Manifestation With Motion To Allow Accused To Plead Guilty To Lesser Offense
Manifestation With Motion To Allow Accused To Plead Guilty To Lesser Offense
Manifestation With Motion To Allow Accused To Plead Guilty To Lesser Offense
- versus - for
That after conferring with the him, he intimated to this representation his
willingness to plea bargain with the prosecution and plead guilty to the lesser
offense of Acts of Lasciviousness, defined and penalized under Art. 336 of the
Revised Penal Code (RPC);
That today, June 14, 2018, the accused had sought the conformity of the
Honorable Provincial Prosecutor and the forbearance of this Honorable Court to
allow the accused to plead guilty to the lesser offense under Art. 336, RPC.
That, in view of all the foregoing, and in the interest of substantial and
equitable justice, the accused, implores the indulgence of this Honorable Court,
to be allowed to withdraw his previous plea of not guilty and be re-arraigned for
purposes of pleading guilty to the lesser offense under Art. 336 of the RPC.
Noted by:
District Public Attorney
G r e e t i n g s:
Please take notice that this Manifestation with Motion to Allow Accused to
Plead Guilty to Lesser Offense will be submitted for hearing on July 12, 2018 at
1:30 in the afternoon for His Honor’s consideration and/or approval.
Copy furnished: