DDFFMM: All-Plastic Variable Area Flowmeters
DDFFMM: All-Plastic Variable Area Flowmeters
DDFFMM: All-Plastic Variable Area Flowmeters
Over the last ten years many thousands of DFM units Pipework
have been supplied to practically every industry in Mainly for use with rigid PVC imperial pipe. Alternative
the UK. All units are available on quick delivery from screwed BSF female inserts available. See table on page
our extensive stock. 2 and note dimension 'd' (socket dia) which is also
imperial pipe O.D. to be used.
Advantages Installation
Vertical - flow upwards. For best results ensure
3-50,000 litres/hour liquid in 13 ranges each with pipework vertical to within 2/3°.
10:1 operating span Valves
6 different overall lengths from 165-350mm For liquids may be installed upstream or downstream.
Choice of tube materials depending upon operating For gases install valves downstream only.
temperature and pressure up to 100°C and 10 Bar
Positive pipe 0-ring sealing requiring less tightening
effort when installing
Standard or magnetic floats (where alarms required)
of identical mass ensure identical flow ranges when
Optional equipment
Up to 3 in number bi-stable or mono-stable switches,
Optional bi-stable adjustable alarm on rear slide
comprising volt free contacts to handle 240V 5 amp
Optional 4-20 mA transmitter
max current. A 4-20mA transmitter is also available.
Tube Material: PVC, Polyamide, Polysulphon
End Fittings: Rigid PVC socket connections for adhesive
pipe coupling. BSP threads available.
Special stainless steel inserts available.
Cast iron end caps for higher temperature
Float: Fully encapsulated PVDF. Stabilising ring
fitted to larger sizes ensuring steady flow
indication without wobble
Float Stops: PVDF
0-Rings: Standard EPDM, Special Viton, etc.
Technical data
Accuracy: ±2.5% full scale
Max Pressure: 10 Bar operating (at 20°C - see chart for
operating pressures versus temperature)
Temperature: PVC 60°C, PA 75°C, PSU 100°C
(see chart) for operating pressures versus
Scaling: L/hour H20 standard plus 0-100% max
flow. Special product scales available
Flow Ranges: See table on page 23 and quote
model number
Materials of Construction
Standard Options
Tube PVC Polyamide,
Float PVDF
Float trap PVDF
Union nut PVC Cast Iron, St/steel
Insert PVC St/steel
O-Rings EPDM Viton Teflon
Nominal Socket Air Range Water Range PVC Tube Polyamide Tube Polysulphon Tube
Size Bore NM3/hr
l/hr Std Mag Std Mag Std Mag
DN ‘d’ 1 Bar Abs
ins BSP mm 20°C 20°C Float Float Float Float Float Float
Note: For air or gas flows model number may vary and will be advised at order stage. Ex Stock Flowmeters
Density / Viscosity Effects Special Scales
All DFM flowmeters are calibrated and scaled in Computer calculated and plotted scales are available
Litre/Hour Water, density 1 Kg/litre at 20°C or Air which incorporate all these variables and also for
at 1 bar A at 20°C. Variation in viscosity and density gas flow measurement at
from that of water 1 mPas will affect the scaling range, varying temperatures,
but guidance on such an operation has to be obtained pressures, densities
from our computer programme. and viscosities.
Calibration facility
UK / Europe Office Australian Office USA / Canada Office
Tel: +44 845 9000 601 Tel: +61 282 442 363 Tel: +1 866 849 3441
Fax: +44 845 9000 602 Fax: +61 294 751 278 Fax: +1 866 625 8055
info@omni.uk.com info@omniinstruments.com.au info@omniinstruments.net
www.omniinstruments.co.uk www.omniinstruments.com.au www.omniinstruments.net