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Daily Docket News

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Family courts in the United States revolve around an economy where children are commodities

and predatory parents’ money is used to purchase minor children through the courts. The courts
want to create conflict in divorce and child modification cases because doing so creates massive
profits not only for the system itself, but for all the legal and mental health professionals associated
with the process. The financial incentives and actual profits to be made are massive, and the money
is easily had for those willing, unethical, and slippery enough to play this nasty game.

The Worst Interest of the Child, The Trafficking of Children and

Parents Through U.S. Family Courts
Book by Keith Harmon Snow

It has been a national scandal for decades in which family courts systematically failed to protect
our minor children from physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse by predatory parents. What is
equally scandalous is the silence on the coverage of this unimaginable issue. Daily Docket News
is dedicated to shine light on the grave injustices taking place in the family court “Swamp”, in the
State of Missouri. The dreadful reality of Human Trafficking.

Daily Docket News is investigating the allegations raised by Tolu vs. James D. Reid, Ph.D.,
Elaine Pudlowski, Esq. & Jennifer Webbe Van Luven, LCSW, et al., Case No. 20SL-
CC04680 filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court. A scandal appears to be brewing in this
case, where Tolu, a former child custody litigant, is suing the court appointed forensic evaluator,
James D. Reid, Ph.D. with the firm of James D. Reid, Ph.D., LLC, the court appointed guardian
ad litem, Elaine Pudlowski, Esq. with the law firm of Frankel, Rubin, Klein, Siegel, Payne &
Pudlowski, P.C. and the court appointed therapist, Jennifer Webbe Van Luven, LCSW with
West County Psychological Associates. It is alleged that all three are involved in a horrific scheme,
“Kids for Cash”, that benefited a predatory parent and exploited vulnerable minor children. It
appears this scheme is widespread in the court system.

Daily Docket News sources report that there are dozens of litigants that suffered abuse by James
D. Reid, Ph.D., who systematically withheld crucial information from the family courts, thus
unthinkably placing countless numbers of minor children into the homes of predatory parents. It
appears that James D. Reid, Ph.D. has been working with an exclusive group of guardians ad litem,
including Henry Miller, Esq., Sarah Pleban, Esq., Art Nissenbaum, Esq., Jeff Medler, Esq., and
more specifically Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., who seems to be at the top of Reid’s go to list. It is
unclear, allegedly, why these guardians ad litem, while working covertly with their hand-picked
therapists, appear to consistently advocate for child placement with predatory parents, while
knowingly hiding behind the fraudulent reports prepared by James D. Reid, Ph.D. We must unite,
armed with the sense of responsibility, and take action to protect our minor children from this
“Swamp” of sleezy predatory parents, unethical greedy forensic evaluators, unethical corrupt
guardians ad litem and their unethical shady therapists. Human Trafficking is an Epidemic in
every State in the U.S. and takes many ugly forms. Our children deserve safety, justice, and
protection from ALL PREDATORS!
Reported to you by Daily Docket News
Always Fair, Honest, Unbiased, Balanced & Objective
Readership circulation: 12,000+ Saint Louis Metro
46,000+ Missourians
625,000+ Nation-Wide
Our readership is growing because of your support to make a change to save our children
It has been a “National Scandal” for decades in which family courts in this country systematically
failed to protect our children from physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse by predatory parents.
What is equally scandalous is the silence on the coverage of this unimaginable issue. Daily Docket
News is dedicated to shine light on the grave injustices taking place in the family court “Swamp”,
in the State of Missouri. The dreadful reality of “Human Trafficking in the United States of

Since the last Daily Docket News distribution update of the investigation into the allegations raised
by Tolu vs. James D. Reid, Ph.D., Elaine Pudlowski, Esq. & Jennifer Webbe Van Luven,
LCSW, et al., Case No. 20SL-CC04680, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court,
countless family law attorneys, guardians ad litem, therapists and victims of the James D. Reid,
Ph.D., Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., and Jennifer Webbe Van Luven, LCSW, “Kids for Cash” scheme,
have stepped forward with their stories. Daily Docket News sources have also managed to obtain
a copy of the petition in Case No. 20SL-CC04680 and a partial list of their, “Kids for Cash”
scheme, victims which are attached to this post. Countless victims from this partial list have
stepped forward with their horrific unthinkable stories of “Human Trafficking” of their children
through the Saint Louis County Family Court “Swamp” which we have chosen not to share at this
time. Several attorneys, guardians ad litem and therapists, who practice in the Saint Louis County
Family Court, also stepped forward and emailed their stories to Daily Docket News. Excerpts
from a few stories are provided below.

Letter 21: I find that the family court judges are abdicating their responsibility to make these life
altering decisions for children, but instead leave it all up to the ill-trained and biased guardians ad
litem like Pudlowski. Pudlowski always determines, at the get go, which parent has more financial
resources, then labels that parent as good, and subsequently the other parent as bad, throughout the
case shutting down any evidence to the contrary. Vilifying one parent as Pudlowski always does,
equipped with Reid’s fraudulent reports based on fabrication, hearsay and not on actual evidence,
together with Van Luven’s fake therapy, is complete neglect of children’s best interests aimed at
syphoning enormous sums of money in profits while destroying the lives of children they are hired
to protect. It is nothing else but a legalized scheme of child trafficking through family courts in
Saint Louis County. Pudlowski knows exactly what she is doing as the swamp ring master.
Attorney T, Saint Louis domestic relations attorney,
17 years in family law practice

Letter 57: I have seen case after case where literally no evidence was allowed from one parent to
refute false statements by the other parent, that were mere hearsay unsupported by any evidence.
The family court judges are pulling their custody decisions out of thin air on the advice of corrupt
guardians ad litem like Pudlowski and pseudo psychologists like Reid masquerading as trained
evaluators of family interactions. Reid told my client that he is married to the almighty and
powerful Judge Laurence Mooney, who sits on the Court of Appeals, and that my client would be
foolish to challenge Reid’s opinions. Pudlowski bragged to my client that she is Larry’s friend,
and that they spend holidays together. Pudlowski told my client that if she did not do exactly what
she was told, Pudlowski would make sure my client only sees her children for one hour once a
month with strict supervision. If this is not child trafficking than what is? I strike her from my
cases immediately.
Attorney E, Saint Louis domestic relations attorney
24 years in family law practice

Letter 82: As a result of Pudlowski dragging cases until one parent is bankrupted, the family court
lawyers for both parents are able to charge outrageous fees while neglecting best interests of the
children, blatantly ignoring constitutional rights, as well as ignoring federal and state laws that
provide for child protection, promote joint parenting, mediation, and the solving of family
arguments so that children are raised in a loving and nurturing environment, instead of a hostile,
stressful and disruptive one. Pudlowski traffics in children, to enrich herself and her swamp team,
by depleting families of their wealth while blatantly destroying the lives of children she was hired
to protect.
Former Saint Louis County guardian ad litem,
left practice family law practice after 10 years because of deep rooted corruption
in Saint Louis Family Court

Letter 89: Reading your post made my day. Every time Pudlowski is brought into any of my cases
as guardian ad litem, I advise my clients that she routinely engages in ex parte communications
with the judges, because that is what happened in several of my cases where I caught her right-
handed. Pudlowski, knowing that the court system protects her, enriches her corrupt team by
dragging the cases until one of the parents is bankrupt and only then, does she force the parties
settle out of court.
Attorney S, Saint Louis domestic relations attorney
16 years in family law practice

Letter 91: I honestly believe that literally billions of dollars each year have
been misappropriated in this human trafficking scheme in our countries family courts that is
permanently damaging millions of children who are being taught that parents are unimportant and
expendable. The only purpose of parents for Pudlowski, Reid and Van Luven, are to serve as deep
pockets for quick easy money while using their children’s lives to achieve unlimited wealth. This
is, without a doubt, one of the most egregious legally sanctioned schemes in child trafficking,
which destroys families in America, and encourages greed, lawlessness, and immorality by people
like Pudlowski, Reid and Van Luven.
Therapist S, LCSW, trained in family reunification therapy

We must unite, armed with the sense of responsibility, and take action to protect our minor children
from this “Swamp” of sleezy predatory parents, unethical greedy forensic evaluators, unethical
corrupt guardians ad litem and their unethical shady therapists. Laws protecting this outrageous
conduct in our family courts must be changed. “Human Trafficking” is an “Epidemic” in every
corner of the United States, and it takes many ugly forms. Our children deserve safety, justice,
and protection from ALL PREDATORS!

Reported to you by Daily Docket News
Always Fair, Honest, Unbiased, Balanced & Objective
Readership circulation: 22,000+ Saint Louis Metro
62,000+ Missourians
995,000+ Nation-Wide
Our readership is growing because of your support to make a change to save our children
It has been a “National Scandal” for decades in which family courts in this country systematically
failed to protect our children from physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse by predatory parents.
What is equally scandalous is the silence on the coverage of this unimaginable issue. Daily Docket
News is dedicated to shine light on the grave injustices taking place in the family
court “Swamp,” in the State of Missouri. It is a dreadful reality of “Human Trafficking through
the Family Courts in the United States of America.”

Since our last Daily Docket News update on the investigation into the allegations raised by Tolu
vs. James D. Reid, Ph.D., Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., Jennifer Webbe Van Luven, LCSW, and
Fitzgibbons Psychological Associates (FPA) a/k/a West County Psychological Associates
(WCPA), Case No. 20SL-CC04680, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court, countless
family law attorneys, guardians ad litem, therapists and victims of the Reid, Pudlowski, Van Luven
and FPA a/k/a WCPA, “Kids for Cash” scheme, have stepped forward with their stories. Daily
Docket News is currently investigating their stories and will bring you updates from these sources

Daily Docket News is grateful for your empathy and support for the victims of the Pudlowski, Reid,
Van Luven and FPA a/k/a WCPA “Kids for Cash” scheme. We appreciate your courage, ideas,
desire, and openness to engage in this difficult conversation. We are listening to your stories. Your
voices are heard, and your stories will be reported. When we stand together and speak up, we give
strength and support to the victims of domestic violence in our community. Unfortunately, we are
too late for the children that have been forever damaged by the Pudlowski, Reid, Van Luven and
FPA a/k/a WCPA “Kids for Cash” scheme, but if we band together, we can protect the children
who have not fallen prey to the domestic abuse inflicted by these predators. The public is outraged
about this despicable human trafficking of our innocent children. Pudlowski, Reid, Van Luven and
FPA a/k/a WCPA have nowhere to hide anymore from our State and the Country because we now
know who they are. Our strength gives hope to the children who are currently experiencing physical,
emotional, and sexual abuse after being placed with predatory parents by the Pudlowski, Reid, Van
Luven and FPA a/k/a WCPA “Swamp”. We pray that the family court will do the right thing and
revisit these cases to set these children free. Many of you have told us that you are deathly afraid of
more Columbine High School massacres which you believe are direct cause and effect as related to
children in the custody of these predatory parents. When we take a stand and expose this injustice,
only then will our children’s cries for help be heard.

Child safety advocates have now placed a complete copy of Tolu vs. James D. Reid, Ph.D., Elaine
Pudlowski, Esq., Jennifer Webbe Van Luven, LCSW, and Fitzgibbons Psychological
Associates (FPA) a/k/a West County Psychological Associates (WCPA), Case No. 20SL-
CC04680, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court, on Facebook for public viewing. Visit
the page by clicking on the link, like it, and follow this page. Show your support for the victims of
domestic violence!

https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story fbid=180564340289211&id=102729701406009

We must unite, armed with the sense of responsibility, and take action to protect our children from
this “Swamp” of sleezy predatory parents, unethical greedy forensic evaluators, unethical corrupt
guardians ad litem and their unethical shady therapists. Laws protecting this outrageous conduct in
our family courts must be changed. “Human Trafficking” is an “Epidemic” in every corner of the
United States, and it takes many ugly forms. Our children deserve safety, justice, and protection

Reported to you by Daily Docket News
Always Fair, Honest, Unbiased, Balanced & Objective
Readership circulation: 37,000+ Saint Louis Metro
172,000+ Missourians
1,495,000+ Nation-Wide
Our readership is growing because of your support to make a change to save our children
Daily Docket News is dedicated to shine light on the grave injustices taking place in the family
court “Swamp,” in the State of Missouri. It is a dreadful reality of Human Trafficking through
the Family Courts in the United States of America. It has been a national scandal for decades in
which family courts in this country systematically failed to protect our children from physical,
emotional, and sexual abuse by predatory parents. What is equally scandalous is the silence on the
coverage of this unimaginable issue.

Child Safety Advocates have now placed a complete copy of Tolu vs. James D. Reid, Ph.D.,
Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., Jennifer Webbe Van Luven, LCSW, and Fitzgibbons Psychological
Associates (FPA) a/k/a West County Psychological Associates (WCPA), Case No. 20SL-
CC04680, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court, on Facebook for public viewing. Visit
the page by clicking on the link, like it, bookmark it and follow this page. New postings will be
added periodically. Show your support for the victims of domestic violence! Together we can make
a difference for the victims of domestic violence and hold accountable ALL PREDATORS!


Since our last Daily Docket News update on the investigation into the allegations raised by Tolu
vs. Reid, we continue to be flooded with letters from family law attorneys, guardians ad litem,
therapists and victims of the Reid, Pudlowski, Van Luven and FPA a/k/a WCPA, “Kids for Cash”
scheme. Thank you for voicing your disgust and anger about what was done to the victims of
domestic violence in our family courts. Daily Docket News is gathering information on many other
“Players” that allegedly were and currently are part of the Kids for Cash scheme which includes
other forensic evaluators, guardians ad litem, therapists and even attorneys who represent the
predatory parents as well as the unsuspecting victims, all working together in the Swamp to enrich
themselves off the backs of the innocent children and families who are all expendable in their eyes.
Our sources report that money exchanged hands, allegedly under the table, in past and current
cases between many of the players.

The consensus among our Legal readership is either to file a Motion to Modify and/or Motion to
Vacate prior custody decisions in all cases involving the Kids for Cash Players. For currently
pending cases, our legal readership suggests to file Motion to Strike Reid as an expert and Motion
to Remove Pudlowski as guardian ad litem.

Daily Docket News is grateful for your empathy and overwhelming support for the victims of the
Kids for Cash scheme. We appreciate your openness and willingness to engage in this difficult
conversation. We hear your anger and are deeply touched by your heart felt stories which will be
reported. We must stand together and support the victims of domestic violence in our community.
Unfortunately, we are too late for some of the children who are permanently damaged by the Kids
for Cash scheme, but if we band together, we can protect the children who have not fallen prey to
the domestic violence inflicted by these predators. The public is outraged about this despicable
human trafficking of our children. We all must work together to expose these Kids for Cash
Players, so they will not be able to hide any longer because everyone must know who they are. Our
strength gives hope to the children who are currently experiencing domestic violence after being
unjustly placed with predatory parents by the Kids for Cash Players. We ask the family courts in
our state to do the right thing and revisit these cases to free the abused children from their predators.
Several of you mentioned school massacres which you believe happened because of our broken legal
and child protection system. Daily Docket News will continue investigating what appears to be
widespread corruption in our family courts and will bring you updates as they happen. When we
take a stand and expose this injustice, only then will our children’s cries for help be heard.

We must unite, armed with the sense of responsibility, and take action to protect our children from
this Swamp of sleezy predatory parents, unethical greedy forensic evaluators, unethical corrupt
guardians ad litem, their unethical shady therapists and unethical slippery attorneys. Laws protecting
this outrageous conduct in our family courts must be changed now. Human trafficking is an epidemic
in every corner of the United States, and it takes many ugly forms. Our children deserve safety,
justice, and protection from ALL PREDATORS!
Reported to you by Daily Docket News
Always Fair, Honest, Unbiased, Balanced & Objective
Readership circulation: 61,000+ Saint Louis Metro
343,000+ Missourians
2,695,000+ Nation-Wide
Our readership is growing because of your support to make a change to save our children
Daily Docket News is dedicated to shine light on the grave injustices taking place in the family
court swamp, in the State of Missouri. It has been a national scandal for decades in which family
courts in this country systematically failed to protect our children from physical, emotional, and
sexual abuse by predatory parents. What is equally scandalous is the silence on the coverage of
this unimaginable issue. It is a dreadful reality of child trafficking through family courts in the
United States of America.
Daily Docket News’ investigative team is currently digging deep into a completed case, Van Den
Bergh vs. Van Den Bergh, Case 15SL-DR05021 filed in the Saint Louis County Family Court,
and has learned of a minor child disclosing to a therapist that they were molested by their father.
Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., with the law firm of Frankel, Rubin, Klein, Siegel, Payne &
Pudlowski, P.C., who was appointed as the child’s guardian ad litem, withheld the child’s
disclosure from the family court and influenced the Department of Family Services to not
investigate the child’s disclosure. Pudlowski had numerous ex parte communications with the
family court judge in this case. When Patricia Susi, Esq., of the law firm Curtis, Heinz, Garrett
& O’Keefe, who represented mother, learned about the non-disclosure and ex parte
communications, Susi filed a ‘Motion to Disqualify’ Pudlowski per the attached motion. When
Susi’s boss, Deborah Henry, Esq., of the law firm Curtis, Heinz, Garrett & O’Keefe, saw Susi’s
‘Motion to Disqualify’ Pudlowski, Henry got enraged with Susi, per the attached email from Henry
to Susi. A concerned whistleblower, with the law firm Curtis, Heinz, Garrett & O’Keefe, provided
this email, from Henry to Susi, to the Daily Docket News. Documents indicate that Henry did not
mind taking over one hundred and forty thousand dollars in legal fees from the mother of this
molested child while at the same time insulting, berating and name calling her behind her back.
As a result of Henry’s email, Susi withdrew the ‘Motion to Disqualify’ Pudlowski. Pudlowski,
with the help from attorneys at the law firm Curtis, Heinz, Garrett & O’Keefe, had the family court
order the molested child’s custody to the molester predatory father. Why would a molested child
be ripped from the arms of a loving mother and handed over to the predatory molester father?
Pudlowski also further incited permanent damage by placing this molested child and their molester
in court ordered reunification therapy. Why would Pudlowski reunify a molested child with their
molester? What was Pudlowski’s motive to destroy a child’s life, money? Ironically, a few days
ago, Pudlowski filed a Memorandum of Compliance with the guardian ad litem standards, with
the family court in this case although the case was completed two years ago. It should be noted
that up until the Tolu v. Reid et al, Case No. 20SL-CC04680 was filed in the Saint Louis County
Family Court, Daily Docket News’ investigative team found Pudlowski never filed any such
Memorandums in any of her cases, which by the way she is court ordered to do in each and every
completed case according to our legal department. Why would Pudlowski do this? Why would
Pudlowski start now? Did Pudlowski comply with the guardian ad litem standards by placing the
molested child with their molester predatory parent? Was it in the molested child’s best interest to
be reunified with their molester predatory parent? According to Pudlowski’s Memorandum, it was
in the molested child’s best interest to be placed in the custody of their molester predatory father.
Why was a loving mother’s testimony of a horrific crime covered up, who was only trying to save
her child’s life. Daily Docket News’ investigative team confirms that to this day, the child is being
molested by the predatory father and no one appears to care for the child’s wellbeing except the
grieving mother, not the family court, not Pudlowski with the law firm of Frankel, Rubin, Klein,
Siegel, Payne & Pudlowski, P.C. and obviously, not Henry and Susi with the law firm Curtis,
Heinz, Garrett & O’Keefe. The Saint Louis County Prosecutor has been investigating this reported
molestation but appears to be doing nothing about it. Why? How deep is the Swamp? Did Henry
and Susi diligently and zealously represent their client? Read the attached documents and decide
for yourself. This is just one example of countless similar cases being forwarded to us by our
readers. How can this happen in this country? The public screams every day about children being
separated from parents at our borders, but no one cares about the faceless/nameless children being
trafficked every day in our family courts for profit.
Daily Docket News has received thousands of documents from our concerned readers on cases
involving many other Players in this Kids for Cash scheme including the defendants in the Tolu
vs. James D. Reid, Ph.D., Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., Jennifer Webbe Van Luven, LCSW, and
Fitzgibbons Psychological Associates a/k/a West County Psychological Associates, Case No.
20SL-CC04680, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court. These cases present a clear
pattern of child trafficking through the family courts which involve colluding attorneys, guardians
ad litem, therapists, and psychologists who engage in divorce, child custody, adoption, and
paternity cases. Daily Docket News will bring these victims’ stories to you as we investigate them.
Daily Docket News cannot thank our readers enough for their support, their leads, and their desire
to change this lawless family court system.
We must unite, armed with the sense of responsibility, and take action to protect our children from
this swamp of sleezy predatory parents, unethical greedy forensic evaluators, unethical corrupt
guardians ad litem, unethical shady therapists, and unethical corrupt attorneys. Laws protecting this
outrageous conduct in our family courts must be changed now. Child trafficking through the family
court system is an epidemic, and it takes many ugly forms. Our children deserve safety, justice,
and protection from ALL PREDATORS!
Reported to you by Daily Docket News
Always Fair, Honest, Unbiased, Balanced & Objective
Readership circulation: 93,000+ Saint Louis Metro
461,000+ Missourians
3,975,000+ Nation-Wide
Our readership is growing because of your support to make a change to save our children
Daily Docket News is dedicated to shine light on the grave injustices taking place in the family
court swamp, in the State of Missouri. It has been a national scandal for decades in which family
courts in this country systematically failed to protect our children from physical, emotional, and
sexual abuse by predatory parents. What is equally scandalous is the silence on the coverage of
this unimaginable issue. It is a dreadful reality of child trafficking through family courts in the
United States of America.
Daily Docket News investigative team is currently digging deep into a completed case, Arseneau
v. Arseneau, Case No. 13 SL-DR00863-02, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court,
where a mother sought child custody modification after the divorced mother obtained an Order of
Protection from the Saint Charles County Court that had jurisdiction over the mother and her
minor child. The order of protection was entered to protect the mother’s minor child from staying
at the child’s father’s house where the minor child was sexually abused repeatedly by the minor
child’s father’s stepson from a subsequent marriage. Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., with the law firm
of Frankel, Rubin, Klein, Siegel, Payne & Pudlowski, P.C., who was appointed as the child’s
guardian ad litem, hired James D. Reid, Ph.D. as the forensic evaluator, who found that the mother
suffered from an assortment of mental disorders and summarized it in his report to Pudlowski.
Armed with this report from Reid, Pudlowski, advocated for the placement of the sexually abused
child into the very house where the child was sexually abused. Pudlowski did not bring to the Saint
Louis County Circuit Court’s attention, the Saint Charles County Court order of protection.
Pudlowski did her absolute best to withhold the Saint Charles County Court order of protection
from the Saint Louis County Circuit Court. Why did Pudlowski not protect the best interests of the
minor child she was appointed to protect, but instead acted as the father’s agent and not the child’s
guardian? Were there other motives? Because of Pudlowski’s actions not to have the best interests
of the minor child, Commissioner McKee, with the Saint Louis County Circuit Court, gave father
sole legal custody of the sexually abused minor child. The child is currently staying in the same
home with the same father’s stepson, who continues to this day sexually abusing this minor child
and no one seems to care except the mother, not Pudlowski, not Reid and not even the County
Prosecutor who was made aware of this horrific situation. In addition to misleading the Court in
this case with respect to the Saint Charles County Court order of protection, our legal team has
found Pudlowski violated her fiduciary duty and Reid has violated his standard of care, to the
mother. It should be noted that Pudlowski has not yet filed a Memorandum of Compliance with
the guardian ad litem standards, with the family court in this case, which is required. Did
Pudlowski comply with the guardian ad litem standards by placing this sexually molested child
with their predatory molester?
Daily Docket News investigative team is digging deep into completed cases where Pudlowski, in
her role as guardian ad litem, appears to follow a pattern ninety-nine percent of the time, in
delaying the case resolution by filing meritless continuances with the apparent sole purpose of
generating more income for herself, her handpicked forensic evaluators and her handpicked
therapists, while acting outside the scope of her guardian ad litem appointment as the father’s
agent, pitting the parents against each other by gaslighting both parents and provoking unnecessary
legal fights and arguments that could have been avoided had the parties not been gaslighted and
not pitted against each other by Pudlowski. Pudlowski’s actions appear to be aimed at fueling the
dispute to extend litigation for Pudlowski to generate countless amounts of money in guardian ad
litem fees. Is Pudlowski a good guardian ad litem for these children or a bad one? Does Pudlowski,
as the guardian ad litem, have the best interest of the child or the best interest of her bank account
in mind? Another ironic thing about Reid’s diagnosis of the mother, is that we are finding case
after case, involving Pudlowski and Reid, where all the mothers are suffering the exact same
mental disorders which is statistically impossible because only about one percent of the population
of the entire country has these mental disorders. How is it that all these mothers live right here in
Saint Louis County, Missouri? Is there something in our water that is nowhere else in the country?
What is even more unexplainable, is how this one percent of the entire country happens to be in
every case Pudlowski and Reid are involved in together? What are the statistical chances?
Daily Docket News investigative team is currently digging deep into an open case, Arseneau v.
Arseneau, Case No. 13SL-DR00863-03, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court,
Pudlowski is trying to incarcerate the mother of the sexually abused minor child. Pudlowski filed
an Order to Show Cause and Motion for Contempt against the mother. Again, Pudlowski is not
acting in the best interest of the child by trying to incarcerate the sexually abused minor child’s
mother. Pudlowski apparently does not care about the sexually abused minor child’s best interest
when Pudlowski placed the sexually abused minor child with their sex abuser, nor does Pudlowski
care whether the sexually abused minor child’s mother is in jail. All Pudlowski appears to care
about is her guardian ad litem fees of nearly $26,000.00 that she billed the parties to guarantee that
the sexually abused minor child would continue being sexually abused.
Daily Docket News has received thousands of documents from our concerned readers on cases
involving many other Players in this Kids for Cash scheme including the defendants in the Tolu
vs. James D. Reid, Ph.D., Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., Jennifer Webbe Van Luven, LCSW, and
Fitzgibbons Psychological Associates a/k/a West County Psychological Associates, Case No.
20SL-CC04680, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court. These cases present a clear
pattern of child trafficking through the family courts which involve colluding attorneys, guardians
ad litem, therapists, and forensic evaluators, who engage in divorce, child custody, adoption, and
paternity cases which coincidentally all involve well to do predatory parents. Daily Docket News
will bring these victims’ stories to you as we investigate them.
Daily Docket News cannot thank our readers enough for their support, their leads, and their desire
to change this lawless family court system. Please forward this email with everyone you know that
is concerned about our children’s safety.
Daily Docket News wants every reader to unite, armed with the sense of responsibility, and take
action to protect our children from this swamp of sleezy predatory parents, unethical greedy forensic
evaluators, unethical corrupt guardians ad litem, unethical shady therapists, and unethical corrupt
attorneys. Laws protecting this outrageous conduct in our family courts must be changed now. Child
trafficking through the family court system is an epidemic, and it takes many ugly forms. Our
children deserve safety, justice, and protection from ALL PREDATORS!
Reported to you by Daily Docket News
Always Fair, Honest, Unbiased, Balanced & Objective
Readership circulation: 121,000+ Saint Louis Metro
525,000+ Missourians
4,151,000+ Nation-Wide
Our readership is growing because of your support to make a change to save our children
Daily Docket News is dedicated to shine light on the grave injustices taking place in the family
court swamp, in the State of Missouri. It has been a national scandal for decades in which family
courts in this country systematically failed to protect our children from physical, emotional, and
sexual abuse by predatory parents. What is equally scandalous is the silence on the coverage of
this unimaginable issue. It is a dreadful reality of child trafficking through family courts in the
United States of America.
Daily Docket News investigative team is currently digging deep into the past of James D. Reid,
Ph.D., as well as the past of Jennifer Webbe Van Luven, LCSW, who is the Assistant Director
of Fitzgibbons Psychological Associates a/k/a West County Psychological Associates. Elaine
Pudlowski, Esq., with the law firm of Frankel, Rubin, Klein, Siegel, Payne & Pudlowski, P.C.,
a well-known child’s guardian ad litem in the Saint Louis area, almost always recommends to the
parties involved with the family court, that they use Reid, as the Forensic Psychology Evaluator,
and Van Luven, as the Custody Evaluator, Divorce and Custody Mediator and/or Forensic
Daily Docket News investigative team is puzzled how Pudlowski, who is entrusted with the best
interest of children, could turn a blind eye to Reid and Van Luven’s moral character knowing that
they appear to be very dishonest people based on our findings. One could conclude that Pudlowski
herself, could very well be no different than the people she associates with or more unbelievable,
does Reid and Van Luven follow the orders given by Pudlowski, during their involvement with
family court proceedings? You be the judge with what Daily Docket News has uncovered.
Daily Docket News investigative team has uncovered that Reid has a long history of trouble with
the law, in the Saint Louis area. It should be noted that our investigation of Reid’s trouble with the
law did not venture outside the Saint Louis area at this time. Listed below are but a few of Reid’s
run-ins with the law:
Reid has a history of not complying with the law and does not show up in court when ordered.
Warrants need be filed for his arrest to coerce Reid into complying.
Reid (Defendant), in a ticket dispute case, State of Missouri vs. Reid, Case No. 701457645, filed
in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court, where he refused to pay $124.00 ticket, was found
Reid (Defendant), in a ticket dispute case, State of Missouri vs. Reid, Case No. 060683215, filed
in the Dekalb County Circuit Court, where he refused to pay ticket, was found guilty.
Reid (Defendant), in a health care billing dispute case, Midwestern Health vs. Reid, Case No.
08V1-CV00243, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court, where he refused to pay a
$1,056.58 bill, was found liable.
Reid (Defendant), in a ticket dispute case, State of Missouri vs. Reid, Case No. 060451808, filed
in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court, where he refused to pay ticket, was found guilty.
Reid has resisted paying his Missouri taxes; therefore, Court Actions and Wage Garnishments
have been imposed as the only means of settlement. No resolution was able to be accomplished
voluntarily by Reid.
Reid (Defendant), in a tax lien case, State of Missouri vs. Reid, Case No. 09DV-MC00013, filed
in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court, where he refused to pay $2,455.72 in taxes, was found
Reid (Defendant), in a tax lien case, State of Missouri vs. Reid, Case No. 13DV-MC00018, filed
in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court, where he refused to pay $3,357.01 in taxes, was found
Reid (Defendant), in a tax lien case, State of Missouri vs. Reid, Case No. 13DV-MC00098, filed
in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court, where he refused to pay $1,539.02 in taxes, was found
Reid has had contractual disputes that instead of peaceful legal resolution that comply with terms
of the agreement or compromise to find a solution, Reid has taken to spraying crops with poisonous
chemicals to enact revenge causing thousands of dollars’ worth of damage to a tenant renting his
farmland and Reid refused to comply with court orders and judgements against him, resulting in
garnishments being imposed.
Reid (Defendant), in a property destruction case, Mike Burns vs. Reid, Case No. 15LI-SC00006,
filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court, where he refused to pay $4,564.95 in damages,
was found liable.
Daily Docket News investigative team has uncovered that Van Luven has a long history of trouble
with the law, in the Saint Louis area. It should be noted that our investigation of Van Luven’s
trouble with the law did not venture outside the Saint Louis area at this time. Listed below are but
a few of Van Luven’s run-ins with the law:
Van Luven (Plaintiff), in her very own children’s custody case, Bannister vs. Bannister, Case
No. 11SL-DR07836, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court, purposely interfered with
their children’s father’s rights, to see their children. It must be noted that Pudlowski, was the
guardian ad litem for the children in this case. Van Luven impeded the father of her children from
gaining any access to their children’s health care, school activities, extracurricular activities, and
international travel. Van Luven refused the father of her children his court ordered visitation rights
by ignoring the court order. Van Luven declined to transport her children to see their father on the
days of the father’s visitation as court ordered. Van Luven blocked the father’s attempts to visit
his children during the court ordered visitation schedule. Van Luven purposely frustrated the
efforts of the visitation supervisors to accommodate her schedule, thus interfering with the court
ordered children’s father’s visitation. Van Luven pre-enrolled the children in activities during the
court ordered father’s visitation times, thus purposely interfering in father’s time with his children.
Van Luven failed to inform third parties of father’s existence, including those responsible for
registration or supervision of their children in their extracurricular activities, thereby further
limiting father’s ability to participate in the extracurricular activities of their children. Van Luven
would take their children on trips out of town on father’s court ordered visitation time without
informing father, thus purposely further alienating the children from their father. Van Luven
purposely alienated their children from their father’s side of the family. Van Luven did and
encouraged others to disparage their children’s father, in the presence of their children, including
educators, health care providers, team managers, coaches and instructors of the children. Van
Luven interfered with all contact at every level between their children and their children’s father’s
side of the family, thus further alienating the children from their father.
Van Luven (Defendant), in a property dispute case, OWB REO LLC vs. Bannister et al, Case
No. 12SL-AC43635, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court, where she refused to vacate
a property that she was foreclosed on, thus defrauding the new owner of $5,138.00 in rent per
month, was found liable.
Van Luven (Defendant), in a credit card fraud case, FIA Card Services NA vs. Bannister, Case
No. 13SL-AC05629, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court, where she racked up
$31,904.39 in credit card charges and refused to pay it back, was found liable.
Van Luven (Defendant), in a credit card fraud case, CKCM Enterprises vs. Bannister, Case No.
14SL-SC01454, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court, where she charged $2,568.50 to
a storage facility with a fake credit card, was found liable.
Van Luven (Defendant), in a credit card fraud case, Stephens Floor Covering Co vs. Bannister
et al, Case No. 2101SC-00561, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court, where she charged
$1,357.43 to a flooring company with a fake credit card, was found liable.
Daily Docket News has received thousands of documents from our concerned readers on cases
involving many other Players in this Kids for Cash scheme including the defendants in the Tolu
vs. James D. Reid, Ph.D., Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., Jennifer Webbe Van Luven, LCSW, and
Fitzgibbons Psychological Associates a/k/a West County Psychological Associates, Case No.
20SL-CC04680, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court. These cases present a clear
pattern of child trafficking through the family courts which involve colluding attorneys, guardians
ad litem, therapists, and forensic evaluators, who engage in divorce, child custody, adoption, and
paternity cases which coincidentally all involve well to do predatory parents. Daily Docket News
will bring these victims’ stories to you as we investigate them.
Daily Docket News cannot thank our readers enough for their support, their leads, and their desire
to change this lawless family court system. Please forward this email with everyone you know that
is concerned about our children’s safety.
Daily Docket News wants every reader to unite, armed with the sense of responsibility, and take
action to protect our children from this swamp of sleezy predatory parents, unethical greedy forensic
psychology evaluators, unethical corrupt guardians ad litem, unethical shady therapists, and
unethical corrupt attorneys. Laws protecting this outrageous conduct in our family courts must be
changed now. Child trafficking through the family court system is an epidemic, and it takes many
ugly forms. Our children deserve safety, justice, and protection from ALL PREDATORS!
Reported to you by Daily Docket News
Always Fair, Honest, Unbiased, Balanced & Objective
Readership circulation: 237,000+ Saint Louis Metro
691,000+ Missourians
4,975,000+ Nation-Wide
Our readership is growing because of your support to make a change to save our children
Daily Docket News is dedicated to shine light on the grave injustices taking place in the family
court swamp, in the State of Missouri. It has been a national scandal for decades in which family
courts in this country systematically failed to protect our children from physical, emotional, and
sexual abuse by predatory parents. What is equally scandalous is the silence on the coverage of
this unimaginable issue. It is a dreadful reality of child trafficking through family courts in the
United States of America.
Daily Docket News investigative team is currently digging deep into the cases involving Elaine
Pudlowski, Esq., an attorney in the Saint Louis area, with the law firm of Frankel, Rubin, Klein,
Siegel, Payne & Pudlowski, P.C., a 1993 graduate from Washington University, who specializes
in guardian ad litem, divorce, paternity, child custody, child support, spousal support, adoptions,
family law mediator, parent coordinator, guardianships, and estates. Listed below are but a few of
the ongoing cases we find Pudlowski involved in during the month of December alone. We thank
our faithful readership for providing this list of cases. How is it remotely possible that one person
could begin to give the attention required to each, and every child with this volume of cases, not
to mention the possible hundreds or even thousands of other cases Pudlowski has guardian ad litem
control over. When would Pudlowski have the time to meet and address the parent’s, as well as
the children’s concerns and needs? With a workload like this, does Pudlowski have the best interest
of the child or the best interest of her bank account? We will investigate in depth, each professional
associated with the cases listed below for any sign of corruption and/or collusion:
I. Case No. 2022-FC00557, filed in the City of Saint Louis Circuit Court
II. Case No. 12SL-DR03817-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
III. Case No. 14SL-DR03833-04, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
IV. Case No. 15SL-DR02285, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
V. Case No. 16SL-DR01897-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
VI. Case No. 18SL-DR01282-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
VII. Case No. 19SL-DR04191, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
VIII. Case No. 20SL-DR01158, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
IX. Case No. 10SL-DR05495-03, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
X. Case No. 18SL-DR01780, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XI. Case No. 15SL-DR03761-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XII. Case No. 19SL-DR04582, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XIII. Case No. 11SL-DR03844-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XIV. Case No. 19SL-DR05516, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XV. Case No. 19SL-DR03274, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XVI. Case No. 17SL-DR04404-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XVII. Case No. 16SL-DR04845-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XVIII. Case No. 20SL-DR00934, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XIX. Case No. 11SL-DR06669-03, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XX. Case No. 20SL-DR04197, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXI. Case No. 20SL-DR01511, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXII. Case No. 14SL-DR02689-02, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXIII. Case No. 20SL-DR03463, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXIV. Case No. 09SL-DR05141-03, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXV. Case No. 19SL-DR05564, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXVI. Case No. 20SL-DR00729, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXVII. Case No. 13SL-DR01256-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXVIII. Case No. 20SL-DR02353, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXIX. Case No. 12SL-DR05361-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXX. Case No. 12SL-DR05902-03, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXXI. Case No. 19SL-DR04099, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXXII. Case No. 20SL-DR02465, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXXIII. Case No. 22063-00396-06, filed in the City of Saint Louis Circuit Court
XXXIV. Case No. 1322-FC02513-01, filed in the City of Saint Louis Circuit Court
XXXV. Case No. 15SL-DR06779-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXXVI. Case No. 17SL-DR05381-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXXVII. Case No. 20SL-DR01042, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXXVIII. Case No. 20SL-DR00669, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXXIX. Case No. 09SL-DR06906-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XL. Case No. 19SL-DR02748, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XLI. Case No. 20SL-DR03005, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XLII. Case No. 20SL-DR02505, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XLIII. Case No. 1722-FC01210-01, filed in the City of Saint Louis Circuit Court
XLIV. Case No. 2011-FC00565, filed in the Saint Charles County Circuit Court
XLV. Case No. 18SL-DR04447, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XLVI. Case No. 17SL-DR04984, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XLVII. Case No. 19SL-DR05542, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XLVIII. Case No. 20SL-DR01635, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XLIX. Case No. 13SL-DR03570-02, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
L. Case No. 17SL-DR06399, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
LI. Case No. 19SL-DR04909, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
LII. Case No. 2107FC-03765-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
LIII. Case No. 20SL-DR03949, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
LIV. Case No. 19SL-DR05899, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
LV. Case No. 2107FC-06872-02, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
LVI. Case No. 14SL-DR06836-03, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
LVII. Case No. 2100FC-10260-03, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
LVIII. Case No. 14SL-DR01057-02, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
LIX. Case No. 1611-FC01280-02, filed in the Saint Charles County Circuit Court
LX. Case No. 2022-FC00374, filed in the City of Saint Louis Circuit Court
LXI. Case No. 2022-FC00351, filed in the City of Saint Louis Circuit Court
LXII. Case No. 2022-FC00512-01, filed in the City of Saint Louis Circuit Court
Daily Docket News legal sources inform us that: “The guardian’s ad litem caseload shall not
impede guardian’s ad litem ability to comply with the guardian’s ad litem Standards nor shall it
affect the guardian’s ad litem ability to comply with the ethical standards of the Rules of
Professional Conduct.”
Daily Docket News legal sources inform us that it is becoming evident that this widespread family
court Kids for Cash scheme could not exist unless all professionals entered in the case, including
the Judges, are colluding. It should be noted that several attorneys have withdrawn from cases
involving Pudlowski since we started reporting on child trafficking through the family courts. It
would appear, that these attorneys either do not want to be an accessory to this alleged scheme
being run in the family court or they do not want to be part of any lawsuit filed against them by
either the Petitioner and/or the Respondent to the case. We are investigating several other
guardian’s ad litem, reported by our readers, who allegedly are involved in the family court Kids
for Cash scheme including, but not limited to, David Roither, Esq., Mark Kiesewetter, Esq.,
Deborah Henry, Esq., Scott Dale, Esq., Angelyn Mitchell, Esq., Simone Haberstock, Esq.,
Rebecca Beach, Esq., Charles Bridges, Esq., Geralyn Ruess, Esq., Brian Dunlop, Esq.,
Jennifer Piper, Esq., Kevin Lake, Esq., Jennifer Borcherding, Esq., Ronald Wessel, Esq.,
Rebecca Grosser, Esq., David Betz, Esq., Colleen Hubble, Esq., Henry Miller, Esq., Beth
Lewandowski, Esq., William Grant, Esq., Sarah Pleban, Esq., Gregory Brough, Esq., Art
Nissenbaum, Esq., Brittany Kozal, Esq., Robert Hamilton, Esq., Anne Bauer, Esq., Jeffrey
Medler, Esq., Cynthia Albin, Esq., and Bruce Hilton, Esq.. We will report our findings.
Daily Docket News has an update on case, Van Den Bergh vs. Van Den Bergh, Case 15SL-
DR05021-01 filed in the Saint Louis County Family Court. Our investigative team has
uncovered that Richard J. Eisen, Esq., an attorney in the Saint Louis area, with the law firm of
Growe Eisen Karlen Eilerts, L.L.C., was fired by the Plaintiff on January 15, 2020 and
Pudlowski was fired on November 5, 2020. We are investigating the reasons for Eisen’s firing. It
would appear, that as soon as the Plaintiff’s new attorney found out that Pudlowski was a
Defendant is a lawsuit, Case No. 20SL-CC04680, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court,
Pudlowski was immediately fired, removed from the case, and replaced. Our hope is that this
molested child that Pudlowski placed in the custody of their molester will be saved, now that
Pudlowski is not running the show.
Daily Docket News has an update on case, Porter vs. Porter, Case No. 17SL-DR04984, filed in
the Saint Louis County Circuit Court, where Pudlowski suddenly withdrew as guardian ad litem
and Richard J. Eisen, Esq., an attorney in the Saint Louis area, with the law firm of Growe Eisen
Karlen Eilerts, L.L.C., is the attorney for the Petitioner, which is highly unusual. Could it have
something to do with Case No. 20SL-CC04680, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court?
What was the relationship between Eisen and Pudlowski in this case?
Daily Docket News investigative team has found that Pudlowski and countless other attorneys are
working remarkably close together on many other cases involving minor children based on the
documents we have obtained, and we will continue to investigate their unusual relationships and
report our findings.
Daily Docket News investigative team update on the Tolu vs. James D. Reid, Ph.D., Elaine
Pudlowski, Esq., Jennifer Webbe Van Luven, LCSW, and Fitzgibbons Psychological
Associates a/k/a West County Psychological Associates, Case No. 20SL-CC04680, filed in the
Saint Louis County Circuit Court. Our team has uncovered that the attorneys for the defendants,
Dave Ahlheim with the law firm of Childress Ahlheim Cary LLC, who is representing Reid,
Albert Bronsky with the law firm of Brown & James, P.C., who is representing Pudlowski,
Richard Korn with the law firm of Fox Smith, LLC, who is representing Van Luven and
Gregory DeBeer with the law firm of Wiedner & McAuliffe Ltd., who is representing
Fitzgibbons Psychological Associates a/k/a West County Psychological Associates, have all
filed Motions for Protective Order, where they are apparently attempting to hide the truth from
the public so that the alleged child abuse can continue in secret and Motions to Dismiss, where
they are apparently misrepresenting the law as written by twisting the facts and blatantly lying,
according to our legal sources. Defendants lawyers brazen lack of ethical conduct are
apparently breaking numerous sections under Rule 4 - Rules Governing the Missouri Bar
and the Judiciary - Rules of Professional Conduct. Even the innocent children who have been
victims of this Kids for Cash scheme know that lying is wrong. Ahlheim, Bronsky, Korn and
DeBeer, heartlessly attacked Tolu numerous times in their Motions, accusing Tolu of committing
an act of harassment, intimidation and interference with impartial decision-making
Defendants and unbelievably lowered themselves to name calling, by disparaging Tolu as a
“disgruntled mother” among other derogatory names. It would appear, that Ahlheim, Bronsky,
Korn and DeBeer, are essentially using the family court for aiding and abetting Domestic
Violence by Proxy, as perpetrated by the Defendants. Honest people believe in justice and that
everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Justice can only take place with the truth and nothing but
the truth. Ahlheim, Bronsky, Korn and DeBeer’s Motions are unfortunately, devoid of any
truth. What does Ahlheim, Bronsky, Korn and DeBeer, hope to gain, by lying to protecting these
numerous alleged crimes against innocent children, except to milk the insurance companies
indefinitely and fatten their firms bank account? Are Ahlheim, Bronsky, Korn and DeBeer any
different than the Kids for Cash scheme they are defending? You be the judge.
Daily Docket News has received thousands of documents from our concerned readers on cases
involving many other Players in this Kids for Cash scheme including the defendants in the Tolu
vs. James D. Reid, Ph.D., Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., Jennifer Webbe Van Luven, LCSW, and
Fitzgibbons Psychological Associates a/k/a West County Psychological Associates, Case No.
20SL-CC04680, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court. These cases present a clear
pattern of child trafficking through the family courts which involve colluding attorneys, guardians
ad litem, therapists, and forensic evaluators, who engage in divorce, child custody, adoption, and
paternity cases, which coincidentally all involve well to do predatory parents. Daily Docket News
will bring these victims’ stories to you as we investigate them.
Daily Docket News cannot thank our readers enough for their support, their leads, and their desire
to change this lawless family court system. Please forward this email with everyone you know that
is concerned about our children’s safety.
Daily Docket News wants every reader to unite, armed with the sense of responsibility, and take
action to protect our children from this swamp of sleezy predatory parents, unethical greedy forensic
psychology evaluators, unethical corrupt guardians ad litem, unethical shady therapists, and
unethical corrupt colluding attorneys. Laws protecting this outrageous conduct in our family courts
must be changed now. Child trafficking through the family court system is an epidemic, and it takes
many ugly forms. Our children deserve safety, justice, and protection from ALL
Reported to you by Daily Docket News
Always Fair, Honest, Unbiased, Balanced & Objective
Corporate Headquarters: New York, NY
Readership circulation: 389,000+ Saint Louis Metro
810,000+ Missourians
10,723,000+ Nation-Wide
Our readership is growing because of your support to make a change to save our children
Daily Docket News is dedicated to shine light on the grave injustices taking place in the family
court swamp, in the State of Missouri. It has been a national scandal for decades in which family
courts in this country systematically failed to protect our children from physical, emotional, and
sexual abuse by predatory parents. What is equally scandalous is the silence on the coverage of
this unimaginable issue. It is a dreadful reality of child trafficking through family courts in the
United States of America.
Daily Docket News investigative team is currently probing deep into a case that we brought you
in November. Arseneau v. Arseneau, Case No. 13SL-DR00863-04, filed in the Saint Louis
County Circuit Court on 07/01/2020. Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., with the law firm of Frankel,
Rubin, Klein, Siegel, Payne & Pudlowski, P.C., is the court appointed guardian ad litem. James
D. Reid, Ph.D., is the court appointed forensic psychology evaluator. We previously reported that
the Respondent’s child, who was violently sexually abused over the course of many years, was
handed over to the alleged abuser, by Judge Victoria M. McKee on the recommendation of
Pudlowski and Reid, with full custody rights. In a shocking development, Judge Victoria M.
McKee, who has been the Judge on this unusually lengthy case, since it began in 2013, has recused
herself. Why would Judge Victoria M. McKee recuse herself? Respondent alleges that Judge
Victoria M. McKee was purposely blocking Respondent at every turn, effectively rendering
Respondent unable to present her truth and protect her sexually abused minor child. Why did Judge
Victoria M. McKee instruct CaseNet to halt any upload of Respondents filings during the months
of August, September, and October 2020, alleging Pudlowski’s wrong doings and misconduct?
Our legal team is at a loss for any explanation why this happened. Is Judge Victoria M. McKee
taking sides and perpetrating a coverup for Pudlowski? Are not Judges meant to be unbiased?
What was Judge Victoria M. McKee thinking or was she? Was Judge Victoria M. McKee afraid
of Respondent’s truth or was she aiding and abetting? Was Judge Victoria M. McKee protecting
the alleged child predators? What did Judge Victoria M. McKee hope to accomplish? Does Judge
Victoria M. McKee know that she is just a civil servant who must answer to the public and the
law? Could Judge Victoria M. McKee be protecting this alleged Kids for Cash scheme from being
exposed? What do you think Victoria M. McKee’s motives are for acting this way in a court of
law? You be the Judge.
Daily Docket News’ investigative team has an explosive update on a case we reported on last
November and December. Van Den Bergh vs. Van Den Bergh, Case 15SL-DR05021-01 filed
in the Saint Louis County Family Court on 10/10/2016. Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., with the law
firm of Frankel, Rubin, Klein, Siegel, Payne & Pudlowski, P.C., is the court appointed guardian
ad litem. There were multiple court appointed forensic psychology evaluators. We previously
reported that the Petitioner’s minor child disclosed to a therapist that they were molested by
the Respondent, but Pudlowski, with the court’s blessing and having the best interest of the
molested minor child in mind, reunified the molested minor child with their molester. Petitioner
has filed an Emergency Motion for Recusal of Judge Bruce F. Hilton, who is the presiding
Judge, and has been allegedly accused of Bias, Prejudice, Harassment, Discrimination, Threats,
Intimidation, Denigration and Hostile Acts, to name a few, toward Petitioner. Our legal team
has no explanation for this outrageous behavior, by Judge Bruce F. Hilton, in a family court.
What must be going through the mind of Judge Bruce F. Hilton? Is Judge Bruce F. Hilton mentally
fit to preside in a court of law? Perhaps Judge Bruce F. Hilton is hiding something from the public?
Could Judge Bruce F. Hilton be afraid of the public knowing something? Is Judge Bruce F. Hilton
taking sides and perpetrating a coverup for Pudlowski and these court appointed forensic
psychology evaluators? Was Judge Bruce F. Hilton afraid of Petitioner’s truth or was he aiding
and abetting? Are not Judges meant to be unbiased? Could Judge Bruce F. Hilton be protecting
the alleged child predators? Does Judge Bruce F. Hilton know that he is just a civil servant who
must answer to the public and the law? Could Judge Bruce F. Hilton be protecting this alleged
Kids for Cash scheme from being exposed? If Judge Bruce F. Hilton cannot function in a lawful
manor, why does he not recuse himself immediately? What do you think Judge Bruce F. Hilton’s
motives are for acting this way in a court of law? You be the Judge.
Daily Docket News investigative team just discovered a breaking story, in the never-ending tidal
wave of lawsuits, filed by what clearly appears to be another wronged parent by the family court.
Richmann vs. James D. Reid, Ph.D., Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., Jennifer Webbe Van Luven,
LCSW, and Fitzgibbons Psychological Associates a/k/a West County Psychological
Associates, Case No. 20SL-CC06060, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court on
12/16/2020. The family court has apparently just sunk to another new low. It would appear, that
Judge David Lee Vincent, III, who is the presiding Judge, has decided to not post the motions
filed in this case on Missouri CaseNet, for the public to view. Our legal team has never witnessed
anything like this before and offers no explanation. What is Judge David Lee Vincent, III, hiding
from the public by blocking a victim’s voice from being heard? Is Judge David Lee Vincent, III,
afraid of Petitioner’s truth or is he aiding and abetting the Defendants? What is Judge David Lee
Vincent, III, afraid of? Who is Judge David Lee Vincent, III, protecting, the alleged child predators
or himself or both? What does Judge David Lee Vincent, III, think he is going to accomplish by
keeping the public in the dark? Is Judge David Lee Vincent, III, taking sides and perpetrating
a coverup for Reid, Pudlowski, Van Luven and Fitzgibbons? Does Judge David Lee Vincent, III,
have any idea that he is just a civil servant who must answer to the public and the law? Is Judge
David Lee Vincent, III, protecting this alleged Kids for Cash scheme from being exposed? If
Judge David Lee Vincent, III, has a conflict, why does he not recuse himself immediately? What
do you think Judge David Lee Vincent, III, motives are in hiding this case from the public? You
be the Judge.
Daily Docket News investigative team has information that many parents are coming forward
who, because of our reporting, are for the first time realizing that they were victims of this elaborate
Kids for Cash scheme orchestrated in the family court. Like, Arseneau, Van Den Bergh,
Richmann and Tolu, who’s families were destroyed by the family court, many more victims
will be filing their lawsuits shortly against these alleged child predators including, but not limited
to, those calling themselves attorney’s, guardians ad litem, therapists, and forensic evaluators.
These cases have gained national attention over that last few months and are being picked up and
broadcast by numerous media platforms. This certainly will overwhelm the family court
system and expose all involved. The family court appears to be in panic mode and unable to
comprehend what to do, as lawsuit after lawsuit is filed alleging family court corruption. Our
legal sources estimate that these lawsuits could amount to billions of dollars in recovery for the
families who were harmed. Unfortunately, it will come too late for the thousands of children
whose lives have forever been permanently damaged. It is becoming ever clearer that this vile
child trafficking game, allegedly perpetrated by previously unnamed child predators, to sell our
children to the highest bidder, could not exist or have been orchestrated by isolated individuals,
but made up of multiple law firms colluding together with medical professionals on the same
cases, allegedly with the blessing of the Judge presiding over the case. It is unthinkable and utterly
appalling to think that the taxpayers could be paying to facilitate this Kids for Cash scheme in the
family court, right under the public’s nose. It is also becoming ever clearer why there is a sudden
push by the Defendants of multiple lawsuits and the family court, to seal cases and silence the
news media from informing the public. All involved in this Kids for Cash scheme will not
prevent the public from knowing what is really going on in the family court and each perpetrator
will be held accountable.
Daily Docket News has received thousands of documents from our concerned readers on cases
involving many other alleged Players and their victims in this Kids for Cash since we first
reported on Tolu vs. James D. Reid, Ph.D., Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., Jennifer Webbe Van
Luven, LCSW, and Fitzgibbons Psychological Associates a/k/a West County Psychological
Associates, Case No. 20SL-CC04680, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court on
09/10/2020. These cases present a clear pattern of child trafficking through the family courts which
involve colluding attorneys, guardians ad litem, therapists, and forensic evaluators, who engage in
divorce, child custody, adoption, and paternity cases, which coincidentally all involve well to do
predatory parents. Daily Docket News will bring these victim’s stories to you as we investigate
Daily Docket News cannot thank our readers enough for their support, their leads, and their desire
to change this lawless family court system. It is noticeably clear that the family court corruption
is widespread across this country, involving perhaps thousands of cases right here in Saint Louis
alone. Our investigations are uncovering countless alleged corrupt law firms who, together with
alleged corrupt guardians ad litem and there self-appointed alleged corrupt forensic psychology
evaluators and alleged corrupt therapists, are allegedly selling our children to the highest bidder
for cash, under the table. There is an alleged large network of law firms working in conjunction
with each other on the same family court case, each representing one of the parties and allegedly
promising to have you and your child’s best interest at heart, but the only interest they have is to
pit the parties against each other and to drain the party with the smaller financial portfolio
prior to reaching a settlement. Unknown to the party with the smaller financial portfolio, their case
will never go to trial, but will drag out as long, as they have disposable cash to through away,
which is in the best interest of each attorney involved in the case. In most cases that were reviewed,
the party that has the finances to drag the case long enough to drain the opposing party, is
awarded the minor children by the family court, regardless of their mental, criminal and/or child
abuse history. The party with the mental, criminal and/or child abuse history is ignored by the
family court typically if they have the larger financial portfolio. The party with the larger
financial portfolio is predetermined by the attorneys who have entered their appearance in the case
and the case outcome is known prior to the family court case commencement.
Daily Docket News wants everyone to know that the casualties of this Kids for Cash scheme are
our defenseless minor children. Many parents have joined the fight to stop family court
corruption by suing their own lawyer, guardian ad litem, forensic psychology evaluator and
therapist, who are all allegedly colluding together to sell or have sold their children to the highest
bidder. If you know someone who is currently in litigation with minor children involved, please
reach out to them, and help save their children from being sold and their bank accounts from being
drained. Please forward this letter to everyone you know that is concerned about a child’s safety.
If you know someone who wants to be on our distribution list, have them e-mail a request to:
dailydocketnews@mail.com. Together, we can make a difference in a child’s life.
Daily Docket News legal team wants our readers to know that the family court has unfortunately,
and we pray not intentionally, lost sight of the following: Missouri Law is premised upon the
public policy that “custody of minor children cannot be bartered and traded as goods in the
marketplace, so as to foreclose a judicial determination as to the present welfare and best interests
of the child.” Matter of W-K-M-, 537 S.W.2d 183, 186 (Mo.App.K.C.1976). Rather, “the welfare
of the child is and must be the prime and overriding consideration, and the rights and claims
of the parents are and must be of secondary importance.” Id. At 185.
Daily Docket News wants every reader to unite, armed with the sense of responsibility, and take
action to protect our children from this swamp of alleged sleezy predatory parents, unethical greedy
forensic psychology evaluators, unethical corrupt guardians ad litem, unethical shady therapists, and
unethical corrupt colluding attorneys. Laws protecting this outrageous conduct in our family courts
must be changed now. Child trafficking through the family court system is an epidemic, and it takes
many ugly forms. Our children deserve safety, justice, and protection from ALL
Reported to you by Daily Docket News
Always Fair, Honest, Unbiased, Balanced & Objective
A Voice for the Children who have been silenced by the Family Court System
Corporate Headquarters: New York, NY
Readership circulation: 391,000+ Saint Louis Metro
940,000+ Missourians
11,489,000+ Nation-Wide
Our readership is growing because of your support to make a change to save our children
Daily Docket News is dedicated to shine light on the grave injustices taking place in the family
court in multiple states including the State of Missouri. Our news coverage extends to the most
devastated regions of our country with boots on the ground seeking out the truth. Each edition we
run is focused on a different state where corruption runs deep. It has been a national scandal for
decades in which family courts in this country systematically failed to protect our children from
physical, emotional, and sexual abuse by predatory parents. What is equally scandalous is the
silence on the coverage of this unimaginable issue. It is a dreadful reality of child trafficking
through the family courts in the United States of America.
The Worst Interest of the Child, The Trafficking of Children and
Parents Through U.S. Family Courts
Book by Keith Harmon Snow

Keith Harmon Snow's meticulously documented investigation into sex-trafficking of children

by American judges is not to be missed. This scandal is one of the most important censored
stories in our country today …

Daily Docket News’ readership supplied us with a partial list of family court cases in which James
D. Reid, Ph.D., who allegedly created fraudulent mental diagnosis evaluations of litigants time
after time, was appointed as forensic psychology evaluator to the family court and sanctioned by
every presiding Judge on the recommendation of multiple guardians ad litem including, but not
limited to: Colleen Hubble, Esq., with the law firm of Hubble Law LLC; Beth Lewandowski,
Esq., with the law firm of Beth Lewandowski, LLC; Cynthia Albin, Esq., with the law firm of
The Center for Family Law; Henry Miller, Esq., with the law firm of Grant, Miller & Smith,
LLC; Sarah Pleban, Esq., with the law firm of Grant, Miller & Smith, LLC; Rebecca Grosser,
Esq., with the law firm of Grosser Law, LLC; Ann Bauer, Esq., with the law firm of The Center
for Family Law; Arthur Nissenbaum, Esq., with the law firm of Law Offices of Arthur H.
Nissenbaum; Brittany Kozal, Esq., with the law firm of Family Advocates Law Firm; Jennifer
Graves, Esq., with the law firm of Kramer, Hand, Buchholz & Partney; Kelly Chevalier, Esq.,
with the law firm of Kelly B. Chevalier Law Firm; David Betz, Esq., with the law firm of The
Betz Law Firm; Jennifer Piper, Esq., with the law firm of Law Offices of Jennifer R. Piper,
LLC; Geralyn Ruess, Esq., with the law firm of Geralyn Ruess Attorney at Law, LLC; Kevin
Lake, Esq., with the law firm of Lake, Lake & Watkins, LLC; Brian Dunlop, Esq., with the
law firm of Dunlop & McCarter; Ronald Wessel, Esq., with the law firm of Ronald B Wessel,
LLC; William Grant, Esq., with the law firm of Grant, Miller & Smith, LLC; Deborah Henry,
Esq., with the law firm of Curtis, Heinz, Garrett & O’Keefe, PC; Angelyn Mitchell, Esq., with
the law firm of The Mitchell Law Firm, LLC; Gregory Brough, Esq., with the law firm of
Gregory Brough, Attorney at Law, LLC; Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., with the law firm of
Frankel, Rubin, Klein, Siegel, Payne & Pudlowski, PC; Catherine Keefe, Esq., with the law
firm of Brodie Law; Jeffrey Medler, Esq., with the law firm of Medler, Karsten & Bridges,
LLC; Mark Kiesewetter, Esq., with the law firm of Mark Kiesewetter LLC; Robert Hamilton,
Esq., with the law firm of Reinker, Hamilton & Fenley, LLC; David Crosby, Esq., with the law
firm of David Crosby Attorney at Law; Rebecca Beach, Esq., with the law firm of Davis Maas
& Beach LLC; Simone McCartney, Esq., with the law firm of The Law Offices of Simone
Haberstock McCartney; Charles Bridges, Esq., with the law firm of Bridges Law Firm LLC;
Bruce Hilton, Esq., formerly with the law firm of Hilton Family Law Group, LLC, now Judge
Bruce F. Hilton with Saint Louis County Circuit Court; David Roither, Esq., formerly with
the law firm of Medler & Roither, LLC, now Judge David A. Roither with City of Saint Louis
Circuit Court; Why would these guardians ad litem hire Reid knowing full well that his reports
were alleged to be bias? Why would these guardians ad litem and the Judges not question Reid
on the contents of his reports? What were the motives of these guardians ad litem and these
Judges? Is there a group of guardians ad litem working together with a group of Judges who
were formerly guardians ad litem within this group? How can Reid diagnosis hundreds, perhaps
thousands of women with the same mental disorders which is statistically impossible,
according to the medical community we polled across the country, and the family court never
questioned it? Common sense dictates otherwise. We thank our readership for this partial list
below, which by our calculations is but a small fraction of cases involving Reid out of perhaps
thousands over the years where alleged fraud on the family court took place and it would appear
no one cares about the children’s lives that were forever destroyed in the process. Why is this
happening in Missouri and across this nation? How do we stop it? You be the Judge.
I. Case No. 18SL-DR04636, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
II. Case No. 18SL-DR02986, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
III. Case No. 1811-FC01037-01, filed in the Saint Charles County Circuit Court
IV. Case No. 15SL-DR04461, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
V. Case No. 1811-PR00581, filed in the Saint Charles County Circuit Court
VI. Case No. 17SL-DR04018-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
VII. Case No. 17JE-DR00013-01, filed in the Jefferson County Circuit Court
VIII. Case No. 17SL-DR03737, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
IX. Case No. 17SL-DR02020, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
X. Case No. 16SL-DR06831-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XI. Case No. 15SL-DR04254-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XII. Case No. 15SL-DR00214-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XIII. Case No. 13SL-DR07340-02, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XIV. Case No. 18SL-DR04546, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XV. Case No. 13SL-DR05494-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XVI. Case No. 16SL-DR04010, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XVII. Case No. 18SL-DR00276, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XVIII. Case No. 17SL-DR03765-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XIX. Case No. 16SL-DR06476, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XX. Case No. 17SL-DR01145, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXI. Case No. 15SL-DR06937-02, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXII. Case No. 17SF-DR00296, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXIII. Case No. 15SL-DR01423-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXIV. Case No. 16SL-DR06772-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXV. Case No. 17SL-DR02930, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXVI. Case No. 13SL-DR05364-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXVII. Case No. 16SL-DR02960-02, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXVIII. Case No. 16SL-DR04088-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXIX. Case No. 16SL-DR05904, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXX. Case No. 13SL-DR00863-02, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXXI. Case No. 16SL-DR00306-02, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXXII. Case No. 16SL-DR05056-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXXIII. Case No. 0922-FC01091-01, filed in the City of Saint Louis Circuit Court
XXXIV. Case No. 2106FC-04853-03, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXXV. Case No. 15SL-DR00256-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXXVI. Case No. 16SL-DR01988, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXXVII. Case No. 15SL-DR05045, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXXVIII. Case No. 14SL-DR07305-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XXXIX. Case No. 1422-FC01327, filed in the City of Saint Louis Circuit Court
XL. Case No. 16SL-DR04472, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XLI. Case No. 14SL-DR06147-02, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XLII. Case No. 15SL-DR07073, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XLIII. Case No. 07JE-DR01168-01, filed in the Jefferson County Circuit Court
XLIV. Case No. 08SL-DR01630-02, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XLV. Case No. 13SL-DR06572, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XLVI. Case No. 15SL-DR00827, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XLVII. Case No. 15SL-DR05922-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XLVIII. Case No. 14SL-DR07146-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
XLIX. Case No. 14SL-DR01849, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
L. Case No. 11SL-DR03201-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
LI. Case No. 14SL-DR06750, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
LII. Case No. 14SL-DR07163-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
LIII. Case No. 14JE-DR01044-02, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
LIV. Case No. 15SL-DR05045, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
LV. Case No. 08SL-DR02437-02, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
LVI. Case No. 14SL-DR01849, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
LVII. Case No. 36V010500561-01, filed in the Butler County Circuit Court
LVIII. Case No. 1311-FC01818-01, filed in the Saint Charles County Circuit Court
LIX. Case No. 11SL-DR01286-02, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
LX. Case No. 11SL-DR02951-01, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
LXI. Case No. 2102FC-12494-04, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court
LXII. Case No. 1311-FC01648, filed in the Saint Charles County Circuit Court
LXIII. Case No. 1211-CC00928, filed in the Saint Charles County Circuit Court
LXIV. Case No. 14SL-DR02235-02, filed in the Saint Charles County Circuit Court
LXV. Case No. 13SL-DR04137, filed in the Saint Charles County Circuit Court
Daily Docket News’ investigative team just discovered another sickening story that has a terrible
ending like so many others. Vandenbroucke v. Pilipenko, Case No. 16SL-DR05904, filed in the
Saint Louis County Circuit Court on 10/27/2016. Sarah Pleban, Esq., with the law firm of
Grant, Miller & Smith, LLC, was the court appointed guardian ad litem. James D. Reid, Ph.D.,
was the court appointed forensic psychology evaluator. Respondent’s child, who was sexually
abused at the hands of Petitioner according to Respondent and her child, was handed over to the
alleged abuser, by Judge John N. Borbonus, on the recommendation of Pleban and Reid, with
full custody rights. Why did the County Prosecutor refuse to file charges? The Respondent was
left with only the shirt on her back, after spending her last dime in family court to save her
daughter failed. Currently, Respondent is court ordered to visit with her daughter for only forty-
five minutes, once a month under strict supervision, at a cost to the Respondent of nearly two
hundred dollars per visit. The court appointed supervisor sits on a bench between Respondent and
her child, as they are forbidden to touch. Respondent is court ordered to not speak to her child
in Respondent’s native language of Russian. Respondent’s child, who is currently nine years old,
tells Respondent that Petitioner continues to sleep in the same bed with her every night. How
can Judge John N. Borbonus, Pleban and Reid sleep at night? What were the motives of Judge
John N. Borbonus, Pleban and Reid to destroy this child’s life? Were Judge John N. Borbonus,
Pleban and Reid working as a team and to what end? Did Judge John N. Borbonus, Pleban and
Reid have the best interest of the child or the best interest of something else? Our readers are
asking us why this is happening? You be the Judge.
Daily Docket News’ investigative team has an explosive update on a case we reported on earlier
this month as well as November and December. Van Den Bergh vs. Van Den Bergh, Case 15SL-
DR05021-01 filed in the Saint Louis County Family Court on 10/10/2016. Elaine Pudlowski,
Esq., with the law firm of Frankel, Rubin, Klein, Siegel, Payne & Pudlowski, P.C., is the court
appointed guardian ad litem. We previously reported that the Petitioner’s minor child disclosed to
a therapist that she was molested by the Respondent, but Pudlowski, with the court’s blessing
and having the best interest of the molested minor child in mind, reunified the molested minor
child with their molester. Petitioner filed an Emergency Motion for Recusal of Judge Bruce
F. Hilton, who was the presiding Judge, and has been allegedly accused of Bias, Prejudice,
Harassment, Discrimination, Threats, Intimidation, Denigration and Hostile Acts, to name a
few, toward Petitioner. Our legal team reports that Judge Bruce F. Hilton has in fact recused
himself with no explanation for his outrageous behavior, in a family court. Why do you think
Judge Bruce F. Hilton recused himself? Does Judge Bruce F. Hilton sleep at night? You be the
Daily Docket News investigative team continues to report on this never-ending tidal wave of
lawsuits and offers no explanation in the Richmann vs. James D. Reid, Ph.D., Elaine
Pudlowski, Esq., Jennifer Webbe Van Luven, LCSW, and Fitzgibbons Psychological
Associates a/k/a West County Psychological Associates, Case No. 20SL-CC06060, filed in the
Saint Louis County Circuit Court on 12/16/2020. Judge David Lee Vincent, III, who is the
presiding Judge, has continued to refuse to post the motions filed in this case on Missouri
CaseNet, for the public to view. What is Judge David Lee Vincent, III, hiding from the public
by blocking a victim’s voice from being heard? What do you think Judge David Lee Vincent, III,
motives are in hiding this case from the public? Who is Judge David Lee Vincent, III,
protecting? You be the Judge.
Daily Docket News has received thousands of documents from our faithful Missouri readership
on cases involving many other alleged Players in this Kids for Cash scheme since we first
reported on Tolu vs. James D. Reid, Ph.D., Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., Jennifer Webbe Van
Luven, LCSW, and Fitzgibbons Psychological Associates a/k/a West County Psychological
Associates, Case No. 20SL-CC04680, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court on
09/10/2020. Cases across the United States, like in Missouri, present a clear pattern of alleged
child trafficking through the family courts which involve alleged colluding attorneys, guardians
ad litem, therapists, and forensic evaluators, who engage in divorce, child custody, adoption, and
paternity cases, which coincidentally all involve well to do predatory parents. The common thread
in most of these family court cases appears to be the deliberate withholding of damaging
evidence perpetrated by the predatory parent while manufacturing damaging evidence for
the submissive parent. We will bring these victim’s stories to you as we investigate them.
Daily Docket News wants everyone to know that the casualties of this alleged Kids for Cash
scheme are our defenseless minor children. Many parents have joined the fight to stop family
court corruption by suing their own lawyer, guardian ad litem, forensic psychology evaluator and
therapist, who are all allegedly colluding together to sell or have sold their children to the highest
bidder. If you know someone who is currently in litigation with minor children involved, please
reach out to them, and help save their children from being sold and their bank accounts from
being drained. Please forward this letter to everyone you know that is concerned about a child’s
safety. If you know someone you think would want to be on our distribution list, please forward
their e-mail to: dailydocketnews@mail.com. If you missed any of our previous Missouri
additions on the family court in Saint Louis, email us a request. Knowledge is power and together,
we can make a difference in a child’s life.
Daily Docket News legal team wants our readers to know that the family court has unfortunately,
and we pray not intentionally, lost sight of the following: Missouri Law is premised upon the
public policy that “custody of minor children cannot be bartered and traded as goods in the
marketplace, so as to foreclose a judicial determination as to the present welfare and best
interests of the child.” Matter of W-K-M-, 537 S.W.2d 183, 186 (Mo.App.K.C.1976). Rather,
“the welfare of the child is and must be the prime and overriding consideration, and the rights
and claims of the parents are and must be of secondary importance.” Id. At 185.
Daily Docket News has received thousands of emails from our faithful Missouri readership
stating they had the same or similar circumstances occur in their family court case, as what
happened in the cases we are covering, and are asking us for help. If you feel that you and your
children were wronged by the family court, go to the link below and write about what happened
to your family. Call your government representative and tell them how the family court
destroyed your family. Also, please fill out the ‘OMB’ - feedback on professionals associated
with family courts’ section to be connected to other victims in your area. Our suggestion for
immediate help would be to contact one of the many attorneys helping to get justice for other
victims. We found attorney contact emails on the filings in Case No. 20SL-CC04680, filed in the
Saint Louis County Circuit Court, which is posted on the link below. We are hopeful that these
attorneys can direct and connect you to the ever-growing team of honest attorneys, according to
our sources, whose mission is to put an end to the injustice taking place in the family court.
Daily Docket News wants to thank an anonymous group of generous attorneys and donors, who
have pledged unlimited resources to help change laws that currently protect this alleged Kids for
Cash scheme that is deeply embedded in the Family Court, and vows to hold accountable every
person participating in it, to the fullest extent of the law.
Daily Docket News has had a few local Saint Louis law firms, attorneys, guardians ad litem,
therapists and forensic psychology evaluators, email a request for permanent removal from our
distribution list because they disagree, to put it mildly, with our reporting. We will make every
endeavor to accommodate those who do not believe in ‘Childs Lives Matter’ and apologize if
anyone was offended as that was emphatically not the intent. If you have received our publication
and wish to be permanently removed, please email us a polite request and we will do everything
we can in a timely fashion to remove you from any further editions.
Daily Docket News wants every reader to unite, armed with the sense of responsibility, and take
action to protect our children from this alleged swamp of sleezy predatory parents, unethical greedy
forensic psychology evaluators, unethical corrupt guardians ad litem, unethical shady therapists, and
unethical corrupt colluding attorneys. Laws protecting this outrageous conduct in our family courts
must be changed now. Child trafficking through the family court system is an epidemic, and it takes
many ugly forms. Our children deserve safety, justice, and protection from ALL
Missouri Edition
Reported to you by Daily Docket News
Always Fair, Honest, Unbiased, Balanced & Objective
A Voice for the Children who have been silenced by the Family Court System
Corporate Headquarters: New York, NY
Readership circulation: 415,000+ Saint Louis Metro
989,000+ Missourians
12,618,000+ Nation-Wide
All names mentioned herein are presumed innocent at the time of our publication
Our readership is growing because of your support to make a change to save our children
Daily Docket News is dedicated to shine light on the grave injustices taking place in the family
court in multiple states including the State of Missouri. Our news coverage extends to the most
devastated regions of our country with boots on the ground seeking out the truth. Each edition we
run is focused on a different state where corruption runs deep. It has been a national scandal for
decades in which family courts in this country systematically failed to protect our children from
physical, emotional, and sexual abuse by predatory parents. What is equally scandalous is the
silence on the coverage of this unimaginable issue. It is a dreadful reality of child trafficking
through the family courts in the United States of America.
The Worst Interest of the Child, The Trafficking of Children and
Parents Through U.S. Family Courts
Book by Keith Harmon Snow

Keith Harmon Snow's meticulously documented investigation into sex-trafficking of children

by American judges is not to be missed. This scandal is one of the most important censored
stories in our country today …

Daily Docket News’ investigative team has an explosive update on a case we reported on last
month as well as November and December of last year. Van Den Bergh vs. Van Den Bergh,
Case 15SL-DR05021-01 filed in the Saint Louis County Family Court on 10/10/2016. Elaine
Pudlowski, Esq., with the law firm of Frankel, Rubin, Klein, Siegel, Payne & Pudlowski, P.C.,
who was the court appointed guardian ad litem, was fired by Plaintiffs new attorney on
November 5, 2020. We previously reported that the Petitioner’s minor child disclosed to a therapist
that she was molested by the Respondent, but Pudlowski, with the court’s blessing and having the
best interest of something other than the molested minor child in mind, reunified the molested
minor child with their molester. Petitioner filed an Emergency Motion for Recusal of Judge
Bruce F. Hilton, who was the presiding Judge in this case, and had been allegedly accused of
Bias, Prejudice, Harassment, Discrimination, Threats, Intimidation, Denigration and Hostile
Acts, to name a few, toward Petitioner. Our legal team reports that Judge Bruce F. Hilton has in
fact recused himself on January 12, 2021, with no explanation for his outrageous behavior, in a
family court. Why do you think Judge Bruce F. Hilton recused himself? Do you think Judge Bruce
F. Hilton and Pudlowski sleep at night knowing that this child is being molested every day on their
recommendation? Do you think either Judge Bruce F. Hilton or Pudlowski really cares about what
you think? You be the Judge.
Daily Docket News’ investigative team has attached a small sample of documents we receive daily
from a variety of trusted sources including whistle blowers within the law firms and the family
courts that we are investigating across this country. These documents pertain to the Van Den
Bergh vs. Van Den Bergh, Case 15SL-DR05021-01 filed in the Saint Louis County Family
Court on 10/10/2016. Specifically, they appear to show how Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., with the
law firm of Frankel, Rubin, Klein, Siegel, Payne & Pudlowski, P.C., colluded with the other
attorneys working this case, to introduce alleged fake evaluations to extend the litigation
indefinitely resulting in every attorney involved getting rich. Also, these documents appear to
depict a covert group of guardians ad litem plotting, together with the family court judges
lead by the Saint Louis County Circuit Court Presiding Judge Michael D. Burton, in secret
meetings held in secret locations, to destroy every litigant that challenges this alleged Kids for
Cash scheme. Also, these documents appear to depict this same secret society of judges and
guardians ad litem plotting to silence any media coverage by abolishing the first amendment. It
would appear this lawless secret society will stop at nothing to protect the best interest of
themselves. Who is the family court protecting? We thought it was the children, but apparently,
we were dead wrong. It would also appear that the family court cannot function within the law
unless all players are on the same team, allegedly fabricating cases that do not exist in the
real world. What team are you on? You be the Judge.
Daily Docket News has had a few local Firms including, but not limited to, The Gerring Law
Firm; The Coulter Law Firm, Bettisworth & Associates; Uthoff, Graeber, Bobinette & Blanke;
R.O.C. Law; Jensen & Gray; Betz Law Firm; Growe Eisen Karlen Eilerts; Cordel & Cordel;
Zolman Law Firm; Gillespie Hetlage & Coughlin; The Center for Family Law; Curtis, Heinz,
Garrett & O’Keefe; Family Advocates Law Firm; Medler, Karsten & Bridges; Hais Hais &
Goldberger; Reinker, Hamilton & Fenley; Paule, Camazine & Blumenthal; McCarthy,
Leonard & Kaemmerer; Coulter Lambson; Carmody MacDonald; Keefe & Brodie; Flesner
Wentzel; MGM Law; The Marks Law Firm; Frankel, Rubin, Klein, Siegel, Payne &
Pudlowski; Summers Compton Wells; The Schechter Law Firm; Sandberg Phoenix; Rogers
Sevastianos & Bante; Davis, Maas & Beach; Family Law Partners; Haar & Woods; Spirn
Family Law; Family Ally; Law Offices of Simone A. Haberstock; Dunlop & McCarter;
Diekman & Leightner; Washington University Law Department; MOAFCC; MOBAR;
Lawyer’s Association of Saint Louis and Saint Louis County Bar Association, as well as,
numerous guardians ad litem previously mentioned in past editions, therapists, forensic psychology
evaluators, all requesting removal from our distribution list because they strongly disagree, to
put it mildly, with our reporting on child abuse in the family court. Why do you think they
requested removal? We will make every endeavor to accommodate those who do not believe in
‘Childs Lives Matter’ and apologize if anyone was offended by our reporting, on behalf of the
children whose voices have been silenced, as that was emphatically not the intent. If you have
received our publication and wish to be permanently removed, please email us a polite request and
we will do everything we can in a timely fashion to remove you from any further editions. Our
sincere apologies if you were removed inadvertently. Please email us a request, at your earliest
convenience, to restart your subscription.
Daily Docket News has received thousands of documents from our faithful Missouri readership
on cases involving many other alleged Players in this Kids for Cash scheme since we first
reported on Tolu vs. James D. Reid, Ph.D., Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., Jennifer Webbe Van
Luven, LCSW, and Fitzgibbons Psychological Associates a/k/a West County Psychological
Associates, Case No. 20SL-CC04680, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court on
09/10/2020. Cases across the United States, like in Missouri, present a clear pattern of alleged
child trafficking through the family courts which involve alleged colluding attorneys, guardians
ad litem, therapists, and forensic evaluators, who engage in divorce, child custody, adoption, and
paternity cases, which coincidentally all involve well to do predatory parents. The common thread
in most of these family court cases appears to be the deliberate withholding of damaging
evidence perpetrated by the predatory parent while manufacturing damaging evidence for
the submissive parent. We will bring these victim’s stories to you as we investigate them.
Daily Docket News legal team wants litigants who believe they were wronged by the family
court to either file a Motion to Modify and/or Motion to Vacate prior custody decisions in all
cases involving these alleged Kids for Cash players. For currently pending cases, our legal team
suggests filing Motion to Strike your current forensic psychology evaluator as an expert and
Motion to Remove your guardian ad litem.
Daily Docket News wants everyone to know that the casualties of this alleged Kids for Cash
scheme are our defenseless minor children. Many parents have joined the fight to stop family
court corruption by suing their own lawyer, guardian ad litem, forensic psychology evaluator and
therapist, who are all allegedly colluding together to sell or have sold their children to the highest
bidder. If you know someone who is currently in litigation with minor children involved, please
reach out to them, and help save their children from being sold and their bank accounts from
being drained. Please forward this letter to everyone you know that is concerned about a child’s
safety. If you know someone you think would want to be on our distribution list, please forward
their e-mail to: dailydocketnews@mail.com. If you missed any of our previous Missouri
additions on the family court in Saint Louis, email us a request. Knowledge is power and together,
we can make a difference in a child’s life.
Daily Docket News legal team wants our readers to know that the family court has unfortunately,
and we pray not intentionally, lost sight of the following: Missouri Law is premised upon the
public policy that “custody of minor children cannot be bartered and traded as goods in the
marketplace, so as to foreclose a judicial determination as to the present welfare and best
interests of the child.” Matter of W-K-M-, 537 S.W.2d 183, 186 (Mo.App.K.C.1976). Rather,
“the welfare of the child is and must be the prime and overriding consideration, and the rights
and claims of the parents are and must be of secondary importance.” Id. At 185.
Daily Docket News has received thousands of emails from our faithful Missouri readership
stating they had the same or similar circumstances occur in their family court case, as what
happened in the cases we are covering, and are asking us for help. If you feel that you and your
children were wronged by the family court, go to the link below and write about what happened
to your family. Call your government representative and tell them how the family court
destroyed your family. Also, please fill out the ‘OMB’ - feedback on professionals associated
with family courts’ section to be connected to other victims in your area. Our suggestion for
immediate help would be to contact one of the many attorneys helping to get justice for other
victims. We found attorney contact emails on the filings in Case No. 20SL-CC04680, filed in the
Saint Louis County Circuit Court, which is posted on the link below. We are hopeful that these
attorneys can direct and connect you to the ever-growing team of honest attorneys, according to
our sources, whose mission is to put an end to the injustice taking place in the family court.
Daily Docket News wants to thank an anonymous group of generous attorneys and donors, who
have pledged unlimited resources to help change laws that currently protect this alleged Kids for
Cash scheme that is deeply embedded in the Family Court, and vows to hold accountable every
person participating in it, to the fullest extent of the law.
Daily Docket News wants every reader to unite, armed with the sense of responsibility, and take
action to protect our children from this alleged swamp of sleezy predatory parents, unethical greedy
forensic psychology evaluators, unethical corrupt guardians ad litem, unethical shady therapists, and
unethical corrupt colluding attorneys. Absolute Power in the Family Court Corrupts Absolutely.
Laws protecting this outrageous conduct in our family courts must be changed now. Child trafficking
through the family court system is an epidemic, and it takes many ugly forms. Our children deserve
safety, justice, and protection from ALL PREDATORS!
Missouri Edition
Reported to you by Daily Docket News
Always Fair, Honest, Unbiased, Balanced & Objective
A Voice for the Children who have been silenced by the Family Court System
Corporate Headquarters: New York, NY
Readership circulation: 441,000+ Saint Louis Metro
994,000+ Missourians
14,351,000+ Nation-Wide
All names mentioned herein are presumed innocent at the time of our publication
Our readership is growing because of your support to make a change to save our children

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