Contingency Analysis of Power System: Abstract
Contingency Analysis of Power System: Abstract
Contingency Analysis of Power System: Abstract
paper [11].
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IV. REMEDIAL ACTION SCHEME PTDFif(mn)- Power Transfer Distribution Factors for
Remedial Action Schemes (RAS) are the line i-j for transaction between m-n
key components for any power system utility I1Tmn - Change in transaction between m and n
planning. These are the steps which the utilities I1Pij - Change in real power flow of line i-j for
need to take in order to get the system back to its transaction between m-n,
normal operation. Remedial Action Scheme (RAS) These values provide a linear zed
as the name suggests are the necessary actions approximation of how the flow on the transmission
which need to be taken to solve the violations lines and interfaces changes in response to
caused by a contingency. Remedial Action Schemes transaction between the seller and buyer. The
are also defined as Special Protection Schemes PTDFs are operating point dependent.
(SPS) or System Integration Schemes (SIS). The
RAS is designed to mitigate specific critical SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
contingencies that initiate the actual system
problems. There may be a single critical outage or
there may be several critical single contingency
outages for which remedial action is needed. There
may also be credible double or other multiple
contingencies for which remedial action is needed.
Each critical contingency may require a separate
arming level and different remedial actions. The
terms SPS and RAS are often used interchangeably,
but WECC generally and this document specifically
uses the term RAS.
Automatic single-phase or three-phase
reclosing following temporary faults during stressed
operating conditions may avoid the need to take
remedial action. Appropriate RAS action may still
be required if reclosing is unsuccessful [8]. Figure 1: Base Case for 6 bus system
TABLE IV PTDFs of 6 Bus System
Sr. Line details Violations Max branch AFTER REMEDIAL ACTION TAKEN ON 6 BUS
No % MVA limit SYSTEM
1 000001-000002 3 215.5
2 000001-000005 4 244.8
3 000002-000004 2 118.1
4 000003-000005 3 121.3
5 000003-000006 3 115.7
6 000005-000004 1 128.6
7 000006-000004 5 245.1
Sr. From To % MW MW
No. Line Line LODF From To
1 1 2 -100 -86.2 89.2
2 1 5 100 87.6 -84.6
3 2 4 -100 10.3 -10.2
4 3 5 -100 16.1 -15.4
5 3 6 100 -21.3 21.9
6 5 4 0 0 0
7 6 4 100 -121.9 128.1
A. Result & discussion for violations solved after the lines have come back to within its operational
action taken on 6 bus system: limits. As seen in table (V), the MVA limit of the
lines and all line flows are within operating limits.
TABLE V Contingency Analysis violations solved The LODF and PTDF after action taken is shown in
after action taken on 6bus system.
table (VII) and table (VIII) resp.
With proposed study various sets of
Sr. Line details Violations Max branch % system adjustment are identified based on type of
No MVA limit violations and the type of contingency being
1 000001-000002 0 - applied. The corrective actions effectively removed
2 000001-000005 0 - the limit violations in the system. More importantly
3 000002-000004 0 - can identify location in system where new
4 000003-000005 0 - generation can provide grid reliability benefits [5].
5 000003-000006 0 -
6 000005-000004 0 - VII. CONCLUSION
7 000006-000004 0 - The corrective actions effectively removed
the limit violations in the system. The results
TABLE VI Result of Contingency Analysis violations obtained through the proposed algorithm are found
solved after action taken on 6bus system.
to be quite accurate and thus, this work provides
new tool for developing remedial control actions for
Total # of 7 Start Time 31/12/2011 higher order contingencies. Contingency analysis
contingencies 6:02:19 PM study helps to strengthen the initial basic plan. It is
# Processed 7 End Time 31/12/2011 also helpful to develop system operators to improve
6:02:19 PM their ability to resolve problem. This tool helps
# Unsolvable 0 Total Run 0.22 Seconds especially the busy power system operators.
# Violations 0 Avg. Time 0.031 Seconds REFERENCES
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