S. Asghari (2019)
S. Asghari (2019)
S. Asghari (2019)
Keywords: A series of chromium oxide catalysts supported on the mesoporous Ce-MCM-41 molecular sieves with different
Hydrothermal (Si/Ce) molar ratios have been synthesized by hydrothermal/impregnation method and compared with the
Impregnation catalysts treated by plasma energy. The effect of Si/Ce molar ratio on the catalytic activity of Cr/MCM-41
Cr2O3/Ce-MCM-41 nanocatalysts in dehydrogenation of ethane with CO2 was examined. The nanocatalysts were characterized by
XRD, FESEM, EDX, TEM, BET and FTIR analysis. According to the results obtained by XRD analysis, by in-
creasing the amounts of ceria in the support the content of α-Cr2O3 phase decreased. Also, the results of FESEM
analysis indicates that particle size decreased by increasing ceria content and more uniform morphology
achieved. Actually, the better characteristic properties and catalytic activity obtained when the molar ratio of Si/
Ce was considered 25. On the other hand utilization of plasma energy in catalyst treatment developed a catalyst
with better dispersion of chromium oxide and more uniform morphology and smaller particle size compared to
the untreated catalyst. This nanocatalyst remains stable after 300 min time on stream reaction and 62.3% of
ethylene yield achieved on it at 700 °C.
1. Introduction dispersion, redox properties and the oxidation state of chromium oxide
species affected the catalytic performance. The Cr6+, Cr5+ or Cr3+
Ethylene is a substantial feedstock for petrochemical, polymer and should be appear on the chromium supported nanocatalysts. According
chemical industries [1–3]. Light olefins such as ethylene are produced to the literature data Cr6+, dispersed uniformly on the support being
through dehydrogenation process which operates at the higher tem- raised as the most active and selective agent among the oxidation states
perature. The drawbacks such as high energy input and fast catalyst of chromium oxide [20–22]. The inappropriate dispersion of chromium
deactivation limit the operation of dehydrogenation of alkanes [4–6]. oxide creates polymeric species, which are less active and selective in
Nowadays oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) of alkanes which operates ethane ODH. In order to attain highly dispersed chromium supported
at a milder condition and overcomes the equilibrium limitation asso- nanocatalyst, below monolayer coverage of active phase on the support
ciated to dehydrogenation process is taken into consideration [7–9]. is needed. Actually, utilization of support with high surface area could
Due to restrictions such as scant catalytic activity and low selectivity to be satisfy with this specification. The mesoporous materials provide
the desired product related to the ODH process, the researchers have high surface area required to the uniform dispersion of Chromium oxide
focused on the materials that activated only C-H bond of light alkanes [17,23]. The MCM-41 is the most studied kind of mesoporous material
[10–12]. In order to find selective and active catalyst for producing with hexagonal array and one dimensional pore. The pore size of MCM-
ethylene, various catalytic systems have been investigated, among them 41 altered from 2 to 10 nm according to the structure directing agent
the supported vanadium oxide [13,14], chromium oxide [15–17] and used [24–26]. The MCM-41 has a natural structure and is not sufficient
molybdenum oxide [18,19] exhibited higher ethylene yield. In the for the process that acidic or basic properties are required. By in-
presence of CO2, the chromium oxide supported materials are the most troduction of the other metal atom on the MCM-41 framework, the
promising catalyst for ODH of ethane. The features like chromium oxide acidic properties could be changed. On the other hand, the introduction
Corresponding author. Reactor and Catalysis Research Center, Sahand University of Technology, P.O. Box 51335-1996, Sahand New Town, Tabriz, Iran
E-mail address: haghighi@sut.ac.ir (M. Haghighi).
URL: http://rcrc.sut.ac.ir (M. Haghighi).
Received 5 January 2018; Received in revised form 7 December 2018; Accepted 17 December 2018
Available online 19 December 2018
1387-1811/ © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
S. Asghari et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 279 (2019) 165–177
Fig. 1. Hydrothermal synthesis of Ce-MCM-41 with various Si/Ce molar ratios and impregnation dispersion of Cr2O3 over support.
of the other atom on the MCM-41 array changed the hydrothermal and by improving the interaction between support and active phase
stability and redox properties of support [27–29]. CeO2 is a reducible modifies the active phase dispersion and impresses the activity and
metal oxide and its utilization in the ODH of ethane could be effective stability of the catalyst.
[30,31]. On the other hand the higher oxygen storage capacity of ceria However, significant attentions have been allocated to verification
makes it as a suitable candidate for reverse water-gas shift (WGS) re- of effect of micro- and mesoporous support morphology on the ODH of
action which is involved in the ethane ODH process [32]. However, the propane and butane (for example MCM-41 [1–8], SBA-15 [9–13] and
lower thermal stability and high cost of ceria precursor limit its appli- silicalite [14]) but only few paper deals with ODH of ethane over MCM-
cation singly, as catalyst support. According to the literature data, the 41, SBA-15 and other silica-based materials [17,40,41]. Al-Awadi et al.
combination of CeO2 with the other metal oxide displays higher cata- investigated the effect of sequence of precursors adding. Results showed
lytic activity [33–35]. Laha and co-workers synthesised Ce-MCM-41 that the pore and surface characteristics of the developed catalysts
and compared its performance when Ce+4 incorporated on the MCM-41 strongly depend on the employed sequence [42]. For this reason in the
framework and concluded that the second ones showed better catalytic current study at first, Cr supported MCM-41 was used in the ODH of
activity toward cyclohexene dehydrogenation [32]. ethane. The superior performance of Cr/MCM-41 catalyst toward
Apart from the increased catalytic activity, the active phase dis- ethane ODH levitated from the small sizes of silica nanoparticles that
persion is an important factor because the increase in the dispersion leads to the high degree of dispersion for CrOx species into pores and
and stability of the catalyst leads to a reduction in the utilization of surface of MCM-41 but it suffers from the activity loss during the on
chemicals and precursors. In this study in order to reach high dispersion stream reaction. The main objective of this study is improving the
of chromium oxide on the surface of support glow discharge plasma is catalytic activity and stability of Cr/MCM-41 toward oxidative dehy-
used. The application of this kind of plasma is simple and the input drogenation of ethane. With respect to that incorporation of the other
energy required is low [36,37]. For the catalyst treatment by glow metal oxide produced new acidic and basic sites, Ce was introduced in
discharge plasma approximately, "1 Wh/g-catalyst" energy is needed the MCM-41 framework with a different molar ratio of Si/Ce. At the
[38,39]. On the other hand, the utilization of glow discharge plasma final step, the Cr/Ce-MCM-41(Si/Ce = 25) as the best catalytic system
modifies the crystallinity and surface properties of supported catalyst was treated by glow discharge plasma in order to increase the
S. Asghari et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 279 (2019) 165–177
dispersion of chromium oxide species on the support. The experimental setup for plasma treatment of synthesized Cr/Ce-
MCM-41 nanocatalysts has been shown in Fig. 2.
2. Materials and methods Fig. 3 schematically shows the methodology of Cr/CeO2 catalyst
preparation. CeO2 support was prepared by hydrothermal method. The
2.1. Materials appropriate amount of cerium nitrate hexahydrate was dissolved in de-
ionized water and stirred and then pH value was adjusted to 11 with
In order to synthesize Cr/Ce-MCM-41catalysts with different Si/Ce sodium hydroxide 1 N. The gel was transferred into an autoclave and
molar ratio, sodium metasilicate (Na2O3Si, Aldrich, 99.9%), cerium hold in an oven for 12 h at 140 °C. After that, the solid sample was
nitrate hexahydrate (Ce(NO3)3·6H2O, Merck) and cetyltrimethyl-am- filtered and washed with de-ionized water and dried at 110 °C for 6 h.
monium bromide (C19H42BrN, Merck, extra pure) were used as the Then calcined at 550 °C for 6 h to form the CeO2 support. The CeO2
sources of the silica, ceria and template respectively. Chromium nitrate support was impregnated with a proper amount of chromium nitrate
(Aldrich, 96%) was used as active phase source. NaOH and de-ionized aqueous solution for 1 h at 50 °C then dried at 120 °C for 24 h and cal-
water were used as precipitant and ion exchange media. cined at 700 °C in air ambient for 4 h. Finally, as-synthesized Cr/CeO2
catalyst was formed.
2.2. Nanocatalysts preparation and procedures
2.3. Nanocatalysts characterization
Fig. 1 shows schematically the methodology of the formation of Cr/
MCM-41 and Cr/Ce-MCM-41 catalysts. The MCM-41 and Ce containing Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was performed on a
(Ce-MCM-41) supports were prepared by hydrothermal method. A re- D5000 S with Cu Kα radiation (λ = 0.154056 nm) and operated at
quired amount of cerium nitrate was added to the mixture of cetyl- 40 kV and 40 mA in order to identify the crystal structure and crystal-
trimethyl-ammonium bromide and sodium metasilicate and stirred. It is linity. The morphology of the synthesized catalysts was studied by field
worth noting, the amounts of cerium nitrate and sodium metasilicate emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) on (HITACHI S-4160).
have been chosen in a way that the molar ratio of Si/Ce in the prepared The elemental analysis and determination of components dispersion on
support fixed at 25 and 50. The pH value was adjusted to 11 by drop the surface was conducted by energy dispersive X-ray (EDX).
wisely addition of sodium hydroxide. The white formed gel was Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images were captured on a
transferred into an autoclave and kept an oven for 12 h set at 140 °C. JEOL, JEM-2100 electron microscope operated at 200 kV. Sample was
After cooling, the solid sample was filtered and washed with de-ionized ultrasonically dispersed in ethanol and then, the suspension was de-
water and dried at 110 °C for 6 h, then calcined at 550 °C for 6 h to posited on a thin carbon film-coated on Cu grid. For addressing surface
remove the surfactant and formation of Ce-MCM-41(Si/Ce = 25), Ce- functional groups, The FT-IR spectra was gained with a Unicam 4000
MCM-41(Si/Ce = 50) and MCM-41 supports. MCM-41 and Ce-MCM-41 FTIR spectrometer using KBr plate in the range of 400–4000 cm−1 wave
supports with various Si/Ce molar ratio were impregnated with a number. The Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET), specific surface area of
proper amount of chromium nitrate aqueous solution, for 1 h at 50 °C the samples studied by a Quantachrome ChemBET 3000 instrument.
then dried at 120 °C for 24 h. A part of Cr/Ce-MCM-41(Si/Ce = 25) Samples were pre-treated at 200 °C for 30 min and were examined using
support modified by plasma energy for 45 min before calcination and nitrogen adsorption at 77 K.
finally, all of the samples calcined at 700 °C in air ambient for 4 h to
remove the surfactant. As could be seen from the Fig. 1 the Cr/Ce-MCM- 2.4. Nanocatalysts performance test
41(Si/Ce = 25)-p (“p” referred to plasma) was prepared by plasma rout
and the other samples were prepared through conventional method. Experimental setup for testing of catalytic performance of
S. Asghari et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 279 (2019) 165–177
Fig. 3. Hydrothermal synthesis of CeO2 and impregnation dispersion of Cr2O3 over support.
S. Asghari et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 279 (2019) 165–177
Fig. 4. Experimental setup for testing of catalytic performance of synthesized nanocatalysts used in CO2 oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane to ethylene.
S. Asghari et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 279 (2019) 165–177
S. Asghari et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 279 (2019) 165–177
Fig. 7. FESEM images of synthesized Cr2O3/Ce-MCM-41 nanocatalysts with various Si/Ce molar ratios: (a) Cr/MCM-41, (b) Cr/Ce-MCM-41(Si/Ce = 50), (c) Cr/Ce-
MCM-41(Si/Ce = 25), (d) Cr/Ce-MCM-41(Si/Ce = 25)eP and (e) Cr/CeO2.
3.1.5. BET analysis morphology obtained. All of these features lead to the higher surface
The specific surface area of the Cr loaded support was measured and area of Cr/Ce-MCM-41(Si/Ce = 25)-p.
was given in Fig. 11. Based on the results, Cr/MCM-41 provides the
comparable surface area with the literature [44–46]. This surface area
is appropriate in order to prevent from the formation of agglomerates 3.1.6. FTIR analysis
and establishes suitable interaction between support and active phase. The FTIR spectrum of synthesised Cr/Ce-MCM-41 catalysts with
The surface area of Cr/CeO2 is much lower than the other catalyst. various Si/Ce molar ratios is captured in the range of 400-4000 cm−1
Actually, the high surface area provided required active sites for the and is shown in Fig. 12. In the case of Cr/Ce-MCM-41, Cr/Ce-MCM-
ODH of ethane. High specific surface area creates active sites for ad- 41(Si/Ce = 25) and Cr/Ce-MCM-41(Si/Ce = 25)-p catalysts the peaks
sorption of reactants and facilitates the C-H bond and oxidant activa- observed at 480, 810 and 1075 cm−1 are assigned to symmetric
tion. The application of ceria in the support decreased the surface area stretching vibration of Si-O-Si bond [47,48] and confirmed the suc-
of catalyst. The specific surface area reduction may be due to pore cessfully synthesizing of the MCM-41 substrate. The presence of peak at
blockage of MCM-41 by ceria species. The application of plasma 1650 cm−1 is related to the physically adsorbed water [49–51]. On the
somewhat compensate for this reduction. This result is in accordance other hand, the peaks appeared at 3450 cm−1 referring to the chemi-
with FESEM and EDX analysis. By the application of glow discharge cally adsorbed water [52–54]. The intensity of this peak indicated the
energy, the small particles are formed and particles distributed in strength of catalysis in coke removing [55], which is more intense in
narrow ranges and in comparison with the other catalyst, more uniform the Cr/CeO2 catalyst and confirm the idea that higher oxygen capacity
of CeO2 is useful for ethane ODH. The peaks observed at 620 cm−1 is
S. Asghari et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 279 (2019) 165–177
Fig. 8. Surface particle size distribution histogram of synthesized Cr2O3/Ce-MCM-41 nanocatalyst: Cr/Ce-MCM-41(Si/Ce = 25)-P.
S. Asghari et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 279 (2019) 165–177
Fig. 10. EDX analysis of synthesized Cr2O3/Ce-MCM-41 nanocatalysts with various Si/Ce molar ratios: (a) Cr/MCM-41, (b) Cr/Ce-MCM-41(Si/Ce = 50), (c) Cr/Ce-
MCM-41(Si/Ce = 25), (d) Cr/Ce-MCM-41(Si/Ce = 25)eP and (e) Cr/CeO2.
assigned to the α-Cr2O3 [56] and confirmed the presence of Cr oxide 3.2. Catalytic performance toward ethane to ethylene
species in all investigated samples and is in accordance with XRD
analysis. The peaks appeared at 480, 560 and 1075 cm−1 could be re- 3.2.1. C2H6 conversion
lated to the stretching bond of Cr-O and Cr-OH stretching bond re- Dehydrogenation of C2H6 with CO2 at different temperatures is
spectively [56]. depicted in Fig. 13 for Cr/Ce-MCM-41 nanocatalysts with different Si/
Ce molar ratio. As could be seen, the ethane conversion has sig-
nificantly increased with temperature enhancement due to the en-
dothermic nature of reaction. On the other hand, the ethane conversion
depends on the ceria content at the support. The comparison of all
S. Asghari et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 279 (2019) 165–177
Fig. 11. BET specific surface area analysis of synthesized Cr2O3/Ce-MCM-41 nanocatalysts with various Si/Ce molar ratios.
Fig. 12. FTIR spectra of synthesized Cr2O3/Ce-MCM-41 nanocatalysts with The catalyst stability is introduced as one of the important factors in
various Si/Ce molar ratios: (a) Cr/MCM-41, (b) Cr/Ce-MCM-41(Si/Ce = 25),
choosing an appropriate catalyst. The catalytic performance of Cr/Ce-
(c) Cr/Ce-MCM-41(Si/Ce = 25)eP and (d) Cr/CeO2.
MCM-41(Si/Ce = 25)-p nanocatalyst as the best catalytic system
S. Asghari et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 279 (2019) 165–177
S. Asghari et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 279 (2019) 165–177
Table 1
Catalytic performance of various catalysts evaluated for ethane ODH.
Catalyst T(°C) GHSV (ml/gcat.h) Wcat (g) Feed Composition XC2H6 YC2H4 TOS (h) Activity Loss (%) Ref
4. Conclusions
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