MRPL Mechster 9000TA LSE 2
MRPL Mechster 9000TA LSE 2
MRPL Mechster 9000TA LSE 2
(Low Styrene Emission Thixotropic Preaccelerated Orthophthalate Polyester Resin)
MechsterTM designates a variety of unsaturated polyester Properties of Cured MechsterTM 9000TA-LSE
resins synthesized at Mechemco Resins Pvt. Ltd. These resins Specific Gravity @ 25oC : 1.20
are specially engineered to meet the most diverse needs of Tensile Strength, MPa : 60
fibreglass reinforced plastic moulding industry. Our R & D is Tensile Modulus, MPa : 3500
geared to tailor MechsterTM Resins for the customers' most Elongation at Break, % : 1.5
specific end application. In fact we take pride in suitably Flexural Strength, MPa : 90
formulating the resin to improve your production efficiency as Flexural Modulus, MPa : 3600
also the field performance of the FRP product. Heat Deflection Temperature,oC : 65
Barcol Hardness : 48
MechsterTM9000TA-LSE is a medium reactivity, low viscosity,
(Test methods : IS 6746-1994, ASTM and BS where IS
pre-accelerated, promoted, low exotherm, thixotropic
not available.)
Orthophthalate Polyester Resin containing fading dye indicator
and LSE additive.
MechsterTM9000TA-LSE is a suitable thixotropic resin for the
MechsterTM9000TA-LSE is designed to have : single step multi layered built up using hand lay-up or spray-up
• Excellent surface finish technique. This allows for faster production by contact moulding
• Faster curing time with low exotherm even with thick process. It is recommended as a structural back-up resin for
laminates acrylic and / or ABS surfaces.
• Easier Vertical surface applications
• Minimal Sagging
MechsterTM9000TA-LSE is supplied in non returnable M.S.
• Reduced styrene emission
drums containing 220 kg or returnable IBCs containing 1.0 MT
• Fading dye indicator for catalyst addition
and ISO Tanks containing ~ 20 MT net
MechsterTM9000TA-LSE contains additives which form a
Storage and Handling
barrier film during the lamination process to reduce emission of
MechsterTM9000TA-LSE should be stored in a cool and dry
styrene without loss of secondary bond strength. As a
place away from sunlight, preferably below 25oC. Under these
precaution, it is recommmneded to sand the base laminate before
conditions, the shelf life is 3 months. The storage stability could
over-laminating it.
be further improved by aerating the resin stored in barrels at an
MechsterTM9000TA-LSE is ideally suited for spray-up interval of about a fortnight.
application and desined to use with mineral fillers. A suitable
MechsterTM9000TA-LSE has a flash point of 34oC and is
laminate thickness of 2 – 6 mm at a time is recommended to
classified as flammable. Containters should be kept in a cool
achieve the desired results.
and ventilated place away from sunlight and sources of ignition.
Component made from MechsterTM9000TA-LSE exhibit "No Smoking" rules should be strictly enforced. In case of fire,
excellent surface finish along with very good hydrolytic stability, use dry chemical, foam, carbon dioxide or water spray to
improved mechanical strength and electrical insulation extingusih the flame. Spillages may be absorbed onto sand or
properties. earth and shovelled off and disposed according to local disposal
Physical Properties regulations.
Appearance :Hazy Light Blue Color Liquid Skin contact and vapor inhalation should be avoided during
Specific Gravity @25oC : 1.08 0.01 moulding because of the presence of styrene monomer. In case
Viscosity @ 25oC, Brookfield of irritation in the eye or skin, wash with copious amount of
LVT, Sp. #2, 20 rpm : 900 100 water. In extreme case, seek immediate medical advice. The
Thixotropic Index (2/20) : > 3.0 moulding area should be sufficiently ventilated for reducing the
Acid Value mg KOH/g : < 30 vapour levels in the air while compounding and moulding.
Volatile Content (w/w) % : 42 2
Curing Behaviour The above information and recommendation are based on our extensive experience
in the field and is provided only as a general guidance for application of our
• Gel time, minutes @ 25oC with : 30 – 40 product. The user should verify the suitability of our product for their own specific
100 gm Resin and 1% C1091 applications. We do not warrent or assume any liability for the information
Time to Peak Temp., minutes : 50 – 65 provided.
D 36/3, TTC Industrial Area, MIDC, Turbhe, Navi Mumbai 400 613
Tel No.: +91-22-27682720, Fax No.: +91-22-27682721
Version – 1.1 (1/10/2011)