This document contains a student's assignment submission for a DBMS lab course. It includes the student's name, roll number, year, and branch. The assignment asks the student to perform several tasks like inserting records into tables, displaying table structures, creating and dropping a database, and querying tables to display specific fields. It also contains the student's name and roll number signed at the bottom, indicating he is submitting the assignment.
This document contains a student's assignment submission for a DBMS lab course. It includes the student's name, roll number, year, and branch. The assignment asks the student to perform several tasks like inserting records into tables, displaying table structures, creating and dropping a database, and querying tables to display specific fields. It also contains the student's name and roll number signed at the bottom, indicating he is submitting the assignment.
This document contains a student's assignment submission for a DBMS lab course. It includes the student's name, roll number, year, and branch. The assignment asks the student to perform several tasks like inserting records into tables, displaying table structures, creating and dropping a database, and querying tables to display specific fields. It also contains the student's name and roll number signed at the bottom, indicating he is submitting the assignment.
This document contains a student's assignment submission for a DBMS lab course. It includes the student's name, roll number, year, and branch. The assignment asks the student to perform several tasks like inserting records into tables, displaying table structures, creating and dropping a database, and querying tables to display specific fields. It also contains the student's name and roll number signed at the bottom, indicating he is submitting the assignment.
2. Insert five records in Product table with one INSERT INTO command. 3. Display the structure of both tables. 4. Create a database ‘Dbase’. Give the command to seethe same in list of databases. 5. Drop the database ‘Dbase’. 6. Display the records entered in table student_details. 7. Display the records in table product. 8. Display the name of students. 9. Display the product names with their quantity.
Access the entire Test Bank for Illustrated Course Guide Microsoft Office 365 and Access 2016 Introductory 1st Edition Friedrichsen 1305878469 9781305878464 instantly with a one-click PDF download.
Access the entire Test Bank for Illustrated Course Guide Microsoft Office 365 and Access 2016 Introductory 1st Edition Friedrichsen 1305878469 9781305878464 instantly with a one-click PDF download.