Crim Pro Reviewer
Crim Pro Reviewer
Crim Pro Reviewer
Objections: on jurisdiction
Limitations on objections:
Note: Information
How Criminal actions are instituted - shall start from the commission of the offense
- or from discovery thereof
1. IF preliminary investigation is required
- By filing the complaint with the proper officer
- To conduct requisite preliminary investigation PROSECUTION OF CRIMINAL ACTION
2. If not
- Direct filing of Complaint or Information to MTC General rule: commenced by complaint or information
- By filing the complaint with office of prosecutor 1. prosecuted under direction and control of public
No direct filing in RTC - even if there is a private prosecutor
- Because all offenses requires preliminary Rationale: outrage against the state, it follows that
investigation representative of state shall direct and control the
Consequences of the rule
- direct filing occurs when preliminary
investigation is not needed 1. Public prosecutor functions:
- offenses which penalty prescribed is less than 4 a.determine whether prima facie case exists
years 2 months 1 day b.decide which of the conflicting testimonies
should be believed free from the interference
No direct filing in MTC of Manila and Chartered Cities or control of the offended party
- general rule provides that complaints must be c. determine which witnesses to present in
filed in the office of the prosecutor court
- unless otherwise provided in their charters (subject to right against self-incrimination)
2. public prosecutor may turn over prosecution of
Prescriptive period criminal case to private prosecutor but may take
over any time.
General rule: institution of criminal action shall interrupt
prescriptive period Absence of prosecutor on MTC or MCTC
R.A. 8353, reclassifies rape as crimes against person - signed by person without authority
- dismissal is not a bar to subsequent prosecution
- may be commenced by filing of information by the public - jeopardy does not attach when accused pleads
prosecutor to a defective indictment
- No need to be sworn
- In writing
- Prosecutor is acting under oath
- Subscribed by prosecutor