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Continuous Testing:: Why Is It Important ?

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Continuous Testing:

Why is it important ?

Rammanohar Das
Section – C
PRN - 19030241134
What Is Continuous
Testing ?
Continuous testing is an important part of Test automation is meant to create a series of
the software release pipeline to get feedback pass/fail data points relevant to customer
on business risks associated with software storeys or specifications for applications.
release as soon as possible through Continuous testing, on the other end, focuses
automated testing. No specific test method is on market risk and gives one an indication
required for continuous testing (left shift, over why the software can be launched or
right shift...) or test equipment. However, it not. "we have proven "Does the launch
does require that applicant have an acceptable level of
business risk? "Does the launch applicant
• Provide practical feedback to the right have an acceptable level of business risk?
stakeholders at the right time
• Testing is carried out at all stages of the
software delivery pipeline.

Continuous testing (CT) is an iterative process on errors or risks related to the

to provide high quality applications and release/module/product being developed or
software. This process is part of the software updated. This process includes automated
development lifecycle (SDLC) and begins with testing as part of a software delivery pipeline
creating an entry-level development plan separate from device testing.
before the final product is released. Easier
with continuous testing, the quick feedback

Continuous Testing: Why is it important ? | Page 1

Importance of Continuous
Testing in DevOps
Facilitating the ongoing delivery process process. One of the most important goals of
Continuous testing is an important part of the continuous testing is initial testing and
software development cycle that includes frequent testing (moving to the left), and the
continuous development, integration, and different stakeholders in the process are
deployment. Continuous testing is essential in DevOps engineers, developers, Quality
DevOps because it applies flexible Assurance testers(QA), and operating
development techniques and concepts for systems. Improving product quality through
testing purposes to create effective testing continuous testing is the final result of
services. Improving communication, effective risk identification and elimination,
collaboration and innovation through as well as immediate feedback at various
continuous testing contributes to the stages of the development.
organization's continuous delivery process.
Helps to update the supply pipeline for
Ensuring a continuous software feedback.
development lifecycle To achieve the DevOps goal of "continuous
Integrating continuous testing into your feedback," it is important to update your
DevOps process ensures continuity of the supply pipeline to provide an efficient
entire SDLC. Continuous testing allows many feedback mechanism. For this, it is very
teams in the value chain to work effectively. useful to provide automation and continuous
Since the roles of DevOps scenarios tend to testing early in the development cycle. This is
overlap, continuous testing allows everyone because it can provide actionable feedback
involved in the software development along the line of provision. In this way,
process to enter the value chain when continuous testing can more closely connect
needed. As a result, continuous development CI (continuous integration) and CD
is observed and responsibility for quality (continuous distribution).
Helping organizations meet the needs of a
Enables better Test Coverage dynamic market
Leading software testing companies will strive Organizations that use continuous testing in
for comprehensive testing with continuous DevOps can meet changing operational
testing tools like Selenium, JIRA, Bamboo and requirements. This is possible because
others. DevOp development teams can start continuous testing includes automated and
the ongoing testing process by testing code repetitive software testing from building
performance and functionality. Also, other design to final product launch. The versatile
tests performed to increase the scope of the test path of continuous testing, combined
test include tests such as API, UI and with effective quality assurance methods,
regression tests. ensures a perfect end product, allowing your
organization to meet the needs of a dynamic
Provide quality assessment at all levels marketplace.
Continuous testing enables software quality
assessment throughout the development

Continuous Testing: Why is it important ? | Page 2

5 Benefits of Continuous
Testing (CT)
1. Accelerate the release cycle: Automated 5. Simple action: This is an area of ​interest
testing and deployment allows for almost any organization considering
organizations to better respond to market CT. See if you can easily integrate your CT
changes. Updates are developed faster process into your existing CI/CD pipeline
and released more frequently through CT without any new tools. If your
and test automation. Advanced code organization does not have an existing
(existing and new) is thoroughly and CI/CD operation, you should consider an
continuously tested through automated immediate start to get specific benefits.
testing. Emphasizing fast error resolution Start by developing your DevOps strategy
ensures that your code is clean, so you with continuous testing in mind.
can consistently integrate application
startup and accelerate it at high speed. As can be seen from the IT Software Quality
Consortium (CISQ) report, the biggest harm
2. Early Stakeholder Feedback: The use of of the five aspects mentioned above is the
CT in SDLC provides early development cost of substandard software organizations.
feedback to the development team on In 2018, the cost of substandard software in
issues that the code may pose for its the U.S. was about $2.84 trillion, of which
current functionality. CT provides frequent about 17% was the time and effort required
and useful feedback at each stage of to detect and repair defects.
development, helping to accelerate the
rollout of software applications in low- The examples mentioned below provides
defect production. This early feedback will some up-to-date examples of how software
also help you analyse the size of your crashes have affected brands.
business risk and reach the market faster.
• Wells Fargo Bank's 400 mortgage
3. Improved test coverage: When CT starts customers were accidentally shut down
early in the development and due to an accounting error in their
implementation of newly written code, it accounting software, and the bank had to
evaluates all possible features and bugs. commit $8 million to fix the problem.
With proper implementation of CT, testers • The airline appears to have been hit
and developers are confident that all hardest by software errors. In June 2018,
critical errors in the application are approximately 3,000 PSA Airlines flights
detected very early before integration. were suspended due to an issue with the
crew scheduling software.
4. Reduced defect cost: CT plays an • In March 2018, a passenger hit and killed
important role in providing error-free a fully autonomous Uber SUV test vehicle
output. If the code changes, an error is because the software did not respond
expected. CT identifies and repairs these properly when a pedestrian was found.
bugs early in the development lifecycle,
providing faster lap times. This reduces
the total cost of eliminating defects. The
cost of a change is generally less if a
change is detected early in the
development cycle. This is where CT helps
a lot.

Continuous Testing: Why is it important ? | Page 3

When software becomes the cornerstone to If done correctly, continuous testing is the key
having a competitive edge in all markets, in to the downstream smooth process.
their software offerings, corporations can no Automated testing is performed as part of
longer afford the privilege of selecting the software delivery pipeline to provide risk-
"speed" or "quality". Both are important. based feedback as quickly as possible. With
Continuous development, continuous the increasing complexity and speed of
monitoring, and continuous testing have delivering modern applications, mastering
become essential catalysts for accelerated ongoing testing is critical to managing
quality as the Agile strategy matures and business risk.
DevOps programmes are part of the
company's agenda. Of the three, the most
complicated is constant testing.

Although continuous integration is mainly a

tool-based operation and continuous
implementation is an activity based on
equipment and teams, continuous testing
involves instruments, teams, persons, and
facilities. The writing and incorporation of
code updates is very critical. However the
pace and speed of integrated integration and
continuous execution will increase because
automatic delivery can not decide how
improvements will impact market risk or
impede the end-user experience.

Continuous Testing: Why is it important ? | Page 4

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