Al Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital Volunteers in Service Program (VIS) Volunteer Work Development Report
Al Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital Volunteers in Service Program (VIS) Volunteer Work Development Report
Al Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital Volunteers in Service Program (VIS) Volunteer Work Development Report
Start date:
End date:
Table of contents
1. Introduction of individual…………………….……………………………...4
2. Organization profile….……………………….……………………………...5
Founded …………………………………………………………………………..…...5
Location ………………………………………………………………………….…..….5
Free ambulance…………………………………………………………………………6
Food distribution………………………………………………………………..……...6
President of organization……………………………………………………………...7
Doctors room……………………………………………………………………………11
Administrative room…………………………………………………………………….12
1. Introduction of the individual
Name of student:
Registration No:
Contact Number:
Mission of life:
2. Organizational profile
1.1 About:
There are a few networks inside Mughalpura region and the weight of populace on deficient
framework brought about intense issues of Health, Sanitation, Education and Environment.
Under such conditions taught youth and few old people coordinated themselves in a network
based association to work for the government assistance of the populace. This gathering
distinguished their serious issues as Health and Medical Facilities.
"AL-EHSAN WELFARE SOCIETY" on October eighth, 1993. With this conventional work for
the inspire of the network 27 Years back had prepared for a "Social Welfare Complex" starting
Al-Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital is situated near Shalimar Link Road, MughalPura, and Lahore,
Pakistan. The medical clinic plan is operational in two movements morning time (8am – 2pm)
and evening shift is (5pm - 9pm).
Free ambulance service:
Al ehsan welfare eye hospital gives free rescue vehicle administration to the patients. There is no
charge, totally free for each meriting individuals. On account of crisis, oxygen cylinder
accessible in the ambulance for the patients.
Food distribution:
There is every month free distribution of food to some deserving individuals. Additionally they
are giving the sewing machine to the widows and furthermore helping the impaired patient
aiding or giving the costs to the debilitation. There are generally out of city auto versatile free
eye camp with Eye specialist doctors and surgons with completely outfitted the optometrists with
most recent innovated technolgy. they also give free glasses, eye drops, and free medical
procedures in Eye Unit. And moreover give 'Rashan' as food distribution in Ramadan.
President of organization:
SANA ULLAH KHAN is the president of the Al-Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital. He is very kind
and helpful person who provides assistance or aid to the needy and poor people in the society.
Al-Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital test framework is extremely smooth, first the patient get the
token number and the staff help them to stay in setting region which is situated outside the
hospital. In setting region each facility available like water, washrooms and agreeable. this
system also help them to develop a system which actual create social distance because not all
patient allow to wait in hospital setting area or lobby its separate area allocated for patient where
they sit and wait their token number is recall. One of staff part call the token number of the five
patient then they ready to enter medical clinic by means of sanitizer door and wear cover
additionally obligatory to enter in the medical clinic These are the sops they are stickily fellow.
At that point the patient keeps up a queue where the information is entered like (name of the
patient, patient id card and number) and create a PC robotized slip where everything is
mentioned its free slip don't take a solitary penny of cash. There is a particular number which is
allotted by PC it's the particular number when the patient is enter for the analyze. A staff member
activate automated machine which reviews that particular number on loud speaker. Now there
are state of the art equipment available for diagnose the patient problem by pressuring the eye
and other updated method. Then they suggest the concern doctor to checkup or fellow up and the
specific token number also operational now
Check up from the specialist recommend that the particular medication or test or activity. These
all movement performs on first floor. Presently they have office to step through their
examination from the medical clinic lab which is accessible on second floor they have the whole
gear laser and activity focus on second floor. On third floor they have the ward for the patient.
Al-Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital infrastructure state of the art is developed. Al-Ehsan Welfare
Eye Hospital foundation cutting edge is created.
The representative of the Al-Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital is exceptionally huge in number.
Presently, there are more than 100 for one move employees working in the Al-Ehsan Welfare
Eye Hospital. They are safety officers, drivers, medical attendants, retailers, sweepers, specialists
and managerial staff.
Hierarchy of AL-Ehsan
Ground Floor
First of all the central part of hospital Called OPD where lining staff maintain the
patient to ensure the token number and invoices of the both ladies and gents lines, and
also making the split-up of ladies and gents sitting areas and also controlled the patient
and their attendant to shout misbehave, and also responsible for the patient to guide an
right path to the doctors rooms and lab.
Al-Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital has very supportive and well-mannered staff.
They also help disabled and handicap patient with sticks or wheel chair patient and carry
them to the doctor room by themselves. Sometimes provides essential FMCGS, eye
drops, tablets, and other things to the patient and their attendant. The management of
the patient is very outstanding. It is include in the staff duty to make not more rush,
hutting, teasing and no more rush in the OPD. If there is the any patient misbehave or its
attendant they deal with respect and saying that to be sorry words and dissolved with
professionally and courtesy all the conflicts. Sometimes the patient and their attendants
become very hyper due to the wait in hospital but the staff managed carefully. The words
that used for patient and their attendant like be that “Respected Mam, Respected Sir”
and also managed the kids with playing and sometimes take care.
1st Floor
At first floor, Operation Theater where three doctors operates at the same time.
The operation theater is fully equipped in which international surgical and ISO rules and
regulations. The machines and instruments after and before of every surgery fully sterilized with
the chemicals required with the help of machines. Patients removed their shoes outside the room.
There are disposable surgery dress for staff, caps and soft used while the operations in Operation
Theater. First of all the doctors wash their hand and wear medicated dress before and after
operations the doctors again wash hands.
2nd Floor
Room number 12 locate on second floor where little babies, kids and special persons eyes
checkup perform with complete medical equipped instruments . Room number 11th is used for
the purpose of OCT test in which light is passes through inside the eye layers by the
professionally trained staff members. Room number 10th is a doctor room where time is given to
the patients for eye operation .lenses number and size get by the patients at room number 9after
cataract eye operate with latest machines .then three major test held in the room number 8th.
3rd Floor
Marketing and fund raising department process to be performed at third floor. There is the
Collection of zakat or donation from different areas and cities even from foreign countries,
where donors donate money.
There is also laboratory at this floor where different type of test available for the patients. The
entire medical lab test can be easily take and fully hygienic staff and equipment. Here test list is
given below
4th Floor
There is fourth floor in the hospital that is multipurpose hall and also called Tamal Ul
Maskeen where poor, unaffordable and the people, who come from the different cities for the
treatment of eyes, can easily eat food having proper sitting place. They also give annul dinner
Doctors Rooms
There are 6 doctors room in the hospital. Two specialists work at the exact day. All the
specialists completely expertly prepared and passed 'MBBS' And 'FCPRS' degree , they all are
the best , notable experienced and well act specialists with the patient and make appropriate
supporting and guide the additional data in regards to their case once in a while they give eyes
drops, tablet, free medication and work to the individuals who unfit to pay. And they also advise
to their eye attended to be fully hygienic with hand sanitized and wearing disposable and also
surgical gloves and then Dilation of the patients its means dropping of the eyes drops with full
concentration and care.
Administration Room
Administrator office is liable for all exertion of OPD and all staff the board, they have
control everywhere on the hospital staff just as arrangement public prerequisites, expertly well
carry on and completely deal with persistent reassuring and if there is any issue, debate happen
in OPD they settle issues and manage sociability. They carefully focused on the rules and
regulation and SOPS of organization and advised other staff members to follow and avoid any
type of misbehave with the patients and their attended. Patients and attended move at
administrator room after examined get data and work methodology and lab test for additional
inquiry. On the off chance that somebody exceptionally poor or impair quiet so all lab tests free
because of his/her condition past the desires which makes this place the extraordinary from the
others emergency clinic. If any emergency case happens then they deal initially by writing the
emergency word on her/his slips to convert a different slip from other patients and they all
perform by the admiration officers. If they allow the patient to examine quick, then they get their
checkup otherwise patients has to be wait according to their token number.
3. Date/day wise activities (individually)
Ist day at al Ehsan welfare hospital I reached at sharp 9 o’clock. I met senior
counseling officer Madam Nadia khawar, I provide them my placement letter to concern
department of Al-Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital which is issued by UCP Vis department. Madam
Nadia my supervisor welcomes me in his organization and engages with other staff member of
Al-Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital. She briefly disused the history of the organization and almost
500 patients are treated on daily bases by 6 eye specialized doctors. It is social welfare society
working for the free eye treatment for the deserving people. She also helped me for ensuring my
task which I have to perform in the organization as a volunteer..
At 2 pm I look for confirmation to my supervisor to leave the Al-Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital. I
have marked my attendance on hospital register as well as at UCP-VIS site attendance record
Day 2……4.11.2020
Cooperative staff:
At the point when I enter second day in the organization I need to play out my
obligation I met with the staff individuals who monitor me the method of going to patients in a
grouping way .I worked in keep up the queue and maintain social distance among the
individuals. Staff members likewise show the distinctive office in the association and significant
offices which I personally visit are regulatory office, refraction room, operation theater, account
offices, manage counter, reception and OPD. I visit and look that how staff individuals playing
out their given errands. All office staff agreeable and supportive and they escort me totally.
At 2 pm I look for confirmation to my supervisor to leave the Al-Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital. I
have marked my attendance on hospital register as well as at UCP-VIS site attendance record
Day 3……5.11.2020
Patient Management:
Third day I perform my act that how to manage the patients and their attendant
without making their crowd. I guide the procedure that how they make token slips from the
reception, how they pay the payment, from where they can get their eyes check-up and all that. I
help the senior patient to get their patient id number since they are come alone and they can't
stand up in queue since they are senior. This volunteer errand is good for me since when they get
their patient id number, they give me supplicate about my splendid future which is so agreeable I
feel exceptionally glad.
At 2 pm I look for confirmation to my supervisor to leave the Al-Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital. I
have marked my attendance on hospital register as well as at UCP-VIS site attendance record
Day 4……6.11.2020
Fourth day in the hospital I worked with receptionist that what are the following
procedure they follow to issues free OPD slips and invoices to the patients and attended. patient
get their token slip from reception which include person’s name, cell number , age, location
mention on slip, that all done on the reception . Any sort of information regarding hospital they
get from reception and also staff members mark their attendance at reception. Five times
AZAAN call from the reception by a hafiz e Quran staff member.
At 2 pm I look for confirmation to my supervisor to leave the Al-Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital. I
have marked my attendance on hospital register as well as at UCP-VIS site attendance record
Day 5……7.11.2020
Covid-19 Awareness:
I generated the awareness of covid-19 among the people that they should strictly
wear face mask and maintain about 6 feet social distance from one person to another. With all
this convinced the patient and attendant to sit at a distance place by leaving one chair empty and
tapped one chair because of people can’t sit with each other .on the other hand, exclusively I
advise the public as well as staff members to use hand sanitizer. All day I create awareness of
covid-19 among the patients and attended in the organization. The awareness I provided and
make points with the help of doctor an internet is following
Wear shades.
Day 6……9.11.2020
Guide Counter:
Sixth day in hospital I performed at guide counter to guide the patients from where
they go first to get the token slip and where they go for checkup their eyes, and also guide the
patients about doctors timing and doctors operation days and lab test etc. deprived and deserving
people get zakat from the guide counter because they can’t afford money for the treatment of
their eyes. In case of any emergency, payment returns from the guide counter
Day 7……10.11.2020
I visit the medical clinic second floor where operation theater and lab of the emergency clinic is
arranged .it best in class lab with qualified staff which they serve the network with respectable
purpose ,one greater movement which is reached out in my portfolio is to manage and keep up
separation between quiet where the installment are summited. I give help to take their challan
towards the room number 11 which is administrative room and have the power to offer
admission to destitute individuals.
At 2 pm I look for confirmation to my supervisor to leave the Al-Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital. I
have marked my attendance on hospital register as well as at UCP-VIS site attendance record
Day 8……11.11.2020
At 2 pm I look for confirmation to my supervisor to leave the Al-Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital. I
have marked my attendance on hospital register as well as at UCP-VIS site attendance record
Day 9……12.11.2020
Helping in Optometric:
Ninth day at hospital I worked how to operate the optometrist instruments for the
eyes check-up. When patient enter in the refraction room by calling their token number first of
all they get check-up in the refraction room. First of all I checked the patient at ‘Auto-Ref’ that is
used to check how much eyesight is weak. The second machine is called the ‘City’ it measures
the eye pressure which is calculate or optimized and furthermore there is the Snellen chart which
help to make the sense of reading and identify glasses number and then ‘Trial Box’ that is used
for all the near and distance glasses numbers after checking the patient eye. All day I serve
people at refraction room.
At 2 pm I look for confirmation to my supervisor to leave the Al-Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital. I
have marked my attendance on hospital register as well as at UCP-VIS site attendance record
Day 10……13.11.2020
At 2 pm I look for confirmation to my supervisor to leave the Al-Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital. I
have marked my attendance on hospital register as well as at UCP-VIS site attendance record
Day 11…..15.11.2020
At 2 pm I look for confirmation to my supervisor to leave the Al-Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital. I
have marked my attendance on hospital register as well as at UCP-VIS site attendance record
Day 12….16.11.2020
was please and praying for our bright future which made me so happy and satisfying to fulfill my
task. People ask where did I come and why I distributed. I am staff member or student? It’s high
time to tell them I come from UCP and doing my vis and elaborate them what is volunteer in
At 2 pm I look for confirmation to my supervisor to leave the Al-Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital. I
have marked my attendance on hospital register as well as at UCP-VIS site attendance record
Day 13……17.11.2020
On the last day, I perform routine errand, at that point I expressed last farewell to my supervisor
and says thanks to her for kind time and help. I meet and greet with other staff members. They
are unusually supportive and making a difference. I request to madam Nadia to fill up my
evaluation form. I have assembled solid commitment with the association and become fulfill and
glad to finish my VIS.
4. What social issues organization is working
on, how?
Al-Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital is filling in as an administration help clinical center and give
freed from cost treatment to helpless people. There is office open free eye test and free lab test
and laser, movement for justifying people. They guarantee the control of the affiliation is
followed by their staff and employees.
They have the most qualified doctored and paramedical staff in their hospital. They have the
State of the art machinery equipment’s for their labs and operation theater .As a welfare
organization they addition their fund via general box which are placed in hospital. And via bank
transfer and online donation via credit cards. They are also welcome donation of eyes. Their
funding partner are
Road prince, alkhair, alfatah, bop, bank alflah
5. How do you working on the issue/
As a humanitarian effort movement, my learning objective from this exertion is prosperity of
society is significant and you got fulfillment and feel glad when you help poor and assume strong
function for somebody. I need to accomplish charitable effort following 3 months give multi day
to poor and penniless individuals and work on prosperity of society and assume my obligatory
part to switch individuals toward social reason. This action increment the degree of faith and
confidence, yet additionally improve my insight and the board style that how to control the
public classification.
Lesson learned:
Increase the level of confidence
Enhance management skills
Best way to find yourself in the service of others
Hard work isn’t always about earning money
To help poor’s, create self-satisfaction
7. Working picture
8. Placement letter: