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Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information
Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information
0 Copyright 1977
Gr 7 June 1977
IS : 7739 ( Part V ) - 1976 :
Indian Standard
Chairman Representing
SARI K. V. CHINNAPPA International Nickel (India) Pvt Ltd, Bombay
DR S. S. BHATNAQAR Nationa1 Te$%%g%cutt~aboratory
Natlonal (CSIR),
DR D. J. CHAKRAVARTY (Alternate )
-SARIJ.NAGESH BHATT Indian Telephone Industries Lrd, Bangalore
SHRI D. LAKSHMANNA ( Alternate )
DR S. K. CHATTERJEE Guest, Keen, Williams Ltd, Howrah
S~~ZIS. K. BASU ( Alternate )
SHRI DASARATHA The Visvesvaraya Iron and Steel Ltd, Bhadravati
SHRI D. M. DAVAR Premier Automobiles Ltd, Bombay
SHRI A. T. BORATE ( Alternate )
DEPUTY DIRECTOR ( MET )-III, Ministry of Railways
SHRI S. P. DEY Hindustan Motors Ltd, Uttarpara
SHRI M. B. Dvrr Indian Aluminium Co Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI A. K. GH&H ( AJternats )
SHRI A. K. GUHA Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals (Inspec-
tion Wing), New Delhi
SHRI K. M. TANEJA ( Alternate )
SHRI M. L. KATYAL Bajaj Auto Ltd, Pune
DR D. M. LAKHIANI Indian Iron & Steel Co Ltd, Burnpur
SHRI J. S. LOTAY Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. Hardwar
SHRI LAXAMAN MISHRA Directorate General of Technical Development, New
SHRI V. D. SHARMA ( Afternuts )
DR G. MUKHERJEE Hindustan Steel Ltd, Ranchi
SHIU D. K. BA~CHI ( Alternak )
( Continuedon pugs 2 )
@ Copyright 1977
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( Contimudfiom fiage 1)
Members R@festniing
DR T. MUKHERJEB Tata Iron & Steel Co, Jamshedpur
Sari A. PADMANAEAN Ashok Leyland Ltd, Madras
Da P. S. PATTIHAL Tata Engineering & Locomotive Co Ltd, Jamrhcdpur
SHRI J. C. KAPOOR( Rltmatr)
SARIV. RAMMWAMY Ministry ot Uefence (DGI)
SHRI B. N. RAY ( Altemata 1
DR V. RAMASWAMY Hindustan Steel Ltd, Ranchi
DR K. V. SUFIBARAO (Alternate )
SHRXA. R. RANADIVB Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd, Bombay
SHRI M. K. KHANLXE ( Alfumate )
SHRIR. Ii. G. Rau Mukand Iron & Steel Works Ltd, Bombay
REPRESSNTATIVE Special Steels Ltd, Bombay
TZPPRIWNTA-I~W~ Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, Bangalore
REPRESBNTATIVB- Kamani Metals & Alloys Ltd, Boinbay
SHRI G. G. SAHA Ministry of Defcnce (R&D)
SWRIJ. N. AQRAWAL ( Al&no& )
SHRI K. L. TANDON Ministry of Dcfence (DGOF)
&RI C. R. RAMA RAO, Director General, IS1 (Ex-ojicio Membw)
Director ( Strut & Met )
Deputy Director ( Met ), IS1
IS: 7739(Part V)-1976
Indian Standard
0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institu-
tion on 24 December 1976, after the draft finalized by the Metallography
and Heat-Treatment Sectional Committee had been approved by the
Structural and Metals Division Council.
0.2 T e primary object of metallographic examination is to reveal the
cons 2 tuents and the structure of metals and their alloys by means of the
microscope. Because of the diversity in available equipment, the wide
variety of problems encountered, and the personal element, this standard
gives for the guidance of the metallographer only those practices which
experience has shown are generally satisfactory. This part covers the
polishing, etching and examination of iron and steel. The other parts of
this code are as follows:
Part I General features
Part II Electrolytic polishing
Part III Aluminium and its alloys and their examination
Part IV Copper and its alloys and their examination
Part VI bead and its alloys and their examination
Part VII Magnesium and its alloys and their examination
Part VIII Nickel and its alloys and their examination
Part IX Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and their alloys and their
Part X Tin and its alloys and their examination
Part XI Zinc and its alloys and their examination
0.3 In the preparation of this standard assistance has been derived from:
ASTM E3-62. Standard methods of preparation of metallogra-
phic specimens. American Society for Testing and Materials.
Metals Handbook 1948. American Society of Metals.
1.1 This standard ( Part V ) covers the polishing, etching and examination
‘of iron and steel.
2.1 Macro-examination is an inspection procedure for revealing certain
aspects of the quality and stfucture of a metal by subjecting it to the corrosive
action of an etchant and examining it visually or at low magfication.
This is usually done on steels and may be cla.ssified into two groups of study:
one, the study of the surface characteristics of the material, and the other the
study of physical and chemical nonhomogeneity of the material, for example,
porosity, cracks, seams, segregation, scabs, laps, piping, laminations, .etc,
or the absence of this condltmn, as revealed by sections of the material.
2.2 Other applications of macro-etching in the fabrications of metals, are the
study of flaw lines of weld structure, definition of weld penetration, dilution
of filler rnetal by base metals, entrapment of flux, porosity and cracks in weld
and heat-affected zones, etc. It is also used in the heat-treatment shop to
determine location of hard or soft spots, tong marks, quenching cracks,
case depth in shallow hardening steels, case depth in carburization of dies,
effectiveness of stop off coatings in carburization, etc. In the machine shop,
it may be used for the determination of grinding cracks in tools and dies.
3.1 A representative sample shall be selected with due consideration for the
purpose of the test. The sample should usually be of a full section of the
material and should be thick enough for easy handling and subsequent
preparation. Normally, transverse cross-sectional samples in the form of
flats discs at right angle to the axis shall be taken, and the cross-sectional
dimension should not exceed 300 mm X 300 mm.
3.1.1 If necessary, stipulation should be made in material specification
regarding identity of the sample, for example, cast number, ingot number,
relative position of the sample, etc, as agreed to between the supplier and
the purchaser.
3.3 Samples may be cut from the whole by means of a saw, abrasive cut-off
wheels or any other convenient machining operation. Gas-cutting may be
used to cut samples from large sections, but the heat-affected zone of gas-cut
samples shall be removed by machining or abrasive wheel cutting prior to
etching. Suitable coolant shall be used to prevent overheating of specimens
during abrasive cutting.
4.0 The required surface finish for specimens for macro-etching vary from
saw-cut or machined surface to polished surfaces.
6.1 This ia a macroscopic method for revealing aulphur segregation and
the size and distribution of the sulphides.
6.2 The surface, to be tested for sulphur distribution shall be reasonably
smooth and free from foreign matter such as dirt and grease. Grind the
surf&e on No. 00 or No. 000 emery paper and wash thoroughly in water to
produce a surface satisfactory for taking a sulphur print.
7.2.2 The print is then removed from the specimen ‘and developed for
approximately 4 minutes in a developer made up of 5 ml of saturated stan-
neous chloride solution, 50 ml hydrochloric acid, 100 ml water and 1 g alum.
7.2.3 Development of a bltie colour in the print indicates the location of
phosphorus rich areas on the surface of the metal, and by noting the relative
intensity of the blue colour, the a.mount of phosphorus present may be
estimated. The intensity of colour increases with increased amounts of
8.1 This is a macroscopic method for revealing the lead distribution on the
surface of a steel specimen.
8.2 The surface of the specimen shall be prepared by grinding on No. 000
emery paper and cleaned thoroughly in running water, degreased with a
suitable solvent and dried.
8.2.1 Soak a caustic resistant filter paper in 5 percent caustic soda
solution for 2 minutes. Place the soaked filter paper over the prepared sur-
face and ensure through air-free contact between the paper and the specimen
by means of a roller sqdeezer or by suitable application of pressure.
8.2.2 Remove the filter paper after maintaining the contact for about
4 minutes and then immerse it in 5 percent sodium sulphide solution for
1 minute. Take out the filter paper and wash in distilled water.
8.2.3 The brownish to dark spots indicate lead distribution in the
examined surface.
8.3 It is difficult to preserve the lead prints, unless immediately photo_
graphed, preferably in colour.
IS : 7739 ( Part V ) - 1976
$;;;;rEd by this step. This may be done by any one of the followbg
a) Grinding on billiard cloth or canvas with aluminium oxide of grit
No. 600,
b) Grinding on fine abrasive papers such as No. 0000 or NO. 600
grit silicon carbide, and
c) Grinding with billiard cloth impregnated with paraffin.
9.7 The final polishing technique may be determined largely by the intent
of the examination. If the type and amount of nonmetallic inclusions are
to be studied, the final polish should be done on a disk with a hard, pileless
cloth such as a good grade of heavy cotton or linen, the dull side of a heavy
silk stain, or a good flat crepe. If the st&Zture of the metal is to be studied
at high power, a surface with fewer and less severe scratches, is required.
Magnesium oxide or levigated suspension of y-aluminium oxide are the
common finishing powders. Finishing speeds are fairly slow in comparison
with grinding.
While using magnesium oxide for final polishing, a small quantity of
fresh, dry powder is applied to the lapping cloth and a thin paste is formed
by adding sufficient quantity of distilled water. The paste is then worked
into the cloth fibres with the finger tips, and after so charging the cloth and
during subsequent polishing, additional distilled water is added when
necessary to keep the lap moist.
The y-aluminium oxide, used for final polishing, should have a
uniform particle size of less than 0.1 pm, and the #H of the suspending
liquid shall be controlled between 8.3 and 10.0, by using phenolphthalein
as indicator.
9.8 The polishing of cast iron specimens in which graphite is to be studied,
and of steel specimens to be studied in the etched condition, should usually
not be considered finished until the specimens have been etched and
repolished a number of times to remove the surface layers that have been
disturbed by the previous stages of polishing. Care may be required to
avoid pitting of inclusions, if this process is repeated too often.
I6:7739(Part V)-1676
10.4 Following the etching, the specimen should be washed in water and
immersed in alcohol and then dried in a blast of warm air. Cold water
washing should be avoided since it retards the evaporation of the alcohol
and usually tends to leave water spots on the surface of the etched specimen.
During drying,’ the specimen should never be rubbed with cotton since it is
usually fatal to the detail of the etch.
10.5.2 A thin coating of Vaseline or neutral white mineral oil over the
prepared surface is satisfactory in some cases for long time preservation,
particularly when storage is made in a desiccator.
( Clau5s5.1 )
Impurities in CuCI2 lg Etch only well polished surface Plates out copper on ferrite
ferrite SnCle 0.5 g which has been thoroughly containing impurities. Gives a
F&la 30 g dried. Surface C good even etch
HCl 30 ml
He0 500 ml
Ethyl alcohol 500 ml
Inclusions HzSOA 10 ml Use cold on large sections for Shows inclusions, porosity, pipe
Hz0 90 ml 24 h. Surface B and blowholes
Inclusions HeSO lo-20 ml Use hot. Surface A Etches sulphide inclusions
He0 80-90 ml
Pipe and porosity I-WA 10 ml Use coId on large sections for Shows pipe, porosity, blowho&
HsO 90 ml 24 h. Surface B and inclusions
z Rail sections HCl 45 ml Etch near boiling point for 2 h. Use for etchingrail sections
H2SG. 15 ml Surface A
II*0 5 ml
Segregation Picric acid 3g Etch at room temperature for Shows segregation
Ethyl alcohol 100 ml 4 to 5 h. Surface B
Segregation Picric acid lg Use hot. Surface B Shows segregation
HCl 1 drop
Ethyl alcohol 25 ml
Segregation I-IN03 lo-15 ml Etch at room temperature. Sur- Shows heavy segregation
HsO or ethyl 85-90 ml face B
Segregation HN03 5 ml Etches within l/2 h. Surface is Shows segregation in low carbon,
HsO or ethyl 95 ml black when etched. Surface B low chromium nickel steels
Segregation I-IN03 2-10 ml Etch first with weak acid to re- Shows segregation in ingot
Hz0 90-98 ml move machine marks and then sections and large pieca
increase concentration for
structure. Surface B
Segregation CuCls May be used for electrolytic etch- Shows segregation
Pi& acid ing. Surface B
HCl 1.5~2.5 ml
Ha0 10 ml
Ethyl alcohol 100 ml
Segregation, HNOa 5 ml Use on a polished, longitudinal The detect carbide segregations,
carbide Ethyl alcohol 95 ml section. For hiah-sneed s&l. particularly in high-speed
etch until mat& is-darkened:
Surface C
Segregation, Copper ammonium 5 g Immerse finely ground, clean Shows phosphorus and carbon
carbon and chloride sample in solution for 1 rnin: segregation
phosphorus H2O 60 ml wash with water and rub off
copper. Surface C
S egregation, Picric acid o-5 g Etch at room temperature until Uneven staining represents phos-
phosphorus H20 100 ml staining occurs. Surface C phorus segregation
Segregation, FeCls 36 g Polish as for microscopic work, Shows phosphorus segregation
phosphorus CuCls use etch cold for 10 set to 2
c SnCla 0.: “g min. Surface C
q HCl 100 ml
H2O lOO0n-J
Segreg tion, CuCls 10 g Dissolve salts in small amount of Area not coated by copper shows
phos1 horus g&F’2 hot water then add alcohol. phosphorus segregation
:: :1 Apply solution to polished sur-
Ethyl alcohol 1000 ml face drop by drop. Surface C
Segfegation, CuCla 5g Etch for 1 mm. Surface C Shows phosphorus segregation
phosphorus Mgclz 4g
HCl 1 ml
H20 20 ml
Ethyl alcohol 100 ml
Segregation CuCl* 1.5 g Immerse specimen for 90 set or Shows phosphorus segregation
phosphorus Ni(NWs 5g more. Surface C
FeCls gg
3320 12 ml
SOR spots HCI 50 ml U;a;Jj on ground surface. Sur- Shows soft spots
H2O 50 ml
Strains CuCl2 90 ml Copper does not precipitate with Shows strain lines
HCl 120~ml this etch. Heat specimen to 205
Hz0 100 ml to 245°C for l/2 h, then etch
ground surface for l-3 min.
Rub with powdered cupric
chloride, then rinse with
alcohol. Surface B
Structure I-WA 20 ml Use near boiling point for at least Shows general structure and
HCl 10 ml l/2 h. Surface A defects
Hz0 30 ml
z Weld HCl 50 ml When testing large sections! the For testing the soundness of
examination Hz0 50 ml acid may be added by building welds
a dam with paraffin wax
around the part to be tested.
Surface A
[( Clause 10.1 )
1. Nitric acid HNOs, cofourless l-5 ml Etching rate is increased, selecti- In carbon steel, (a) to darken
(Nital) Ethyl or methyl 100 ml vity decreased, with increasing perlite colomes, (b) to reveal
alcohol, 95 percent percentage of HNOs. Reagent ferrite boundaries, (c) to
or absolute (also No. 2 ( picric acid ) usually differentiate ferrite from mar-
amyl alcohol) superior, 4 percent in amyl al- tensite. The 1 percent solution
cohol useful for grain boun- is also suitable for uses (c),
dary and contrast of low- (d), (e) and (f) noted below
carbon materials. Etching for reagent No. 2
time, a few seconds to a minute
& Picric acid Picric acid 4g More dilute solutions occasional- For all grades of carbon steels :
(Picral) Ethyl or methyl 100 ml ly useful. Does not reveal fer- (a) annealed, (b) normalized,
alcohol, 95 percent rite grain boundries as readily (c) quenched, (d) quenched
or absolute as No. 1. Etching time a few and tempered, (e) spheroidi-
(Use absolute alcohol only when seconds to a minute or more zed, and(f) austempered. For
acid contains 10 percent or more all low-alloy steels attacked
of moisture) by this reagent
3. Hydrochloric and HCl 5 ml Best results are obtained when For revealing the austenite grain
picric acid Picric acid lg the martensite is tempered for size in quenched, and
Ethyl or methyl 100 ml 15 min at 205 to 245% quenched-and-tempered steels
alcohol, 45 percent or
4. Chromic acid CrOs 10 g Used electrolytically, the speci- For various structures except
HsO 100 ml men as anode, stainless steel grain boundries of ferrite. At-
or platinum as cathode, 20 to tacks cementite very rapidly,
25 mm apart; 6 V usually austenite less rapidly, ferrite
used. Time of etching 30 to and
. .._iron phosphide
. very
90 s depending on specimen slowly lf at all
5. Heat tinting Heat only Clean, dry, polished specimen Pearlite first to pass through a
heated face up on hot plate given colour, followed by fer-
to 205 to 87OOC. l%ne and rite; cementite. less affected,
temperature both have deci- iron phosphide still less. Es-
ded effects. Bath of sand or pecially useful for cast irons
molten metal may be used
6. Heat etching Heat only Specimen is heated 10 to 60 min For revealing austenitic grain
at 815 to 1205°C in carefully size of polished specimens
purified hydrogen and should
have no contact with scale or
reducible oxides. After
etching, specimen is cooled
in mercury to avoid
Group II General +agents for Alloy Steels (Stainless and Highspeed Steels )
(95 percent
or better)
9. Chrome regia HCl 25 ml Activity is controlled by amount Heat-treated 18 percent ch-
CrOs solution (10 5 to of chromic acid romium, 8 percent, nickel
percent) in Hz0 50 ml stainless steels. Useful elec-
trolytically, if diluted with
2 parts alcohol and 2 parts
glycerin and applied for 20 to
60 s with 6 V
10. Ferric chloride Saturated solution of FeCla in Use full strength Structure of stainless steel
and nitric HCl, to which a little UNOs
acid is added
NOTE - The use of concentrated reagents is intended unless otherwise specified.
( Continued),
4 I-chromium base Structure of irom water before rarm specimen il 10 ml 9. H 11. Mixed
V and alloys, high-spest results use etching. For b0 to 30 ml I:
wed steels, glycc
steel. austenitic manate polishing method of alter
?&zzrn alloys Etches nickel-given sufficient and etching. If 10 to 30 ml ilycerin 2 C
satisfactorily totally austeni- time, shall etch 1
better results tic alloys, but
r using reagent are obtained b)
No. 10-C
urn - manganese,
r austenitic iron-
To etch iron aay be varied if Lmount of HCl n 10 ml
iron - chromino rapidly or
and all other results employ
reagent acts t(
slowly. For best
%pa slycerin
c. I
tainless steels ant For austenitic sally, the speci- Jsed electrolytic’ 10 g oxalic acid : acid 12. Oxalic
tlloys. Carbide high-nickel stainless steel or men as anode, ! 100 ml -I20 ;
8tructure revealec and general shade, about 25 platinum as cat
t etching time depending od usually used. mm apart; 6 1
rbides in stain- Precipitated ca
be revealed in less steels, may
: general strut- lo to 15 s, the
min. For study ture in about 1
I to 3 V may be of carbides, 1.5
easing the etch- used, thus incr
nd improving ing time a
control of etch
13. Ammonium per- (~4hWl3 10 B Used electrolytically like the oxa- For fast-etching stainless steels
sulphate Ha0 90 ml lit acid solution, but acts more
slowly, re uiring longer than
15switb 2 v
14. Cupric chloride C&l* 5g Used cold (Kalling’s reagent) For austenitic and ferritic steels,
and hydrochlo- HCl 100 ml the ferrite being most easily
ric acid E thy1 alcohol 100 ml attacked, and austenite at-
Hz0 100 ml tacked appreciably only when
it has begun to decompose
to martensite
15. Mixed acids and HCl 30 ml Apply by swabbing For stainless alloys and others
cupric chloride HNOZ 10\ml high in nickel or cobalt
Saturate with cupric
chloride and let stand for
20 to 30 min before use
16. Nitric and acetic HNO8 30 ml Apply by swabbing For stainless alloys and others
acids Acetic acid 20 ml high in nickel or cobalt
!z 17. Nitric and hydro- HNOS 5 ml Used cold for about 5 min For‘ revealing general structure
fluoric acids HF (48 percent) 1 ml of austenitic stainless steel with
H& 44 ml avoidance of stain markings
18. Hydrochloric and HCI 10 ml Etch 2 to 10 min To reveal the grain size of
nitric acids in HNOS 3 ml quenched, or quenched and
alcohol Methyl alcohol 100 ml tempered high speed steel
19. Hydrochloric acid HCl 10 ml Used electrolytically for 10 to For straight chromium and
in alcohol Alcohol 90 ml 30 s with 6 V; mu& be free chromium-nickel steels
from water to prevent
20. Lactic and hydro- Lactic acid 45 ml Used electrolytically for 10 to For chromium steels (4 to 30
chloric acida in HCl 10 ml 30 s with 6 V; does not tarnish percent chromium) or delta
alcohol Alcohol 45 ml ferrite in austenitic stainless
NOTE - The use of concentrated reagents is intended unless otherwise specified.
( Continued)
( Only reagewts of analytical grade should be otted )
Group II General Reagents for Alloy Steels ( Stainless and High-Speed Steels )
2 1. Ferricyanide Potassium 30 g Must be fresh. Use boiling To distinguish between ferrite
solution ferricyanide and sigma phase in iron-
KOH 30 g c&mium, iron-chromium-
60 ml nickel, iron-chromium-man-
ganese and related alloys.
Colotirs : sigma phase, light
blue; ferrite, yellow
22. Cupric sulphate CUSO~ 4g Marble’s reagent Structure of stainless steels
HCl 20 ml
Hz0 20 ml
2 3. Hydrochloric HCl 5 ml Same as No. 3 To etch many steels of the
!# and picric Picric acid iron-chromium, iron-chro-
acids Ethyl or methyl l&P, mium-nickel and iron-
alcohol, 95 per- chromium-manganese types
cent or absolute
24. Heat tinting Heat only in air for 10 to Carbides remain white and aus- For austenitic stainless steel con-
60 s at about 595 to tenite darkens less rapidly taining ferrite and carbide
650% than ferrite, on sections! pre-
ferably etched first wrth a
chemical reagent
32. Sodium picrate Sodium picrate lg US;~ LF. Etching time Shows difference between phos-
(neutral) H2O 100 ml phides and cementite; iron
(Wash salt well with al- phosphide attacked, cemen-
cohol to remove excess tite unattacked
acid or alkali)
33. Chromic acid CrOs Sg Etching in picric acid (No. 2) Distinguishes between iron phos-
and heat tint- H20 100 ml then for 1 min in chromic acid; phide and cementite in phos-
ing Followed by heat heat tint by heating face up on phide eutectic of cast iron;
tinting hot plate at about 260°C for I iron phosphide is coloured
N min darker
34. Sodium picrate, Picric acid 2g Use boiling, 5 to 10 min, or pre- Colours cementite, but not car-
alkaline NaOH 25 g ferably, electrolytically at bides <high in chromium. In
H2O 100 ml roum temperature; for the lat- tungst& steels, iron tungstide
ter, specimen is anode, plati- (FenW) and iron tungsten
num or stainless steel is carbide (FehW&) are colour-
cathode; with 6 V, about 40 s ed more rapidly than cemen-
is usually sufficient tite, but tungsten carbide is
unaffected. Attacks sulfides.
Delineates grain boundaries
in hypereu’ectoid steels slowly
cooled condition
35. Hydrogen per- Hz02 10 ml Should be fresh. Etching time Attacks and darkens iron-tungs-
oxide and Na0I-I 10 percent 20 ml 10 to 12 min tide in carbon-free tungs-
sodium solution in water ten alloys. When carbon is
hydroxide present this solution darkens
the compound (Few WC) in
proportion to the amount of
carbide present; tungsten
carbide is darkened
36. Ferricyanide AK&% 1 to4g Should be freshly made; etch 15 Differentiates between carbides
solution min in boiling solution. Seven and nitrides. Cementite is
HsO 1; L grams of NaOH may be subs- blackened, pearlite turned
tituted for 10 g of K0f-I in brown, and massive nitrides
eitherAorB remain unchanged
37. Sodium cyanide NaCN 10 g Used electrolytically, the speci- Darkens carbides without at-
Us0 90 ml men as anode, cathode, similar tacking austenite or grain
tu material; about 25 mm apart boundaries
21 6 V (not less than 5). Etching
time 5 min or more
38. Chrotic acid CrOs &tuNo. 4 in Group 1. Attacks carbides in stainless steels
HsO very rapidly, austenite less
rapidly, and ferrite very slowly
if at all. For various struc-
tures of stainless steels
39. Oxalic acid Oxalic acid See No. 12 in Group II. If strong- Reveals carbides in stainless
HsO lczl ly etched general structure is steels
revealed; therefore for study
of carbides reduced. voltage
is used for etching, giving
better control of etch
( Continued )
(ody -6ODt# Of Wdytid grade shodd be Wad )
40. F’icric acid Picric acid Etching time about 10 minutes. A specimen of the steel, which
I-W lOt% After etching, carefully remove appears to be temper brittled
the deposit under water by & etched with any one of the
means of a cotton wool pad reagent No. 35, 36 or 37,
simultaneously with a sample
Picric acid Dissolve picric acid in ether, of the same steel in the non-
41. Pi&c acid-Zep- hardened state. In the case of
hiran chloride* Ethyl ether 4 Ll add the water-Zephiran
chloride mixture, stir well and embrittled steel, the etch will
solution 1 N Zephiran 2ml
chloride then leave for 24 h to settle. show up the grain boundaries
e of the parent austenite by
solution For etching use only the clear
(12-8 per- part of the solution. Etching blackening them, whereas
time several minutes with the there is no such reaction on
specimen kept still. Next the non-hardened steel. All
wash in an ether-alcohol the three reagents may not
solution, rewash with water necessarily be suitable for
every type of steel
and carefully wipe the dark
( Clause 9.3 )
A-l. For designation of grain sizes, of coated abrasives only grit numbers
are recognized in IS: 715-1976*. Although grit numbers are now being
universally adopted, coated abrasive papers are also available in a graded
symbol sequence of 12/O to 4) covering the grit number range of approxi-
mately 600 to 12. There is also a special emery polishing paper for very
fine polishing, such as used in preparation of metallurgical specimens, which
is graded in a symbol sequence of 4/O to 3, covering the grit number range
of approximately 600 to 180. A comparative chart showing the relation
between grit numbers and the customary grading symbols are given below
for the guidance of users:
Grit No. S’lmbol for Silicon Symbol for Emery
Carbide Paper Polishing Paper
600 12/o 4,lo
- - 3/O
500 1110 2/O
460 1010 0
360 --
320 910 L
280 8/O -
240, 7/o 1G
220 ‘310 2
180 510 3
150 4/O -
120 3/O -
100 2/O -
80 -
60 a .-
50 1 -
40 14
36 2 -
30 29 -
24 3 -
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Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Road, T.T. Nagar, BHOPAL 462003 554021
Plot No. 62-63, Unit VI, Ganga Nagar, BHUBANESHWAR 751001 40 36 27
Kalaikathir Buildings, 670 Avinashi Road, COIMBATORE 641037 21 01 41
Plot No. 43, Sector 16 A, Mathura Road, FARIDABAD 121001 8-28 88 01
Savitri Complex, 116 G.T. Road, GHAZIABAD 201001 8-71 1996
53/5 Ward No. 29, R.G. Barca Road, 5th By-lane, GUWAHATI 781003 54 11 37
5-8-56C, L.N. Gupta Marg, Nampally Station Road, HYDERABAD 500001 20 IO 83
E-52, Chitaranjan Marg, C-Scheme, JAIPUR 302001 37 29 25
117/418 8, Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 208005 21 68 76
Seth’Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Behind Leela Cinema, Naval Kishore Road, 23 89 23
LUCKNOW 226001