied zone, requiring
as a swamp cooler) uses wetted pads or misters to less energy input than traditional systems. An AAON
unit incorporating return air bypass lends it-
AAON Green Building Features self naturally to this application by its ability
Feature AAON Product Line Availability* to provide the higher leaving air tempera-
Environmentally Friendly R-410A refrigerant • All AAON refrigerant equipped products tures, while maintaining the space relative
• Large Commercial Rooftops
• Light Commercial Rooftops
• Chillers
Chilled beams circulate chilled water at
• Large Commercial Condensing Units ceiling level to provide comfort. Warm air
• Light Commercial Condensing Units rises to the ceiling level to be cooled by the
Dedicated Ventilation unit (100% outside • Large Commercial Rooftops beams and then descends to displace the
air) • Light Commercial Rooftops
• Commercial Air Handlers
warmer air in the occupied zone. An AAON
LL Series chiller can be mounted outside to
High MERV or HEPA Filtration • Large Commercial Rooftops
• Light Commercial Rooftops provide the chilled water, and outfitted with
• Commercial Air Handlers an evaporative-cooled condenser for energy
High Efficiency Evaporative-Cooled Con- • Large Commercial Rooftops efficient operation. An AAON 100% outside
denser • Chillers air unit can be applied in coordination with
• Large Commercial Condensing Units
the chilled beam system to provide enhanced
Composite Foam Panel Construction • Large Commercial Rooftops
• Light Commercial Rooftops ventilation, and the addition of an AAON out-
• Commercial Air Handlers door boiler system provides a complete heat-
• Large Commercial Condensing Units ing/cooling solution.
• Chillers
Energy Recovery: Heat Wheels, Fixed Plate • Large Commercial Rooftops
Heat Exchanger • Light Commercial Rooftops AAON for green buildings
• Commercial Air Handlers Building green is not just to benefit the envi-
D-PAC™ precise comfort system • Large Commercial Rooftops ronment as the name may suggest. Improv-
• Light Commercial Rooftops ing the quality of people’s lives and reducing
• Commercial Air Handlers
monthly costs are also ideas central to the
Modulating Hot Gas Reheat for Humidity • Large Commercial Rooftops
Control • Light Commercial Rooftops program. With these advantages, it is not
• Commercial Air Handlers difficult to understand why LEED certification
• Light Commercial Condensing Units is becoming so popular, and more building
• Large Commercial Condensing Units
teams are specifying equipment with fea-
Corrosion Resistant Interior • Large Commercial Rooftops
• Light Commercial Rooftops
tures that will earn credits.
• Commercial Air Handlers
By offering a wide variety of green features
VFD Controlled Condenser Fans • Large Commercial Rooftops
• Chillers
and options, AAON is ready to meet the needs
• Large Commercial Condensing Units of customers with LEED objectives. Whether
Carbon Dioxide Sensor (Controls) • Available for all products building teams are just looking to reduce long
Outside Air Monitoring Sensor (Controls) • Large Commercial Rooftops term monthly expenses, or pursuing LEED
• Light Commercial Rooftops platinum certification, they can look to AAON
• Commercial Air Handlers to provide HVAC system solutions for green
Time of Day Scheduling, Optimized Building • Large Commercial Rooftops buildings.
Performance, Inter-operable controller • Light Commercial Rooftops
capable of integration into most building • Commercial Air Handlers Contact your local AAON sales representative
automation systems (Controls) • Large Commercial Condensing Units
for more information about building green
* In addition to the products listed, the AAON custom division can build equipment to include
any of these features as well as many other customer specified features that are not listed. with AAON.

It is the intent of AAON to provide accurate up-to-date specification data. However, in the interest of ongoing product improvement, AAON, Inc. reserves the right to change specifica-
tions and/or design of any product without notice, obligation, or liability. AAON® products are covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents: 5,738,167; 5,826,641; 5,839,505;
6,715,312; 6,792,767, 6,802,543, 6,929,452. AAON and AAONAIRE are registered trademarks of AAON, Inc. D-PAC and AAONEcat32 are trademarks of AAON, Inc. Heatflow and
AAON Suite are trademarks of AAON Coil Products, Inc.

LEED • R60130 • 0709

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