I.S.P. Nation and Stuart Webb: Researching and Analyzing Vocabulary
I.S.P. Nation and Stuart Webb: Researching and Analyzing Vocabulary
I.S.P. Nation and Stuart Webb: Researching and Analyzing Vocabulary
In the past two decades, research about learning and teaching second-lan-
guage (L2) vocabulary has increased greatly, so both teachers and researchers
will enjoy reading an engaging and accessible work in this area, Researching
and Analyzing Vocabulary. The authors have succeeded in presenting note-
worthy studies in important categories of L2 vocabulary research, including
step-by-step analyses that help readers to become better consumers of re-
search. More important, the information is presented in accessible language,
allowing the book’s 14 chapters to serve as a dynamic addition to the libraries
of anyone with an interest in lexical research.
Both Nation and Webb have numerous publications on lexical issues. In
this most recent work, however, they have written a more comprehensive
book in which they explain how to research various aspects of vocabulary,
offer expert analyses of existing studies, and enhance the likelihood that read-
ers might conduct lexical research. In addition, this text was written to serve
several types of readers including students engaged in research who seek to
further their understanding of issues in L2 vocabulary learning and research
and L2 instructors who wish to incorporate more evidence-based practices
into their vocabulary classrooms. Because the content of the book is quite
topic-specific, it is not intended for use as an introductory text on research
design, but rather for informing readers with an interest in L2 vocabulary.
The organization of Nation and Webb’s book facilitates its navigation. Read-
ers with a pedagogical focus will be drawn to the first two sections, that is, the
first seven chapters, which discuss both deliberate and incidental vocabulary-
learning and present several possible techniques that vocabulary teachers can
implement in their classrooms and, more important, the research that has been
conducted on these particular practices. The third section presents information
related to corpus-based research such as making and using word lists. Finally,
the fourth section presents information on assessing vocabulary knowledge.
Readers with an interest in developing research knowledge will benefit from
the presentation of multiple studies in all sections of the book as the authors
discuss and critique notable studies related to the topic covered in each chapter.
Also, researchers will benefit from the authors’ guidelines for conducting in-
quiries, discussion of potential research studies, and suggestions for designing
studies to bridge gaps in knowledge in specific areas of vocabulary acquisition.
A closer examination of any chapter of the book illustrates this consistent or-
ganization; in this review, I focus on Chapter 11.
Chapter 11 is dedicated to measuring vocabulary size. Nation and Webb
introduce this important topic by discussing its general value, noting that
vocabulary size “is clearly a major determinant of successful language use”
Liz Giltner
The Reviewer
Liz Giltner is a third-year doctoral candidate in TESOL in the University of Central Florida in
Orlando. She has taught French for the past 11 years and is interested in conducting research
on corrective feedback for learners’ written work.