Loid Seal - 97: Description Application
Loid Seal - 97: Description Application
Loid Seal - 97: Description Application
LOID SEAL 97 is a flexible vapour barrier
sealer designed for dual temperature service Equipment:
Caulking Gun or Trowel.
with cellular glass, cellular plastic, PIR and
phenolic foam board insulations. It remains Coverage:
soft and flexible and prevents damage to the 0.20 m²/kg at 3mm wet film thinness.
insulations materials due to thermal cycling.
Drying time:
Loid seal 97 is primary use with low 2-3 hours for skin formation and it is basically
temperature insulation to prevent the migration non-drying.
of water vapour. It is also used as a bedding
compound for cellular glass insulation. Clean up Solvent:
White spirit.
Loid seal 97 does not contain asbestos, lead
and mercury compounds. HANDLING & STORAGE
Wet: Flash point 65°C(ASTM D3278)
GENERAL PROPERTIES Dry: Combustible, slowly burns
Colour: Flame spread is negligible when used as a sealant
in 3 mm wide joints of incombustible insulation.
Specific Gravity: Permit one week to cure before placing in heated
1.50 to 1.55 service. Apply on clean dry surfaces only. Do not
thin. When used as a flashing compound LOID
Average non-volatile: SEAL 97 is effective as long as it is not toweled
Aprrox 90% by weight out to a feather edge.
(83% by volume)
Apply between 15°C to 40°C
Service temperature limits at coated
surface: Store between 10°C to 40°C.
-150º C to 105º C
When stored in a cool dry place usable life is
Water Vapour Transmission: one year
The water vapor transmission through 1 in. of
impermeable insulation in 12x 18 in. block NOTE: The properties and parameter closely
with 1/8 in. joints of Loid Seal – 97 is too resembles to Foster 95-50.
small to measure. ASTM E-96.