Fosroc Solutions For: Car Park Decking
Fosroc Solutions For: Car Park Decking
Fosroc Solutions For: Car Park Decking
Fosroc International
Since the company’s beginnings over 80 years ago, Fosroc has developed into an
International leader in delivering Constructive Solutions for projects across a broad
range of market segments including transport, utilities, industrial and general
Selecting from the full portfolio of Fosroc products and services and integrating
expert technical support, world class customer service and innovation, Fosroc goes
beyond just product selling to ensure that we partner with our customers to deliver
complete constructive solutions.
Leader in delivering
Constructive Solutions
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The fosroc solution fosroc car park detailing
The successful protection of a car park structure depends on selection
For owners – Fosroc systems enhance and protect car park structures at the Roof decks of suitable products to provide the optimally designed performance,
same time reducing maintenance costs and improving customer satisfaction which can be supported by Fosroc with its world-class extensive range
and safety. Intermediate decks of product portfolio.
For design consultants – Fosroc provides tailored solutions based on a single Basement car park
Right specification needs to address the performance requirements of
source of supply, backed by expert technical assistance at design Ramps specific areas to balance durability and downtime against cost. Fosroc
stage and even throughout the project. brings to the fore its knowledge and experience of over five decades
Pedestrian walkways
in providing solutions through best-suited high performance products
For contractors – Fosroc provides cost-effective, durable and user friendly
for car park deck solutions.
solutions for decks, soffits and walls, backed by an excellent site support.
Fosroc recognises the demands of owners, design consultants and Performance criteria
contractors and has developed an innovative range of concrete protection
systems to safeguard multi-storey car park structures, providing a sustainable
and aesthetically pleasing solution.
Multi-storey and
underground car parks
Exposed decks
Intermediate decks
Basement decks
Turning bays
Pedestrian walkways
Colour-coded bays
New and existing structures
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roof decks
Roof car park deck protection designed with flexible system to protect against
ingress of water, withstand thermal movements, UV resistance, high-abrasion
and slip-resistance for safe vehicular traffic movements.
Performance criteria
fosroc systems
Polyurea system – Fosroc Polyurea FLM
Fosroc polyurea FLM is a new technological CPD solution with excellent crack-bridging ability
with high-impact resistance to perform both as waterproofing and high-abrasion resistant
deck coating. Fosroc Nitodek UVR/Trafficguard WC top coat finish will provide anti-skid finish
sealer coat.
Trafficguard UR 100 system Trafficguard Primer Trafficguard intermediate • Anti-slip grain finish
Solvent-free, high-build coat • 2.0 to 2.5 mm thick
Flexible, waterproof, crack primer PU blend flexible coating
bridging, slip- and wear-resistant 0.4 mm • Parking space and
Trafficguard Membrane carriage way
PU system. Roller applied PU Trafficguard Wear Course
waterproofing membrane Aliphatic PU top coating
Service temp: 00C and above
1 to 1.5 mm thick 0.3 to 0.4 mm
Trafficguard Trafficguard
Membrane Wear Couse
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ramps fosroc total protection
solutions for car park deck
Ramp areas need to be designed against skidding with high-abrasion resistance for the safety
and durability of the vehicle movements on ramps while entering or exiting the parking areas.
Performance criteria Fosroc partners with customers, specifiers and structural consultants by
providing total solutions for new and refurbishment car park structure.
fosroc system
• Traffciguard UR 100 – PU-based multi-layer system
• Nitoflor TF 5000 with sealer coat Trafficguard WC/Nitoflor FC 150 – Epoxy high-strength trowel
applied screed over coated with aliphatic PU/Epoxy coating
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Fosroc offers a full range of construction chemical solutions, helping to protect structures
throughout the world. Please refer to our brochures, which include:
Important Note
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture
and are sold subject to its standard terms and conditions of sale, copies of
which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure
that any advice, recommendation, specifciation or information it may give is
accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or continuous control
over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly
or indirectly arising from the use of its products, whether or not in accrodance
with any advice, specification, recommendation or inforamtion given by it.