C628 AWESOME Rate Meter: Dynapar Veeder-Root
C628 AWESOME Rate Meter: Dynapar Veeder-Root
C628 AWESOME Rate Meter: Dynapar Veeder-Root
The Veeder-Root brand C628 Rate Meters are members of a family of Resolution: 8 bits in 250ms (10 bits in 1s. typ.)
1/8 DIN instruments which offer breakthrough display technology as well Load Impedence: mA ranges 500Ω max.; V ranges 500Ω min.
as easy-to-program user setup. Its large LED display features the ability Update: Approx. 4/s
to change color based on process status such as exceeding a preset Communication: RS-485; Serial asynchronous, UART to UART;
alarm value. Therefore, when monitoring rates of line-speed, flow, Open ASCII: One start bit, even parity seven data bits, one stop bit;
machinery RPM and other critical rates, the C628 can provide operators Baud Rate selectable from 9600, 4800, 2400, or 1200
with an instant visual alert to changes in the application’s status. Maximum Zones: 99
High/Low alarms also activate relay and transistor output channels for Supply Voltage: 90-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz, or 20-50 VAC/VDC; 4 Watts
direct control of electrical circuits. Start up suppression prevents "false" Accessory Power Supply: 9-15 (unregulated VDC), 125 mA max.
outputs during initial process acceleration. Display: Red/Green, 7 segment LED
■ AWESOME 0.71” high digit LED display (27% larger than other 1/8 Primary display: 5 digits, 0.71" (18mm) height
DIN units) Secondary display: single digit, 0.3" (7mm) height
Annunciators: Output 1 & Output 2 status
■ Programmable color change display based on an event
Dimensions: 48mm x 96mm, 110mm deep
■ Universal power supply operates at all popular AC and DC voltages Mounting: Panel mount (mounting bracket supplied), 45mm x 92mm
■ Display configurable for rate mode (A or A/B), update time, minimum cutout
number of pulses, and forced zero time Connections: Screw type terminals - combination head
■ Optional linear output relative to rate Front Panel Rating: NEMA 4X/IEC IP65
Case Material: GE Lexan 940
■ Choice of NPN, PNP or magnetic primary input
Weight: 0.56 lbs.
■ Independent calibration of rate & total Operating Temp.: 0° to 55° Celsius, 32° to 131° Fahrenheit
■ Filter speed settable for 20, 200, or 10,000 Hz Storgage Temp.: -20° to 80° Celsius, -4° to 176° Fahrenheit
■ Standard Outputs: 2 NPN transistors & 1 relay (optional 2nd relay) Relative Humidity: 20% to 95% non-condensing
■ Front panel reset enable and alarm lockout Approvals: CE
■ Optional RS-485 plug in card Ordering Information: Low Voltage
■ CE approved Function Power Supply
4 Rate Meter 2 Yes
The C628 is available with a count totalizing feature letting you instantly 5 Rate Meter (leave blank if
switch display between production rate and total – at the touch of a
with Total does not apply)
button. A process time mode lets the unit show travel time in minutes
and seconds for applications such as food and beverage processing
(inverse speed calculation).
Count Inputs: Sinking/Sourcing or Contact Closure
Frequency: 10 kHz max.
Logic Low ≤ 2.0 VDC, Logic High ≥ 3.0, 30V max.
Impedance: 10 KΩ to common - Sourcing; 4.7 KΩ to +Voltage - Serial
2nd Relay Linear Output
Sinking; Magnetic Input: 0.5 to 30V peak
Option Option Communication
Calibrators: Rate Multiplier: 0.0001 to 99999 Option
0 None 0 None
Total Multiplier: 0.0001 to 9.9999 1 2nd Relay 3 Linear Output 0 None
Control Inputs: Sinking, Edge Sensitive 5 RS-485
Logic Low ≤ 2.0 VDC, Logic High ≥ 3.0
Impedance: 4.7 KΩ to +Voltage Dimensions: 100mm
Response Time: 25 ms
Functions: Input 1 - Display Hold (Rate Meter) and Remote Reset OP1
Linear Outputs: Ranges: 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-10V, 2-10V, 0-5V, 1-5V 96mm
Accuracy: ±0.25% (mA at 250Ω, V at 2kΩ) degrades linearly to ±0.5%
Panel Cutout: 45mm x 92mm(1.77" x 3.62")