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Construction Permit: Block: - Phase: - Lot: - Area

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Bgy. Balaytigue, Nasugbu, Batangas


Permit Nr.:
Date Issued:
Home Address No No. No.:
Tel Nr: _________ Fax Nr: ______________ Email Add: ______________________
Tali Address : Windsong Way corner Starlight Drive
Block :__ Phase:__ Lot:__ Area:__
Municipal Building Permit: ______________________________________________

The proposed ____________________________ at above mentioned property with address located

in Talibeach Subdivision has been “APPROVED”. Property Owner, General Contractor, and its Sub-
Contractors are held responsible and liable in the compliance and adherence to THOG, Inc. Deed of
Restrictions, Construction Rules and Regulations, Established Rules and Regulations, Policies,
Procedures, and Circulars pertaining to Fees of Construction Delivery Trucks and Vehicle Fees and
following conditions:

1. To secure Work Permit at THOG Field Office Nasugbu, Batangas in order to be allowed entry
of construction materials, supplies and equipment. However, prior to issuance of THOG Work
Permit. Contractor have to submit the Building Permit issued by Nasugbu Municipal Building

2. To secure Talibeach I.D. Card for your Contractor, Architechs, Engineers, and Construction
Workers at THOG Field Office Nasugbu, Batangas with corresponding minimal fee. Submit
following requirements prior to issuance of ID Badge:
1) Latest NBI Clearance; 2) 1 pc 1x1 latest face colored picture; 3) 1 pc 2x2 latest
Face colored picture; 4) Barangay Balaytigue Clearance and/or Police Clearance; 5)
Payment of P75.00 for issuance of ID’s

3. Copy of all stamped approved building plans and building/construction permit must always
be kept in the job site for ready reference by THOG Inc. Management Construction Site
Inspector while on random inspection of the construction site and for ready reference for civil
works adherence to approved architectural and structural plan.

4. Construction Permit Number issued by THOG, Inc. Management and Building Permit issued
by Nasugbu Municipal Engineer Office must be clearly printed on a Bulletin Board and posted
on a conspicuous place along the property frontage in order to be properly read and identified
as legitimate and authorized construction structure.

5. Any injury caused to or death suffered by any of the laborers during the construction of said
house will be the sole responsibility and liability of the Lot Owner and the Contractor and its
assigned Sub-Contractors. Likewise, any injury or death which maybe suffered by any member
and or hired personnel of the construction company and or third party individual due to
movement of construction vehicles and equipment shall be the responsibility and liability of the
Lot Owner, Contractors and Sub-Contractors.

6. THOG, Inc.Management reserves the exclusive right to ban any Contractor, Sub-Contractor,
Company Employees and Laborers it may find unwelcome or a liability to the Association’s
General Welfare and Security of Tali Subdivision and its community.
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7. All driveways shall have provision for metal grill across the length of the driveway ramp to
be constructed with a maximum width over as the size of the canal for the purpose of
cleaning the canal for free flow of water in the open canal drainage.

8. Talibeach Subdivision has no Common Power Transformer in the area, hence Single
Phase Primary Voltage Line is available, thereby Lot Owner has to provide and install
owned and exclusive Step Down Power Transformer (minimum of 15KVA) to be installed
on the nearest correct Electric Pole location along the area or to be installed on owned
Electric Post and to be connected to single phase primary voltage line available.

9. Lot Owner has to install or build 2,000 gallons or more water cistern tank (underground or
above ground) as a fresh water reserve tank for immediate domestic use just in case of
water supply interruption from THOG, Inc. Central Water System.

10. Delivery of construction materials, supplies and equipment are Strictly Not Allowed during
Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. Likewise, delivery of materials, supplies, and
equipment during working days shall be between 7:00am to 5:00 pm only.

11. No delivery vehicle shall be allowed to deliver and or pull out construction materials,
supplies and equipment during heavy rainfall and immediately after heavy rainfall so as
not to cause severe damage to the rainwater soaked macadam road. Ten Wheels Dump
Truck and above are Strictly Not Allowed to Access in Talibeach road so as not to damage
Tali Cemented Roads as well as delivery truck below 10 wheels with material load that is
more than 8 tons in weight is not allowed to access Talibeach Gate.

12. Entry of Heavy Duty Equipment such as: Road Roller/Compactor, Road Grader, Backhoe,
Bulldozer, Payloader and the like aboard flatbed trailer truck maybe allowed for one time
Pass only and payment of Road User Maintenance Fee in the amount of Php 2,500.00.
Entry of which should have Permit from THOG, Inc. Management, written request
should be filed to THOG, Inc. Management one week prior to delivery of equipment for
approval. Frequent Ingress and Egress of Heavy Equipment in Tali is Not Allowed.
However, use of Heavy Truck Transit Concrete Ready Mix and Truck PumpCrete is not
allowed in Talibeach Subdivision.

13. Construction materials, supplies and equipment intended to be pulled out from project site
and to be taken out from Talibeach Subdivision should carry a Materials and Equipment
Property Pass to be inspected by Tali Security Gate Guards. Property Pass is to be
secured from THOG Field Office, Nasugbu, Batangas.

14. Any stain, damage, or disfigurement that will be caused to THOG, Inc. Members Property
and to THOG, Inc. and Talibeach Subdivision’s property (ies) such as: roads, alleyways,
canals, waterpipelines, electric poles, power transmissions lines, and other subdivision’s
extensions, directly or indirectly pertaining to delivery of materials and the construction of
house or any work activity relative to construction of house will be charged to the
Contractors, and its Sub-Contractors who is building the house or structures. Damages
will be assessed by THOG, Inc. Management and assessment will be paid by the
Contractor and its Sub-Contractor within Fifteen (15) calendar days period from receipt of
a Written Notice of Violation Assessment. Otherwise, construction or heavy equipment
operation will be stopped until such time assessments were paid.

15. Refund of Construction Bond, Cleanliness and Sanitation Bond will only be processed
when Certificate of Occupancy issued by Nasugbu Municipal Engineering Office and a
letter request for refund of Bonds has been submitted to THOG, Inc. Management. Final
ocular inspection of the project site shall be undertaken by Tali Estate Manager to
determine the completeness of the construction project/structures civil works as well as the
landscape improvement in adherence to Tali Deed of Restrictions and Construction Rules
and Regulations. Constructions refused and debris shall be disposed off outside of Tali
Subdivision with the sole responsibility of the Contractor and its assigned Sub-Contractor.
Any infraction found on the finished building in violation to the Tali Deeds of Restrictions
and Construction rules and Regulations shall mean necessary corrections and
must be complied first prior to refund of Bonds.
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16. No alterations whatsoever will be made on the duly Approved Building Plans without prior
consultation and written approval from THOG, Inc. Building and Restrictions Committee. Any
lot improvement or introduction of structure without the Approved Plan shall be deemed
violation of the regulation stated hereof.

17. THOG, Inc. Management and FEEI Management Inspector and Representatives will be
working jointly performing the necessary task of checking for compliance of Tali Deed of
Restrictions and other Regulations. THOG Inc. And FEEI Management inspectors or
representatives may inspect the project at any time during the construction project.

18. Road User Maintenance Fee of Php750.00 per truck of no more than 6 wheels with a load
delivery capacity of 6 tons only of stone boulders, backfill soil, and garden soil as well as
hauling from construction site of excavated soil and stone boulders to be taken out of Talibeach
Subdivision. Payment will be made at THOG, Inc. Management Office.

19. In any violation of THOG, Inc. Deed of Restrictions, Policies, Rules and Regulations, the
Association will issue Notice of Violation with Penalty to the Lot Owner, Contractor, Sub-
Contractor, Project Engineers and Contractor’s/Homeowner’s Representatives. Subsequently,
corresponding sanctions will be awarded and implemented such as: stoppage of construction
in the site, non access of construction materials in Talibeach Subdivision to be delivered to the
site, and no construction personnel will be allowed to access Talibeach Subdivision going to the
construction site. If such action has been undertaken, the Lot Owner, the Contractors, the Sub-
Contractors, and the workers hereby agreed that THOG, Inc. Management, Its Officers and
Representatives as a means of enforcing the Tali Deed of Restrictions, Policies, Rules and
Regulations will not need to secure an order from the court or any competent government
authority and will not be held civilly or criminally liable. Subsequently, the Lot Owner, the
contractors, the Sub-contractors and its workers hereby agreed to desist from filing any criminal
or civil action whatsoever against THOG, Inc. Management, its Officers and duly Authorized

Recommend Approval: Approved for Construction:

________________ _________________________
Tali Estate Manager Director, THOG, Inc. Committee on
Deed of Restrictions and Infrastructures


______________________ ____________________
Member THOG, Inc. Or Representative President, THOG, Inc.


THOG, Inc. Form series 2015: RJG:ASU

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