BESR Action Plan Proposal 2020
BESR Action Plan Proposal 2020
BESR Action Plan Proposal 2020
Project Proposal
(Summative Assessment)
● Content
● Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the importance of doing business beyond profit
● Performance Standard
The learners shall be able to prepare and proposed a personal action plan to assist an existing
small business enterprise to practice ethics and social responsibility in their business operation.
● Learning Competencies
1. Prepare and proposed a personal action plan to assist an existing small business enterprise
to practice ethics and social responsibility in their business operation.
● Overview of the Activity
The student will prepare and propose a personal action plan to assist an existing small business
enterprise to practice ethics and social responsibility in their business operation. Developing a
personal action plan can help change makers turn their visions into reality, and increase
efficiency and accountability within an organization. A personal action plan describes the way
your organization will meet its objectives through detailed action steps that describe how and
when these steps will be taken.
Goal The students’ goal is to prepare, propose and submit a Personal Action
Plan for an existing small business enterprise.
Role They will assume the role of investor of the existing small business
enterprise that they will help.
Audience Your audience will be a panel of subject teachers and classmates who will
act as the owners of the existing small business enterprise who will
criticize your personal action plan.
Situation As an investor of a small business enterprise you were tasked by the
owner to prepare and propose a personal action plan that would help the
business to practice ethics and social responsibility.
Product A personal action plan for an existing small business enterprise. It is a
blueprint that outlines how a business will implement and practice ethics
and social responsibility, and use a combination of resources to achieve
business objectives and goals.
Standards (See Bottom)
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