Mark Rlmpy
Mark Rlmpy
Mark Rlmpy
It is single pack fast drying coating based on a Thinner is added to paint before application to
durable alkyd modified chlorinated rubber resin. It achieve the desired viscosity. Different quantity of
may be applied to concrete and bitumen surfaces thinner is added depending upon the application tool.
without bleeding or discoloration, providing clean lines Recommended thinner for KAN-MARK Road Line
of high visibility. It is recommended for making Marking CR Paint Yellow is KAN-Mark Thinner.
roadways, car parks and pavements. Successfully
used on Pakistan Motorway. This product contains APPLICATION
Chlorinated rubber resin with a safe level of CTC.
Ensure that lead containing colors are not used in
DESCRIPTION areas subject to strong acidic conditions or subject to
splash or spillage of concentrated alkalis. Use
KAN-MARK Road Line Marking CR Paint Yellow is a optional lead free colors in these instances. The rate
one-component product available in a packing of 4 of drying is dependent upon temperature. Do not
liter and 20 liter. apply at temperature below 0oC. Do not weld or flame
cut through steel coated with KAN-Mark C/R Finish.
PRODUCT APPLICATION Contents should be stirred thoroughly before and
occasionally during use. Do not add thinner to paint.
SURFACE PREPARATION However if need be a maximum 5% of KAN-Mark
Thinner can be added to facilitate the spray machine
KAN-MARK Road Line Marking CR Paint Yellow is an application. KAN-MARK Road Line Marking CR Paint
industrial primer that requires sound preparation for Yellow can be applied using roller or a brush. Apply
optimum results. Clean the surface properly with stiff an even coat to the recommended film build using a
nylon brush; wipe grease/oil with petrol or mineral brush or roller. Apply direct from the container. For
turpentine before application of the Road Line hot and windy conditions, the material may be thinned
Marking Paint. up to 10 % with. Standard equipment such as Graco,
Hermex, Binks or others using a 30:1 pump ratio for
PRIMING airless spray can be used.
Before application of paint, surface is smoothened Please see the set up details of the application tools
with a primer. KAN-MARK Road Line Marking CR in the “Typical properties and application guide” table.
Paint Yellow is itself a primer in nature. DRY AND RECOAT
Dry and recoat times are based on 25oC and 50%
relative humidity. Dries to touch in 30 minutes and to
and dries to handle in 4 Hours. Wait 12 hours before
recoating base coats. A spreading rate of 3 m /liter
corresponds to 90-110 micrometers dry film thickness
assuming no losses on a non-porous and
nonabsorbent surface.
Clean up all equipment with KAN-Mark Thinner.
Japan’s No.1