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The Texture Revolution Lexicon

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The Texture Revolution Lexicon ®

Developed by TIC Gums, the Texture Revolution® Lexicon is a collection of sensory terms
that enables clarity of communication during the product development process. This tool
provides a common language for developers to assess the textural components of food
and beverages. The Gum Gurus® will work with you to interpret this information and
recommend the best texture solutions. To have TIC Gums help you incorporate the right
texture into your formulation development, call +1 (410) 273-7300 or chat online at

Attribute Description Examples Solid, Visual,

(low/high) Semi-solid, Mechanical,
Liquid Oral
Adhesiveness Degree to which sample sticks to mouth surfaces or teeth. uncooked carrot vs soft caramel candy Solid Oral
(First Bite/ Chew)
Adhesiveness (Manipulation) Degree to which sample sticks to mouth surfaces or teeth. water dessert gel vs peanut butter Semi-solid Oral
Adhesiveness (Mechanical) Degree to which the product sticks to fingers. water dessert gel vs peanut butter Semi-solid Mechanical
Aeration The amount of air bubbles which remain trapped in a product. water vs whipped egg whites Solid, Semi-solid, Visual
Amount of Foam An assessment of the volume of foam, generally on the surface of water vs fresh-poured beer Semi-solid, Liquid Visual
the product.
Astringent (Chemical) The feeling on the tongue or other skin surfaces of the oral cavity yellow American cheese vs strong Solid, Semi-solid, Oral
described as puckering/dry and associated with tannins or alum. brewed tea Liquid
Awareness of Particulates Amount of grainy, gritty, or lumpy particles or other inclusions in the strained bananas baby food vs cream Semi-solid Oral
(Breakdown) mass. of wheat cereal
Awareness of Particulates The amount of particles (grit, grainy, seeds, skins) perceived in chocolate truffle center vs chewy Solid Oral
(Mastication) the mass. granola bar with chocolate chips
Carbonation (Oral) Degree to which the sample is bubbly, tingling, biting, effervescent, water vs seltzer water Liquid Oral
or fizzing in the mouth. The integrated effect of bubbles felt on
mouth or nasal surfaces (feel, size, & amount).
Chroma/ Brightness The purity or brightness of the color. iced tea drink mix vs cherry dessert Solid, Semi-solid, Visual
gelatin Liquid
Cohesiveness Degree to which sample deforms rather than crumbles, breaks, corn muffin vs chewing gum Solid Oral
(First Bite/ Chew) or ruptures.
Cohesiveness (Liquid) The degree to which sample holds together rather than rolls off the water vs cream of coconut Liquid Oral
tongue and mixes with saliva.
Cohesiveness Degree to which sample deforms and conforms to the palate rather water gelatin dessert vs cream cheese Semi-solid Oral
(Semi-solid) than shears. (block)
Cohesiveness of Mass Degree to which bolus sample holds together in a mass during shoestring licorice vs fig cookie bar Solid Oral
(Chewdown) chewdown.
Color Intensity The intensity or strength of the color from light to dark. light cream vs dark chocolate Solid, Semi-solid, Visual
Cooling (Chemical) The cool sensation in the mouth or nose produced by substances saltine cracker vs menthol eucalyptus Solid, Semi-solid, Oral
such as menthol and mints. cough drop Liquid
Degree of Salivation The degree to which the sample makes the mouth water/ salivate. saltine cracker vs lemon slice Solid, Semi-solid Oral
Denseness Solid The compactness of the cross section of the sample. whipped topping vs fruit jellies Solid Oral
(First Bite/Chew)
Denseness Semi-Solid The compactness of the cross section of the sample. whipped topping vs creamy peanut Semi-solid Oral
(Compression) butter
Denseness Solid The visual compactness of the cross section of the sample. meringue cookie vs soft caramel candy Solid Visual and
(Visual & Mechanical) Mechanical
Degree of Dissolving Amount of sample that dissolves rather than cracking or breaking vegetable shortening vs cotton candy Solid, Semi-solid Oral
(Chewdown) apart.
Firmness (Mechanical) The force required to compress the sample between the thumb and aerosol whipped topping vs Semi-solid Mechanical
index finger. cream cheese (block)
Firmness (Semi-solid) The force required to compress the sample between tongue and aerosol whipped topping vs Semi-solid Oral
(First Compression) palate. cream cheese (block)
Fracturability The force with which the sample ruptures when placing the sample corn muffin vs hard boiled (glass) Solid Oral
(Oral) between the molars and biting down at an even rate. candy
Fracturability The force with which the sample ruptures when breaking. corn muffin vs hard boiled (glass) Solid Mechanical
(Mechanical) candy
Geometric Characteristic The type of particles on the surface, or throughout, as related to water vs toothpaste (gritty) Solid, Semi-solid, Visual, Oral
(Descriptor for Roughness of particle shape and orientation. [NOT A SCALE]; chalky, coarse, Liquid
Mass, Surface Roughness, gritty, grainy
Particle Amount,
Awareness of Particulates)
Hardness (First Bite/Chew) Force to attain a given deformation, usually force to bite completely cream cheese vs. hard boiled (glass) Solid Oral
through sample with incisors or molars. candy
Heat (Chemical) The burning sensation in the mouth caused by certain substances, saltine cracker vs cayenne pepper Solid, Semi-solid, Oral
such as red or black pepper; mild heat or warmth is caused by some Liquid
brown spices.
Heaviness The weight of the sample on the tongue. water vs sweetened condensed milk Liquid Oral
Integrity of Cut Degree to which the cross-section in container remains clearly cooked oatmeal vs water dessert gel Solid, Semi-solid Mechanical
defined after removing a portion of the sample with a spoon.
Jiggle Degree of gelatin-like movement on the spoon when moving peanut butter vs water dessert gel Solid, Semi-solid Mechanical
horizontally (tap side of spoon).
Lip Tackiness/Stickiness The degree to which the lips stick together. water vs sweetened condensed milk Semi-solid, Liquid Oral
Manual Oiliness The amount of oil perceived on the surface of the thumb and forefinger. panned chewing gum vs kettle Solid Mechanical
potato chips
Mixes with Saliva The degree to which the liquid mixes with the saliva. sugar-free syrup vs water Liquid Oral
Moistness of Mass Amount of moisture, oiliness, wetness perceived in the mass saltine cracker vs water dessert gel Solid Oral
(Chewdown) at bolus.
Moisture Absorption Amount of saliva absorbed by sample during chew down perceived shoe string licorice vs pound cake Solid, Semi-solid Oral
(Chewdown) as the degree of change in mouth moistness.
Moisture Release/Juiciness The amount of wetness/juiciness released from the sample. banana vs watermelon Solid Oral
(First Bite/Chew)
Mouth Clearing (Residual) The speed with which the sample clears from the mouth after creamy peanut butter vs water Solid, Semi-solid, Oral
swallowing or expectorating. Liquid
Attribute Description Examples Solid, Visual,
(low/high) Semi-solid, Mechanical,
Liquid Oral
Mouth Coating (Residual) Degree to which mouth surfaces are coated after swallowing or water dessert gel vs creamy peanut Solid, Semi-solid, Oral
expectorating. butter Liquid
Noise (Chewdown) The loudness of the sample during chewdown. sliced white bread vs tortilla chips Solid Oral, Aural
Noise (Mechanical) The loudness of the sample during breaking. white bread vs tortilla chips Solid Mechanical,
Opacity The degree to which light is blocked from passing through the water dessert gel vs soft caramel Solid, Semi-solid, Visual
sample. candy Liquid
Particle Amount The amount of perceivable particles in the sample. pineapple juice vs vegetable juice (vi- Semi-solid Visual, Oral
sual), high pulp orange juice (oral) (Visual), Liquid
(Visual, oral)
Particle Size The size of the particles in the sample. corn starch vs large pearl tapioca Solid, Semi-solid, Visual, Oral
pudding Liquid
Peaking The degree to which product creates stiff peaks. cooked oatmeal vs uncooked meringue Semi-solid, Liquid Mechanical
Rate of Melt The speed with which the sample melts during mastication or high gum ice cream vs soft serve ice Solid, Semi-solid Oral
(Mastication) manipulation. The rate at which the sample changes from a solid to cream
a liquid.
Resistance to Flow The amount of force necessary to begin flow. apple juice vs mayonnaise Semi-solid, Liquid Mechanical
Roughness of Mass The amount of roughness in the mass (can be further pudding vs Irish oatmeal Semi-solid Oral
(Breakdown) described as grittiness, graininess, coarseness, lumpiness, etc.).
Roughness of Mass The amount of roughness on the surface of the mass (can be further pound cake vs fresh carrot Solid Oral
(Chewdown) described as grittiness, graininess, coarseness, lumpiness, etc.).
Saliva Thickening The degree to which saliva thickens in reaction to the sample water vs heavy cream Semi-solid, Liquid Oral
during manipulation.
Sheen/ Shine The degree to which light is reflected off the surface of the sample. sugar-free hot cocoa mix vs Solid, Semi-solid, Visual
vegetable oil Liquid
Slipperiness (Breakdown) Ease to slide tongue over product. hummus vs spreadable margarine Semi-solid Oral
Slipperiness (Manipulation) Ease to slide product over lips. water vs starch-free shelf stable creamy Liquid Oral
Italian salad dressing
Spreadable Ease with which the sample can be evenly spread across nougat vs spreadable margarine Semi-solid Mechanical
another surface.
Springiness (Partial The amount the sample returns to its original shape. cream cheese (block) vs Solid, Semi-solid Oral
Compression) water dessert gel
Springiness During Chew The degree of resilience in the mass during chew. cream cheese (block) vs Solid, Semi-solid Oral
canned baby clams
Springiness/Return Degree to which the sample recovers after force is removed. store bought brownie vs Solid Mechanical
Distance store bought pound cake
Stringiness Degree of stringiness when pouring off a teaspoon. water vs caramel sauce Liquid, Semi- Mechanical,
solid Visual
Surface Chipping The overall amount of small pieces fractured off the product. licorice vs hard boiled (glass) candy Solid Visual
Surface Cracking/Breaking The overall amount of cracking/breaking on the surface of the water dessert gel vs pumpkin pie Semi-solid, Solid Visual
Surface Film The degree to which a film is perceived on the surface of the sample. whipped topping vs cooked pudding Semi-solid, Liquid Visual,
Surface Graininess (Semi- The amount of particles perceived on the surface. spreadable margarine vs ricotta cheese Semi-solid Visual,
solid) Mechanical
Surface Roughness (Solid) The amount of particles perceived in the surface. water dessert gel vs thin crisp Solid Visual,
rye wafer Mechanical
Surface Wetting Degree with which sample spreads out and visually adheres to water vs corn syrup Liquid Mechanical
surface of container.
Tensile Strength The force required to stretch or pull a sample until it breaks. corn muffin vs formed beef jerky stick Solid Mechanical
Tongue Burn (Chemical) The warming/burning sensation on the tongue. water vs vinegar Solid, Semi-solid, Oral
Toothpull (First Bite/Chew) The force required to pull molars apart. hot dog vs molded starch gel candy Solid Oral
Toothstick/Toothpack Degree to which product sticks to surface of teeth. fresh carrot vs molded starch Solid Oral
(Residual) gel candy
Uniformity of Bite/Chew The evenness of force required to bite or chew completely through shredded wheat vs soft caramel candy Solid Oral
sample using the molars.
Uniformity of Color (Visual) The evenness of distribution of the color, not blotchy. coarse ground black pepper vs Solid, Semi-solid, Visual
whole milk Liquid
Uniformity of Shape The degree to which the sample product pieces are the same shape kettle cooked potato chips vs Solid Visual
or the degree to which the shape of the sample is symmetrical. dehydrated potato crisps
Viscosity (Initial) Rate of flow per unit force: the force to draw between lips from water vs sweetened condensed milk Liquid Oral
spoon, and the rate of flow across tongue.
Viscosity (Mechanical) Visible thickness upon swirling 3 times in the sample cup. water vs sweetened condensed milk Liquid Visual,
Visual Separation/ The amount of visual liquid perceived on the top or around the mayonnaise vs fruit on the Semi-solid, Liquid Visual
Visual Liquid sample; amount of visual liquid separation. bottom yogurt
Wetness The degree to which the sample appears and feels wet. saltine cracker vs fresh tomato slice Solid, Semi-solid Visual,

Texture Innovation Center

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