0.01). 2. It also reports a positive moderate relationship between attitude and participation (r=0.582, p<0.000) from an SPSS output table. 3. Hypothesis testing is conducted to evaluate the significance of the relationships found, following the steps of stating the null and alternative hypotheses, calculating the test statistic, identifying the critical value, and making a decision to reject or">0.01). 2. It also reports a positive moderate relationship between attitude and participation (r=0.582, p<0.000) from an SPSS output table. 3. Hypothesis testing is conducted to evaluate the significance of the relationships found, following the steps of stating the null and alternative hypotheses, calculating the test statistic, identifying the critical value, and making a decision to reject or">
Assignment 8 Pearson Correlation
Assignment 8 Pearson Correlation
Assignment 8 Pearson Correlation
Question 1:
Independent variable : Motivation (X)
Dependent variable : Satisfaction (Y)
Subject X Y X² Y² XY
Summary Statistics
1 5 8 25 64 40
2 7 5 49 25 35 n 8
3 11 17 121 289 187 ∑X 64
∑Y 100
4 8 12 64 144 96
∑X² 574
5 4 12 16 144 48
∑Y² 1384
6 13 18 169 324 234 ∑XY 866
7 9 15 81 225 135
8 7 13 49 169 91
√( )( )
( )( ) (64)(100)
− 866 −
= ( )
2 ( )
2 (100)
2 2
√[ − ][ − ] = √[574 − ][1384 − ]
8 8
66 66
= = = 0.724
√(62)(134) 91.148
= = = 0.281 = 2.576
√ 1− ² √ 1 − 0.724²
−2 8−2
There is significant relationship between motivation and satisfaction at = 0.05 level of significance.
Question 2
Independent variable : Tenure (X)
Dependent variable : Commitment (Y)
N 10
∑X 44
∑Y 119
∑X² 246
∑Y² 1573
∑XY 472
√( )( )
− ( )( ) 472 − (44)(119)
2 2
( )
2 ( ) (44)
2 (119)
= √ [ 2
− ][ 2
− ] =√[246 − ][1573 − ]
10 10
−51.60 −51.60
= √(52.40)(156.90)
= 90.669
= −0.569
= = = 0.290 = −1.962
√ 1− ² √ 1 − (−0.569)²
−2 10−2
Fail to reject
There is no significant negative relationship between tenure and commitment at = 0.01 level of significance.
Question 3
Attitude 0.582 0.000
b. Nature of Relationship
There is a positive and moderate relationship between attitude and participation.
iv. Decision
Since− (0.000) < (0.05)
v. Conclusion
There is significant relationship between attitude and participation at = 0.05 level of significance.
d. APA Reporting
Results of the Pearson correlation indicated that there was a positive and moderate
relationship between attitude and participation and the relationship/correlation was
significant, (303) = .582, p < .05.
Attitude Participation
Attitude Pearson Correlation 1 .582
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 305 305
Participation Pearson Correlation .582 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 305 305
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).