SPCC Module No:1
SPCC Module No:1
SPCC Module No:1
Module no:1
Q.1 Differentiate between System software & application software.Or What is system software &
application Software? State Difference between Application programs& System program ? Compare
compiler & interpreter.
Module no:2
Q.1 with reference to the assembler explain the following table with sutaible examples 1.MOT 2.POT
3.ST 4.BT 5.LT
Q.2 Draw flowchart & explain with databases the working pass 2 of assembler .Or Explain the design
of tow pass assembler with flowchart & databases.
Q.3 Draw the flowchart of a pass-1 of two pass assembler design & explain in detail.
Q.4 Explain forward reference problem & how it is handled in assembler design.
Module no :3
Q.1 Explain macro & macro expansion Or Explain different features of macro with example.
Q.3 with reference to macro processors , explain the following tables with sutaible examles1.MNT
Module no :4
Q.1 Explain working of direct linking loaders withn examples, show entries in different databases
built by DLL.
Q.2 Explain various functions of the loader. compare linking loader & linkage editor. Or explain
different functions of loader.Or Explain the various function of a loader.
Q.3 For the following grammar construct LL(1) parsing table & parse the string (a-a).
Q.4 Explain various function of the loader. also explain the design & flowchart of Absolute loader.
Module no: 5
Q.1 Differentiate Top-Down & Bottom-up parsing techniques. Explain recursive descent parser with
an example. Or Differentiate Top-Down & Bottom-up techniques. explain shift reduce parser in
Q.2 Explain various functions of the loader. Also explain the design & flowchart of Absolute loader.
Q.8 State difference between LL parser & LR parser. Or Compare LR(0), LR(1) & LALR parser.
Q.9 What do you mean by operator precedence grammar ? with the help of following given
grammar. parse the input string.
Module no:6
Q.1 Explain different code optimization techniques with examples. Or Explain the different code
optimization techniques in compiler design.
Q.2 Explain different types of intermediate code representations. Or Explain different types of
intermediate code representation with examples?
Q.8 Explain the different phases of the compiler. illustrate the output after each phase for the
following statement.
The End