BBC World Transcripts
BBC World Transcripts
BBC World Transcripts
4. Comedy 21-24
5. Sherlock Holmes 25
6. Children’s 26-27
8. Christmas 35-36
B. By Duration
1. 15 Minutes 37-38
2. 30 Minutes 39-44
3. 60 Minutes 45-51
A. By Genre
The serial has been a staple of BBC Radio since the first years of
broadcasting. Traditionally, like its early cinema counterpart, it hooks
your audience by keeping it in suspense and wanting more. Many of
the first novels were written and published in serial form and work
well in what is perhaps the most imaginative theatrical medium- the
The Æneid A two thousand year old story of love, tragedy and destiny, starring
by Virgil Ralph Fiennes as Prince Aeneas.
2 x 60' DR0056
The Age of Jane Rogers dramatises this Pulitzer Prize-winning novel about a
Innocence passionate life-long love affair which breaks all the rules of the
By Edith Wharton restrictive high society of 1870's New York.
2 x 60’ 1. Newland Archer is engaged to May Welland, but his life takes an
2008 unexpected turn when he meets May's unconventional cousin
Countess Ellen Olenska.
2. Despite Newland Archer's recent marriage to May, he is still
consumed with thoughts of Ellen Olenska.
Amerika Kafka's weird and wonderful early novel - a black comedy about a
by Kafka young emigrant's adventures in the New World.
2 x 60’ 1. New York, 1911. Karl Rossmann has had to leave his family in
2006 Prague after an indiscretion with a girl. He's filled with optimism about
his new life. Will it last?
2. Expelled from his Uncle Jacob's empire, young and naïve Karl
Rossmann struggles to find his feet in bewildering new surroundings.
The Aspern In the romantic city of Venice, an American poet writes love letters
Papers and sonnets to the girl with beautiful eyes, Juliana Bordereau. Fifty
by Henry James years later, a literary bounty hunter will go to any lengths to get a
2 x 60' glimpse of the papers.
Barry Lyndon (1-2) William Makepeace Thackeray's classic 19th century novel about the
by William rise and fall of an Irish adventurer set during the second half of the
Makepeace 1700s and moving from rural Ireland to the courts of Europe to the
Thackeray drawing-rooms of English society.
2 x 60’
2003 DR0098
Bartleby The The strange story of Bartleby, the lawyer’s clerk who flummoxes his
Scrivener employer by saying, when asked to do certain tasks, that he’d “prefer
1 x 60’ not to”. The growing list of things he’d prefer not to do eventually
becomes quite sinister....
Basil Collins' exciting first venture into 'sensation' fiction: the gothic genre
Collins that led him to The Woman in White and The Moonstone.
2 x 60’ DR0167
The Book Of Love The artist, admirer of Napoleon, theatre and literary critic and
(1-2) essayist William Hazlitt was forty three when he fell passionately and
William Hazlitt obsessively in love with his London landlady's daughter, a young
2 x 60' woman half his age. He became paranoid, jealous and totally single
2003 minded in pursuit of her.
The Count Of After spending years in prison Edmond Dantes escapes and plots
Monte Cristo revenge on those who framed him.
by Alexandre CN3441
10 x 30'
Cousin Bette: The A blistering comedy of greed, revenge and betrayal. Cousin Bette has
Poor Relation spent her life watching her relatives prosper while she scrapes by.
by Honoré de She particularly resents the success of her beautiful cousin, Adeline,
Balzac who has married into the aristocracy. When Adeline's daughter robs
3 x 60' Bette of the young man she intends to marry, Bette has only one
thought on her mind - revenge. Balzac's masterpiece is set in mid-
2000 19th century Paris and is one of the final works in the series of novels
known as the Comédie Humaine.
The Deceivers India in 1825. A young Englishman sets out to uncover the
by John Masters murderous secrets of the Thugs - devotees of the death goddess,
10 x 30' Kali.
Frankenstein The classic story of the monster created by Dr. Frankenstein, its
by Mary escape and the terrible consequences which follow, with Michael
Wollstonecraft Maloney as Dr. Frankenstein.
Shelley TCD0924
2 x 60'
The French A new and faithful adaptation of Fowles' most famous book: a
Lieutenant's passionate tale of two lovers in conflict with society, set in Victorian
Woman England yet told in a playfully modern way.
Fowles DR0148
2 x 60’
A House for Mr The first radio dramatisation of the Nobel Prize winning author’s
Biswas masterpiece. Set in Trinidad, it's the tragi-comic story of an ordinary
by V.S. Naipaul Hindu man's struggle to own his own house (and overcome his
2 x 60’ formidable mother-in-law).
2006 DR0161
A House to Let A Christmas tale by three eminent Victorian writers working together,
5 x 15’ first published in Household Words magazine in 1858.
2006 DR0178
Jamaica Inn The romantic tale of smuggling and mystery set on the wild moors of
by Daphne du Cornwall.
Maurier CN2562
8 x 30'
L'Assommoir (1-3) One of Zola's most powerful novels: a startlingly frank and moving
By Zola account of working class life in Paris in the mid 19th century.
3 x 60’
2004 Episode 1: Gervaise dreams of starting her own laundry, but
Coupeau has an accident and their savings are all spent. Will
Gervaise's dream ever be realised?
The Leopard Lampedusa's epic story set in Sicily, is remarkable on several counts;
by Giuseppe it was his only novel, not published until after his death and the
Tomasi author himself was a Sicilian prince. Starring Patrick Malahide.
2 x 60' DR0017
Les Liaisons Two cynical aristocrats are locked in a game of bluff and seduction:
Dangereuses defeat would be intolerable, both are playing to win. Laclos' novel
by Choderlos de was published in 1872 and caused a sensation. This award-winning
Laclos production is adapted from the French by Christopher Hampton and
2 x 60' stars Lindsay Duncan and Ciaran Hinds.
1998 DR0037
Lewis Carroll’s In 1867 Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) made his only trip abroad
Adventures in when he went to Russia with his friend, the clergyman Henry Parry
Russia Liddon. But, as their journals revealed, their experiences were
by Michael entirely different. And, as the journey progressed, Liddon began to
Bakewell get more and more irritated with his companion's taste for the absurd
1 x 45’ and the curious.
Lord Of The Rings The legendary dramatisation of JRR Tolkien's epic fantasy of good
(1-13) and evil, dwarves and hobbits, in the Second Age of Middle Earth. A
JRR Tolkien fabulous cast includes Michael Hordern as Gandalf, John Le
13 x 60’ Mesurier as Bilbo, Robert Stephens as Aragorn and Ian Holm (Bilbo
2002 in the new film) as Frodo.
Love and Jane Austen as you have never seen her before - a wild comedy of
Freindship teenage rebellion, full of love at first sight, door-slamming, theft,
by Jane Austen elopement and sudden death. Written when the novelist was only
1x 45’ fourteen years old.
Madame Bovary A French masterpiece of betrayal and wantonness - the first great
5 x 30’ novel of adultery.
2006 DR171
The Master Of Two brothers engage in a bitter struggle over money, power and love
Ballantrae in this dark and dramatic adventure story set in eighteenth century
2 x 60’ Scotland and America.
2004 DR0127
Metropolis Fritz Lang's silent movie classic, based on a novel by his wife, Thea
1 x 60’ von Harbou, offers a terrifying vision of a hellish, heavy industrial
2006 future. Peter Straughan's new version for radio brings the action up to
date, placing it in a world that's uncomfortably familiar.
Monsignor Graham Greene's modern take on Cervantes' masterpiece, a comic
Quixote journey through post-Franco Spain, in the company of a priest called
by Graham Greene Quixote, his faithful friend, the communist and ex-mayor, Sancho,
4 x 30' and his beloved old motor car, Rosinante.
The Moonstone This Victorian novel from 1868 combines mystery, crime and
by Wilkie Collins suspense. A famous Indian diamond disappears, shattering the
6 x 60' tranquillity of a quiet country household.
The Night Of The This tense psychological thriller, set in the USA, concerns a cache of
Hunter money and a fake preacher's attempt to find where it's hidden, while
by Davis Grubb two children stand in his way.
2 x 60' TCD1025
Northanger Abbey Austen's early novel (it wasn't published until after her death) makes
Jane Austen great fun of the contemporary fashion for Gothic novels and revels in
3 x 60’ the absurdity of using such sensational fiction to judge everyday life.
A Pair Of Blue The story of a young girl whose love for two very different men ends
Eyes in tragedy. Starring Jeremy Irons, Janet Maw and Michael Maloney.
by Thomas Hardy
6 x 30' CN4157
Pamela Or Virtue Setting out to help poorly-educated servants with composing letters,
Reward Samuel Richardson began to write a little book of sample letters. To
2 x 57’ make it more appealing he embellished the letters by conjuring the
letters' author and in the process created a comic love story and a
2004 new literary form: the epistolary novel.
The Picture Of Wilde's delicious fin de siècle story of the lure of evil and the quest for
Dorian Gray eternal youth.
by Oscar Wilde DR0058
2 x 60'
The Red And The A rip-roaring romantic adventure of ambition and lust, set against a
Black vivid background of post-Napoleonic France.
By Marie Henri
Beyle Stendhal CN4357
14 x 30’
The Remains of Based on the award-winning novel, this is a haunting tale of lost
the Day (1-2) causes and lost love. It is a celebrated evocation of life between the
2 x 60' wars in a great English country house, and the echoes ofthe violent
2003 upheavals spreading across Europe in the 1930s.
Sons And Lovers A semi-autobiographical novel of a young man's growing up in
by D.H. Lawrence Nottingham, in the English Midlands, in the years before the First
6 x 60' World War.
A Suitable Boy A five part dramatisation of the massive and hugely popular novel by
(1-5) Vikram Seth. Recorded entirely on location in India.
Vikram Seth
5 x 60’ DR0087
Tender is the Tender is the the Night by F Scott Fitzgerald. Adapted for radio in
Night (1-2) two parts by Michael Hastings. Starring Michael Maloney. The tragic
F Scott Fitzgerald romance of young actress Rosemary Hoyt and the stylish American
2 x 60' couple Dick and Nicole Diver. Set on the French Riviera in the late
2003 1920s.
The Tin Drum Not caring for the world he is growing up in, a small boy determines
by Gunter Grass to remain a child. The epic sweep of Grass' novel satirises German
2 x 60' nationalism and the rise and fall of the Nazi movement.
1996 TCD1217
The Woman In On a lonely high-road after midnight a traveller is accosted by a
White woman dressed all in white…
by Wilkie Collins A thrilling adaptation of the famous Victorian novel, an action packed
4 x 60’ story of swindled fortunes, terrible secrets and mistaken identity.
2. Crime And Thrillers
The crime serial comes in a wide range of styles and includes
the best and most popular detectives in a much-loved genre.
Hercules Poirot, Philip Marlowe, V.I. Warshawski and Lord Peter
Wimsey are familiar figures to aficionados and radio brings their
distinctive worlds to life.
Agatha Christie's A murder mystery hunt arranged for a fête turns into tragedy when
Dead Man's Folly the girl acting the "victim" is murdered for real …
Agatha Christie 1. Hercule Poirot gets an urgent telephone call from his old friend, the
4 x 30’ distinguished crime writer Ariadne Oliver, asking for his help.
2007 2. Ariadne Oliver's worst fears have been realised. Hercule Poirot is
deeply shocked and joins the local police in their investigations.
3. Sir George Stubbs believes that the disappearance of his wife is
connected to the unexpected arrival of her long-forgotten cousin.
Hercule Poirot thinks there might be a more sinister explanation.
4. Hercule Poirot is convinced that yet another murder has been
committed and Ariadne Oliver is about to startle him with fresh
Agatha Christie's 1. One morning, Hercule Poirot's post includes a distressing letter
Dumb Witness from an elderly spinster seeking his help, but not saying why.
Agatha Christie However, what intrigues him most is that the message was written
2 x 45’ two months ago. He persuades Captain Hastings that they must
2006 investigate immediately.
2. Hercule Poirot and Captain Hastings are now on the trail of
murder. A little wire-haired terrier proves very helpful in their
Alias George Eliot Marian Evans took the pseudonym George Eliot when she started
1 x 45’ her now famously successful career as a novelist. But she was
2005 dismayed to discover that someone else was claiming to have written
her work. This is the story of her impostor; a certain Mr Joseph
Liggins …
The Antisocial In the latest two-part story featuring the magician of the Old Bailey a
Behaviour of civil servant is accused of strangling a prostitute, a sex trafficking
Horace Rumpole gang is exposed and Hilda flirts with His Honour Judge Bullingham.
2 x 45’ DR0197
Attard In An accountant on the brink of a quiet rose-loving retirement finds
Retirement himself involved in investigation of a thirty-year-old crime, as well
by John Peacock unexpected results.
3 x 30' CN3554
The Big Sleep Introducing Philip Marlowe, the laconic Los Angeles private-eye, in
by Raymond one of his most difficult cases. Ed Bishop is Marlowe in Chandler's
Chandler wonderfully atmospheric modern classic. Use independently or as
3 x 30' part of The World of Philip Marlowe.
Bitter Medicine Another case for Chicago's feisty sleuth, V.I. Warshawski. After
by Sara Paretsky Warshawski gets involved in the suspicious death of a 16-year-old
6 x 30' mother and her baby, a cover up leads to gangland violence and V.I.
herself under suspicion of murder. Warshawski is played by Sharon
1997 Gless, star of the long-running TV series Cagney and Lacey.
The Blue Room Georges Simenon's classic crime story, dramatised by Ronald
By Georges Frame. A couple's adulterous meetings in a hotel room lead to a
Simenon double murder in this gripping tale of poisoned love and twisted
1 x 45’ passion set in deepest rural France.
2007 DR0189
Breaking Point Beneath the thrills and excitement of the race course, an
by Dick Francis undercurrent of intrigue and violence threatens the career and the life
6 x 30' of an ambitious young jockey. Based on the novel, Nerve.
Brighton Rock A vivid and compelling version of Greene's classic study of good and
by Graham Greene evil, set in the gangland world of a seedy seaside resort in the 1930s.
5 x 30'
Captain Corell’s This epic tale of love, war and music is an international bestseller and
Mandolin has been translated into over 30 languages.
By Louis de 1. A Pea in the Ear
Bernieres 2. Invasion of the Italians
4 x 45’ 3. Looking for Snails
2007 4. Earthquake
Cavity Kirsty is having an affair with Adrian, a married man. When his wife
1 x 45’ Lucy returns unexpectedly from a business conference, Kirsty hides
in the attic. In a panic she falls down the back of the attic into the
cavity wall. A story then unfolds that combines the domestically
mundane with the utterly bizarre. Sean Grundy's strange but amusing
story about sex, betrayal, the housing market and a love triangle,
follows its own surreal logic.
Chance The story of the pre-war summer in which the famous, bohemian and
Acquaintances charming French writer, Colette, became an accidental resident in an
1 x 45’ Alpine spa - accompanied only by her beloved striped cat. Amidst the
mountains, the sulphur and the sick, she is befriended by an
2006 apparently conventional bourgeois couple and finds herself
unwittingly and unwillingly embroiled in their lives.
The Cry of the Owl The Cry of the Owl by Patricia Highsmith and adapted for radio by
(1-4) Shaun McKenna. Robert Forester didn't look like the kind of man to
by Patricia be a prowler. His ex-wife had told the police he was erratic, liable to
Highsmith violence, had even fired a gun at her. Maybe he was a psychopathic
4 x 30’
The Employee A dark comedy about the pressures of modern life. Iain Adam is
1x 60’ Head of Maintenance in an 'intelligent' building, The Elm, and his
world is starting to unravel - with spectacular consequences...
2005 DR0140
The Enormous Irene Westcott is a bored housewife in a New York apartment block,
Radio with only a radio for company most days. But Irene's radio is no
1 x 45’ ordinary radio - instead of tuning into regular broadcasts, it relays
compulsive snatches of her neighbours' concealed lives.
Evil Under The Hercule Poirot cuts an unlikely figure among the swimmers and
Sun sunbathers on Smugglers' Island. But he's not on holiday for very
by Agatha Christie long. The little grey cells are soon at work - on a glamorous corpse.
5 x 30'
Fatherland It's 1964, but not as we know it. Germany won the war, Hitler is still in
by Robert Harris power and security is tight for the Fuhrer's seventy-fifth birthday. Late
5 x 30' at night the body of a one-legged man is fished from a Berlin lake and
a detective called to investigate. He finds himself on the trail of a
1998 terrible secret. An acclaimed adaptation of the best-selling novel.
The Further The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Adventures of 1. Remarkable Performance of Mr Frederick Merridew
Sherlock Holmes 2. The Eyes of Horus
4 x 45’ 3. The Thirteen Watches
4. The Ferrers Documents
The Greater Good When celebrated Chemist, Fritz Haber, began work on a secret
1 x 45’ project for the German Military, he caused an irreconcilable rift with
his wife Clara, also a chemist, with tragic consequences.
The Guns Of The blockbusting adventure thriller. It is 1943 and two huge German
Navarone guns on an island fortress stand between hard-pressed British troops
by Alistair MacLean and safety. Unless the guns can be put out of action, 1000 men will
5 x 30' die.
The Iceman London. 1860. When three girls are found murdered the only clue
By Simon Bovey Detective Inspector Burdett has is a trace of ice found in the victims'
1 x 60’ throats - a clue that leads him into very deep water indeed.
2007 DR0186
Inspector West At The trail West follows to clear himself of a charge of corruption leads
Home to kidnapping, blackmail, theft on a gigantic scale and murder.
by John Creasey
7 x 30 CN1505
The Lady In The Ed Bishop is Philip Marlowe in this dramatisation of one of Chandler's
Lake best-known detective novels. Usable independently or as part of a
by Raymond Philip Marlowe series.
Chandler CN3279
3 x 30'
(including The A man and woman are locked in their separate memories. He
Examination) recounts his recent visit to a scruffy park and pub. Whereas she's in a
By Harold Pinter world of deep recollection and evocation.
1 x 15’ A man facing questioning musters his mental resources to empower
2008 himself over his interrogator.
The Last In January 1824, Lord Byron arrived in Missalonghi determined to
Adventure fight for Greek Independence from Turkish rule. The story of his three
1 x 60’ months as commander in chief of a small and unruly force of
2006 mercenaries and freedom fighters is also the story of the last days of
his extraordinary life.
The Little The young Madame La Marquise is away on holiday - alone and
Photographer bored. But then she meets the local photographer and feels the thrill
1 x 45' of being looked at... Dramatised by Michelene Wandor this is classic
Du Maurier territory - an illicit and slow-burning passion, with a
2003 surprise twist in the tail.
Lord Arthur A new dramatisation of Oscar Wilde's deliciously witty short story.
Savile's Crime If Lord Arthur Savile is to marry Sybil Merton he must first face up to
Oscar Wilde his inevitable fate - to commit murder.
2 x 60’
Love's Thelma is in love. She's 70 years old and the man she's in love with
Executioner is roughly half her age. They had a brief affair eight years ago and
By Dr Irvin Yalom Thelma still can't get him out of her mind. She's spent the past eight
1 x 45’ years raking over this hopeless love affair. Can psychotherapy cure
her magnificent obsession? What is this thing called love?
2005 Adapted from the case notes of Dr Irvin Yalom and starring Katherine
Helmond (Jessica Tate in Soap) and Harry Hamlin (of LA Law fame).
Maigret Series Nicholas Prevost as Chief Inspector Maigret continues his
4 x 45’ investigations in an evocative and compelling series of criminal cases
by one of the masters of detective fiction - Simenon.
2004 DR0124
Master and Man Landowner Brekhunov sets off with his man Nikita to close his
1 x 45’ purchase of a neighbouring coppice. The pair hit an impenetrable
blizzard; their sledge is stuck. Can they survive a night in this cold
2006 and is either ready to meet his Maker?
Monsieur Monde From a short novel by the master story-teller Georges Simenon. The
Vanishes dark story of a successful businessman who abandons his wife and
1 x 45 family in Paris and starts a new life in the sleazy underworld of the
Côte d'Azur.
Murder Must Lord Peter Wimsey's investigations lead not only to a murderer but to
Advertise the uncovering of a large-scale drug-pushing racket.
by Dorothy L. CN3720
6 x 30'
Oblomov Gentle, intelligent Oblomov completely fails to deal with life. He lives
By Goncharov in a flat in St Petersburg. He is always about to go out and sort out
2 x 60’ his estate but he rarely even gets out of bed. Never doing today what
he can put off till tomorrow, Oblomov is a tragi-comic hero for a couch
2005 potato generation.
Oblomov, first published in 1859, is Goncharov's masterpiece.
Paul Temple And A fast-moving thriller series in which Radio's most glamorous couple
The Spencer Affair solve a series of murders in London and Paris.
by Francis Dubridge CN1055
8 x 30'
Peter Lorre V Towards the end of his career, movie star Peter Lorre found himself
Peter Lorre at the centre of a strange legal case. Incorporating verbatim extracts
1 x 45’ from the court transcripts, Michael Butt's play explores what was
going through Lorre's troubled mind as he fought to protect his name.
Philomel Cottage A new spin on a classic story by the Queen of the whodunnit,
& Magnolia dramatised for radio by Mike Walker. When Alex meets Terry she is
Blossom swept off her feet. He persuades her to leave her job with a dot com
Agatha Christie company and set up a business with him, based in an out of the way
1 x 30' cottage in the country.
The Pledge Inspector Matthai discovers the horrific murder of an eight-year-old
1 x 60’ girl. The girl's mother makes him swear on his soul to find the killer -
2006 and so Matthai's obsession with the case and the dark world beneath
the polite veneer of Swiss society begins ... DR0159
Prayer Mask Joseph Fiennes stars as the young Lieutenant Richard Burton who in
1 x 45’ 1853 disguised himself as an Afghani pilgrim and undertook an
expedition to Mecca. His aim was to explore the Holy of Holies. He
chronicles this journey fraught with dangers and misadventure. But
can he hide his identity from his two young guides?
The Price of Light When Maria Theresa von Paradis, a musical prodigy in eighteenth
1 x 60’ century Vienna, lost her sight in early childhood her parents turned to
Anton Mesmer for a cure. Under Mesmer's controversial care Maria's
2005 vision began to improve - but her musical talent seemed to
deteriorate. A public and scientific scandal ensued.
Ruth Rendell’s A short series of murderous thrillers by the crime queen.
The Fever Tree 1. The Fever Tree
3 x 30’ Ford and Tricia travel to a mosquito-ridden game reserve in an
attempt to patch up their awful marriage.
2006 2. The Dreadful Day of Judgement.
An ill-assorted group of young men is given the task of clearing an
abandoned graveyard.
3. Thornapple
James's interest in poisons (particularly the highly potent brew made
from thorn apples) is purely scientific. If only everyone else could say
the same.
Scottish Tales of Three Scottish 19th century tales of terror and mystery, dramatised
Terror (1-3) by Mary Ross.
by Marty Ross
3 x 30’ DR0099
The Servant In this powerful psychological drama about the collapse of social and
1 x 60’ sexual barriers a young lawyer falls under the malign influence of his
sinister manservant.
2006 Joseph Losey's famous film version, scripted by Harold Pinter, sets
the story in the swinging '60s. Ronald Frame's radio dramatisation
takes us back to the original setting - the seedy world of post-war
Solo Behind the A Cold War thriller based on true events in 1968 Prague. A cast of
Iron Curtain Hollywood stars and their crew are trapped when 5000 Russian tanks
By Tracy roll into the city. DR0185
1 x 45’
The Thirty-Nine John Buchan's ever-popular spy thriller, first published in 1915, is
Steps dramatised in two parts by Bert Coules.
By Bert Coules
2 x 60’
2001 DR0073
The Withered Arm Hardy's short story is a masterful drama of psychological suspense,
Hardy jealousy and witchcraft - the highly charged tale of two women in the
1 x 45’ grip of passions beyond their control.
2006 DR0150
3. Tales Of The Supernatural
Radio has always been the perfect medium for drama of the
supernatural or ghost stories, where the imagination plays such
an important part. The programmes in this genre can stand
alone within a series or are serials by masters of the genre like
Susan Hill or Stephen King.
Carmilla Laura is a lonely girl living in a remote Hungarian castle. Into her life
Sheridan Le Fanu comes the beautiful and mysterious Carmilla, with whom Laura
1 x 45' strikes up what will prove a dangerous friendship.
2004 DR0117
Daphnis and The story of two lovers who, buffeted by a world of goats and Gods,
Chloe pirates and sea-nymphs, somehow remain extraordinarily naïve, is
1 x 45’ widely held to be the first novel - it was written around 300 BC.
2006 DR0151
Haunted A series of dramatised stories of the supernatural.
by Various Authors CN4115
6 x 30'
Pet Sematary A classic chiller. Dr. Louis Creed has everything going for him: a
by Stephen King loving wife, a happy family and a successful career. Close by his
6 x 30' beautiful new home lies an ancient Indian burial ground, a place of
strange and sinister power.
1997 DR0022
The Price Of Fear Vincent Price brings his own macabre sense of humour to present a
by Various Authors series of dramatised spine-chillers by modern masters.
16 x 30' Authors include: William Ingram, Jack Ritchie and Elizabeth Morgan.
Salem’s Lot First radio dramatisation of Stephen King's modern vampire classic.
by Stephen King
6 x 30' TCD0986
Tales Of The Ray Bradbury introduces a series of dramatisations of his bizarre and
Bizarre strange tales.
by Ray Bradbury TCD1250, DR0018
10 x 30'
1996, 1997
3. Science Fiction
Science-Fiction is highly effective on the radio, where the mind
creates its own pictures and fantasy comes to life.
272 Attempts An isolated house. A large number of tagged children. Graves in the
by Bryony Lavery garden. A gripping exploration, by award-winning playwright Bryony
1 x 60’ Lavery, of the future of cloning.
2004 DR0132
Aliens In The Mind Mental mutancy on a remote Scottish island.
by Rene Basilico CN2882
6 x 30'
The Destruction A contemporary thriller about a plant which threatens to destroy the
Factor world.
by James Follet CN3134
6 x 30'
1978, 1980
Journey To The An exciting dramatisation of Verne's classic story.
Centre Of The Earth PC8014
by Jules Verne
7 x 30'
Time After Time Two men are trapped in a nightmare world where every door leads to
by Gerry Jones the same hotel room and all roads lead back to the hotel. This play by
1 x 45’ award-winning dramatist, Gerry Jones, was written in 1979 - long
2006 before Groundhog Day.
The War Of The Alien invasion of the earth in a vintage story from the father of English
Worlds Science-fiction.
by H.G. Wells CN0735
6 x 30'
4. Comedy
A diverse range of comedy serials, from adaptations of modern
classic novels to original radio drama; they all have one thing in
common, the ability to make your audience laugh.
Audio Diaries Delightful parodies in a series that follows ordinary people through a
by Kay Stonham momentous period in their lives.
5 x 30' DR0028
Aunt Julia And Imagine a radio station has a huge audience for its soap operas.
The Scriptwriter They are all written, performed and directed by one man. Imagine he
by Mario Vargas loses his marbles and gets the soap plots hopelessly mixed up. Add
Llosa the story of a young writer in love with his aunt and you have all the
6 x 30' ingredients of a fabulous romantic comedy.
1996 DR0001
Crampton Hodnet One of Barbara Pym's distinctive comedies of middle class life and
by Barbara Pym manners, set in sleepy 1930s Oxford. Starring Elizabeth Spriggs,
6 x 30' Samantha Bond and Stephen Moore.
Development Doug Lucie's new play is a dark comedy about the credit crunch.
1 x 45’ Mike is a property developer who appears to have it all, but the
foundations are shaky. When the debts are called in, his au pair's
brother offers a solution, but is it what it seems?
Fred Rimble Written by John B Keane, dramatised by Kerry Lee Crabbe, and
John B Keane starring Ardal O'Hanlon. This play about Jim Conlon's fervent
1 x 45' attempts to cure his hypochondriac mother, is being broadcast on
what would have been the Irish author's 75th birthday to
2003 commemorate his death last year.
Gentlemen Prefer Sparkling 1920s comedy about a not-so-dumb blonde and a showgirl
Blondes who go to Paris in search of rich husbands. An adaptation of Anita
by Anita Loos Loos' novel, so memorably filmed in 1953 with Jane Russell and
4 x 30' Marilyn Monroe.
Gilbert Without WS Gilbert is famous for his partnership with Arthur Sullivan. But his
Sullivan (1-5) comic creations didn't end there - he also wrote these lesser known,
5 x 30' surreal, topsy-turvy stories.
How to Lose The comic saga of a young journalist's failure to make it in the New
Friends and York media, mix with celebrities or hit it off with women. Based on
Alienate People Toby Young's best-selling account of his time at Vanity Fair.
1 x 45 DR0168
Joy In The Bertie Wooster becomes engaged - against his will but at frequent
Morning intervals - to Florence Craye, the lady novelist. Even Jeeves is hard-
by P.G. Wodehouse pressed to rescue him from this predicament.
7 x 30' CN3596
Jeeves And The Following his adventures in Joy in the Morning, Bertie Wooster
Feudal Spirit becomes embroiled in a new plot involving counterfeit necklaces and
by P.G. Wodehouse aunt-crossed lovers.
6 x 30' CN3597
Life is a Dream When Sam Lazarus wakes to find himself in a parallel reality, in
1 x 45’ which he is married to his childhood sweetheart, and Hilary Clinton is
2004 President, he thinks he has died and gone to heaven - but has he?
Love Contract Increasing numbers of companies ask staff to declare their office love
By Mike Barlett affairs - allegedly to guard against 'break-up fallout'.
1 x 45’ Is new starter, Emma having a relationship or not?
2007 DR0190
The Loved One The blackest of black comedies. In post-war California, a struggling
1 x 60’ English poet makes his living by working in a pet cemetery. His
2007 prospects look grim until he meets a kindred spirit, a young female
The Magician's Comedy drama by Adam Beeson, set in 19th-century Europe.
Daughter A celebrated magician is shot on stage. With his dying breaths, he
1 x 45’ passes on the secrets of his spectacular act to his daughter. Fearing
pursuit by jealous rivals, she disappears.
Mr Larkin’s Chris Harrald's play takes a light-hearted look at a chaotic day in the
Awkward Day life of an emerging poet.
By Chris Harrald One morning in September 1957, Philip Larkin receives a very official
1 x 45’ looking letter which sends him into a spin.
2008 DR0194
Mrs Mabb Mrs Mabb is the beguiling dramatisation of Susanna Clarke's magical
By Susanna Clarke short story.
1 x 45’
2008 Venetia must win back the charismatic Captain Fox from the amazing
Mrs Mabb. She needs her wits about her when she takes on her rival
in love, for Mrs Mabb inhabits a surreal world of magic.
New The myth of Zeus and Semele is played out afresh in the jet set world
Metamorphoses – of glamour and wealth inhabited by Russian oligarchs, the paparazzi,
Zeus & Semele and powerful, dangerous women. Zeus and Semele by Sebastian
1 x 45’ Baczkiewicz.
Rumpole The splendours and miseries of an Old Bailey hack. Maurice Denham
by John Mortimer is Rumpole, a lawyer constantly beset by legal adversaries and of
6 x 30' course, "she who must be obeyed”.
Rumpole (1-4) A series of four Rumpole stories. Written by John Mortimer.
John Mortimer.
4 x 45'
Rumpole and the A new two-part adventure for the much loved barrister-at-law, starring
Reign of Terror Timothy West as Horace Rumpole and Prunella Scales as 'She who
by John Mortimer must be obeyed'.
2 x 45’ DR0182
Rumpole Returns Two new adventures featuring wily, irascible barrister Horace
by John Mortimer Rumpole - starring Timothy West as the legendary hack of the Old
2 x 45’ Bailey and Prunella Scales as 'She who must be obeyed'.
Sketches By Boz Boz was the pseudonym of the young Charles Dickens. These
by Charles Dickens sketches are the engaging comic tales that first made his name in the
10 x 30' Monthly Magazine and The Evening Chronicle in 1832-1835.
5. Sherlock Holmes
In recent years the BBC has dramatised all of Arthur Conan
Doyle's novels and short stories featuring the great detective,
Sherlock Holmes. In these unique productions the same team of
directors and dramatists help to give continuity and atmosphere
to these much-loved works. Clive Merrison is Holmes and
Michael Williams as the faithful Dr. Watson.
The Hound Of The A noble family, a desolate location, a curse and a terrible legend.
Baskervilles Sherlock Holmes is called in to unravel the mystery.
2 x 60' DR0025
The Return Of Thirteen more stories, originally published in the Strand Magazine, of
Sherlock Holmes detection and mystery.
13 x 45' TCD1187, DR0004
1993, 1997
The Sign Of The When crimes are dull and villainy uninspired, Sherlock Holmes
Four reaches for his syringe and cocaine bottle. Only a case as singular as
2 x 60' The Sign of the Four could rouse his interest.
A Study In Scarlet London 1881: a penniless doctor meets a curious young man with
2 x 60' some extremely strange habits. The immortal detective makes his
debut in style with an unusual murder investigation.
1991 TCD0081
The Valley Of Fear "What we have here, gentlemen, is a murderer who kills his victim,
2 x 60' removes both his rings, carefully puts one of them back, leaves his
calling card and then vanishes into thin air." Holmes relishes the
1997 challenge of the case.
6. Children’s
Children's radio specialises in a range of dramatisations of
popular classic books, which can be enjoyed by all ages and are
perfect listening for the whole family.
The Adventures Of Belgium's intrepid boy reporter and his faithful dog Snowy make their
Tin-Tin radio debut.
by Hergé TCD0847
6 x 30'
Let’s Join In A series of folk tales and fairy stories from all around the world,
by Various Authors dramatised with younger children in mind.
52 x 15'
The Lion, The The first of the magical tales set in the land of Narnia.
Witch And The
Wardrobe CN5213
by C.S. Lewis
5 x 30'
Little Women Louisa M. Alcott's much-loved novel about the four March sisters
by Louisa M. Alcott growing up against the background of Civil War America. Starring
6 x 30' Gayle Hunnicut as Marmee.
1992 TCD1170
The Mouse And A dramatised version of the book. An allegory for children and adults,
His Child adapted for radio by Moira Doolan.
by Russell Hoban CN2690
6 x 15'
Oliver Twist Oliver's story is full of trials and tribulations, before he is finally able to
by Charles Dickens escape from London's criminal underworld and rejoin his family.
6 x 30'
The A sequel to Frank L. Baum’s story that gives the further adventures of
Scatterbrained Dorothy with her good friends the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the
Scarecrow Of Oz Cowardly Lion in the fabulous Land of Oz.
by Alfred Bradley CN3990
6 x 15'
Treasure Island Long John Silver is the villain and pirate gold is the lure in the most
by Robert Louis popular of Stevenson's adventure stories.
Stevenson CN5516
3 x 30'
7. World Theatre
Within this genre are plays by the great dramatists from the age
of Shakespeare onwards. Beginning with Shakespeare himself
we offer vintage and legendary productions through to the most
recent by Kenneth Branagh. After Shakespeare, there is a huge
range of styles from the bawdy Restoration to the civilised wits
of the 18th century, from the great Scandinavian realists to the
wealth of 20th century theatre.
All the plays in this genre are 75 minutes or over and duration
does vary considerably.
Hamlet This vintage 1948 recording was made when John Gielgud's
195' performance, widely acclaimed as the greatest of our time, had
1975 reached its peak.
CN2456, (WT240)
Julius Ceasar The earliest of Shakespeare's Roman plays, dealing with the
150' assassination of Ceasar and the civil war that followed it. The text is
1972 uncut in this production.
CN1655, (WT184)
Macbeth Paul Scofield and Peggy Ashcroft co-star in this tragedy of ambition
120' and witchcraft.
1966 CN0563, (WT162)
The Merchant Of Alan Badel is Shylock, with his daughter Sarah Badel and Anna
Venice Massey co-starring in this powerful drama.
165' CN3001, (WT257)
A Mid-Summer This most magical of fairy-tale comedies in a stereo production, with
Night’s Dream original music by Anthony Bernard.
135' CN1448, (WT180)
Much Ado About The witty sparring between Beatrice and Benedick eventually leads to
Nothing true love, as Shakespeare's comedy darkens. This production stars
135' Fenella Fielding, Paul Daneman and Ralph Richardson.
CN1157, (WT169)
Richard III Perhaps Shakespeare's most memorable villain, magnetic, evil and
120' almost comic in his ambition to gain the crown. Simon Callow stars in
1985 one of his finest roles.
CN4544, (WT314)
The Tempest Forty-one years after his definitive Hamlet, Gielgud gives another
120' great performance as Prospero, who rules over Shakespeare's
1988 enchanted island.
CN5277, (WT338)
The Admirable The social tables are turned as a shipwreck makes a butler king of a
Crichton desert island. This comedy, written in 1902, pokes fun at the class
by J.M. Barrie barriers of the Edwardian era.
90' CN2007, (WT214)
Accolades In 1973, Oxford academic A. L. Rowse published the work that would
1 x 45’ establish his name internationally - Shakespeare the Man, in which
2007 he claimed to have decoded Shakespeare's sonnets and finally
discovered the identity of the playwright's mysterious Dark Lady. But
was this 'discovery' based on a simple misreading?
Accolades was the last drama completed by Ian Richardson, one of
Britain's finest classical actors, recorded just three weeks before he
died in 2007.
The Alibi Charles Fenton feels trapped. Trapped in his job. Trapped in his
by Daphne du marriage. How can he escape the stultifying routine? With a little
Maurier random murder, perhaps?
45’ DR0176
Amadeus In 18th century Vienna, Salieri is driven to madness by his jealousy
by Peter Shaffer of Mozart's genius, with the National Theatre cast.
120' CN4282, (WT306)
The Beaux Restoration comedy showing two young gallants in search of a rich
Stratagem wife.
by George Farquhar PC0113, (WT132)
The Birds Du Maurier's celebrated horror story, set in Cornwall just after the
by Daphne du Second World War, paints a terrifying picture of the natural world
Maurier turning on mankind.
60’ DR0174
Blood Wedding A tragedy on the theme of honour and passion set in rural Spain with
by Federico Garcia Anna Massey and Juliet Stevenson.
Lorca CN5003, (WT331)
The Country Wife A bawdy wit, a cynical mind and a merciless eye for human foibles
by William are the hallmarks of this Restoration comedy, perfect for the talents
Wycherely of Maggie Smith.
120' CN4889, (WT326)
Death And The The powerful after-effects of torture, as Juliet Stevenson repeats her
Maiden award-winning stage performance.
by Ariel Dorfman TCD0921, (WT362)
The Diary Of A Russian comedy about a young man determined to get on with as
Scoundrel little effort as possible.
by Alexander CN3493, (WT278)
A Doll’s House One of the first plays to deal seriously with the theme of women's
by Henrik Ibsen rights, with Susan Fleetwood and Ian McKellen.
150' CN3676, (WT283)
The Duchess Of Dame Peggy Ashcroft stars in this Jacobean tragedy of lust and
Malfi revenge.
by John Webster CN1927, (WT204)
Eastward Ho! Boisterous city-life comedy from 1605, with Donald Wolfit.
by Chapman,
Johnson and PC0105, (WT123)
The Lady From A taut drama of sexual domination and liberation with Cheryl
The Sea Campbell as Ellida.
by Henrik Ibsen TCD0417, (WT354)
Lady Wilde's wit is at its most dazzling in this comedy of sexual manners in
Windermere’s Fan which a fan is lost and found, in compromising circumstances.
by Oscar Wilde
90' CN1656, (WT185)
The Lion And The A bawdy comedy of West African village life.
Jewel CN1997, (WT208)
by Wole Soyinka
Lulu The rise and fall of an archetypal temptress.
by Frank Wedekind CN3195, (WT268)
Major Barbara A delicious moral dilemma involving armaments money and the
by George Bernard Salvation Army.
Shaw CN5521, (WT347)
Master Class Shostakovich and Prokofiev confront Stalin, played by Timothy West,
by David Pownall as they try to reconcile music and absolute politics.
CN4901, (WT327)
The Misanthrope A comedy of manners from 17th century France, with Diana Rigg and
by Molière Alec McCowen.
120' CN2904, (WT255)
Moby Dick The pursuit of the great white whale by Captain Ahab.
by Herman Melville CN3382
The Playboy Of The classic Irish comedy set at the beginning of the 20th century with
The Western World an all-Irish cast.
by J.M. Synge CN3031, (WT262)
Present Laughter Paul Scofield stars as Gary Essendine, an egotistical leading actor in
by Noel Coward a mad world of admirers and hangers-on, in one of Coward's best
90' light comedies.
CN2230, (WT262)
Pygmalion "Oeeow, garn !" Can Professor Higgins take cockney Eliza Doolittle,
by George Bernard a Covent Garden guttersnipe and pass her off as a lady?
90' CN5109, (WT333)
Rosencrantz And Minor characters in Hamlet take centre stage in this existential
Guildenstern Are comedy.
Dead CN5003, (WT331)
by Tom Stoppard
She Stoops To An 18th century comedy of mischief and manners, set in and around
Conquer a country house in Yorkshire. Starring Michael Williams, Judi Dench
by Oliver Goldsmith and Wayne Sleep.
120' CN3231, (WT270)
The Three Sisters The sisters long to escape provincial boredom and Moscow beckons.
by Anton Chekhov
120' CN0342, (WT156)
Tom Jones Fielding's most famous novel, the comic adventures of a lusty young
by Fielding hero, with Michael Legge as Tom and Simon Russell Beale as the
3 x 60’ author.
Venice Preserved A plot to overthrow the Venetian Republic is the theme of this 1682
by Thomas Otway tragedy of loyalty and treachery. Starring the magnificent Donald
120' Wolfit.
CN1702, (WT156)
Waiting For Godot Dazzling music-hall repartee from Pozzo and Lucky in a bleak
by Samuel Beckett landscape, as they find they have time on their hands.
CN1920, (WT198)
The Waltz Of The A bitter-sweet comedy about the ageing but amorous General Saint-
Toreadors P‚ played by Stephen Murray.
by Jean Anouilh CN1701, (WT189)
The Way Of The A bitter-sweet comedy about the ageing but amorous General Saint-
World P‚ played by Stephen Murray.
by William CN1926, (WT203)
The Winslow Boy A 14-year-old boy is accused of stealing a postal-order and expelled
by Terence Rattigan from naval college. His family decide to try and clear his name,
90' whatever the consequences. This play, based on an actual case,
stars Michael Aldridge, Sarah Badel and Aubrey Woods.
CN4102, (WT299)
8. Christmas
In this selection there are plays of varying durations and a
serial, ranging from the traditional festive favourites to some
more contemporary drama. What they all have in common is
their entertainment value and, above all, their suitability for
And Yet Another A cautionary tale, with Penelope Keith the recipient of a series of gifts
Partridge In A Pear from an extravagant admirer.
Tree CN3065
by Brian Sibley
Christmas A small boy is kept at home while the family go to the pantomime, but
Pantomime Uncle Samuel comes to the rescue.
by Hugh Walpole CN1281
The Comic Civilian Flanders 1914 and the Christmas truce has a profound effect on one
by Michael man.
Hardwick CN0284
The Demon King A real demon king turns up to enliven a seedy Victorian pantomime
by J.B. Priestley in this delightful comedy.
30' CN5233
The First Nowell A Nativity play with music by Ralph Vaughan Williams.
by Simona CN1352
Half-Way House A morality play for Christmas.
by Stuart Jackson CN3069
Pickwick Papers The eternal optimist Samuel Pickwick and his highly eccentric friends
by Charles Dickens make a perfect Christmas serial.
6 x 30' DR0021
Two Thirty Minute Scrooge Blues and Not So Tiny Tim. Two sequels to Charles
Dramas Dickens' famous Christmas Story.
2 x 30'
B. By Duration
The best adaptations from the stage or original scripts
Single plays are broken down into genres so that they may be used
within series. In this selection 52 weeks are offered for the first three
genres, the fourth an example of more creative scheduling and the
last a seasonal Christmas offering. However much more is available
as required and within each genre there is great diversity, allowing
considerable flexibility of scheduling.
1. 15 minutes
An experienced dramatist can accomplish a lot in fifteen
minutes as the plays in this genre amply demonstrate. Having
much in common with the short story these plays are ideal for
scheduling before significant times - "Up To the Hour", "Just
Before Midnight" - and are suitable for all times of the day. Also
in this genre are two top quality dramatised serials which
confirm the emphasis on entertainment and the considerable
variety on offer.
Bat Blues A bizarre comedy in which Cutler teaches one woman and several
by Ivor Cutler bats how to play jazz piano.
The Body Snatchers Late evening in the year 1828. In the city of Edinburgh two young
by Maurice Travers men are waiting in the medical school.
The Dissolution Of It's a simple thing to take a taxi, but a taxi can take you for a ride.
Dominic Boot Stoppard's first radio play.
by Tom Stoppard CN3348
A Fairy Tale For A variation on a traditional theme, in which the princess insists that
Freudians she could perfectly well kill the dragon for herself.
by Valerie Windsor CN3615
His Lordship’s Bed Gladys and Tom decide to celebrate fifty years of domestic service in
by Trevor Baxter a rather unusual fashion.
The Real Long John Farcical comedy about three people getting ready for a fancy dress
Silver by party.
Peter Barnes CN5040
The Right Time And A suicide counsellor and her client find themselves swapping roles.
Right Place
by Peter Barnes CN4534
2. 30 minutes
Thirty minutes is a terrific slot for drama.
This selection has been broken down into four 13-week seasons
for ease of scheduling. They are:
A. Comedy
B. Thriller And Supernatural
C. The Past
D. The Tales Of Sherlock Holmes
A. Comedy
The plays in this selection range from the comic verbal
fireworks of Stoppard, the sly characterisation of Alan Bennett
to moments of high farce and bizarre situations. What they do
have in common is the ability to make your audience laugh.
After The Funeral Three pimps hold a wake for one of their "ladies".
by Peter Barnes CN4934
Meet Mr. Mulliner (1- Meet Mr Mulliner features one of Wodehouse's most entertaining
6) characters. Richard Griffiths stars as the storytelling Mr Mulliner
by P.G. Wodehouse whose narratives enlist the regular tipplers of the Angler's Rest as
participants. One of the Mulliner clan writes tough detective stories,
6 x 30’ but when he inherits the cottage of another family author he finds it
haunted by the spirit of all her cloying romantic fiction.
Music And Silence In 1629 the Danish court welcomes a young English lutenist to King
by Rose Tremain Christians’ Royal Orchestra. An often magical story of duty and
10 x 30' passion that is as funny as it is compelling.
A Separate Peace What should nurses do with a patient who isn't ill?
by Tom Stoppard CN3939
The Black Monk Rupert Kingfisher's adaptation of Anton Chekhov's short story about
by Anton Chekhov a talented, but troubled young professor of philosophy who escapes
to a house deep into the Russian countryside, only to find himself
tormented by visions of a mysterious Black Monk.
Christabel A beguiling tale of enchantment and desire - wonderfully atmospheric
by Samuel Taylor performance of the poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Oh, Whistle And I’ll Sir Michael Hordern plays an archaeologist who doesn't believe in
Come To You ghosts.
by M. R. James CN5227
The Park Keeper The drama of a man who is accidentally locked in a public park and
by Margaret Harris the nightmare that follows.
C. The Past
The plays in this selection use the past in different ways, either
as a dramatic setting or by reflecting on how the past informs
the present.
There are a variety of authors and styles but above all these
plays provide rich and varied entertainment for the listening
The Fighting Man In a land suffering from the ravages of an invading army, two soldiers
by Sarah Shaw confront an anxious family with something to hide.
The Glasshouse A brother and sister troubled by guilt over their past behaviour.
by Matthew Solon
Lady Of Pleasure The memoirs of Harriette Wilson, the famous 19th century courtesan.
by Harriette Wilson
Material Values A violinist must choose between the present and the past.
by Stephen Lavell CN4686
Not So Merry The story of how the most famous of all operettas almost didn't make
Widow by it.
Douglas Slater CN3678
Queen To James II The story of Mary of Modena, who wanted to be a nun but became
by Brian Bevan the young bride of James, Duke of York, brother of Charles II.
A Sepia Photograph An old snapshot bridges the gap between three generations.
by Chris Hawes
The Mazarin Ston CN0292
3. 60 Minutes
The plays in this suggested slot are divided into four different
13 week seasons:
C. World Theatre Hour - drama about and from around the world -
which brings an exotic feel to this group of plays.
A. Radio Originals
Albert’s Bridge Stoppard's first full-length radio play in which Albert, played by John
by Tom Stoppard Hurt, finds his escape from life and the world up in the air, painting
Clufton Bridge.
Enter A Free Man A domestic comedy about a unsuccessful inventor and his
by Tom Stoppard relationship with his family.
2 x 60’ DR0092
The Flower Case A private-eye mystery with a difference.
by James Saunders CN4300
Hopcraft Into A comedy about the plight of an English toy salesman in Europe who
Europe falls for a French widow. But there's her anarchist son to be reckoned
by Michael Sandler with.
The Idiot (1-4) In one of his most famous and personal novels, Dostoyevsky
by Fyudor portrays the vivid inner life of Prince Myshkin, who has returned from
Dostoyevsky years abroad spent trying to treat his epilepsy.
4 x 60’ DR0095
The Kamikaze A tragedy on the theme of honour and passion set in rural Spain with
Ground-Staff Anna Massey and Juliet Stev. A comedy set in Japan thirty-five
Reunion Dinner years after the end of the Second World War.
by Stewart Parker CN3806
‘Night Mother Sharon Gless plays a woman who really wants to end her life, but
by Marsha Norman first of all she has a few scores to settle. Kathleen Helmond plays
Random Moments The same English country garden mysteriously forms the
In A May Garden background to a Victorian family photograph and a modern dinner
by James Saunders party.
The Roses Of It is 1665 and plague has broken out in an English Derbyshire village.
Eyam The young Anglican vicar finds himself at odds with his Puritan
by Don Haworth predecessor. Based on real events.
Ruffian On The For a few short years Joe Orton was the enfant terrible of English
Stair theatre. He was discovered by BBC Radio and this play was his radio
by Joe Orton debut, a comedy of menace where the dialogue is a constant delight.
Separate Tables Table Number Seven. Terence Rattigan's classic stage play about a
by Terence Rattigan group of residents at a small Bournemouth hotel in the 1950's who
discover one of their number is harbouring a devastating secret.
Unman, Wittering Unusual horror story set in a boys' school.
And Zigo CN1419
by Giles Cooper
The Vicissitudes of Evangeline is a red-haired, green eyed young lady who, cast out into
Evangeline the world to seek her fortune, resolves to become an adventuress;
by Elinor Glyn refusing to behave as young unmarried women in the early 1900's
should do. Elinor Glyn dedicated this novel to all the women with red
60’ hair. With three eligible young men at her beck and call, which one
will Evangeline choose?
Walk Right By Me A compelling insight into the life of a passionate, eccentric and lonely
1 x 60’ man. You could easily think that Warren and Carol are an item. Her
clothes are in his wardrobe, her hair is on his hairbrush, but
something’s not quite right about their relationship – maybe it’s the
fact that they’ve never met…
What I Heard What I Heard About Iraq uses a devastatingly simple idea - direct
About Iraq quotes from politicians, military chiefs, U.S. soldiers and Iraqi citizens
1 x 60’ - to explore the human story behind the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Eliot
2007 Weinberg's work, which started out as an article in The London
Review of Books, has become a global phenomenon - translated
into dozens of languages and performed on stage around the world.
B. Matinee
Absent Friends A funny but thought-provoking play about suburban marital stress.
by Alan Ayckbourn
The Browning John Gielgud plays a schoolmaster on the eve of retirement, brought
Version face-to-face with failure.
by Terrence CN1235
Charley’s Aunt "Brazil, you know. Where the nuts come from". The classic farce set
by Brandon Thomas in Oxford in the 1890s.
Dandy Dick Popular farce about a country vicar reluctantly involved in horse-
by Arthur Wing racing.
Pinero CN3419
The Dock Brief An elderly, unsuccessful barrister finds himself defending an equally
by John Mortimer elderly and unsuccessful criminal.
Enter A Free Man A domestic drama about an unsuccessful inventor and his
by Tom Stoppard relationship with his family.
The Killing Of A black comedy about soap opera starring Sheila Hancock as "Sister
Sister George George”.
by Frank Marcus CN3120
Love Letters On A bitter-sweet play as a wife retraces her marriage in a series of love
Blue Paper letters.
by Arnold Wesker CN3708
The Real Inspector Two theatre critics are drawn unwillingly into the plot of a hackneyed
Hound whodunit.
by Tom Stoppard CN3645
The Worst Journey Apsley Cherry-Garrard's gripping account of his experiences as the
in the World youngest member of Captain Scott's polar expedition team, adapted
2 x 60’ by Stef Penney
C. World Theatre Hour
Anton Chekhov Dying of consumption and surrounded by haunting memories, the
by Anton Chekhov Russian author reminisces about his full life.
(Michael CN4729
The Critic An 18th century comedy poking fun at the dramatic conventions of
by Richard Brinsley the time.
Sheridan CN3795
The Empress Wu, A grizzled old soldier attempts to win the hand of the Empress of
The Conubine China.
Wang TCD1167
by Carey Harrison
The Lion And The A modern classic comedy set in an African village.
Jewel CN0601
by Wole Soyinka
The Old Man A radio legend about the building of Durham Cathedral in the North
Sleeps Alone of England.
by John Arden CN4257
Play Mas The fluctuating fortunes of an Indian tailor and his apprentice, set
by Mustapha Matura against the exuberant background of Carnival in Trinidad.
The Physicists The moral dilemma faced by scientists whose discoveries are
by Friedrich misused by mankind.
Durenmatt CN4030
A Trip To The world of powdered wigs and post-chaises is gloriously brought
Scarborough to life in this comedy classic set in a fashionable seaside resort
by Richard Brinsley in the 1770s.
Sheridan CN4156
D. Adaptations
The Bell Jar A powerful dramatisation of Plath's autobiographical novel.
by Sylvia Plath
Clovis In The A week-end house party with match-making its chief objective.
by Saki CN3679
The Collector A psychological thriller as a young man wins a fortune and decides to
by John Fowles extend his hobby of collecting butterflies to...girlfriends.
Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Gothic schizophrenia in murky 19th century Edinburgh.
Hyde RE0041
by Robert Louis
Filmi, Filmi, A murder mystery set in and around the film studios of Bombay.
Inspector Ghote
by H.R.F. Keating CN4372
The Lady With The A passionate affair between a married man on holiday in Yalta
Little Dog and the lady he meets while she is walking her dog.
by Anton Chekhov CN1825
The Portrait of a Anna Maxwell Martin stars as the beautiful heroine in James's
Lady poignant story of a "young woman affronting her destiny'".
3 x 60’
1. Innocence
Isabel Archer thinks she is in control of her fate but little does she
know that there are others behind the scenes pulling the strings.
2. Deceit
The beautiful and free-spirited Isabel Archer is now a very rich
woman. Two men have declared their love for her but she does not
want to be married. Resolved to enjoy her fortune, she begins her
3. Truth
Isabel, even lovelier than before, has been married to the handsome
and urbane Gilbert Osmond for three years. Like a sparkling and
brilliant jewel, she is part of his collection of beautiful things but she is
about to discover a startling truth.