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Street Hypnosis (TM)

For The Next Generation Of Hypnosis Masters

The Secret To Creating Hypnotic
Magic Moments That Will
Captivate People’s Attention, Win
People’s Hearts & Change Their
Minds In An Instant!
Street Hypnosis Masterclass
For The Next Generation Of Hypnosis Masters

The Secret To Creating Hypnotic Magic Moments That Will

Captivate People’s Attention, Win People’s Hearts & Change
Their Minds In An Instant!
Session 1: Performance Secret Of Magic Moments

Introducing Magic Moments

How can you arrest someone’s attention and bypass their critical factor whilst having a regular

This is what Magic Moments are for.

Think of a Magic Moment as a brief demo that really makes people think or see a situation
totally differently. It could be:

• A magic trick
• A street hypnosis demo
• A story
• A quirky experiment

The magic in a Magic Moment is not the “trick”, but the point that the trick conveys.

3 Types Of Magic Moments

There are basically three types of Magic Moments:

1. Physical Metaphors – like a demo or a magic trick

2. Visual Metaphors – something you draw, like a diagram
3. Story Metaphors – a story or anecdote

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How To Set Up A Magic Moment

You can’t just launch into a Magic Moment without a setup – it’s as awkward as telling people a
story at a party when the conversation already moved on 20 minutes ago!

Here are some simple ways of introducing a Magic Moment smoothly:

1. The Challenge – “If I cannot blow your mind in 1 minute…”

2. The Natural Conversation – when the topic just naturally comes up
3. The Anticipated Conversion – when you know the topic will eventually come up
4. The Forced Conversion – “Most buyers think X… let me show you something about that”
5. The Rhetoric Question – “have you ever wondered about…”
6. The Revealed Secret – “I don’t show many people this, but…”
7. The Dramatic Gesture –
8. The Enthusiasm Tactic – “Guys – look what I just found!”

The Secret To Make A Magic Moment Truly Magical

Avoid these mistakes, do not come across as:

1. The Dancing Monkey

2. The Insufferable Professor
3. The Arrogant Man

If you present yourself in these frames it devalues what you are doing. They come from an
unhealthy frame – and people sense that.

How to soften your approach:

1. Create an “Us” frame not an “Us v Them” – Here, help me with something, would you?
2. The Experiment – Lets try something out and see what happens…
3. Show some humility – Allow me to demonstrate what I mean…
4. Get the audience participating, that way they have a stake in getting it right!
5. Build a little tension through drama or mystery!

Magic Moments Must Make A Point

A magic moment is just a cheap trick unless you can shape meaning out of it. Your job is to set
all the frames up so that everything converges on the point you want to make.


Here is how to transform a simple magic trick, like vanishing a coin – into a Magic Moment that
makes a powerful point:

• (coin vanishes) – fears, like other things, are not always a solid as they seem
• (coin vanishes) – coaching is there to make problems vanish just like that
• (coin vanishes) – people think that X can be dangerous, but that is just an illusion
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• (coin vanishes) – people see what they expect to see, but that is an illusion… here is what
is actually real (coin returns)
• (coin vanishes) – lets work hard so this project doesn’t vanish in a puff of smoke!

The secret to making a point is the 3 As:

1. Insight – Aha!
2. Humour – Haha!
3. Sentimentality – Aah!

How To Convert A Magic Moment Into A Hypnotic One

Magic Moments only create a window of opportunity. Its what happens right afterwards that
really counts. To take advantage of the moment and convert it, try:

1. Point & Release – make the point, but then let them decide what to do “The world can
be a magical place if you want it to be… whether you do that now, is up to you!”
2. Point & Blitz – as soon as you’ve made the point, launch into a Blitz that supports the
ideas even further “because looking at the world with child-like eyes can make you feel
more alive…”
3. Magic Moment 2 – the first Magic Moment could be used as a stepping stone to yet
another one which is closer to the ultimate frame you want.
4. Regular Hypnosis – a Magic Moment can create the perfect mindset for a ordinary
hypnotic induction to go as smooth as silk!

Sources For Magic Moments

You can find inspiration for a magic moment from anything in life. I have created magic
moments from:

• Simple laws of physics

• Magic tricks
• Visual illusions
• Exercises at workshops I have attended
• Suggestion experiments: Eye Lock, Arm Catalepsy, Chevreul’s Pendulum

To get you started, here is how to make a coin vanish:

1. Slide a coin to the edge of the table & pick it up.

2. Repeat this action until you know how it feels to do it “naturally”
3. Now slide the coin to the edge of the table and pretend to pick it up “naturally”. In
reality you will let the coin keep sliding off the table into the hand on your lap.
4. Alternate between the real and fake pickups until both action look exactly the same
5. Now practice doing it whilst making a point or telling your story!

Congratulations – you are ready to amaze your audience!

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Session 2: 10 Instant Magic Moments You Can Use On Anyone

Hot Rubber!

This Magic Moment relies on the scientific fact that rubber bands will heat up when you stretch

1. Ask someone to feel the temperature of the band –the upper lip is a good spot to test
2. Make some sort of challenge – like heating it up with only one hand
3. Now get them to stretch the rubber band and test it for heat – whilst it remains stretched

Miraculously the rubber band will feel hot now!

The Unopenable Fist

This Magic Moment takes advantage of a preconception about magic tricks. Do this with a good
sense of humour and make sure to make a point – otherwise it becomes a corny joke!

1. Show the flat of your hand, make a BIG deal out of showing it is empty and nothing is
2. Close the fist – again make a big deal out of doing it just right.
3. Get people to try and open your fist – just to prove that its closed tight, nobody can open
4. Hide the fist under a cloth, inside a jacket or under your shirt.
5. Shake the fist, concentrate, breathe like a yogi – ham it up!
6. Open the hand up under the cloth and take it out with a flourish.

People will look at you with incomprehension at first, until suddenly they get the joke – so wait
dramatically until they do get it. Then you can make your point, for example how easy it is to
fall into preconceptions without even realising it!

The Triangle

This is a simple sleight of mind. It forces people to make one choice, though it seems that an
infinite number of choices are available. Timing is crucial here!

1. Ask someone to think of a simple shape

2. Give a quick example, and discount it as invalid now: “Like a circle or a square… but not
those two as I have just mentioned them!”
3. Pressure them to think of it quickly: “You have it now? Good!”
4. 95% of the time they will now be thinking of a triangle
5. Reveal the triangle in any dramatic way you want: draw it, do a character reading (eg
triangle people are X, Y & Z – so you must be thinking of that!)

This is a very impressive “Mind Reading” stunt!

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Psychological Pictures

This is another mind reading stunt. Essentially you will give up to 5 people your business card
and ask them to draw a picture whilst your back is turned. Make sure everyone uses the same
pen, so you get no clues from the ink etc. Then collect the pictures and shuffle them for you.
You will then tell them who drew which picture.

The secret here is in marking the cards very subtly. My favourite way of doing this was to clip
the edges of some business cards, so I knew which person was given which card. I would make
sure that the card with…

1. 1 corner clipped, goes to person 1

2. 2 corners clipped, goes to person 2 (next to 1)
3. 3 corners clipped goes to person 3 (next to 2)
4. 4 corners clipped goes to person 4 (next to 3)
5. NO corners clipped (ie all intact) goes to person 5 (next to 4)

To reveal who drew which picture, I normally do a little Hypnotic Mind Reading about the
personality traits that emerge from the picture, before “guessing” that it muct belong to person

Balance Points

This is a great demonstration to demonstrate the second principle of the mind – that where
attention goes energy flows:

1. Place your feet together and stand up straight

2. Now put your attention on the top of your left ear and keep it there
3. As they maintain their focus on their left ear, push their shoulder around gently. You will
find it easy to disturb their balance
4. Now lets see if we can do something with the mind to keep you rooted:
5. Go ahead and think about your belly button. Put all your attention on your navel.
6. As they keep their attention there, again push them on the shoulder – you will find it
much harder to disturb their balance!
7. Just goes to show: Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows! It’s a natural law of the mind!

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The Butterfly Effect

This is similar in nature to the Balance Points Magic Moment above.

1. Put your thumb and forefinger together, like you’re making an OK sign (see Diagram 1)
2. Now pull the fingers apart by pulling down on the thumb and up on the forefinger (see
Diagram 1)
3. Now imagine you were holding a butterfly between your thumb and forefinger. If you
hold on too tightly, you’ll crush it, but if you don’t hold firmly enough, it will fly away!
4. With that image in mind, pull again against the thumb and forefinger – you will find it
almost impossible to budge the fingers this time!

Pull Pull

Thumb and Thumb and

forefinger tips forefinger tips
touching apart

Diagram 1 Pull Diagram 2 Pull

Chevreul’s Pendulum

As hypnotists we all know about ideodynamic responses. The classic one is Chevreul’s
Pendulum. Here are some tips on how to make work with more people (i.e. how to overcome
unconscious blocking):

1. Go First! Demonstrate it working really well so that the unconscious mind gets formatted
2. Practice: get them to do a dummy run where they move the pendulum back & forth on
purpose. This gives their muscles a chance to learn how to do it.
3. Physical Secret 1: Lift the elbow. If the elbow flows free you get two things –
a. Arm catalepsy will develop spontaneously
b. The arm is more free to move and so the response is augmented
4. Physical Secret 2: If you need more leverage, lift the hand up so that the elbow is above
eye level, and the pendulum swing at eye level. This will augment the effect. Be careful
though as this can tire out the arm very quickly!
5. Start Off Easy: begin with having them imagine the motion (a true ideodynamic
response). Work your way up to an unconscious signal system such as Yes/No – the true
ideodynamic response is easier to get!

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Heart Massage

This is a charming hypnotic demonstration. It really shows the power of hypnosis as a genuine
Force For Good!

1. Fixate Attention: get them to look at the centre of their palm, if you can put an important
object in there, like a wedding ring, so much the better.
2. Revivify Associations: Have them remember a special person or event in their life as they
look at the trigger spot/item. Build up the experience using your hypnotic language
3. Intensify: if necessary ask them to associate a colour to the experience. Build that
metaphor up too.
4. Expand: Now have the sensation/colour spread up the arm into the body. Build it up until
the person just glows with the experience.
5. Collapse To Trigger: Have them focus on the trigger spot again and “know” that they can
feel this close to the person again just by massaging that spot!

Psych Game 1 – The Party

This is a little scenario you can describe to people. The choices they make, when asked to,
conform to certain unconscious archetypes. Whilst these will be true of most people, it is not a
100% accurate personality profile. So use it as a fun starting point to explore personalities,
rather than a vicious psychological ordinance dictating how a person should be!

Imagine you are throwing a party. People have spread all over the house. You’re going around
the house doing your duty as a good host.

1. Q1: You enter the kitchen – who do you see there? What are they like?
2. Q2: You notice someone in the bathroom. What are they doing?
3. Q3: As you walk past your bedroom, you notice that a couple has snuck in there. You
surprise them. What are they up to and how far have they gotten?
4. Q4: How do they respond/what to they say to the interruption?


Q1: The kitchen represents your social nature. The people who are there, and the nature of their
interactions reflects your social nature. Are they having a wild party or a deep and quiet
conversation? Is the kitchen full of extroverts or shy people?
Q2: The bathroom represents our need to “take care of something” – ie things in our life that
need to be cleaned up or that needs to be gotten rid of. Whatever the person is doing is an
interesting metaphor for the parts of our lives where we need to “clean up our act” a little!
Q3: The bedroom – in this context represents our romantic life. Are we more visceral and catch
the couple already between the sheets, or are we more emotionally driven and find them gazing
soulfully into each other eyes. Also how far they got can be quite a telling metaphor for our
Q4: The couple’s words reflects our own attitude to breaking social rules – especially the more
risqué ones. A few choice words can be very revealing here!

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Psych Game 2: The House

Remember, as in the previous Psych Game, these symbols tend to be true for most people. Do
not take the answers people give as absolute truths about themselves, they are more intriguing
starting points for an exploration!

Imagine that you are walking through a pleasant scene – in the country or in the city. As you
walk you come across a house that draws your attention.

1. Q1: Is the house standing alone or is it surrounded by other houses? If so how close are
2. Q2: How large is the house?
3. Q3: What state is the house in – well cared for or run down?
4. Q4: Is there a fence or gate around it? If so – describe it!
5. Q5: Go inside and describe your first impressions of how the house feels from the inside.


Overall the house is a symbol of the self. The various qualities perceived about the house are
qualities that we tend to identify within ourselves –

Q1: The relationship of the house to other houses mirrors our own standing with our social
circle. Do we prefer privacy or shared space like a common. Are the houses close together in a
cosy way or does it seem that the other houses loom over your own?
Q2: The size of the house refers back to our own self esteem. As a rule the larger the house is,
the bigger the self esteem (incidentally, getting people to make the house bigger has been
known to improve self esteem as well!)
Q3: The state of repair – or the “weathering” the house has seen – casts some light into how the
world has been treating us of late. Is the paint cracking – maybe the person feels a bit neglected
by others. Does the house look like its been hit by lightening – look out for some major
upheavals or crises in their lives. Is it well cared for and in good condition – that sounds like a
recipe for a happy life!
Q4: The fence represents our personal boundaries. Some people have no fence – this may be a
sign of friendliness, though it may be more likely that they simply cannot say no to others. A
small friendly fence with an open gate can be inviting. On the other hand a ten foot brick wall
covered in broken glass and barbed wire might be a sign of a slightly overprotective person…
good luck on get ANY answers out of them!
Q5: The interior of the house describes our identity – is it warm a fuzzy or austere but elegant?
A family place or a bachelor pad? A rock Star’s retreat or scientist’s haven?

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Session 3: Hypnotic Mind Reading

What if you could get a peak inside someone’s mind and know how they are thinking and
feeling? What if you could even glimpse events out of their past, or their present day concerns
about their future? Would that not make for a great opportunity to create a Magic Moment?

This is what Hypnotic Mind Reading is all about!

Why Learn Hypnotic Mind Reading?

Telling people about themselves is one of the most sure fire ways to absolutely arrest their
attention. Just think about psychics, fortune tellers, tarot or palm readers and how much interest
they create.

Moreover masters of hypnosis like Milton Erickson recognised the value of reflecting back
people’s innermost thoughts, fears and dreams as a way of piggybacking suggestions directly
into the unconscious.

With Hypnotic Mind Reading you can do both things at the same time.

We will focus on the 2 minute Character Reading as that fits perfectly within the framework of a
Magic Moment: it is easy to learn, quick to do and very, very impressive!

Hypnotic Mind Reading (HMR) is NOT Paranormal!

When we do HMR we are not talking about anything psychic, paranormal or metaphysical. It is
pure psychology in action. We will create the illusion of being inside someone’s mind so well
that in the end it becomes a reality!

This has some ethical implications – people will credit you with psychic skills that you may not
have. As far as I am concerned HMR is fine as far as entertainment goes or even to make an
important point, but I draw the line at purposely deceiving or misinforming people. I will quite
happily admit to the psychological basis of what I do when I do use HMRs!

How HMRs Work

HMRs are similar to hypnotic language patterns in that you artfully exploit the vagueness and
ambiguity inherent in all languages in order to create the effect we are looking for. As with
hypnotic language patterns, there are different types of HMRs. On their own they can be weak,
but put together, they are very powerful.

We will focus on the 5 core HMRs:

1. The Delayed Echo HMR

2. The Pure Flattery HMR
3. The CAP (Covering All Possibilities) HMR
4. The Barnum HMR (or The Forer Effect)
5. The Universal Experience HMR (The 7 Ages of Man)
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The Correct Context For HMRs

HMRs are still Magic Moment, so all the rules we set out in Session 1 still apply. Beyond that
there are some extra frames that will help you immensely:

• HMRs are an art more than a science – so they will never be 100% accurate
• You must give a reason why you can read this person like a book: intuition, psychic gift,
body-language… take your pick!
• The language of HMRs uses as many ambiguators as possible (perhaps, potential, maybe,
possible, a sense of etc)
• Stay on your toes – don’t just memorise lines and rattle them off – use your sense, see
how they respond, notice which get better reactions. Develop a path that has a good
response and let go of a line that isn’t going anywhere!

How To Perform HMRs

The general performance secrets of hypnosis are particularly true for HMRs too.

• Speak meaningfully – if you want what you say to be significant for them, it should sound
• Start with tentative statements and slowly commit to a HMR as the person’s non-verbal
agreement encourages you to get more specific.
• Keep it positive – too much doom and gloom can not only act as a hypnotic curse, but
can also raise their defence mechanisms – which is no fun for anyone!
• DO NOT GIVE ADVICE – you will often be credited with such insight that people will let
you decide their lives for them: should they get married, dump a boyfriend, take a job,
move country etc. The only ethical thing you can do is to give open ended suggestions so
that the unconscious presents the perfect solution for that person at that time!
• Reframe your mistakes – a miss is still useful as it tells you more about that person and
where to go next.
• HMRs are VERY intimate – create that intimacy and respect it.
• You have to LIKE PEOPLE. Remember you will be deep inside their minds, so you must
be on their side. To have someone know so much about you, but not be on your side is a
terrible position to be in – there are few things that will activate people’s defence
mechanisms as quickly as this!

HMR 1: The Delayed Echo

This HMR is one you will use sparingly, but when you do you get AMAZING responses.

Essentially it combines the hypnotic echo effect with the hypnotic distraction method to create
the impression that you have seen into someone’s mind. People are constantly giving us facts
without fully being aware of doing so. When someone mentions something in passing – like the
name of a brother or a holiday they have been on recently –

1. remember the facts,

2. draw NO attention to the information
3. immediately distract the person by talking about something else
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4. after 5 minutes or so (the longer the better) they will have forgotten that they told you
5. now you can talk about the brother/holiday as though you had picked up on it intuitively.
Make sure you use DIFFERENT words and phrases to the subject’s – a true echo effect
would merely remind them that they actually told you this earlier in conversation!

The Delayed Echo is one of the most impressive patterns in the HMR arsenal when used right.
Use it sparingly, just at the right time and you will be credited with insight bordering on the

You can also fish for information using indirect questions like “I get a sense that you like your
work…” – typically people will jump in at that point with a couple of helpful remarks – which
they immediately forget about!

This is classic Delayed Echo territory.

HMR 2: Pure Flattery

As the name implies in pure flattery you simply flatter people. I do not mean mindless flattery
like – nice ring or you’re so well dressed. These are things that we can perceive externally and it
takes no mind reading. For a Pure Flattery HMR we will stick to internal qualities as these are
harder to perceive AND tend to have a stronger emotional impact.

When offering Pure Flattery it is important to bear a few things in mind to avoid becoming a
brown-nosing sycophant!

1. Give a reason why you think X is true: did the tarot cards tell you? Did you deduce it
from his body-language? Did you sense it about them intuitively?
2. Talk about someone’s capacity, potential, ability not about FACT. You can reframe the
“potential for great intelligence” more easily than asserting it as a fact! (eg you have an
untapped potential for great intelligence…)
3. Always use Pure Flattery in conjunction with other HMRs. It is the dressing not the salad!

Common Traits For Pure Flattery HMRs

Note – these traits are not necessarily TRUE, they are merely traits people tend to identify with
more than others!

15 General Traits (For Use With Men & Women):

1. Hard working, 9. Knows What They Want

2. Friendly 10. Flexible
3. Reliable 11. Smart (NB not intelligent!)
4. Kind 12. Resourceful
5. Loyal 13. Good With People
6. Honest 14. Good Natured
7. Goal Oriented 15. Positive (NB not happy)
8. Fun
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7 Female Traits:

1. Sensitive To Feelings 5. Helpful

2. Perceptive About People 6. Underappreciated
3. Intuitive/Psychic 7. Has To Work Harder Than Men
4. Puts Others Needs First

7 Male Traits:

1. Confident 5. Practical
2. Focused 6. Attractive To Women
3. Independent 7. Good Problem Solver
4. Rational/Reasonable


CAPs (Covering All Possibilities) are HMRs that credit people with two opposing qualities –
which means you are right no matter how someone looks at it. People will tend to identify with
the one and forget about the other. Of course you will always be right given that nobody is
100% one thing – we are somewhere in a spectrum.

To create a CAP you can simply adapt one of the Pure Flattery traits. This has the added
advantage of making that HMR more believable as it sounds more even handed. It is however
important to emphasise the positive trait over the negative one.


You are a good person, but sometimes you do the wrong thing and end up regretting it!

The next principle to bear in mind is to STICK to TRAITS – do not stray into the realm of
quantifiable facts.



You are good at maths, though sometimes you find it hard to solve a puzzle/equation


You treat people well, though at times you can be snappy or unfairly hard on people

It is always good to use a bit of humour to soften the edge of anything negative that you have to

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HMR 4: The Barnum HMR (The Forer Effect)

Forer was a social scientist that wanted to test whether psychological profiles and personality
tests were actually valid or just pandered to what people wanted to hear. He did this by taking
character statements out of the astrology section of newspapers and piecing them together in
one character reading.

Forer then pretended to give people and in depth personality test. He gave everyone this phoney
character reading and asked them to rate how accurate it was. To his amazement everyone
agreed that it was over 80% accurate!

A Barnum HMR (named after PT Barnum – a circus performer that specialised in these HMRs) is
a statement that is very specific but could be true of almost anybody!


You have a hidden talent that nobody knows about and which you have probably neglected
more than you should

Notice how it uses elements of Pure Flattery as well as Language Softeners to ease its way in.
When mixed with Delayed Echos, Pure Flattery and CAPs they become almost undetectable.

A good way to enhance a Barnum HMR is to make a simple Barnum HMR and watch for a
reaction. If it is positive you go into more specifics, if it is negative you go into specifics about
the opposite direction!

Example 1 – Developing Agreement:

You are a positive person… [watch for response]… when trouble arises you have a way of
finding the silver lining. You look for the possibilities and solutions being offered to you.

Example 2 – Turning On A Disagreement:

You are quite a dreamer …[watch for response – in this case negative]… but you have learned
not to let that interfere with your practical side. You always make sure your projects are firmly
rooted in reality!

The beauty about Barnum HMRs is that they form a perfect contrast to Pure Flattery in that you
CAN (and should) use SOME negative traits so that your reading doesn’t come across as too
conveniently sugar coated!


You can be very hard on yourself

You are the kind of person that is able to hold on to a grudge for a long time
There are things in your past that you still regret having done

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HMR 5: Universal Experiences (The 7 Ages Of Man)

I call this HMR the 7 Ages Of Man because it relies on the 7 Key psychological phases that
human beings go through as they grow up and eventually pass away. Knowing these key stages
in development allows us to make some very good statements and educated guesses about what
a person has experienced just by knowing their age!

1st Age: 11-18 This is the age at which we first start to dream about independence. This phase is
mostly characterised by dreams and fantasies about breaking free from parental controls. People
typically test the waters a little here by experimenting with their wardrobe or fighting petty
battles against authority figures. This is the point when we start looking for a new identity.

2nd Age: 18-22 The search for an identity now becomes serious. All the things we fantasised
about before now become more real. People get away from home (go to college, join the army,
go travelling etc). We look for new friends and role models and experiment with different
lifestyles. Conflicts can arise as we try out a new idea that conflicts with our current
friends/mentors. Often these rifts get repaired quickly enough. This is intellectually a very
flexible time.

There is a secret fear during this phase: that we are really still children and cannot make it in an
adult world. Typically we use bravado and bluster to cover up for this.

3rd Age: 22-30 This phase is characterised by striving and a yearning to prove one’s self. People
seek recognition and are typically highly productive during these years. Often career takes a
front seat. The danger is that people get stuck in a social stereotype and conform to social
pressures to be a certain way. The secret fear now is that today’s choices will haunt us forever –
so they had better be perfect.

At this stage people typically break out along on of 2 paths:

1. The Nest Builder will typically try and ensure a safe future through commitments –
house, family, career etc.
2. The Adventurer will typically experiment with life and seek out experiences. His/her
journey is characterised by avoiding commitments

4th Age: 30-35 This is a re-evaluation phase. People often regret the path that they took earlier.
Self interest replaces social opinion as the guiding light and people start to think about the long
term more.

Nest Builder’s start to question their commitments – marriages get a significant overhaul or end
up in divorce, people ask themselves if they are in the right career etc.

Adventurers start thinking about having a family and settling down.

5th Age: 35-45 This is the classic midlife crisis. People start to face their own mortality: they are
not quite as strong as before, their endurance is less, time feels like its running out. As a result a
search for a deeper Identity begins. Suppressed desires come back to bite us and can make
people act a little crazy – like the stereotype boss that runs away with his secretary.
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During this phase people get “last chance fever”. They either settle down and have the kids they
avoided or they try to tear free and find themselves in a more exciting world.

6th Age: 45-55 This age marks the final years of people’s working lives. It is characterised by
either a spiritual rebirth or a death.

1. Rebirth: the person has successfully navigated the challenges of the midlife crisis and
comes out stronger. She has more energy and a renewed zest for life. Life calms down
and friends take on a heightened importance. People tend to feel happier and more easy
2. Death: people that fail to navigate the midlife crisis pay for it now. They tend to become
self destructive as their life implodes.

7th Age: 55-75 These are the twilight years for most people. They usually have the time,
inclination and the money to travel more and they have more freedoms and fewer

As a rule people do not like to think of their age – being reminded of it through special
discounts for older people can annoy them. It can also be a sad and lonely time – friends die
and are often hard to replace. Women in this age group are less likely to marry as fewer and
fewer potential mates remain. Health issues become more important to us and we are more
preoccupied with death.

Hypnotic Mind Reading

You now have the core elements to perform hypnotic mind reading. The more you do it the
easier it becomes – and ironically the more your ability to recognise personality types improves.
Soon you will be able to accurately read most people that you meet within minutes.

Have fun!!

The materials in this manual and the accompanying audio seminar are 16
© (under license) Streethypnosis Publishing, All Rights Reserved

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