Music Year 5/6 Garage Band
Music Year 5/6 Garage Band
Music Year 5/6 Garage Band
Year 5/6
Garage Band
This topic is designed to give the class the opportunity to learn how to use and create music on
Garage Band (using the school iPads).
The topic will begin by teaching the class how to create a short piece of music on Garage Band
by following a set of step by step instructions. They will learn how to create a new song, add
and choose a drum loop, add different instruments (guitar, bass, strings and piano) and how to
use the built in microphone too. Using step by step instructions they will add and play different
instruments to create a short piece of music.
When the class are comfortable using Garage Band they will then be given the opportunity to
write their own piece of music. They can write their own guitar/piano/bass/string parts and
include vocals too. The idea is to create a song completely from scratch. They may decide to use
real instruments (if they play one) and record onto their chosen drum beat etc.
This topic will not only teach the children how to use music technology but will also help to
develop their creative and composing skills as well.
Children will also begin to understand how some electronic music is created.
This topic has been written to last 6 weeks but depending on the length of lesson it could easily
be extended.
Week Learning Activities/Teaching sequence Resources Vocabulary
1 To understand how to use Starter – Sing a song. Musical game – guess the iPads (with Garage Band) iPad
Garage Band – how to instrument? Don’t clap this one back. Instructions Garage Band
create a new song, add a Headphones (if Loop
drum loop and Explain to the class that for this topic they are going to be available) Instruments
instruments. learning how to create music using Garage Band. Ask the Record
class if anyone has used Garage Band before and perhaps Sample
Begin to understand how created their own music on it? How did they get on? Did
electronic music is created. they understand how everything works?
Explain to the class that today they are all going to create
the same piece of music using step-by-step instructions
(they will be given the opportunity to write their own
pieces of music but they need to learn the basics first).
Begin by playing the class the piece of music that they are
going to create (on my own iPad).
Hand out the iPads, one between two. Ideally each pair
can use headphones if they are available. The class can
now create their music in one of two ways:
Explain to the class that next week they will be given the
opportunity to explore Garage Band in their own time. This
will give them the chance to find out what sounds they
really like and may want to use when they come to create
their own piece of music.
Show the class how to save their work and rename it.
2 To continue developing Starter – Sing a song. Musical game – guess the iPads (with Garage Band) Compose
their understanding of how instrument? Don’t clap this one back. Instructions Create
to use Garage Band. Headphones (if Bar
Explain to the class that today they are going to be given available) Drums
To understand how to use the opportunity to explore Garage Band in their pairs. They Strings
the Smart drums/Drums can do whatever they like. Create their own music to play
and Smart strings. at the end of the lesson.
Before handing out the iPads show the class a couple more
things you can do on Garage Band. Show the class how to
use the Smart strings, Smart drums and drums. Instruct
them not to use the Sampler yet. I will show them how to
use this in the next couple of weeks. These instructions are
on the PowerPoint.
Remind the class once more how to create a new song and
also how to make it longer as it will automatically be set on
8 bars and this isn’t long enough.
Arrange the class into pairs once more. They can choose
their own pairs. Explain once again that they have the
majority of the lesson to have a go at creating their own
piece of music on Garage Band. They can use whatever
instruments they want to. At the end of the lesson each
pair will play to the class what they have created.
3 To understand and learn Starter – Sing a song. Musical game – guess the iPads (with Garage Band) Recording
how to record using the instrument? Don’t clap this one back. Instructions Microphone
built in microphone. Headphones (if Quality
Explain that in today’s lesson the class are going to learn available) Audio Recorder
To understand how to how to use the built in microphone (audio recorder). This
manipulate/change the can be used for recording your voice but also other
sounds of anything you’ve instruments as well.
recorded using the
microphone settings. Give the class some examples. First, get them all to sing
part of a song and record them. Show them what it sounds
like when you play it back. Then show them the different
options you can use for the playback and how, if they want
to, they can change/manipulate the sounds.
If the class does not have any headphones then this will
obviously cause some problems. It can still be done but
with reduced sound quality. Ideally, you need to have some
headphones to use.
Sing a song
Tell a story
Read a poem to music
Make a rap
Record sounds outside
Record themselves playing an instrument
4 To begin Starter – Sing a song. Musical game – guess the iPads (with Garage Band) Loop
creating/composing their instrument? Don’t clap this one back. Instructions Copy
own piece of music using Headphones (if Paste
Garage Band Begin the lesson by showing the class how to copy a available) Keyboard
section of music and paste or loop it. This will save them a
To continue to develop lot of time. Also show them how to use the Sampler (this is
their composing skills good fun!). Explain to the class exactly what a sampler
is/does. If time, show them the Keyboard (this is very self
To understand what a explanatory).
sampler is and how to use
it Explain to the class that today they are going to start to
compose their own piece of music. They are going to use
all of the things that they’ve learnt in the last three weeks
to create their own piece of music.
A song
A rap
A piece of music for a dance
Music for a film/film trailer
Music for a video game
Music for a television program
Music for an advert
Background music for a story
Before handing out the iPads ask if the class have any
questions about using Garage Band. Show the class how to
use smart strings.
Hand out the iPads and give the class the remainder of the
lesson to carry on with their work.
6 To complete their Starter – Sing a song. Musical game – guess the iPads (with Garage Band) Play back
compositions instrument? Don’t clap this one back. Instructions Speakers
Headphones (if
Play the compositions to Explain to the class that today they will be finishing their available)
the rest of the class and compositions and playing them to the rest of the class. Class speakers to play
take part in peer Garage Band recordings
assessment Hand out iPads. Give the class around 15 mins to finish and
complete their work.
There will more than likely be a few children who have had a go on Garage Band before.
However, it is doubtful that they will now how to use it properly. If they are confident with the
program they would be ideal pupils to help others!
All of the class will be capable of working through the instructions. Some may need a little
more help, but the red arrows should help to locate the buttons.
Pupils who are able to do this with ease can experiment with different sounds/instruments.
Children who are really struggling can work on just recording one part and then two when they
build up their confidence.
Letting the class create their own works and figure out Garage Band themselves is the priority
in the second lesson. They will no doubt pick it up very quickly!