Sports Unite People
Sports Unite People
Sports Unite People
Sports is an activity that involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team
competes again one another or others for entertainment. As we know every television news, sports
channels and also website around the world keep focusing on the most awaited sports which are the
FIFA World Cup on 2022. Back then, in 2018 a lot of people stopped their work and sacrificed their
sleeps just for watching their favourite football teams such as Brazil, Russia, England and Spain.
Surprisingly, we support other teams which are not from our own country. So, I agree with this
statement because sports actually able to unite people, create bonding with own family and bring
people with different religion and background to support sports as a nation.
Sports are able to unite people from all over the world. For instance, Datuk Lee Chong Wei
and Lin Dan who are professional badminton players are together from their first meeting on 2000 at
Asian Junior Championships in Kyoto. Apart from that, we can see on how sports can bring athletes
together from different country. Despite, we can see that they compete to win the game but actually
they are so close friends off the court. This kind of friendship clearly can bring people to unite them.
Moreover, athletes who take major in sport events such as Olympics, SEA Games and FIFA World
Cup they showed their spirit patriotism towards their country during the games.
Sports can also bring family members together. As we can see that every family have their
own passion. So some of family members sharing their same passion in different sports such as
badminton, football, golf and basketball. Nowadays, parents are too busy to work hard for sake of
their family. Thus, they need to spend some golden time with their own beloved family to watch
some sports game such as English Premier League games that can reduce stress and unite the family
members. Next, during weekend they spend time as a family go to the park for doing some of
recreational activities such as jogging and cycling together. This activity helps them to keep bonding
with their loved one. Despite this, parents also come to their children tournament to support them
in Softball games. So, we can see that sports can create unity and camaraderie.
Lastly, sports not only can unite people around the world and bring family members
togetherness but it also can bring people with different religion and background to support sports as
a nation. This is because it can bring us as togetherness. As we can see, Malaysian keeps supporting
games such as in SEA Games even though Malaysia has multicultural society. We keep cheering and
supporting without thinking their different races and religion by using the slogan “Malaysia Boleh” in
every single games. It show us that we become a nation while being united when support the games.
They support each other because they feel proud to be Malaysian as a unity. This make us unite and
In summary, I clearly believe that sports unite people from all over the world without
thinking their races, status, religion and background. As a team, we cooperate to build togetherness
and play with nation spirits. I hope that we can live as a nation in unity.