Exercise 8: Morphological Examination Exercise 11: Phylogenetic Tree Construction: Single Marker Analysis
Exercise 8: Morphological Examination Exercise 11: Phylogenetic Tree Construction: Single Marker Analysis
Exercise 8: Morphological Examination Exercise 11: Phylogenetic Tree Construction: Single Marker Analysis
Values describe whether a that will be used to create
clade is strongly/ moderately/ organism’s phylogenetic tree
weakly supported Still very useful especially in taxa with
BS values > 85% are strongly no prior phylogenetic placements or
supported when the taxa only has a specific
3. Bayesian Inference (BI) or Bayesian Analysis gene region that can be readily
Infers relationship by estimating the targeted and amplified.
probability of the tree topology
given the data and model (rather
than the probability of the data
given the model and tree topology
which is employed by ML)
Posterior Probabilities (PP) ranges 0-1
BI support values
posterior probability of
phylogenies is approximated
by sampling trees from the
posterior probability
uses algorithms known as
Markov chain Monte Carlo
(MCMC) or the Metropolis-
coupled Markov chain
Monte Carlo (MCMCMC).
PP ≥ 0.95 strongly supported
Phylogenetic Softwares
1. Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis
Provides conditions that allow initial
MP, ML and NJ analyses.
2. Phylogenetic Analysis using Parsimony
Conduct model search tests such as
MrModelTest and for maximum
parsimony analysis
3. MrBayes
Software specialized for Bayesian
4. Randomized Axelerated Maximum
Likelihood (RAxML)
Another software that specializes in
maximum likelihood analysis
A free, open access engine that
allows to submit their aligned
sequences in specific phylogenetic
Single-marker analysis
Phylogenetic studies requires a single
set of molecular data to be used
The sequence that can provide
reliable amount of informative data