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Overview of Air Pollution Control Needs & Choices Available For Cement Industry

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DAY-1, Good Morning

[Module-1, Session-1]

Overview of Air Pollution Control Needs

Choices available for Cement Industry

Host Plant: Holcim, Indonesia

May 17, 2010
This report is solely for the internal use. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the Holcim Group company organization without prior written approval
from ACC Limited. This material was used during an oral presentation; it is not a complete record of the discussion.
Learning Objectives

 Understand the cement manufacturing process & its pollutants

 Understand the cause & effect of air pollution world wide

 Understand where the dust emissions come from (Sources)

 Know about the various possibilities for controlling dust emission

 Have an overall idea about various types of air pollution control

equipment & its reduction potential in brief

M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]

 Introduction to Cement Manufacturing Process

 Primary Air pollutants Cause and Effects

 Air Pollution Major Disasters World wide

 Sources of Dust Emissions & its Control Measures

 Typical Air Pollution Control Standards

 Overview of Air Pollution Control Equipments

M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Cement Manufacturing Process at a Glance

 Cement Manufacturing process are of three types

 Wet Process
 Semi Wet Process
 Dry Process

 Wet Process :The input is in slurry form to the kiln which contains
around 40% of water and uses high amount of thermal energy

 Semi Wet Process :This process is more efficient than wet

process and less percentage of water and thermal energy
requirement is lower than the wet process

 Dry Process :This process is more efficient than earlier

processes and it will not use water at all and uses least amount of
thermal energy 4

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Flow Diagram – Manufacture of Cement

Production of Cement by Wet Process

 The original rotary cement kilns were called 'wet process' kilns
 The slurry may contain about 40% water and length of the kiln
is up-to 200 m
 Highly energy and water intensive process 5

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Flow Diagram – Manufacture of Cement

Production of Cement by Dry Process

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Flow Diagram – Manufacture of Cement
Production of Cement by the Dry Process
Feed Bins
Sampling Station

Quarry (ies) Crushing Plant (s) Raw Materials Storage and Preblending Corrective Materials

Homogenizing and
Cooler Dedusting Storage Silo


Raw Meal


Rotary Kiln Preheater Cooling Tower Raw Mill

Clinker Cooler Gypsum Min.Comp. Bulk Dispatch Packing Machine Bag Palletization

Cement Cement
Clinker Silo Silo

Cement Mill

LG-047e.dsf Kma 27.4.98 Fig.2

M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]

 Introduction to Cement Manufacturing Process

 Primary Air pollutants Cause and Effects

 Air Pollution Major Disasters World wide

 Sources of Dust Emissions & its Control Measures

 Typical Air Pollution Control Standards

 Overview of Air Pollution Control Equipments

M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Primary Pollutants in Cement Industry

M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Pollutants from the Cement Manufacturing

 Stack emissions containing Dust, CO2, SOx, NOx, VOC ...

 Fugitive dust emissions

 Effluents from CPP and Colony

 Solid waste from Plant, Colony and Mines

 Noise pollution and vibrations during to mining activity


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Primary Air Pollutants – Cause & Effects

POLLUTANT Natural Source Anthropogenic Known or Suspected

Source Effect
Carbon Monoxide Un-noticeable Fuel Rich & Stoichometric Reduces oxygen carrying
Combustion from Industry & capacity of the blood by
[CO] Motor Vehicles combining with haemoglobin,
thus deprives tissues of O2

Carbon dioxide Animal respiration, Fossil fuel, wood and Partly responsible for the
decay and release combustion in all process atmospheric greenhouse effect
[CO2] industry
from oceans

Sulfur dioxides Volcanic Eruptions Coal Combustion from Cause eye, throat & lung
and decay Industry like Kilns, Power irritation. Primary Pollutants
[SO2] Plants, Ore smelters, produces acid rain
petroleum refineries &
diesel Engines

Nitrogen Oxides Lightening & bacterial High temperature from Cause eye, throat & lung
activity in soils Combustion from Industry & irritation. Primary Pollutants
[NO] and [NO2] Motor Vehicles produces photo-chemical
smog, acid rain and destroy
ozone at the stratosphere


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Primary Air Pollutants – Cause & Effects

POLLUTANT Natural Source Anthropogenic Known or Suspected

Source Effect
Particulates Forest fires, wind Coal, Cement, Clinker, Nuisance and Breathing
erosion, volcanic Fly Ash Coal process & difficulties
handing from cement
eruptions & decay
Industry, Waste & Fossil
fuel burning

Ozone Lightening & Products of Cause eye, throat & lung

photochemical reactions photochemical irritation, impairs lung function
[O3] in the troposphere reactions in
photochemical smog

Hydrocarbons Biological Processes Incomplete Combustion Primary Pollutants that

& volatiles from Industry produces photo-chemical
other than & Motor Vehicles smog
methane (VOCs)
Methane Anaerobic decay and Natural-gas leak & Partly responsible for the
chewing animals (cows, Combustion atmospheric greenhouse effect
[CH4] sheeps..) & oil wells


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Primary air pollutants – Cause & Effects

POLLUTANT Natural Anthropogenic Known or Suspected

Source Source Effect
Chloro-fluorocarbons None Used as Solvent, Destroys Ozone at the
aerosol propellant and stratosphere, thus reduce the
[CFCs] Ozone UV protective layer

Heavy Metals -- Process Industry and Nervous system disorders


 Normal rain has a pH of about 5.6

 Rain with a pH < 5.5 is called acid rain

 Rain has been reported with pH as low as 2.1


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Photochemical Smog Formation


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
CO2 Concentration – Overview


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
CO2 Concentration – Overview


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
CO2 Concentration Vs Excess Air for Combustion

1T) Temperature
2T) Turbulence
3T) Time


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]

 Introduction to Cement Manufacturing Process

 Primary Air pollutants Cause and Effects

 Air Pollution Major Disasters World wide

 Sources of Dust Emissions & its Control Measures

 Typical Air Pollution Control Standards

 Overview of Air Pollution Control Equipments


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Primary air pollution disasters


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Air Pollution Disasters – World Wide
Place Pollutant Source No. of No. of Persons
Deaths reported ill
Meuse Valley, SO2 & Smoke Steel & Zinc 60 6000
Belgium, 1930

Donora, SO2 & Smoke Steel & Zinc 20 5900

Pennsylvania, 1984

Poza Rice, H2S Sulphur Recovery 22 320

- Accident
Mexico, 1950

London, SO2 & Smoke Domestic Coal 12000 > 20000

Bhopal, Methylisocyanide Fracturing of tank > 2500 10000
in Union Carbide
India, 1984 -Accident

M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Air Pollution Disasters

Donora PA – smog so dense local people

got lost. 20 people died


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Air Pollution Disasters
London - “Killer Smog” lasted for over a
week. Visibility was only a few meters.


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
London - Killer Smog


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Acid Rain - Effects on Ecosystems

 High concentrations of acid can cause direct death of

plants, fish
 Lower concentrations can reduce vigor of organisms
making them vulnerable to diseases (or insects)


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Acid Rain - Effects on Soil

 Kills soil organisms

 Releases Aluminum, which inhibits plants ability to

absorb nutrients

 Reduce available Calcium which is needed for plant



M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]

 Introduction to Cement Manufacturing Process

 Primary Air pollutants Cause and Effects

 Air Pollution Major Disasters World wide

 Sources of Dust Emissions & its Control Measures

 Typical Air Pollution Control Standards

 Overview of Air Pollution Control Equipments


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Sources Of Dust Emission & Fugitive Dust Areas

 Cement Kiln Circuit

 Raw Mill VRM / Ball Mill - Circuit

 Clinker Cooler Circuit

 Coal Mill Circuit

 Cement Mill – VRM / Ball Mill / AVMP Pre-Grinder Circuit

 Slag Dryer Circuit

 Cement Packing Plant Circuit

 Fly Ash Dryer Circuit

 Captive Power Plant / Boiler Circuit

 All Material Handling Equipment Transfer Points & Storage Silo Circuit
(Limestone, Coal, Clinker, Cement, Gypsum, Additives, Fly ash …)

M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Choices Available for Cement Industry?

ESP Scrubbers Suppression

Dry Plate Dry Plate Reverse Plain

Shaker Pulse Jet Dry Semi Dry Wet Fog
(MIGI) (Hammer) Air Water

Wet Dry Fog


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Emission Control Equipment used in Cement Industry

Application Choice of APC Equipment

Cement Kiln Venting ESP with or without GCT,
Baghouse (PJBH / RABH), Wet Scrubber
Raw Mill Venting ESP, Baghouse (PJBH / RABH)

Clinker Cooler Venting ESP, Bagfilter with FD Cooler, Multi-cyclone

Coal Mill Venting ESP, Bagfilter

Cement Mill / Pre-Grinder Venting ESP, Bagfilter

Slag Dryer Venting ESP, Bagfilter

Cement Packing Plant Venting ESP, Bagfilter

Fly Ash Dryer Venting Bagfilter

Captive Power Plant Venting ESP, Hybrid Bagfilter (PJBH), Wet Scrubber

Material Handling Equipment Transfer Bagfilter with Dust Extraction system,

Points & Storage Silo Venting Dust Suppression System

M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Reduction Potential of APC Technology Available

Application Reduction Potential

Electrostatic For handling large Volumes & Dust Emission >
50mg/Nm3 or up-to 30mg/Nm3 (in few exceptional cases)
Precipitator (ESP)
Reverse Air Baghouse (RABH) / For handling large Volumes &
Pulsejet Baghouse (PJBH) < 10mg/Nm3 Dust Emission
Pulsejet Bagfilters For handling medium / lows Volumes &
< 30 mg/Nm3 Dust Emission
Multi-cyclones (MDC) For handling medium Volumes with particles
>10microns & > 150 mg/Nm3 Dust Emission
Wet Scrubbers For Dust & SO2 Reduction up-to 200mg/Nm3. Need
Effluent / Water Treatment Plant
Dust Suppression For Fugitive Emission & Control for Raw Coal & Crushed
Limestone Handling up-to stockpile Area, where moisture
System addition of 0.5 – 5% Max. is allowable, considering
availability of water of desired quality & quantity

M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]

 Introduction to Cement Manufacturing Process

 Primary Air pollutants Cause and Effects

 Air Pollution Major Disasters World wide

 Sources of Dust Emissions & its Control Measures

 Typical Air Pollution Control Standards

 Overview of Air Pollution Control Equipments


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]

Parameter European Norms (mg/Nm3, Dry 10% O2)

Particulates 30
SO2 400
NOX 500
VOC 100
CO --
HCl 30
NH3 30
Hg 0.05
Cd 0.05
TI 0.05
As+Co+Cr+Cu+Mn+Ni+Pb+Sb+V 0.5
Dioxins / Furans 0.1 (ng TEQ/Nm3)

M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Holcim ERT: Target Emission Levels

Achievable emission levels and abatement techniques

recently defined by Holcim:

 Dust: 20 mg/Nm3 (dry at 10% O2 ): preferably

with bag filters

 SO2: from > 1200 to 200 mg/Nm3 with wet scrubbers

from < 1200 to 500 mg/Nm3 with hydrated lime

 NOx: 500 mg/Nm3 with SNCR on short PH/PC kilns

800 mg/Nm3 with SNCR on long kilns


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Pollutants Time- Concentration in ambient air Method of measurement
w eighted
Industrial Residential, Sensitive
Areas Rural & other Areas

SulphurDioxide (SO2) Annual 80 µg/m3 60 µg/m3 15 - Improved W est and Geake

Average* µg/m3 Method - Ultraviolet

24 hours** 120 80 µg/m3 30

µg/m3 µg/m3

Oxides of Nitrogen as Annual 80 µg/m3 60 µg/m3 15 - Jacob & Hochheiser

(NO2) Average* µg/m3 Modified (Na-Arsenite)

24 hours** 120 80 µg/m3 30 - Gas Phase

µg/m3 µg/m3 Chemiluminescence

Suspended Particulate Annual 360 140 µg/m3 70 - High Volume Sampling,

Matter (SPM) Average* µg/m3 µg/m3 (Average flow rate not less
than 1.1 m3/minute).

24 hours** 500 200 µg/m3 100

µg/m3 µg/m3

RespirableParticulate Annual 120 60 µg/m3 50 - Respirable particulate

Matter (RPM) (size less Average* µg/m3 µg/m3 matter sampler
than 10 microns)
24 hours** 150 100 µg/m3 75
µg/m3 µg/m3

Lead (Pb) Annual 1.0 0.75 µg/m3 0.50 - ASS Method after sampling
Average* µg/m3 µg/m3 using EPM 2000 or
equivalent Filter paper

24 hours** 1.5 1.00 µg/m3 0.75 .

µg/m3 µg/m3

Ammonia1 Annual 0.1 mg/ 0.1 mg/ m3 0.1 .

Average* m3 mg/m3

24 hours** 0.4 mg/ 0.4 mg/m3 0.4 .

m3 mg/m3

CarbonMonoxide (CO) 8 hours** 5.0 2.0 mg/m3 1.0 mg/ - Non Dispersive Infra Red
mg/m3 m3 (NDIR)

1 hour 10.0 4.0 mg/m3 2.0 Spectroscopy

mg/m3 mg/m3


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]

 Introduction to Cement Manufacturing Process

 Primary Air pollutants Cause and Effects

 Air Pollution Major Disasters World wide

 Sources of Dust Emissions & its Control Measures

 Typical Air Pollution Control Standards

 Overview of Air Pollution Control Equipments


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]


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M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Typical Wet scrubber
SO2 reduction

Clean gas

Mist eliminators

Inlet with
Contact zone
Raw gas between SO2
with SO2
and CaCO3

Absorber pumps Treatment and dewatering of
Mixer sump gypsum suspension


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Wet scrubber Untervaz (CH)
SO2 reduction


Flocculent Settling

Centrifuge Bleed stream

Gypsum Moisture 5 – 8%


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
Examples of SO2 Wet Scrubbers in Holcim Group
SO2 reduction
Untervaz, CH

Dundee, US

Midlothian, US 41

M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]
SO2 reduction

 Investment 30 Mio
 Reduction from
max.1500 to 7
 Coke: 2600 t/yr
 Costs 400 CHF/t
 Eliminates as well
NOx, VOC, Hg, etc.
 Operating costs ca.
5 CHF/t cli (1.5
CHF/t cli for coke)

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Injection of “micromist” into the cooling tower
SO2 reduction


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SNCR – Installation


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Dust Suppression Systems for Fugitive Dust Control


Dust Suppression System at Limestone

Unloading Hopper


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Questions & Thanks


M1, S1 Regional Training Program on Design, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of APC Equipment & Systems [May 17, 2010]

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