Industrial Drill Bit-Step Geometry: 10.1 Prerequisites
Industrial Drill Bit-Step Geometry: 10.1 Prerequisites
Industrial Drill Bit-Step Geometry: 10.1 Prerequisites
10.1 Prerequisites
Prior to reading and performing the steps outlined in this tutorial, you should familiarize
yourself with the steps, principles, and procedures described in Tutorials 1, 2, 3, and 4.
10.3 Strategy
The general strategy employed in this tutorial is as follows:
1) Import a STEP file that describes the drill-bit geometry.
2) Identify very short edges and sliver-shaped faces that can adversely affect
3) Use GAMBIT split and merge operations to clean up the model geometry—that is,
to eliminate the very short edges and sliver-shaped faces.
4) Mesh the model to reveal regions that exhibit poor mesh quality.
5) Apply size functions to improve the mesh in the regions of poorest quality.
10.4 Procedure
from the GAMBIT installation area in the directory path to your working directory
(for example, “/home/user/tutorial/”).
The choice of solver affects the types of options available in the Specify
Boundary Types form. The currently selected solver is shown at the top of the
STEP data files contain geometry data formatted according to a set of industry
standards. For this tutorial, the STEP data file was created using the Pro/ENGINEER
CAD program.
1. Select the Import STEP File option from the main menu bar.
GAMBIT reads the information contained in the data file and constructs the
geometry shown in Figure 10-3.
The sliver face can be best identified by means of one of its bounding edges, which
constitutes the shortest edge in the imported geometry.
In the graphics window, GAMBIT highlights the shortest edge and displays
its label. Figure 10-4 shows the general location (boxed area) of the
highlighted edge on the drill-bit geometry.
To see the edge and its associated sliver face, it is necessary to zoom in on the
edge. You can zoom in on the edge either by right-dragging the mouse downward
(from the top of the window toward the bottom of the window) in the graphics
window or by pressing the Ctrl key while left-dragging the mouse to create a zoom
box around the highlighted edge.
Figure 10-5 shows the geometry in the region surrounding the shortest edge,
including the sliver face (A)—which is shaded in the figure for illustrative
purposes only.
Face D
Shortest edge
Face C
Face B
Face A
Figure 10-5: Industrial drill bit—shortest edge and associated sliver face
a) In the Faces pick-list box, select faces A and B in Figure 10-5, above.
You can access the Faces pick list even though the Faces option button is inac-
tivated by default. (NOTE: When you select or retain the Type:Virtual (Forced)
option on the Merge Faces (Virtual) form, GAMBIT inactivates the Faces pick-
list option button to prevent access to the All option.)
c) Click Apply to merge the faces and eliminate the sliver face.
Figure 10-6 shows the virtual face (A’) that results from the merge operation.
Face D
Face C
V-face A’
To realize the benefit of eliminating the sliver face, it is necessary to eliminate the
very short edge that served as the upper part of its boundary. The edge can be
eliminated by means of the following edge-merge operation.
! The Edges:All option is available only for operations that employ the Type:
Virtual (Tolerance) option.
Face D
V-edge A’
Face C
V-face A’
Figure 10-7: Industrial drill bit—merged upper edges on former sliver face
In the graphics window, GAMBIT highlights the new shortest edge and
displays its label. Figure 10-8 shows the general location (boxed area) of the
highlighted edge on the drill-bit geometry.
2. Display the faces directly associated with the new shortest edge.
To identify the highlighted edge and its associated faces, it is best to display only
those faces that are connected to the edge.
a) On the Global Control toolpad, click the SPECIFY DISPLAY ATTRIBUTES command
button, .
iii. On the Faces pick-list option button, select the Pick option.
iv. In the Faces pick list, select the four faces (three real, one virtual) that share in
common the shortest edge.
GAMBIT displays the four faces as shown in Figure 10-9. (NOTE: The
figure includes a rectangular box that represents the zoom region for the
next substep.)
Zoom region
You can zoom in on the edge either by right-dragging the mouse downward
(from the top of the window toward the bottom of the window) in the graphics
window or by pressing the Ctrl key while left-dragging the mouse to create a
zoom box around the highlighted edge.
Face C
Edge A
Vertex a
V-face D
Face B
Shortest edge
Face A
V-edge A’
V-face B’
V-vertex a’
Vertex a
V-edge B’
V-face A’
The edge-split operation creates a virtual vertex (a’) and two virtual edges (A’
and B’) that replace edge A. As a result, GAMBIT replaces the real face (C)
that was bounded by edge A by a virtual face (B’), which is bounded, in part,
by the two new virtual edges.
4. Split one of the faces associated with the new shortest edge.
c) In the Vertices pick-list box, select vertices a and a’ shown in Figure 10-11.
GAMBIT splits the face as shown in Figure 10-12 and creates two new
virtual faces (C’ and D’).
V-face C’
V-face D’
V-face A’
V-face C’
V-face A’
GAMBIT merges the edges to create the final configuration shown in Figure
V-face C’
V-face A’
a) On the Global Control toolpad, click the SPECIFY DISPLAY ATTRIBUTES command
button, .
2. On the Global Control toolpad, click the FIT TO WINDOW command button, , to
show the full model in the graphics window.
GAMBIT merges the faces as shown in Figure 10-15. (NOTE: Figure 10-15
includes a box that outlines the zoom region for the next face-merge substep
(see Figure 10-16).)
The region at the base of the main shaft for the drill bit includes three small,
ovoid faces that cannot be eliminated by the automatic face-merge operation
described above (see Figure 10-16). Consequently, it is necessary to force the
merge operation for these faces.
Face A
Face B
Face C
Figure 10-16: Small ovoid faces at the base of the main shaft
b) In the Faces pick-list box, select faces A, B, and C in Figure 10-16, as well as the
cylindrical (main shaft) face to which they are connected.
Figure 10-17: Base of main drill-bit shaft after forced face merge operation
GAMBIT merges the edges to create the final, cleaned-up model geometry
shown in Figure 10-18. (NOTE: GAMBIT does not display the silhouette of
the outer face in the graphics window.)
f) Click Apply.
1. Select the EXAMINE MESH command button at the bottom right of the Global
Control toolpad.
The 3D Element type selected by default at the top of the form is a brick .
You will not see any mesh elements in the graphics window when you first
open the Examine Mesh form, because there are no hexahedral elements in the
b) Left-click the tetrahedron icon next to 3D Element near the top of the form.
The tetrahedral mesh elements will now be visible in the graphics window.
d) Left-click the histogram bars that appear at the bottom of the Examine Mesh form
to highlight elements in any given quality range.
Figure 10-20: Elements with EquiAngle Skew values between 0.9 and 1.0
Figure 10-21: Enlarged view of elements with EquiAngle Skew values between 0.9 and 1.0
b) Click Apply.
This default controls the resolution of the background grid that GAMBIT uses to
compute size functions. For models that include size functions, high values for this
default variable can produce highly refined meshes but can also dramatically
slow creation of the mesh. This example does not require a highly refined mesh;
therefore, it is possible to increase meshing speed by reducing this from the
standard default value (10).
b) On the Edit menu, select Defaults… to open the Edit Defaults form.
c) In the Faces list box, select the four faces shown (shaded) in Figure 10-22.
GAMBIT allows you to view the size function by means of the View Size
Function command on the Size Function toolpad.
f) Click Apply.
GAMBIT remeshes the volume. You can use the Examine Mesh form to
confirm that the size function reduces maximum EquiAngle skewness to 0.92.
i. Enter the File Name for the file to be exported—for example, the file name
File → Exit
10.5 Summary
This tutorial demonstrates the importation of CAD geometry by means of a STEP data file
and the operations that are sometimes required to clean up such geometry and render it
suitable to GAMBIT meshing operations. In this case, the initial mesh of the drill-bit
volume included highly skewed elements. The creation and application of a size function
eliminated the skewed elements upon remeshing.