Brief Description and Recommended Use: Baader Hyperion Eyepieces
Brief Description and Recommended Use: Baader Hyperion Eyepieces
Brief Description and Recommended Use: Baader Hyperion Eyepieces
© 2019 by
The Multiple Focal Length Hyperion Eyepiece Series
The term “Multiple Focal Length (MFL)” in this brief description is put in quotation marks, because
the modular design and the use of distance rings (finetuning rings) enables the user to vary focal
The Hyperion eyepieces with multiple focal lengths are multifunctional. The following
are the most important features:
1¼" AND 2" barrels both have a self-locking safety groove.
Unscrewing the 1¼" barrel (which contains the first group of lenses) allows
changing focal length by adding our finetuning rings.
The M48 thread located between the 1¼" and 2" barrels allows inserting a
2" filter.
All eyepieces are suitable for afocal and classical eyepiece projection.
Hyperion eyepieces must only be opened at the M48 filter thread at the up-
per end of the 1¼" barrel; disassembling the eyepiece elsewhere will void
the warranty! As usual, 1¼" filters can be screwed onto the 1¼" barrel.
All other construction joints are secured with locktite and can only be
opened by brute force, which should not be used!
The first group of lenses is located inside the 1¼" nose piece. If this part of the eyepiece is re-
moved, the rest of it can be used as a 2" eyepiece with a changed focal length. Similarly, if a 2" fil-
ter is inserted between the 2" and 1¼" barrels (as shown in the illustration above), another, differ-
ent focal length results. The following table details the resulting focal lengths:
Additionally, the focal length may be modified with the 14- and
28mm length Baader finetuning rings (FTR). The focal lengths
achieved this way are in middle part of the table above.
Example: the Hyperion 17.0mm eyepiece changes to 13.1mm focal
length with the 14mm FTR, to 10.8mm focal length with the 28mm
FTR, and to 9.2mm focal length with both FTR’s used together.
Use of a 2″ Stoppring:
The combination of a Hyperion eye-
piece, a 14mm finetuning ring,
2″ stopp ring, 1¼″ barrel and AP 2″
Maxbright star diagonal is shown
The M43 thread serves for attachment of T2 accessories for classic eyepiece projection. A stepper
ring from M43 onto T2 thread (Hyperion M43/T2 #2958080) is to be used in this case.
Hyperion eyepiece.
Hyperion M43/T2 ring (#2958080).
Recommended T2 extension tube, length 7.5 mm
Optional T2 extension tube, length 40 mm
(#1508153) for further increasing the projection magnifi-
The illustration at left shows the necessary parts to attach a
video-camera with a M28 thread at the front of the lens.
Hyperion eyepiece.
Hyperion 11mm extension ring (#2958090), required
to adapt DT-rings SP54/M28 and M37.
Hyperion DT-Ring SP54/M28 (#2958028).
Video-camera with M28 filter thread at the front of
the lens.
Using Hyperion Multiple Focal Length Eyepieces with the Zeiss Diascope Fluorite Spotting
The 24, 21, 17, 13, and 8mm Hyperion eyepieces
may be used with any Zeiss Diascope Spotting
Scopes. A Baader Diascope bayonet eyepiece adapt-
er 1¼" (#2454500) is required to attach 1¼" eye-
pieces to Zeiss Diascope Spot-
ting Scopes. It is pushed onto
the 1¼" barrel of the Hyperion
eyepiece, and held in this posi-
tion by three small locking
screws locked against a bronce
clamp ring that does not mark
the eyepiece. Item-No.: 2454500
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ied by third parties. Any reproduction, duplication, electronic copying, transfer into other media or into the Internet or intra-
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