Book Summary
Book Summary
Book Summary
- Make a clear separation between classroom visits that are for official
evaluative purposes, and ones that are for coaching (if applicable)
Coaching Mindset
Ch oice
Build your partnership by giving teachers
Foster Partnership some choice in professional development
topics. learning goals, and innovative
H Be Humble practices
A Be Active
Build your partnership by asking teachers
questions that start with "what" or "how"
T Be Trusting
Ref lect ion
" Relat ion sh ips Build your partnership by listening to
ar e t h e h ear t of t h e teachers' concerns and by asking them
sch ool - an d t h ose questions that hopefully lead to moments
bet w een a pr in cipal coach of realization
an d h is or h er t each er s ar e
am on g t h e m ost dyn am ic
an d n u an ced as w ell as
M odel
pot en t ially t h e m ost
r ew ar din g" (p. 50) Build your partnership by modeling the
coaching process by being coached
Leader as Reader Executive Summary PME 813 Summer 2020 - CoachBelle.Ca
Get set, get ready, give feedback
Feedback is n ot
Advice: " Th is is h ow you sh ou ld do it ..."
Pr aise: " You ar e ph en om en al..."
Evalu at ive: " I ch eck ed of f t h is evalu at ion sh eet ..."
Feedback is
Goal Set t in g
St at e you r ow n goals: " Bef or e you begin t h in k in g abou t set t in g you r
pr of ession al goals f or t h is year , h er e ar e m y m in e an d t h e r eason s w h y " .
Assist edu cat or s in f in din g t h eir goals: " In or der f or u s t o w or k t oget h er t ow ar ds
you r pr of ession al gr ow t h , w h at ar e you r goals f or t h is academ ic year as a
t each er ? "
Abou t t h e Au t h or ...Of Th e Su m m ar y
Isabelle Bertolotti is currently an online learning and curriculum development
specialist for the Kativik school board. She has close to twenty years of teaching
experience at the elementary, high school and adult level. She was previously a
curriculum consultant for the province of Quebec to help the nine English school
boards implement the Diversified Education Program in the adult sector. One of
her favorite hobbies is to write letters, mostly of complaint, and the other is to be
a Beachbody coach.