Woksheet in Grade 8 TLE Week 1
Woksheet in Grade 8 TLE Week 1
Woksheet in Grade 8 TLE Week 1
: 1
Quarter 2 – Worksheet 1:
Utilizing Kitchen Tools and Equipment
Maintain Kitchen Tools and Equipment
Michelle Karen L. Agtoto TLE Teacher I
Content Validator
Dr. Cecilia F. Espinosa, TLE Head Teacher III
Lazaro M. Historillo TLE Master Teacher I
TLE Cookery 8 Worksheet No.: 1
1. 6.
__________it is good for baking but not __________ used to level off
practical on top or surface cooking. You ingredients when measuring and to
need extra care in using it. spread frostings and sandwich fillings.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
__________it is used for reheating prepared __________ it is used for serving soup
food quickly. or stews, but can also be used for
gravy, dessert sauces or other foods.
5. 10.
__________it is used to turn food items that __________ it is used to shake flour,
are being cooked. salt, and pepper on meat, poultry, and
TLE Cookery 8 Worksheet No.: 1
Cleaning Sanitizing
TLE Cookery 8 Worksheet No.: 1