Outcomes of Implant Prosthodontic Treatment in Older Adults
Outcomes of Implant Prosthodontic Treatment in Older Adults
Outcomes of Implant Prosthodontic Treatment in Older Adults
A b s t r a c t
Older adults are expected to account for an increasingly disproportionate number of individuals needing oral
implant prostheses. However, this biotechnology was initially studied for predominantly middle-aged edentulous
patients, not elderly people. High rates of success and minimal crestal bone loss have been reported for oral
implants mainly in this group. The results of studies at the University of Toronto now clearly support earlier reports
that older adults respond to oral implants in the same manner as younger adults, despite their tendency for systemic
illness, including osteoporosis. However, unfavourable jawbone quantity and quality, particularly atrophy of the
maxilla, impaired implant success. Furthermore, placement of implants in sites that had been edentulous for shorter
periods was associated with greater crestal bone loss, a finding that may have implications for younger adults
undergoing such treatment. The major decision-making challenge in managing depleted dentitions and complete
edentulism in an aging society now lies in differentiating the treatment outcomes, especially patient-mediated
assessments (including economic analyses), of the various prosthodontic options available for older adults.
MeSH Key Words: aging/physiology; dental implants; osseointegration; dental prosthesis, implant-supported
t is anticipated that older adults will constitute an residual ridge. However, additional implant surgery was
increasingly substantial proportion of individuals need- required to replace failed implants in 3 out of every 10 jaws
ing implant prosthodontic treatment. People are living treated, ostensibly in sites with unfavourable bone anatomy.
longer, and the problem of missing teeth continues to be Subsequent publications have verified the long-term effi-
more prevalent among elderly people than among other age cacy of a complete fixed dental prosthesis (Figs. 1a, 1b and
groups.1,2 Unfortunately, wound healing and jawbone 1c) supported by 4 to 6 implants in patients who had prob-
quantity and quality may be compromised in older adults.3 lems wearing dentures.9,10 Maladaptive experiences with
Furthermore, oral hygiene may be compromised because of complete lower dentures have also been resolved by an
age-related frailties.4 Consequently, it cannot be assumed overdenture prosthesis (Figs. 2a, 2b and 2c) using just
that oral implant osseointegration will be equally successful 2 implants,11,12 and prosthodontic options for partially
in adults of all ages. The aim of this paper is to review scien- edentulous patients have also improved dramatically with
tific efforts examining the outcomes of implant prostho- implant prostheses.13,14 Such studies suggest a high mean
dontic treatment in older adults, with a specific focus on rate of success for oral implants in the edentulous jaws of
recent studies at the University of Toronto. predominantly middle-aged patients, in the range of 80%
Initial reports of the functional and esthetic impact of to 90% over 10 years, accompanied by mean crestal bone
oral implant prostheses have generally been favourable from loss proximal to the implants of less than 0.1 mm annually
the perspectives of both the dentist and the patient.5-7 after the first year of function. Despite age-related tenden-
Scientific evidence for the long-term success of bone- cies for systemic illness, including osteoporosis, among
anchored dental prostheses began with the seminal investi- older adults, recent outcome studies in the Implant
gation by Brånemark and others8 of predominantly middle- Prosthodontic Unit (IPU) at the University of Toronto15,16
aged edentulous patients with advanced resorption of the support earlier reports that the outcomes of oral implant
Journal of the Canadian Dental Association February 2002, Vol. 68, No. 2 97
Bryant, Zarb
Figure 1a: Framework try-in for complete Figure 1b: Final prosthesis for complete
mandibular fixed implant-supported mandibular fixed implant-supported
prosthesis. prosthesis.
Figure 2a: Bar and clip assembly for Figure 2b: Final bar for complete Figure 2c: Final prosthesis for complete
complete mandibular implant overdenture mandibular implant overdenture prosthesis. mandibular implant-supported overdenture
prosthesis. prosthesis.
therapy are comparable among older and younger 114 consecutively treated edentulous mandibles of patients
adults.17,18 However, these studies15,16 also support earlier who were followed for periods of 4 to 17 years after
reports that rates of implant success and crestal bone loss prosthesis placement. The cumulative success rate (CSR)
may be influenced by age- and site-specific aspects of exceeded 81% for all mandibular bone quality groups
jawbone condition.19-22 (LZ types 1 to 4). However, the outcome was different for
Jawbone Condition and Success of Oral 132 implants placed in 25 edentulous maxillae in the same
Implants study. The CSR was 88% in LZ type 3 maxillae (with good-
Human jawbone tends to undergo age-related atrophy. density cancellous bone) but only 67% for implants in
This phenomenon is expressed over a lifetime as increased LZ type 4 maxillae (with low-density cancellous bone).
cortical porosity and decreased density of cancellous bone.23 Variation in jawbone quantity may have an even more
Furthermore, aging is associated with a risk of vertical profound influence on implant outcomes, at least in the
resorption of the jaws, mediated largely through periodon- maxilla. In this regard, cumulative long-term implant
tal infection or tooth loss.23 Both advanced resorption and success in the edentulous mandible did not differ with
poor bone quality have been associated with below-average degree of resorption.16 The CSR for mandibles exceeded
success rates for oral implants over the short term.19-22 83% for all LZ jawbone quantity groups (LZ types A to E).
Consequently, it is tempting to presume that the success of
However, the CSR of implants in LZ type A and B maxil-
oral implants may be compromised in older adults.
lae, where some alveolar bone remained, exceeded 95% but
Researchers are starting to distinguish the significance
of these and myriad other age- and site-specific factors. was only 50% or less among implants in more resorbed
A recent study in the IPU16 found that cumulative implant maxillae. It is anticipated that improved measures of density
success in the mandible did not differ with jawbone quality, of cancellous bone and other aspects of jawbone quantity
designated according to the Lekholm–Zarb (LZ) classifica- and quality may prove to be even better predictors of
tion24 (Fig. 3). That study involved 485 implants placed in implant outcomes.
98 February 2002, Vol. 68, No. 2 Journal of the Canadian Dental Association
Outcomes of Implant Prosthodontic Treatment in Older Adults
Success (%)
Older group
Younger group
St-I Ld 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Figure 3: Lekholm–Zarb classification of edentulous anterior jawbone Figure 4: Implant survival for matched older and younger patients.16
shape (quantity) and quality. Shape (types A though E) reflects a range St-I = stage I, Ld = loading. There was no significant difference
of resorptive patterns relative to the demarcation of the alveolar and (p < 0.05) between the 2 groups (Wilcoxon statistic).
basal jawbone (dotted line). Quality (types 1 through 4) reflects a
range of cortical and cancellous patterns, both of which have been
employed frequently in planning oral implant treatment. Reproduced After 10 years the rate of resorption of the residual ridge
with permission of Quintessence Publishing. diminished to 0.05 mm per year in the edentulous maxilla
and 0.2 mm per year in the edentulous mandible.
Adell and others28 examined mean annual loss of crestal
0.00 bone around implants primarily in zone I, anterior to a
vertical line through the mental foramina, of otherwise
Bone loss (mm)
1.00 mixed age- and site-specific groups. During the first year of
loading, crestal bone loss exceeded 0.5 mm in both jaws.
The rate then slowed to 0.1 mm per year for implants in
Older group both jaws. Resorption rates of the same order of magnitude
Younger group (0.2 mm/year or less have also been reported for implants in anterior and
for comparison)
posterior zones of completely and partially edentulous
Ld 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 patients.29,30 In view of the tendency for residual ridge
Years since loading (Ld) resorption to slow with time, it has been hypothesized that
the pace of crestal bone loss will be faster around implants
in alveolar bone (less resorbed) than around those in basal
Figure 5: Cumulative mean annual bone loss for matched bone (more resorbed), particularly in areas rendered eden-
older and younger patients with complete prostheses.16 tulous recently. In this regard, Lindquist and others31 found
Ld = loading. There was no significant difference (p < 0.05) between
that shorter preoperative periods of edentulism and less
the 2 groups. (Independent samples Student t-test.)
preoperative resorption could predict part of the ensuing
resorption of crestal bone observed among implants studied
Jawbone Condition and Loss of Crestal Bone over a 10-year period.
Around Oral Implants Bryant’s recent IPU study16 also supported this hypoth-
Aging has long been associated with a tendency for some esis. He found that implants placed in bone soon after
loss of alveolar bone height, due primarily to poor oral extraction (which usually involved younger adults) tended
hygiene and associated periodontitis.25 In more recent to be associated with above-average crestal bone loss,
studies, the mean loss of crestal bone around teeth was approaching 0.1 mm annually after the first year of loading.
0.3 mm per year among those at least 70 years of age at the In comparison, implants placed many years after extraction
outset of a 10-year observation period and less than (which usually involved older adults) demonstrated below-
0.15 mm per year among younger cohorts.26 Aging has also average resorption and approximated no bone loss over
been associated with tooth loss, which has in turn been time. This finding was corroborated by a tendency for
associated with even more dramatic rates of alveolar bone below-average crestal bone loss among implants placed in
resorption than that found around aging teeth. In Tallgren’s more resorbed jaws (LZ types C, D and E). In contrast, no
classic study,27 the average vertical resorption of anterior such relationship was found between bone loss patterns and
jawbone exceeded 2 mm during the first year after the LZ jawbone quality. Paradoxically these findings can be
extraction of teeth and insertion of complete dentures. considered particularly favourable because they suggest
Journal of the Canadian Dental Association February 2002, Vol. 68, No. 2 99
Bryant, Zarb
that oral implants have a significant potential to maintain removable implant prostheses is reportedly excellent.5,7
the height of the residual ridge after tooth loss, especially in Interestingly, nutritional adequacy may not be any better
the mandible. The rate of vertical bone loss experienced with implant prostheses than it is with traditional complete
around implants early in the edentulous period, approaching dentures.33 Patient satisfaction with oral implant prostheses is
0.1 mm annually,16 was dramatically less than the rate of also reportedly good.6,7,34-36 However, only recently have
bone loss observed under complete dentures early in the there been prospective attempts to document improvements
edentulous period, which initially exceeded 1 mm annually.27 in the quality of life of oral implant patients.37-39 These efforts
This finding suggests some concern for younger adults who suggest that some patients will perceive substantial benefit
have been edentulous for short periods at the time of from oral implant prostheses in terms of the costs and conse-
implant placement. For example, above-average crestal quences experienced in particular clinical study conditions.
bone loss of 0.15 mm annually in a 25-year-old implant Unfortunately, there remain unresolved problems regarding
patient could lead to a total loss of 6 mm over the ensuing the credibility and stability of quality of life measurements in
40 years. On the contrary, there is good reason to suppose the overall context of health, including the oral health of
that such mildly elevated rates of bone loss in younger elderly people.40-42 Furthermore, despite the relatively high
adults would tend to diminish with time, as Tallgren27 cost of implant treatment, economic analyses related to oral
observed under complete dentures. implants have remained very theoretical to date.43,44
Ultimately, because of a lack of evidence-based rigour,45
Outcomes of Oral Implant Treatment in Older implants may be seen as a panacea for virtually every patient
and Younger Adults who seeks prosthodontic care. Although it appears likely that
Notwithstanding these age- and site-specific observa- older adults will fare just as well with oral implant prostheses
tions, several studies,15-18 including those from the IPU,15,16 as younger adults, more research is needed to distinguish
suggest that old age itself will not influence the outcome of patient-mediated outcomes of the various prosthodontic
oral implant therapy involving either partial or complete treatment options for older people with depleted dentitions
prostheses. No difference in long-term success of oral or complete edentulism.
implants was found between older and younger groups in
the IPU studies, despite the fact that the older patients had
There now exists compelling evidence that osseointe-
more physical frailties and systemic illnesses.15,16 The older
grated oral implants can be used in a diversity of age- and
group was 60 to 74 years old at the time of implant
site-specific prosthodontic applications. The major criteria
insertion (Stage I), whereas the younger group was 26 to
for clinical success of osseointegration are immobility of
49 years old, and all patients were followed for a period of
individual implants accompanied by a lack of pain, patho-
4 to 17 years after prosthetic loading. In each group there
logic problems and crestal bone loss46,47 In studies from the
were 45 complete or partial prostheses matched closely on IPU at the University of Toronto, which used these criteria,
the basis of sex, implant number and location, prosthetic the osseointegration of Brånemark implants was equally
plan, condition of the opposing dentition and year of successful in matched groups of older and younger adults
implant placement.15,16 At the most recent follow-up, the with complete and partial edentulism. In particular, cumu-
CSR was 92.0% for 190 implants placed in the older group lative implant success in both groups exceeded 86.7% over
and 86.7% for 184 implants placed in the younger group 4 to 17 years after loading.16 This finding corroborated the
(Fig. 4).16 Furthermore, the mean annual loss of crestal results of other studies from the IPU (see review by
bone observed around the implants in the edentulous jaws Elsubeihi and Zarb, page 103 in this issue) and elsewhere,
in both groups was less than 0.05 mm per year after the first which suggest that osseointegration success may not be
year of loading (Fig. 5).16 affected by the common illnesses associated with aging,
The effects of poor oral hygiene have not been docu- including cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, hypothy-
mented specifically among elderly patients with oral roidism and diabetes mellitus. These results reaffirm a
implants. However, in an earlier IPU study of a patient positive response to all 3 of the questions posed by Zarb and
group with a wide age range, Apse and others32 found that Schmitt48 in relation to the implant prosthodontic manage-
accumulation of plaque was not related significantly to rates ment of older adults: that osseointegrated implants can and
of peri-implant bone loss or oral implant failure, at least for should be prescribed for elderly patients, that successful
threaded titanium implants. osseointegration can be maintained as patients age despite
Regarding other physiologic and psychosocial outcomes their physical and medical frailties, and that the principles
related to implant prosthodontic treatment, no studies of osseointegration can be reconciled with various prostho-
have specifically compared older and younger groups. dontic techniques to help ensure that this treatment is
Nonetheless, oral function (usually assessed as masticatory accessible to older adults. Certainly age alone should not be
efficiency) associated with complete fixed and complete used to exclude patients from a prescription of oral
100 February 2002, Vol. 68, No. 2 Journal of the Canadian Dental Association
Outcomes of Implant Prosthodontic Treatment in Older Adults
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CDA members can request a copy of the chapter on
implants in Color atlas and text of dental care of the
elderly, by John R. Drummond, James P. Newton and
Robert Yemm, Mosby-Wolfe, 1995. Contact the CDA
Resource Centre at tel.: 1-800-267-6354 or (613) 523-
1770, ext. 2223; fax: (613) 523-6574; e-mail:
102 February 2002, Vol. 68, No. 2 Journal of the Canadian Dental Association