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Key Features and Benefits: Metrosoft CM 3.110

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Key features and Benefits

Metrosoft CM 3.110
Modules and functions
Table of Contents
Metrosoft CM Modules..............................................................................................................................3
BAG Basic Module .....................................................................................................................3
PROG Professional Geometry ......................................................................................................4
SQL Data base with SQL server ...............................................................................................4
SCAN Scanning ...........................................................................................................................5
DME DME-SERVER ...................................................................................................................6

Geometric Elements .................................................................................................................................7

EXEL Extended Elements ...........................................................................................................7
EXCO Extended Coordinates .......................................................................................................7
ISO Form and Position Tolerance according to ISO 1101 / ASME Y14.5M ............................8
TOTA Tolerance Tables ...............................................................................................................8
EXFE External Features, VDA initial sample report ....................................................................9
VDA1 Export and Import of Point Data ........................................................................................9
IGES1 Converter VDA to IGES .....................................................................................................9
GFIT Geometrical Bestfit ............................................................................................................9

Profiles and Surfaces defined by points ............................................................................................. 10

BAFF Basic Free Forms ........................................................................................................... 10

Surfaces and Profiles with CAD data ................................................................................................... 11

SURF Basic Module for Surface Measurement ........................................................................ 11
BORD Border Measurement ...................................................................................................... 11
CURVE Curve Measurement ....................................................................................................... 12
COFF Approximate Alignment and Bestfit ................................................................................ 12
CADVDA Import of Surface Data in VDA-FS Format ..................................................................... 13
CADIGES Import of Surface Data in IGES Format ......................................................................... 13
STEP Import of Surface Data in STEP Format......................................................................... 13
DXF Import of Surface Data in DXF Format ........................................................................... 13
CATIA-4 Import of Surface Data in native CATIA 4 Format.......................................................... 13
CATIA-5 Import of Surface Data in native CATIA 5 Format.......................................................... 13
PRO-E Import of Surface Data in native PRO-E, Creo Format .................................................. 14
UG Import of Surface Data in native Siemens NX / Unigraphics Format ............................. 14
PS Import of Surface Data in native Parasolid Format ........................................................ 14
SW Import of Surface Data in native SolidWorks Format ..................................................... 14
INV Import of Surface Data in native Autodesk Inventor Format .......................................... 14

General Modules .................................................................................................................................... 15

STAT Statistics ......................................................................................................................... 15
SPC Statistical Process Control ............................................................................................. 15
DMIS-IMP DMIS Import of Part Programs ....................................................................................... 16
DMIS-EXP DMIS Export of Part Programs ....................................................................................... 16
DMIS-DMO DMIS Protocol of Measuring Results ............................................................................. 16
DMIS-DIP DMIS Native Interpreter .................................................................................................. 17

Table of Contents Page 1

Modules for CMM Equipment ........................................................................................................... 18
MPH Motorized and Manual Probe Heads ......................................................................... 18
MPH-CAA CAA compensated Motorized Probe Head......................... ...................................... 18
PHS Rotary & Swivel Servo Probe Head .......................................................................... 18
REVO Scanning Probe REVO .............................................................................................. 19
SP25 Scanning Probe SP25 ............................................................................................... 19
SP600 Scanning Probe SP600 ............................................................................................. 19
SP80 Scanning Probe SP80 ............................................................................................... 20
PHOENIX Optical Sensor PHOENIX .......................................................................................... 20
APC Automatic Probe Changer ......................................................................................... 21
ACR2 Probe Changer ACR2 ................................................................................................ 21
SCR200 Stylus Changing Rack SCR200................................................................................. 21
SCR600 Probe Stylus Changer SCR600 ................................................................................. 22
SCR800 Stylus Changing Rack SCR800................................................................................. 22
MRC20 Stylus Changer MCR20 ............................................................................................. 22
FCR25 Flexible Probe Changer FCR25 ................................................................................ 23
SCP80 Probe Stylus Changer SCP80 ................................................................................... 23
SCP600 Probe Stylus Changer SCP600 ................................................................................. 23
ROT Rotary Table Control ................................................................................................. 23
3CMM Multi Carriage Mode .................................................................................................. 24
1DMV 1-Dimensional External Measuring Tools Online ...................................................... 24

CMM Error Compensation ................................................................................................................ 25

CAA1 Linear Error Compensation ....................................................................................... 25
CAA2 Straightness and Square ness Compensation .......................................................... 25
CAA3 Volumetric Compensation ......................................................................................... 25
CAAT1 Temperature Compensation ...................................................................................... 26

Offline Programming ........................................................................................................................ 27

GRIPS Graphic Interactive Programming System ................................................................. 27

External Workstation ........................................................................................................................ 28

EXTERN External Workstation ................................................................................................. 28
CADCO CAD Converter as independent Program .................................................................. 28

CNC Modules / Process Integration ................................................................................................ 29

SNC1 CNC Control for Geometry ........................................................................................ 29
SNC2 CNC Control for Free Form Surfaces ........................................................................ 29

Automation / Process Integration.................................................................................................... 30

IO I/O Interface for commands in Metrosoft CM part programs ..................................... 30
RCI Programmable interface for remote control of Metrosoft CM .................................... 30

General Information .......................................................................................................................... 31

Page 2 Table of Contents

Metrosoft CM Modules
Basic Module BAG
BAG is the basic component of Metrosoft CM.  Windows functionality
Metrosoft CM operates under Windows 2000,  Graphic user interface
Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7..  Part orientated data base
It features various functions such as a graphic  Separate language choice for the user
user interface, a part oriented data base and dialog and the inspection report
the making of part inspection programs in the  Metric / Inch selection
'teach-in' mode.  Online Help in the chosen dialog language
Probe calibration and the definition of coordi-  Measuring of point, straight line, plane,
nate systems are part of this module. An circle, cylinder, cone, sphere; outlier
acoustic detection of outliers allows the user to detection with acoustic signal
react immediately.  Compensation of material thickness
 Stylus calibration and storage
Metrosoft is supplied with a variety of templates
 Processing functions: intersection, sym-
for inspection report headers and report lines.
metry, connection, projection, normal, paral-
Graphic header templates are saved in the
lel, tangent, n-point construction, extract el-
standard format *.wmf and can be modified by
ement out of curve, top of cone, point shift,
the user by means of standard programs to
create min/max point or surface
obtain individual outfits.
 Definition and storage of an unlimited
16 different user languages are available, sep- number of part coordinate systems
arately for the dialogues and for the output  Features: form deviation, size, half size,
protocol. position, distance, angle, Min Max feature
BAG is the essential basis for all other modules  Min. / max. point distance and element span
of Metrosoft CM.  Numeric inspection report with individual
headers and report lines
 Part inspection programming with error
handling (continue, repeat, abort)
 Easy editing of part inspection programs by
means of parameter modification
 Multi-machine mode
 Metrosoft CM Simulator for offline mode

Metrosoft CM Modules Page 3

PROG Professional Geometry
PROG enhances BAG with additional functions for  Quick selection table for call on of part
a more comfortable measurement of geometric inspection programs
elements with unlimited use of all functions of the  Context sensitive online help
integrated data base.  Automatic graphic display of measured
Part programs can be started easily by means of a geometric elements and coordinate sys-
quick selection table. tems
Part inspection programming is completed with  Graphic protocol for geometric elements
subroutine- and loop techniques. and features
 Large coordinate display (Live Display)
Measurement statistics, range trend chart and point
distribution allow you to evaluate results just while  Automatic measurement of straight lines,
they are measured. planes, circles, cylinders, cones and
spheres; continue measurement
The user help is context sensitive: just point the  Automatic calibration of spherical,
courser onto any function and press the F1 key to discoidal and cylindrical styli
display help for that function.
 Repetition of elements and calibration
Automatic calibration algorithms increase the CMM  Mathematical filter functions for elements
system accuracy. These algorithms take the cali-  Display of measurement statistics, range
bration sphere shaft position into account. trend chart and point distribution
Automatic graphic display of geometric elements  Re-alignment function for mobile measur-
while they are measured. Additional graphic report ing systems and measuring arms
with individual point boxes for a clear overview at  Export of coordinate system differences
one glance.  Pallet coordinate systems
Measuring elements as well as features may be  Standard tolerance input for linear and
visualized graphically. angular dimensions
The display and printout of element graphics with  Automatic correction of probing direction
form deviations of geometric elements are also part  Relative measurement to reference ele-
of the functional range of the PROG module. ment
 Mirror function for part inspection program
 Insertion of loops, dialogs and bitmaps
(photos, drawings) in part inspection pro-
 Graphic and numerical positioning aid
 Extended database functions (Search,
Sort, Filter, Export inot different for-

SQL Data base with SQL server

The SQL module allows you to use data bases with  Optional use of with Microsoft Access® or
Microsoft SQL Server®. Microsoft SQL Server® data bases
If the customer has already installed an SQL Serv-  CM SQL Manager for the configuration of
er, this may be used for the data base administra- data bases
tion of Metrosoft CM. Otherwise, the supplied "Mi-  Multi-user and multi-machine operation in
crosoft SQL Server Desktop Engine" can be used. conjunction with Microsoft SQL Server®
The SQL Server supports very large data bases of  Supports large data bases > 1.2 GB size
more than 1.2 GB size, and it features true multi- in conjunction with Microsoft SQL Serv-
user operation. er®
 Supports long denominations for parts,
The SQL Server is mandatory for multi-machine
measurements, elements, features etc…
operation with one common data base.
Both data base types (Access and SQL Server)
support long names for parts, measurements, ele-
ments, features etc…

Page 4 Metrosoft CM Modules

Scanning SCAN
The SCAN module allows you the continuous  Configuration of measuring parameters:
point measuring by means of various scanning - Scanning speed
probes in conjunction with the related modules - Time interval, step width, chord height
SP 600, SP25 resp. SP80. - Probe deflection (probing force)
Flat curves and freeform surfaces may be - Lead-in / lead-out distance
scanned as well as all geometric elements. - Known / unknown scanning path
- End body: plane / sphere
The selected scanning paths are displayed
online in an OpenGL preview.  Scanning of geometrical elements:
- Flat profile
The use of star probes and angular probes will - Free form curve
enhance measuring flexibility on complex part - Straight line
geometries. - Plane-
A choice of parameters permits the optimum - Circle
configuration of the scanning process and its - Cylinder
evaluation. - Cone
If the scanning path is known the CMM follows - Sphere (incl. ISO10360-4)
exactly that specific curve. This allows you to  Filter functions for scanned points:
obtain dramatically increased scanning speeds. - Median filter (outliers)
Various mathematical filter functions allow to - FFT-Filter (scatter)
smoothen scanned points and to eliminate outli-  Selection between continuous scanning and
ers. single point measurement
 Self centering point measurement in center
hole and V-flute

Metrosoft CM Modules Page 5

The DME Server allows you to use measuring  Interface between alien measuring software
machines with WPC 2030 / 2040 controllers as- and Metrosoft CM supported CMM hard-
sociated with alien software. ware with WPC 2030 / 2040 controller
It is based on Metrosoft CM and employs all  Calibration and management of probe sys-
hardware oriented measuring functions such as tems
calibrating and managing of probe systems, defi-  Compensation of geometrical and tempera-
nition and management of reference systems ture errors
and geometrical and temperature error compen-  Supports multi machine mode
sation.  Supports rotary table
The DME server communicates to alien measur-  Communication via I++DME interface or
ing software via I++DME or Zeiss CMM-OS inter- Zeiss CMM-OS
The Metrosoft DME server supports multi ma-
chine mode as well as rotary table applications.
The exact versions of the specifications can be
found in the documentation "I++ DME support".

Page 6 Metrosoft CM Modules

Geometric elements
Extended Elements EXEL
The EXEL module allows you to measure and  Measurement of the geometric elements sur-
evaluate the geometric elements surface point, face point, slot and rectangle
slot and rectangle.  Primary vector and surrounding points in
The probing direction of surface points can be combination with surface points
determined automatically by means of neighbor  Position feature of surface points
points when measuring in CNC mode. This  Keep coordinates when measuring surface
method achieves the most accurate results. points
Circles can be evaluated according to Gauss or  Calculate circumscribed and inscribed circle
for practical use as circumscribed and inscribed  Create theoretical elements
All geometric elements may be processed as
theoretical elements through parameter input
and successively evaluated like they were
measured. DZ


Extended Coordinates EXCO

EXCO allows you to define the part coordinate  Define part coordinate system with reference
system by means of known reference points. A points
number of 3 to 6 points may be used for the so  Calculate offset-plane
called RPS alignment process.  Calculate offset-line
Also the nominal co-ordinate values can be ex-
tracted from a CAD mode (3D graphic).
Straight lines and planes which can not be
probed are generated through the relational
functions offset-line or offset-plane.

Geometric elements Page 7

ISO Form & Position tolerance according to ISO 1101/ASME Y14.5M
This module is used for calculation and output of  Straightness / flatness
form and position tolerances of features accord-  Roundness / cylindricity
ing to ISO 1101 / ASME Y14.5M.  Line / shape / surface shape
The relevant reference system can be defined  Angularity / perpendicularity
throw multiple relations according to the ASME  Parallelism
or the 3-plane-system.  Cartesian and polar position tolerance
The tolerance zone can be exactly limited or  Coaxiality / concentricity
projected by limit elements. The form of the tol-  Symmetry
erance zone can be selected.  Radial / axial runout
The tolerated as well as the reference can be  Graphic display of element and tolerance
processed according the maximum-/minimum zones
material principle.  Multiple relations (3-plane-reference)
An integrated openGL graphic display shows the  Reference system according to ASME
tolerated elements as well as its related and  MMC / LMC processing for tolerated ele-
limiting elements. The feature color shows if the ment and reference elements
element lies within or out of tolerance.  Limit elements
 Select table form of tolerance zones

TOTA Tolerance Tables

TOTA searches the tolerance tables for you.  General dimensional tolerances ISO 2768
Universal tolerances of various standards are for machined and formed parts
integrated in TOTA. Customer tolerances can be  General dimensional tolerances DIN 16901
generated in text files and used with Metrosoft. for plastic parts
Fitting tolerances according to ISO 286 are fully  General dimensional tolerances DIN 1688
integrated. The system decides automatically for 1-4 for light metals, sand-, moulds- and die
shafts (e.g. h6) and bores (e.g. H6) and will cor- cast parts
rect wrong user inputs. Reading and input errors  Customer specific dimensional tolerances
are therefore minimized.  Fitting tolerances ISO 286

Page 8 Geometric elements

External Features, VDA initial sample report EXFE
EXFE is capable of implementing user defined  User defined measuring features
features in Metrosoft CM and to print inspection  VDA initial sample report
reports. This includes the ability to integrate and  User defined measuring reports (Templates
evaluate part features (e.g. roughness) that can created with Crystal Reports from Seagate
not be measured on a CMM. Software)
EXFE allows you to create an initial sample re-
port according to VDA standard and to print it on
the corresponding VDA form.

Export and Import of Point Data VDA1

The VDA-FS format is the interface for surface  Import and Export of point and element data in
element and point data. It has been defined by VDA-FS Format (POINT, PSET, MDI, CIR-
the German association Verband Deutscher CLE)
Automobilhersteller.  Transformation Matrix TMAT
The VDA1 module in Metrosoft CM supports the
import and the export of point and element data
(POINT, PSET, MDI, CIRCLES) as well as the
transformation matrix TMAT.

Converter VDA to IGES IGES1

This module allows you to convert point and  Conversion of VDA-FS point and element data
element data from VDA-FS into IGES format. It to IGES format
supports the IGES elements 100 circular arc,  100 circular arc, 106 copious data, 116 point,
106 copious data, 116 point and 124 transfor- 124 transformation matrix
mation matrix.

Geometrical Bestfit GFIT

This function generates an optimized coordinate  3D Bestfit for an optimal coordinate system
system through 3 dimensional Bestfit. The actual out of points or parameters of geometric ele-
geometry (measured elements) is compared with ments
the nominal geometry, so that the actual coordi- Define nominal geometry
nate system is fitted (translation) and turned  Deliberate limiting of degrees of freedom
(rotation) until the actual element points corre-  Consideration of tolerances in the Bestfit cal-
spond at minimum distance to the nominal ge- culation
ometry.  Define maximum translation and rotation
Various options to limit the degrees of freedom,  Define reduction of elements
as well as the consideration of tolerances in the
Bestfit calculation provide even solutions to very X
complex part alignment tasks.
GFIT is also ideal for the mathematical definition
of multi defined alignment systems such as -->
sheet metal plate fittings.

Geometric elements Page 9

Profiles and Surfaces defined by points
BAFF Basic Free Forms
Point surfaces and profiles measured with BAFF  Measurement of point surfaces
provide the evaluation of nominal / actual com-  Measurement of flat curves (profiles), grid
parisons. curves and 3D curves
Flat curves (profiles) are measured automatically  Insert kink and interrupt in curves
in the scanning mode. They are processed to  Graphic display of point surfaces and pro-
nominal curves by means of mathematical files with printout
splines. Measuring points may be distributed with  Nominal / actual comparison of surface
different distance criteria. points, profiles and point surfaces
The successive Bestfit to the nominal curve pro-  Automatic measurement of curves (profile
vides optimum measuring results which graphic scanning)
display and printout.  Create nominal curves through splines
 Calculate extract element from a curve
 Calculate Bestfit to the nominal curve

Page 10 Profiles and Surfaces defined by points

Surfaces and Profiles with CAD data
Basic Module for Surface Measurement SURF
SURF contains the basic functionality for the  CAD functionality for free form surfaces
measurement of free form surfaces with online  Import and management of surface data in
comparison of nominal to actual values. Online ACIS format
means that each point is compared to the nomi-  Measuring of free form surfaces with online
nal surface as soon as measured. comparison of nominal to actual values
 Graphic display of free form surface errors
SURF is the basis and precondition for the mod-
with defined color mapping
ules BORD, CURVE and COFF.
 Measuring of surface points, circles, rectan-
SURF features CAD functionality for the man- gles, slots and relative points on free form sur-
agement of surface data, the preparation of faces
measurement as well as the probing of surface  Consideration of CAD attributes (Layer, Toler-
points, circles, rectangles and slots on surfaces. ances, Colors)
Surface points, circles, rectangles and oblong  Graphic inspection reports with multiple dis-
holes are automatically measured with a simple play and individual point poxes
mouse click, including collision prevention for the  "Click'n'Measure" automatic measuring:
CMM positioning. - Surface points
Selected surfaces can be easily digitalized using - Relative points
the automatic point distribution (Grid or UV- - Circles
distribution). - Rectangles
- Slots
Dimensional errors of free form surfaces can be  Automatic collision prevention
displayed in color mapping. The colors can be  Automatic point distribution
configured and defined for the graphic protocol. (Grid / UV)
CM SURF performs measuring tasks from sim-  Selection of coordinatee system in which the
ple inspection reports at few mouse clicks up to CAD-model shall be imported
comprehensive outputs with multiple graphic
display and individual design of point boxes.

Border Measurement BORD

BORD measures and evaluates borders of free  Definition of trimming edges
form surfaces. Border points to be measured can  Calculation of offset curves
be perpendicular or at any angle to the reference  Graphic display:
surface. - Trimming edge
- Offset curve
It is possible to generate, measure and printout - tolerance bands
trimming edges and offset curves. - deviation A and B
Further you can measure character lines.  Distribution of points on the intersection curve
with various distance criteria:
- Number of points
- Length of arc
- Length of chord
- Chord difference (radius dependent)
- File preset value
 Measure border points normal or oblique to
free form surfaces
 Evaluation of deflection and trimming edge
A = Deflection
B = Edge deviation
 "Click'n'Measure" automatic measuring:
- edge points

Surfaces and Profiles with CAD data Page 11

CURVE Curve Measurement
CURVE measures CAD based profiles.  Definition of intersection plane or cylinder
 Calculation of the intersection curve on the
At first, an intersection curve is calculated out of CAD model
the CAD model. The CAD model can be inter-  Distribution of points on the intersection
sected with freely defined planes or cylinders. curve with various distance criteria:
For a measurement in CNC mode the target - Number of points
points can either be interactively distributed on - Length of arc
the created intersection or on the 3D curves - Length of chord
existing in the CAD model. Also they can be - Chord difference (radius dependent)
calculated automatically using different parame- - File preset value
ter.  Profile measurement with online nominal /
actual comparison
Deviations of actual points in relation to the in-
 Graphic display of tolerance bands
tersection curve are displayed online during
 Graphic display of profiles
measurement. Online means that each point is
compared to the nominal surface as soon as  Graphic inspection report of profiles with
measured. The limit points for the CNC opera- grid, tolerance band etc.
tion are calculated automatically. The needed
intermediate points for the CNC function can be
calculated automatically.

COFF Approximate Alignment and Bestfit

COFF is required for the approximate alignment  Approximate alignment with point Bestfit
and the Bestfit of free form surfaces.  Surface Bestfit in various modes:
High accuracy algorithms are used for top re- - limit the degrees of freedom
sults in order to minimize the distance between - minimize point deviations
actual points and CAD data. This allows you to - set points to zero
achieve optimum measuring results. - disregard points
The user friendliness is enhanced by the graphic  Surface Bestfit with tolerance consideration
interactive operation.  Use approximate alignment points for the
measurement process
The option to limit the degrees of freedom and to
 Limit the Bestfit to individual coordinates
disregard individual points or set them to zero,
as well as the consideration of tolerances make
the Bestfit module a very flexible and powerful

Page 12 Surfaces and Profiles with CAD data

Import of Surface Data in VDA-FS Format CADVDA
This module allows you to convert nominal CAD  Import surface data in VDA-FS format and
data in VDA-FS format (version 1.0 and 2.0) into save them as Metrosoft CM elements
the ACIS standard format used in Metrosoft CM.  Options for the conversion
 Log file

Import of Surface Data in IGES Format CADIGES

This module allows you to convert nominal CAD  Import surface data in IGES format and save
data in IGES format (up to version 5.3) into the them as Metrosoft CM elements
ACIS standard format used in Metrosoft CM.  Options for the conversion
 Log file

Import of Surface Data in STEP Format STEP

This module allows you to convert nominal CAD  Import surface data in STEP format and save
data in STEP format (AP203 and AP214) into them as Metrosoft CM elements
the ACIS standard format used in Metrosoft CM.  Options for the conversion
 Log file

Import of Surface Data in DXF Format DXF

This module allows you to convert nominal CAD  Import surface data in the DXF format and
data in DXF format (2000/2002 and R12) into the save them as Metrosoft CM elements
ACIS standard format used in Metrosoft CM.  Options for the conversion
Only 2D elements are supported  Log file

Import of Surface Data in native CATIA 4 Format CATIA-4

This module allows you to convert nominal CAD  Import surface data in the native CATIA 4
data in native CATIA format (version 4.1.9 to format and save them as Metrosoft CM ele-
4.2.4) into the ACIS standard format used in ments
Metrosoft CM.  Options for the conversion
 Log file

Import of Surface Data in native CATIA 5 Format CATIA-5

This module allows you to convert nominal CAD  Import surface data in the native CATIA 5
data in native CATIA 5 format (version R6 to format and save them as Metrosoft CM ele-
R22) into the ACIS standard format used in ments
Metrosoft CM.  Options for the conversion
 Log file

Surfaces and Profiles with CAD data Page 13

PRO-E Import of Surface Data in native ProEngineer, Creo Format
This module allows you to convert nominal CAD  Import surface data in the native PRO-E
data in native Creo, PRO-E format (version 16 to format and save them as Metrosoft CM ele-
Creo 2) into the ACIS standard format used in ments
Metrosoft CM.  Options for the conversion
 Log file

UG Import of Surface Data in native Siemens NX / Unigraphics

This module allows you to convert nominal CAD  Import surface data in native Siemens
data in native Siemens NX / Unigraphics format NX/Unigraphics format and save as nominal
(version NX1 to NX8) into the ACIS standard data
format used in Metrosoft CM.  Options for the conversion
 Log file

PS Import of Surface Data in native Parasolid Format

This module allows you to convert nominal CAD  Import surface data in native Parasolid for-
data in native Parasolid format (version 14 to 25) mat and save them as nominal data
into the ACIS standard format used in Metrosoft  Options for the conversion
CM.  Log file

SW Import of Surface Data in native SolidWorks Format

This module allows you to convert nominal CAD  Import surface data in SolidWorks format
data in native SolidWorks format (version 2003 and save them as nominal data
to 2013) into the ACIS standard format used in  Options for the conversion
Metrosoft CM.  Log file

INV Import of Surface Data in native Autodesk Inventor Format

This module allows you to convert nominal CAD  Import surface data in Autodesk Inventor
surface data in native Autodesk Inventor Format format importieren and save as nominal data
(version V11 to 2012) into the ACIS standard  Options for the conversion
format used in Metrosoft CM.  Log file

Page 14 Surfaces and Profiles with CAD data

General Modules
Statistics STAT
Metrosoft CM provides numerous functions for  Frequency distribution
the statistical evaluation of features.  Trend diagram
 Statistics data page
The trend diagram shows the actual values of all
 Print statistics window page by page
measurements for the manufacturing process
 Print several statistics windows on one page
control. All values are classified in defined rang-
(2, 4 or 6)
es (according to Gauss) and are presented in a
histogram. The statistic data file is also included  Data export in the Q-DAS ASCII Transfer for-
in the module. mat (qs-STAT, Procella) incl. any K-Fields
 Statistical data export into MS Excel
Various filters and flexible print options enhance  Machine tool performance Cm and Cmk
the functionality of STAT.  Statistical functions with graphic report for
In combination with other quality management geometry and free form surfaces
systems Metrosoft CM allows you to export the
statistical data in the Q-DAS format.
The statistical parameters and diagrams can be
configured in individual graphic protocols for
geometry and free form surfaces.
The graphic measuring report contains as well
statistical evaluations of measured points as well
as the statistic evaluation of a series of meas-
ured features.

Statistical Process Control SPC

The SPC module is the completion of STAT.  SPC control charts for
Control charts for the average value, range, - Average value
standard deviation as well as flexible sampling - Range
are the functions for statistical process control - Standard deviation
SPC.  Flexible sampling rate
 Process capability Cp and Cpk
All relevant statistical parameters can be printed
 Preliminary process capability Pp and Ppk
and recorded.

General Modules Page 15

DMIS-IMP DMIS Import of Part Programs
The international DMIS standard defines meas-  Import of DMIS part inspection programs
uring programs in a vendor independent, neutral  Conversion into the Metrosoft CM format
format. DMIS allows you at the stage of part  Supports DMIS Version 5.2
design to define the measuring process and to  DMIS settings for import
prepare complete part programs for quality con-  Characterization file to define supported
trol. DMIS expressions
The DMIS-IMP module permits to import DMIS
measuring programs and to convert them into
the Metrosoft CM format.
The glossary of supported DMIS expressions is
documented in a Characterization File.

DMIS-EXP DMIS Export of Part Programs

The DMIS-EXP module permits to export part  Export of CM part inspection programs
measuring as a DMIS file.  Supports DMIS Version 5.2
 Characterization file to define supported
Metrosoft CM can thus be used as a master sys- DMIS expressions
tem. Part inspection programs are generated,
 DMIS settings for export
optimized and stored in this system and may be
distributed to CMM equipment of different ven-
dors by means of the DMIS interface.
If all systems are operated with Metrosoft CM,
then the data exchange may be done directly via
the central data base rather than in DMIS.

DMIS-DMO DMIS Protocol of Measuring Results

DMIS measurement results are often required for  Measuring data protocol in DMO format
inspection reports.  Supports DMIS Version 5.2
 DMIS settings for result export
The DMIS-DMO module allows you to export
 Characterization file to define supported
measuring data into a DMO file.
DMIS expressions
The measuring data may thus be attached to the  DMIS settings for result export
part as data file or may be transmitted by e-mail.
This way the recorded data can easily be evalu-
ated and stored.

Page 16 General Modules

DMIS Native Interpreter DMIS-DIP
The DIP module allows you to run DMIS part  Native DMIS interpreter
inspection programs right within Metrosoft CM.  Supports DMIS 5.2 standard
The programs are interpreted within the ASCII  Direct measuring process out of DMIS file
file without need for prior conversion.  High Level Language interpreter
- Variables, expressions, formula
The DMIS Interpreter (DIP) features a number of
- Operators (arithmetic, logical, compare,
comfortable text editing functions, e.g. "search &
text, trigonometric)
replace", "copy, cut and paste" to support the
- IF, THEN, ELSE decisions
Input tools and color coding of DMIS commands,  Programming with DMIS Editor
as well as the automatic syntax check enhance - Syntax-Check
the performance and reduce program errors. - Search and replace
- Copy, cut, insert
DIP supports the DMIS 5.2 Standard. Besides
genuine measuring functions, DIP also supports - Edit commands dialogue guided
High Level Language Extensions for complex - Insert and learn (teach-in) commands
commands, i.e. variables, attributes, expres- - Input assistance (Code completion)
sions, formula, operators and logical decisions. - Color coding of DMIS commands
- Variables control window
Increased comfort for editing functions such as
- DMIS terminal for text in- and output
selective stop with a choice of criteria etc. sup-
port the run-in and check of DMIS programs. - Message window for syntax errors
 Execution of DMIS programs
- Execute from and to cursor position
- Execution with parameter modification
- Single step execution
- Set stop marks
- Selective stops
- Pause mode
- Call of subprograms
- Execute external programs

General Modules Page 17

Modules for CMM Equipment
M PH Motorized and Manual Probe Heads
The motorized Renishaw probe head MPH (e.g.  Probe system recall incl. swivel of PH10
PH10) is suitable for the measurement of any  Probe head rotation & swivel
part. The PH10 rotates 360° and swivels 105°.  User dialog for manual probe heads
Each position can be calibrated automatically  Supported probe heads:
and stored as probe system in Metrosoft CM. At – Renishaw PH9 / PH10
a probe system change, the correct PH10 – Renishaw MIH / RTP 20
alignment is automatically set. A user dialog is – Stiefelmayer HA
available for the manual probe head MIH. – Zeiss RDS (incl. CAA)

MPH-CAA CAA compensated Motorized Probe Head

Time needed for the calibration can be signifi-  Localize PH10-iQ
cantly reduced with the CAA compensated  Calculate PH10-iQ probe deflection
PH10-iQ probe head from Renishaw. The PH10-  Rotate/swivel probe head without calibration
iQ includes a CAA compensation file. After cali- (for triggered probe systems with one stylus
brating only six angle positions, all 720 positions in sensor direction)
can be used right away.

PHS Rotary & Swivel Servo Probe Head

Metrosoft CM3 in conjunction with WPC control-  Free mounting position of PHS1 head
ler allows you to measure with the Renishaw  Initialization of PHS1 probe head
PHS1 probe head in any position, after only one  Automatic sphere calibration of PHS1 head
initial calibration (with WPC controller).  Automatic error compensation, including
Measurements are simplified by the automatic deflection of the extension
pre-alignment of the PHS into the element axis.  Loading of probe system with PHS swivel
 Rotation & swivel of probe via joystick
 Automatic pre-alignment into the element

Page 18 Modules for CMM Equipment

Scanning Probe REVO REVO
This module controls the probe head Renishaw
REVO with integrated scanning probe system.
The REVO is controlled via the Renishaw I++
DME Server.
The calibration of the probe head as well as of
the probe systems is being processed within the
Renishaw I++ DME Server.
In order to scan, the module SCAN is required.

Scanning Probe SP25 SP25

This module controls the compact analog scan-  SP25 calibration and configuration
ning probe Renishaw SP25.  Indexing of the probe head with PH10
 Accurate single point measurement
It requires the module SCAN for the continuous
scanning of Elements.
The SP25 probe allows you also the accurate
measuring of single points.

Scanning Probe SP600 SP600

This module controls the analog continuous  SP600 calibration and configuration
scanning probe Renishaw SP600.  Indexing of the probe head with PH10
 Accurate single point measurement
It requires the module SCAN for the continuous
scanning of Elements.
The SP600 probe allows you also the accurate
measuring of single points.

Modules for CMM Equipment Page 19

SP80 Scanning Probe SP80
This module controls the analog precision scan-  SP80 calibration and configuration
ning probe head Renishaw SP80.  Use of long an heavy probe styli
 Accurate single point measurement
The probe head SP80 allows you to use very
long and heavy probe styli up to 500 mm length
and 500 g weight.
It requires the module SCAN for the continuous
scanning of Elements.
The SP80 probe allows you also the accurate
measuring of single points.


Module for the control of the optical sensor  PHOENIX calibration and configuration
WENZEL PHOENIX I and PHOENIX II for  Sensor swivel with Renishaw PHS or
measuring geometric elements. PH10M
 Sensor probe changing with Renishaw
Calibration and measuring procedures are com- ACR2 or ACR3 unit
pletely integrated into Metrosoft CM.
Measurement of surface point, plane, circle,
rectangle, slot, outside cylinder, edge points and
simple gaps (flush and gap with PHOENIX I

Page 20 Modules for CMM Equipment

Automatic Probe Changer APC
Metrosoft CM supports the automatic probe  Supports Renishaw probe changer ACR1 in
changer Renishaw ACR1 / ACR3. Thus up to 8 active and passive mode
probes can be used without the need of re-  Supports Renishaw probe changer ACR3 with
calibration. 4 or 8 racks
 Calibration of probe changer
The APC module provides an additional function
 Selective re-calibration of ACR1
to re-calibrate defined probe racks of the ACR1
 Load probe system incl. automatic probe
within short time.
 Change probe system

Probe Changer ACR2 ACR2

The probe changer ACR2 fits to the Renishaw  Calibration of compartments
rotary & swivel probe head PHS1.  Loading of probe system incl. automatic probe
The probes with fixed extensions are stored in  Changing of probe
compartments that are individually calibrated
 Any mounting position

Stylus Changing Rack SCR200 SCR200

The Renishaw stylus changer SCR200 is de-  Calibrate stylus changer
signed for the TP200 probe and has locations for  Load probe system including automatic stylus
up to 6 styli. change
 Change stylus
Contrary to the ACR, the SCR200 deposits just
the stylus in the rack, rather than the probe.

Modules for CMM Equipment Page 21

SCR600 Optical Sensor SCR600
The Renishaw SCR600 probe stylus changer  Calibrate stylus changer
completes the SP600.  Load probe system including automatic sty-
lus change
It stores up to four styli which can be changed  Change stylus

SCR800 Optical Sensor SCR800

The Renishaw stylus changer SCR800 is de-  Calibration of rack
signed for the TP800 probe. This rack is very  Load probe system incl. automatic probe
versatile and allows you to calibrate and store an change
unlimited number of probe systems. The racks  Probe changing
can be placed individually.  Multiple operation of SCR800 units
The SCR800 module in Metrosoft CM supports
the multiple operation of SCR800 units.

MCR20 Stylus Changer MCR20

The Renishaw stylus changer MCR20 fits to the  Calibration of stylus changer
TP20 probe and has locations for up to 6 styli.  Loading of probe system incl. automatic
stylus change
 Changing of stylus

Page 22 Modules for CMM Equipment

Flexible Probe Changer FCR25 FCR25
The flexible probe changer FCR25 enhances the  Slot calibration
scanning probe SP25. It allows you to change  Load probe system incl. automatic stylus or
modules and styli. probe module change
 Supports multiple FCR25 units
The FCR25 can be mounted either on the probe
rack MRS or onto a stand alone support.

Probe Stylus Changer SCP80 SCP80

The probe stylus changer Renishaw SCP80 fits  Slot calibration
the scanning probe SP80.  Load probe system incl. automatic stylus or
probe module change
An unlimited number of SPC80 units may be  Supports multiple SCP80 units
mounted on the probe rack MRS.

Probe Stylus Changer SCP600 SPC600

The probe stylus changer Renishaw SCP600 fits  Slot calibration
the scanning probe SP600.  Load probe system incl. automatic stylus or
probe module change
An unlimited number of SCP600 units may be  Supports multiple SCP600 units
mounted on the probe rack MRS.

Rotary Table Control ROT

Metrosoft CM supports manual as well as CNC  Rotary table settings
controlled rotary tables.  Initialize rotary table
 Position rotary table
ROT1 supports manual rotary tables, ROT2
 Define co-ordinate system of rotary table
supports semi automatic and ROT3 supports
CNC controlled rotary tables.
Module ROT3 is available for Metrocon S ROT
and WPC 2010 controllers.

Modules for CMM Equipment Page 23

3CMM Multi Carriage Mode
Metrosoft CM supports the operation of manual  Multi carriage mode for manual CMM’s
multi carriage CMM’s up to three carriages.  Operation of up to 3 measuring carriages
 Connection of up to 3 Metroterm E or
This capability includes the operation of 3 Metroterm C
measuring systems with only one software.
It is possible to connect optionally between 1 to
3 control panels.

1DMV 1-Dimensional External Measuring Tools Online

The 1DMV module is a direct Metrosoft CM  Interface for various electronic gages
interface for electronic measuring tools (e.g.
dial gauges, calipers, micrometers, height
A universal interface allows the connection to
all major brands (e.g. Mitutoyo, Tesa,
Heidenhain, Trimos, Sylvac, NSK/Helios,
Käfer, Mettler, etc.).
The connection needs an RS 232 port on the
PC and an IBR interface unit.
Metrosoft CM handles the measuring data like
user measuring features. The module EXFE is
needed as prerequisite for using 1DMV.

Page 24 Modules for CMM Equipment

CMM Error Compensation
Linear Error Compensation CAA1
The accuracy of your CMM can be increased via  Linear compensation of scale errors
mathematical compensation of machine errors.  Linear compensation of angular positioning
The errors are determined through reference errors of rotary tables
measurements and are saved in correction data  Compensation On / Off switch
files. CAA1 compensates for linear scale errors
as well as for angular errors of rotary tables.

Straightness and Squareness Compensation CAA2

Geometrical errors of machined CMM parts have  Linear compensation of scale errors
direct effect on the measuring accuracy. Module  Compensation of straightness and
CAA2 achieves the compensation of scale errors orthogonal deviations
as well as straightness and square deviations.  Compensation On / Off switch

Y X214
Z Z 0.000

Volumetric Compensation CAA3

This module compensates for volumetric errors  Linear compensation of scale errors
of the CMM.  Compensation of straightness and squareness
A total of 21 potential error sources is corrected,  Compensation of angular errors of rotary ta-
i.e. per axis 3 translatory and 3 rotary errors, bles
plus the squareness deviations between axes.
 Compensation of translatory and rotary errors
CAA3 includes the functions of the CAA1 and of machine axes
CAA2 modules.  Compensation On / Off switch

CMM Error Compensation Page 25

CAAT1 Temperature Compensation
 Compensation of temperature variations of
The temperature of both the CMM and the part
influence the accuracy of the measuring re- part and CMM
 Configuring of basic temperatures
sults. The deviations depend on the material
and may be compensated with CAAT through  Input dialog for temperatures
input of the temperature and the expansion Temperature display in the status line
coefficient.  Automatic reading of part and CMM tempera-
tures through WPT 100 unit
Unlike geometrical CMM errors temperature
variations must be recorded dynamically.  Compensation On / Off switch

The temperature input either is carried out via a

dialogue or automatic via sensor positioned at
critical machine points. ºC


Page 26 CMM Error Compensation

Offline Programming
Graphic Interactive Programming System GRIPS
GRIPS enhances Metrosoft CM to an integrated  Measure points graphically or numerically with
graphic interactive offline programming system a mouse click in the CAD model
based on CAD models.  Create intermediate points graphically or nu-
A complete measuring cycle incl. drawback  Graphic interactive CMM online measuring
points and intermediate positions is generated by
 Graphic interactive offline programming
a simple click on measuring points or geometric
 Display of the complete measuring machine
elements on the CAD model.
 Loading, display and alignment of CAD mod-
All parameters such as number of probing els
points, number and position of probing planes,  Position CAD model on the virtual CMM
sectors etc. may be selected by means of dialog  Move CMM with virtual joystick
masks.  Creation, execution, controlling and editing of
The generated measuring cycles are graphically measurement procedures
visualized on the CAD model and can be edited  Setup of inspection strategies
in all parameters.  Edge distance and security zones
 Graphic interactive editing of measurement
The simulation mode displays the probe stylus and intermediate points
as well as the probe, probe head and quill for an  Clearly arranged display of traverse paths on
easy visual collision check. the CAD model
The part inspection programs may be executed  Visual collision detection with display of stylus,
online and offline, which offers you comfort and probe, probe head swivel range and quill
safety for their test and editing.  Execute part inspection programs offline
 Configurable simulation velocity
 Collision detection during programming or
execution of the part inspection program
 Estimation of the feature related measurement
uncertainty by random scattering of probe
 Chromatically display of form deviations of
geometrical elements

Offline Programming Page 27

External Workstation
EXTERN External workstation
Metrosoft CM can be operated also as external  Operate Metrosoft CM offline without use of
workstation. expensive measuring equipment
This module is not available separately but
included in all offline licenses and packages.
With an offline license part inspection programs
can be created or edited, among others, with-
out a machine in order to reduce the cost in-
tense occupancy of the machine.
In addition an offline license can be used for
the management of CAD-models, part inspec-
tion programs and measurement results or also
for reporting.

CADCO CAD converter as independent program

CADCO is an independent program to convert  Import several CAD files in batch mode
nominal CAD data into the Metrosoft CM for-  Protocol file for the conversion
mat.  File formats according to converter modules
The number of convertible file formats depends
 If the CAD model contains several coordinate
of course on the installed converter modules
systems, one can select with which coordinate
(e.g. CADVDA, CADIGES, etc.).
system the CAD data should be imported.
An unlimited number of files can be selected  Automatic conversion with the coordinate
from different directories and converted in systems which are included in the CAD-model
batch mode. The converted files can easily be (into different files).
distributed through the network.
A protocol supplies an overall view of the con-
version. Additional information is generated for
every file to reveal possible problems during VFF
the conversion. VVF
The CADCO functionality is included in the IFM
module CM-SURF. IFM


Page 28 External Workstation

CNC Modules / Process Integration
CNC control for geometry SNC1
Module SNC1 is needed for the use of CNC op-  Support of CNC controlled CMM’s
erated CMM’s.  CMM Positioning
Metrosoft CM provides drivers for various brands
of CNC controllers.
The amount and types of available drivers is
specified in the documentation "Metrosoft CM
Driver List".

CNC control for free form surfaces SNC2

The Online measurement of free form surfaces  CNC functionality for free form surfaces
with CNC operated CMM requires the module
SNC2 in addition to SURF and the pertaining

CNC Modules / Process Integration Page 29

Automation / Process Integration
IO I/O Interface for commands in Metrosoft CM part programs
This module is a digital I/O Interface for On/Off  Digital On/Off commands
commands in Metrosoft CM part programs. It  Programmable Hold for input signal
generates control commands for input/output  Pulse output
units, such as "Start pallet loading" or "Switch
lamp ON", etc.
An optional Software Developer Kit is available
containing technical documentation, program-
ming examples, and support. This allows the
programming of a COM Server for the control
of all types of peripheral units.

RCI Programmable interface for remote control of Metrosoft CM

This module allows you to control Metrosoft  Selection of data base
CM out of external central process computers.  Selection of part and inspection program
 Start & Stop of part inspection program
This is achieved through a Microsoft DCOM
 DMIS and statistical data export
standard interface. The RCI module is the uni-
 Metrosoft CM status output
versal link for the integration of a CMM into
production units with automatic process con-

The additional Software Developer Kit with

technical documentation, programming exam-
ples and support helps the system engineer in
programming the process computer.

Page 30 Automation / Process Integration

General Information
Drivers for Measuring Systems, Probe Systems, Peripheral Units and Accessories, which WENZEL Metromec AG
supplies in conjunction with Metrosoft CM Software, are based on the technical specifications of the related sys-
tem vendor.

Drivers are developed and tested by WENZEL Metromec AG for interfaces which are specified and supplied by
the vendor at that time. Further modifications applied by the vendor do not obligate Metromec to update the driver
within a released Metrosoft CM Version.

WENZEL Metromec AG cannot be made responsible for possible restrictions in the functionality of Metrosoft CM,
caused by the interface or Hard- and Software of external systems.

Eventual license fees claimed by vendors for the use of their system interface are at any rate not covered by the
Metrosoft CM license.

WENZEL Metromec AG reserves the right to change the supplied volume of system drivers at any time according
to its own discretion.

Technical changes reserved.

WENZEL Metromec AG
7007 Chur / Switzerland

General Information Page 31


Page 32 General Information

WENZEL Metromec AG
Rheinfelsstrasse 1
CH-7007 Chur / Switzerland
Phone +41 81 257 07 00
Fax +41 81 257 07 01

 Copyright by WENZEL Metromec AG, February 2013

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