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FTB Report 4

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feeding tampa bay



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d i g i t a l m a r k e t i n g
The Feeding Tampa Bay website provides visitors with a simple layout that is easy to navigate on desktop
and mobile. The FTB website features:
Numerous ways to get involved with the organization including volunteer opportunities, ways to
donate (monetary or food items), and much more.
Stories from neighbors within the Tampa Bay community that are currently, or have previously,
received some form of assistance from Feeding Tampa Bay.
Opportunities to further connect with Feeding Tampa Bay via their social media accounts (social
buttons located in the footer section of the website).
An email sign-up option so that neighbors in the Tampa Bay community can stay up to date with all
the latest information relating to FTB.

Unfortunately, Feeding Tampa Bay does not have an app on any of the following stores - the Apple App
Store, the Google Play Store, or the Microsoft Store.

Feeding Tampa Bay advertises mainly through local news channels. Multiple news channels from Tampa
h a v e f e a t u r e d t h e m o n T V a n d w r o t e a r t i c l e s a bo u t t h e m , w h i c h a r e a v a i l a b l e o n t h e i r w e b s i t e s . T h e y a l s o
have sponsors (USF, Wawa, and the NFL are some examples) who have hosted events to help donate food
to FTB:
USF’s ROTC program did a 4-mile run to help donate food to Feeding Tampa Bay.
USF hosted a Mega Food Pantry for FTB on March 1.
On Feb. 7, Wawa had a deal where they donated $10 to FTB for every Catering Hoagie Box or Hoagie Box
Bundle purchased.
The NFL partnered with FTB to hand out meals at a meal distribution event before the Super Bowl. The
NFL also donated all unused food from the Super Bowl to FTB.

After joining the email list for Feeding Tampa Bay, an email was sent promoting their FRESHforce program,
which provides training to individuals struggling to get employed. This program helps them gain the skills
needed to secure a job and gain financial stability. The email told the story of a woman named Valencia’s
experience with this program and how it helped her get a job and move out of transitional housing and get
back on her feet. The email also included a call to action section, which provided links to learn more about
FRESHforce, a page to donate money to FTB to help stock the pantry of local families, and a form where you
can email Congress to help get them to protect programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP). They also included their social media platforms at the end of the email and encourage you
to share your support by including the hashtag “#StandWithFTB”.

social media overview

Facebook: (17,882 Page Likes / 19,666 Followers) Most active platform with numerous FTB generated
posts. Actively shares links, events and other posts relating to FTB’s brand and goal(s). Lack of hashtag
use and location tags.
Instagram: (6,272 Followers) Moderately active with over 1,000 posts produced by FTB. Interactions
range from 50 to 100 likes, with less than 5 comments per post. Actively encourages followers to click
the link in the account’s bio. Lack of hashtag use and location tags.
Twitter: (4,914 Followers) Less active posting FTB generated content. Actively retweeting and
interacting with other account’s posting, like Feeding America. Moderate use of hashtags when posting
or retweeting.
LinkedIn: (3,060 Followers) Limited posting of FTB generated content with about 20 to 30 likes and
less than 5 comments per post. Successfully captures who they are as an organization in their “about”
Podcast: Episodes range from 60 to 90 minutes in length with various guest speakers, including Chef
Rachel Bennett and Jennifer Tran, Vice President of Human Resources and Organization Engagement
with the Tampa Bay Rays.
TikTok: (3 Followers) No content posted on this platform from FTB. It seems that this account was
created for the company, but no effort was made to build the account. Volunteers and neighbors have
posted content that mentions FTB in some form.

g o o g l e a n a l y t i c s
audience report - acquisition report -
1- month report January 2021: almost all the users 1-Month report Jan 2021: a significant amount of
were English speaking users from the US (25,845 traffic comes from Direct Search (39.3%) and Organic
US-English Users compared to 28,377 total users). Search (33%). In third place is traffic from social
Only 881 users spoke Spanish. More or less, the 6- networks with only 8.8 %. Traffic to the website is
months Audience Overview gave the same result. going down on the weekends, therefore, the users
must mainly be businesspeople. The conversion rate
12 month Audience Report Jan 1, 2020-Jan 31, increases drastically on Fridays. Conversion means
2021: Starts off slow for 2020 at about 500-1000 mainly monetary donations (since transaction and
users until April which then gains momentum revenue are listed on the Analytics page). In the first
leading to three major peaks in late April-early May two weeks of the new year, the conversion rate spiked
2020 (reaching almost 6000 users), mid July 2020 but in the following weeks it levelled off. The least
(around 4000 users), and December 2020 (around traffic to the website comes in through emails, but
4000 users). Majority are new users at 79.8% and emails have the highest conversion rate (9.47%). The
returning users consume the other 20.2%. This average conversion rate for the FTB-Website is 2.07 %,
shows that not many people return to the website the conversion rate for Emails is more than 4x the
after their initial view. Majority of users are of the average conversion rate. Social Media has the highest
English language at 78.66%. bounce rate (63.28 %) The average bounce rate for
this website is only 45.63 %. That means that the
18 month Audience Report Jul 1, 2019-Jan 31, users that have visited one of the Feeding Tampa Bay
2021: before march 2020, not a lot of traffic at all, social media accounts are disappointed by the
steady at 500-1000 users. Majority are new users at website, and do not find what they are looking for. It
79.9% with returning viewers at 20.1%. 80.01% are is also interesting to see that the traffic coming in
English speakers. through referrals moved up to 3rd place in January
2021. Referrals switched ranking with Social Media,
which is now 4th place.
behavior report -
1 month Behavior Report Jan 1, 2021 to January 6-months report July 2020 - Jan 2021: Not very
31, 2021: Find Food leads in the most page views at different from the 1-month report. It is interesting to
23.55%. Many are possibly looking for sources of see that donations (conversion rate) were increasing
food due to financial stress from the COVID19 considerably during the holiday season (Thanksgiving
pandemic. It is also the first button you see on the and Christmas). The conversion rate for email climbed
homepage. to 23.6%.

6 month Behavior Report Jul 1, 2020 to Jan 31, 12-Months report Jan 2020 - Jan 2021: The number
2021: Find Food page views decreased to an of users increased - almost tripled - during the first
average of 12.12%. couple of months of the Corona pandemic. It also
spiked once in July. Obviously, since the beginning of
12 month Behavior Report Jan 1, 2020-Jan 31, the Corona pandemic, more people need food.
2021: Find a Pantry at 10.90% page views. High Simultaneously, the conversion rate showed almost
peak of page views between April 2020 and May the same picture. A considerable increase around
2020, when COVID19 caused a nationwide March/April (=the beginning of the pandemic), a spike
lockdown. Lots of people turned to Feeding Tampa in May and July. My assumption is that the donations
Bay for food resources. spiked during this time because of the holidays
(Memorial Day May 25, 2020, and 4th of July). All the
18 month Behavior Report Jul 1, 2019-Jan 31, 2021: other characteristics and attributes mainly stayed the
Find a Pantry has significantly more page clicks same in comparison to the previously mentioned
than others at 12.09%. More are wanting to find a Google Analytics reports.
pantry, possibly to donate and help out others
through the pandemic.

Other Behavioral Data:

Average time on page remains constant at just
over a minute.
Bounce rate stays consistent at around 40-45%.
Exit rate stays constant at an average of about

social media-in depth



Though their social media accounts, Feeding Tampa Bay
achieves the following goals:
Encouraging followers to volunteer with the
Educating followers about the issue of hunger within
the Tampa Bay community and how FTB is working to
end hunger.
Keeping followers up to date on events like local food
distribution locations with their respective dates and
times, and changes in relation to SNAP benefits.

While Feeding Tampa Bay has the largest audience on

Facebook, the company’s Instagram posts receive the
most likes. As shown on the chart to the right, over the
past two months Instagram has consistently outperformed
Facebook and Twitter on likes per post. On the dates
referenced, Feeding Tampa Bay posted the same content 0
to each of the three platforms. Instagram outperformed



Fe 6

Fe 4

Fe 6

Fe 7

Facebook between 2.5% and 4% per post, despite the










almost 3% larger audience on Facebook.

Feeding Tampa Bay does not post the same content on each
platform. Certain content is only posted on Facebook, while
other content is posted to all FTB platforms. For example, a
post from January 25th, 2021 encouraged followers to
volunteer with the organization in order for a chance to win
tickets to Super Bowl LV. This content was only posted to the
Facebook platform, and generated 73 reactions (likes, heart,
etc.) with 1 comment and 36 shares.

Overall, the content posted to Feeding Tampa Bay’s social

media is broad, but effective. FTB posts on Facebook
religiously - at least one post a day, if not two. The company
posts on other platforms less frequently - around 25 - 28
posts per month. Content consists of small to medium
length captions, paired with a related photo or video.
However, across the platforms there is an evident lack of
hashtag use. The company seems to not incorporate
hashtags into posts on a regular basis, rather only on
Referring back to the January 25th post on Facebook - the
caption included two different hashtags that worked to
increase the reach of the post. One hashtag related
specifically to the campaign - #HuddletoTackleHunger, while
the other hashtag was more general - #SuperBowlLV.

customer persona

about the customer -

Name: Jessica Williams
Age: 21
Location: Tampa, FL

Jessica is a college student who loves to give back

to her community in any way she can. She’s
actively involved in clubs on campus and
volunteers regularly. She became a student
ambassador for Feeding Tampa Bay to help share
the message of food insecurity. Her goal is to
make a difference by helping others.

customer journey -
1. Awareness. The potential customer is a service-minded member of their
community, who wants to give back and make a difference. They find out about
Feeding Tampa Bay through either social media posts, seeing events going on for
FTB, or through their own research while looking for a place to volunteer.
2. Research. After discovering FTB, they do research to find out what volunteering
opportunities are available.
3. Get Involved. Once they find an opportunity, they volunteer for FTB.
4. Advocacy. They spread the word about FTB and their mission to try to get others
to give back by donating or volunteering themselves.

c o m p e t i t i o n
Two Local Competitors -
One of the bigger Food Banks in Florida is Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida,
serving Brevard, Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole, and Volusia county. They have their own
brand products “A spoon full of hope”. These products are offered in an online store on their
The website looks nice, the colors are friendly. The call to action buttons are directly on the
homepage. There are a couple of different ways to get involved, besides donating. On the
website – when opened on the mobile phone - the call to action is even more readily
Social media accounts:
Facebook: approx. 26,400 follower, about 2-4 posts every day, even on weekends
Twitter: 7.970 follower, about 2 posts every day. Currently posting a campaign featuring
Chef Flavio Tagliaferro. In case he wins the contest "World's Favorite Chef”, he will donate
his prize money.
Linkedin: 2,269 follower. Approx. one post a day. The post are the same as on Facebook
and Twitter.
Ads: Advertises locally. They had regular articles in 2020, and one in February 2021 in the
Orlando Sentinel, broadcasts on WESH2
Other: One main sponsors of runDisney 2018, partnered with Orlando Magic (amongst other)
in the campaign “We are in this together" to fight the Corona-pandemic.

Another big competitor is Harry Chapin

Food Bank of Southwest Florida serving
Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry, and Lee
county. It was founded in 1983 and
changed its name in 1994. The sign-up for
the newsletter is in a banner in the upper
left-hand corner on the homepage. The
call to action buttons for “make a gift” and
“corona update” are in the middle of the
homepage. The website is very well
organized and nicely designed in the
colors red, white, and blue.
The website - when opened on the mobile
phone - is also very well-organized and
Social Media Accounts:
Twitter: 3.113 follower, irregular postings,
about 11 in February. Posts on Facebook
+ Twitter use the same photos.
Source: feedingflorida.org
Feeding South Florida, Feeding The Gulf Coast, and Feeding North East Florida belong to the
Facebook: about 10,200 follower,
same network as Feeding Tampa Bay, which is Feeding Florida. Feeding Florida is located in irregular postings about 2-3 per week.
Tallahassee, FL, and it belongs to the Feeding America Network located in Chicago.
LinkedIn: 2,674 follower, about 7 posts
in February
Youtube: posts videos on an unregular
basis (1-2 per year).
Other: Media coverage from local
newspapers (Naples Daily News, WINK
news) and broadcasting stations (Fox4now,

s m a r t g o a l s
Goal one -
Increase the number of Feeding Tampa Bay social media followers by 500 people within the
next 4 months (May - August).

Goal two -
Convert 500 social media followers to Feeding Tampa Bay volunteers within the following 4
months (August - December).

s t r a t e g y
value proposition -
To reach the organization's goal of a hunger free Tampa Bay community by the year 2025,
Feeding Tampa Bay will need to increase monetary and timely donations that they receive. In
order to achieve this goal and reach the service-minded members of the Tampa Bay
community, FTB will need to increase the awareness of hunger through social media and
campaigns. This can be done by leveraging Feeding Tampa Bay’s partnerships with local
sports teams, like the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Through this partnership, FTB will target a
larger and more diverse follower base. In addition, FTB should consider using the Buccaneers
star players, like Tom Brady and Lavonte David, as spokespeople for the organization and/or
ask them to donate some of their time to the organization by volunteering.

recommended strategy -
1.Leverage your partners.
Feeding Tampa Bay has numerous partners that have a large following on social media, like
the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. FTB must use their partners following to their advantage. When
developing a post or story that involves the partner in some way, Feeding Tampa Bay should
tag the partners account (@Buccaneers for example), and use hashtags that relate to the
partner (#GoBucs). In addition, Feeding Tampa Bay should work with their partners to develop
podcast episodes together - feature them on Stick a Fork In It and, if they have a podcast, ask
to be featured on it.
Feeding Tampa Bay should encourage partners to volunteer at their distributions and other
events. For example, asking some of the Buccaneers players volunteer at events during the off-
season. This will draw others to volunteer at the distributions and other events. If fans see
posts about the players volunteering, either from the Buccaneers social media account(s) or
from Feeding Tampa Bay account(s), many will want to volunteer as well.

2.Educate your followers.

Feeding Tampa Bay's social media followers may not be aware how extensive hunger is, not
only in the Tampa Bay community but in the United States as a whole. It will be beneficial for
the organization to provide their followers with information and statistics about hunger. An
infographic, like the one provided in this report, can be utilized.

3.Engage your audience.

Feeding Tampa Bay should post content that followers are able to engage with, react and
respond to. FTB can ask their followers question(s) and allow them to respond. This can be
done in the form of a story by utilizing the "QUESTIONS" or "QUIZ" or "POLL" features.
Additionally, this can be done in the form of a post by asking followers a question as part of
the caption and asking/telling them to respond in the comment section.

s o c i a l m e d i a
all platforms - story -
Must be posted as a series with the LEFT picture being posted FIRST and the RIGHT picture
being posted SECOND.

all platforms - post -

Caption -
We ❤ living in #champabay! On MONTH DAY come to @RJStadium and volunteer alongside
some of your favorite @Buccaneers players! At the end of the event, volunteers will receive a
#SBLVChamps hat or shirt, and have a chance to take some photos with the #Bucs players. To
sign up to volunteer this event, or for more information, please email us at
Volunteer@FeedingTampaBay.org. We look forward to seeing you at #RayJayStadium !
#tacklehunger #gobucs #champabay #nfl #standwithftb

i n s t a g r a m
story -
Must add the link to the new podcast episode so viewers
can swipe up and access the episode. Feeding Tampa Bay
can use this template for all new podcast episodes, and is
able to change the episode number and episode name.

post 1 -
Caption -
Meet the Feeding Tampa Bay team! The FTB team works hard
to achieve the mission of our organization. Thanks to these
awesome people we are closer than ever to a hunger free
Tampa Bay community! #hungerfree #standwithftb
#teamwork #goals #tampabay

Feeding Tampa Bay did a post similar to this on Facebook.

The post performed well, and since then the team has
grown. This post is meant to bring awareness to the number
of people that it takes to achieve the organization's hunger
free goal.

post 2 -
Caption -
We all of our wonderful volunteers! Swipe to see why our volunteers #standwithftb in the fight against
hunger. #volunteer #endhunger #tampabay

The left picture is a template for the post. The right picture is what the post could look like. This quote is
made up and not from an actual volunteer. Feeding Tampa Bay should ask volunteers why they want to
volunteer with the company. FTB should ensure that they receive permission from volunteers to post
their quote.

f a c e b o o k
story -
Must add the link to the website's donation page so that viewers can swipe up and access that page.

post 1 -
Caption -
We would like to introduce our newest partner - the St.
Pete Distillery! Click the link below to listen to our newest
podcast where we discuss the start of this partnership and
how the St. Pete Distillery helps contribute to the
#tampabay community! Be sure to follow #StickAForkInIt
on Spotify. #standwithftb #endhunger #community
#podcast #newepisode

The information provided in this post example is from a

previous podcast that Feeding Tampa Bay posted on March
14th, 2021.

post 2 -
Caption -
Feeding Tampa Bay is looking for volunteers for
out next MEGA Pantry Distribution in Pasco
County on Thursday, March 18th at 1:30pm. The
distribution will be located at John S Burks
Memorial Park in Dade City. To sign up to
volunteer this event, or for more information,
please email us at
Volunteer@FeedingTampaBay.org. We look
forward to seeing you there! #volunteer
#givingback #endhunger #standwithftb

The information provided in this post example is

from a previous distribution that Feeding Tampa
Bay conducted.

t w i t t e r
Story post 1 -
For swipe up feature, link must be added. Includes link to podcast and an invitation to listen
about how the Bucs work with FTB

post 2 - post 3-
Includes link to podcast and an invitation to Interacts with target audience in an interesting and
listen exciting way by including their participation in poll

These posts were photo shopped onto a Twitter template for FTB for visualization*

l i n k e d i n
Story post 1 -
For swipe up feature, link must be added Invites audience to a fun holiday activity

post 2- post 3-
Invites target audience to volunteer and lists Quotes a volunteer and how he benefits from his
benefits of volunteering work at FTB (Not actually a real volunteer, just a
possible quote to boost social interaction with post)

These posts were photo shopped onto a LinkedIn template for FTB for visualization*

i n f o g r a p h i c

source -
Information in this infographic was taken from the Feeding Tampa Bay website and from the Feeding
America website.
references (apa)

Because Food Makes Tomorrow Possible. Feeding Tampa Bay. (n.d.).


Clemmons, N. (2021, February 7). NFL commissioner joins Feeding Tampa Bay
in distributing meals, 'swag bags'. KRQE News 13 Albuquerque - Santa Fe.

Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida, (2021, February 19).


Hunger in America is growing. Feeding America. (n.d.).


Inside Feeding Tampa Bay's FRESHforce. wtsp.com. (2021, January 7).


Petit, R. (2021, February 8). NFL donates unused food from Super Bowl LV to
families in need. WFTS. https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/region-

Schecker, J. (2021, February 5). NFL partners with Feeding Tampa Bay to give
back to Tampa Bay before Super Bowl LV. WFLA.

Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida, (2021, Feburary 19).


USF's ROTC to Donate to Feeding Tampa Bay. Spectrum News. (n.d.).


White, D. A. L. (2021, February 1). Wawa Celebrates The Big Game By Helping
Feeding Tampa Bay. Tampa, FL Patch.

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