Parts of A Sentence
Parts of A Sentence
Parts of A Sentence
1. Subject
The subject is the part of the sentence performing the verb. Either a noun or a
pronoun, the subject answers the question of who or what completes the action.
Subjects can be simple or compound.
The table and chairs were blue.
Patrick likes to swim.
I walked to the park.
2. Predicate
The predicate is the action of the sentence. It is the verb performed by the
subject. Predicates can be simple, compound, or equivalent.
The clouds rolled by.
Sandy walks and talks slowly.
You are my friend.
Identify the subject and the predicate of each sentence.
a) The dog barked loudly.
b) My sister likes ice cream.
c) They were talking together.
d) Canada is my home.
e) The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the French.
3. Direct Object
The direct object receives the action of the subject. It is often a noun or pronoun.
The dog buried the bone.
Mr. Smith baked a cake.
We did the Monster Mash.
4. Indirect Object
The indirect object is received by the direct object. It is often a noun or a pronoun
that answers questions such as “to whom”, “for whom”, “to what”, or “for what”.
The postman gave the mail to Susie.
Mrs. Johnson donated money to the charity.
5. Subject Complement
The Subject Complement receives an equivalent predicate. When the subject
complement is an adjective that describes the subject, it is called a predicate
adjective. If the subject complement is a noun that defines the subject, it is called
a predicate nominative.
The giraffe is tall.
She is my grandmother.
Identify the subject, predicate, direct object, indirect object, and subject
complements in each sentence.
a) I baked a cake today.
b) That woman is my mother.
c) The lion stalked the deer across the savannah.