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Women’s intimate relationship towards men is firstly comprehend as productive

and ensures security in their own homes and family. It is the ideas that women
feels at the first years of relationships, they believed that their husbands or partners
provided them the idealism they visualizes in their minds. Unfortunately not all
couples experiencing truly happiness and beloved throughout the time, many
women’s inside their households are being abused by their husbands and partners
together with their children’s. These abused takes in many forms namely; physical,
sexual, psychological and economic abuse which became rampant in our society
yesterday until today.

During pre-colonial period, about 30,000 years ago Filipino women are treated
equally as men, as well as offered greatest opportunity in relation to women’s
social position in the society, such as holding higher positions and even fighting as
a warrior in their communities (Wikipedia.org. violence against w omen in the
Philippines). During this period a man learned to respect women and disrespectful
activities labelled negatively towards men, which indicate that a man and a woman
are created with equal rights and privileges in this world.

Unfortunately during the colonial periods, under the rules of Spaniards, Americans
and Japanese, the equal and respectful treatment towards women was vanished.
During this periods women suffered, anguished and experiencing various kinds of
exploitations that anyone can’t imagine (Wikipedia.org. history of violence against
women in the Philippines).

Since colonial and post-colonial periods as well as today’s generations, the

presence of various violations against women are very alarming (Wikipedia.org.

violence against women in the Philippines). It is because women and children are
weaker and most vulnerable in compares to the perpetrators who actually the head
of the family or in the relationship. It is also the results on long years of
colonization’s that inputs disgusting traditions and cultures to our ancestors. These
various types of violence’s are physical violence, sexual violence, psychological
violence and economic abuse (R.A 9262).

Due to the worldwide existence of these various violations against women,

Philippine legislators created laws intends to protect the rights of Filipino women
and their children. One of these laws is the Republic Act No. 9262 otherwise
known as the “Anti-Violence against Women and Their Children Act of 2004
(VAWC)”. This law protects and strengthened the rights of women and their
children and putting full efforts to eliminate violence’s, as usually happened to
women and children in the country due to unequal power relations (PAULAWSIN,
NOVEMBER 19, 2012). The law stated that Violations Against Women and their
Children (VAWC) is a term use to the act or a series of acts committed by any
person against a woman, who is his wife, former wife, a person he has or had a
sexual and dating relationship or whom he has a common child and against his
child whether legitimate or illegitimate, within or without the family abode,
which result in or is likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological harm or
suffering, or economic abuse including threats of such acts, battery, assault,
coercion, harassment or arbitrary deprivation of liberty (Section 3. of R.A 9262).
Because most cases of VAWC are committed within the family or households the
government strengthened and recognized the unequal power relation between men
and women in the family and putting boundaries in terms of women’s rights and

Under the law VAWC is considered as a public crime, and as a public crime every
violations of these Act committed by perpetrators accompanied by penalties of
imprisonment ranging

from 1 month and 1 day to 20 years, payment of not less than 100,000 and not
greater than 300,000, mandatory psychological counselling or psychiatric
treatment towards the perpetrators (Section 6 of RA 9262). In response three (3)
kinds of protection orders are being issued to the victims of the abuse namely;
Barangay Protection Order (BPO), Temporary Protection Order (TPO), and
Permanent Protection Order (PPO) (Section 8 of RA 9262). This three (3)
protection orders are to be issued to the victim-survivors in order to prevent further
acts of violence and secures the victims safety. Protection orders are also
accompanied by relief aiming for protection and convenient of the victims.

As mention earlier the acts of violence’s started in the residency or households,

and such cases are first considered as under the Barangay level. There are some
duties to be performed by Barangay Officials as they are in the frontlines to
respond in any cases under their area of responsibility. Barangay officials played
important roles in the society because they are the one who converts policies and
legislation’s into actions. This is to ensure that all of such policies and legislation’s
from National Level down to Local level are implemented and carried out in
barangay levels effectively.

So as to know if Republic Act No. 9262 otherwise known as the “Anti-Violence

against Women and Their Children Act of 2004 (VAWC)” policies are
implemented in El Salvador city, our group selected three (3) Barangay’s as the
respondents of the study. These Barangay’s were Poblacion, Pedro Sa Baculio and
Himaya, they are selected based on the researchers residency. The study aims to
know what are the policies implemented by these three (3) selected barangay’s of
El Salvador City under the law and how it is being implemented. To know the
Barangay Officials levels of awareness about R.A. 9262 in terms of law
implementation, rights and protection of the victims, and terms and conditions as
prescribed in the law as well as to know the ways Barangay’s rendered in resolving
VAWC cases at their level.


Violence is always existed and will always exist. Violence occurs in all social
classes; namely first, medium and lower classes in society. In RA 9262 takes many
forms of violence such as physical violence, sexual violence, psychological and
economic. Violence against women is mostly commited by their intimate partners.
Generally, women are dependent on them, they do not denouncing that they are
victims of mistreatment because of their fear in threats (Sociological Theories of
Intimate Partner Violence- Jennifer Lawson 2012), which are the grounds of
legislators in creating laws in order to address the alarming siutaions of womens in
society. Even RA 9262 is already exists in the country, cases of violations in all
social classes are still growing and continuous. The consequences of violence
practiced by intimate partners affect women's physical and emotional health,
ultimately can implies risk for children. Probably witnessing violence inside the
family may lead to behavioral disorder and delayed cognitive development of
A theoretical base to understand violence against women is the sociological
theories of intimate partner violence that seek to explain violent behavior as a
function of social structure rather than individual pathology. Sociologist
categorized the respective views regarding the role of gender in intimate partner
violence includes social learning theory, ecological theory, feminist theory and
subculture of violence theory, view that intimate partner violence as an expression
of conflict within the family that can best understand through examination of social
structure contributing to the use of violence(Sociological Theories of Intimate
Partner Violence- Jennifer Lawson 2012).
Feminist theory sees intimate partner violence as an expression of gender base
domination of women by men (Sociological Theories of Intimate Partner Violence-
Jennifer Lawson 2012).Feminist social theorist argue that men learn to be violent
while they are children through the socialization process and women learn

helplessness during the course of their adult relationship which common in our
Filipino culture.
Social learning theory is based on behaviorism which propose that people adapt
their behavior on the behavior of those around them (Sociological Theories of
Intimate Partner Violence- Jennifer Lawson 2012).Proposes that the abuse is a
learned behavior due to witnessing or having been a victim of abuse in their
family of origin. This theory emphasizes the role of person-in-environment to the
values formation of one’s self. Therefore, one factor
that causes on continuous existence of VAWC cases in the society is the Person-In-
Environment (PIE). Like Albert Bandura’s social learning theory on his BOBO
DOLL experiment, which shows that children immitates what adults had been
Both feminist learning theory and social learning theory contributed and influences
this study because through these factors it helps to explain, determine and
identifies ideas and insights regarding cultures and person in environment power to
affects the implementation of RA 9262 in the country and might provide basis on
innovating barangays implementation of the law.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Implementation of Republic
1. Barangay Demographic Act No. 9262
Profile: 1. Programs and
a) Location
b) Population
c) IRA 2. Awareness of R.A
2. Socio-demographic 3. Resolutions on
profile of respondents VAWC cases


The result of these study are beneficial to all

sectors of the society most importantly to
Academe, LGU, CSWD, Barangay officials,
Government and Non-Government Institutions,
WCPD, Media, etc.
To awaken their consciousness towards
implementing the law. It will help them to
improve their performances and promotes
massive implementation of the law.


The focus of the study is to assess the three (3) selected Barangays in El Salvador
City, Misamis Oriental’s policy implementation of Republic Act No. 9262. These
Barangays are Poblacion, Pedro Sa Baculio (PSB) and Himaya. It also seeks to
answer the following questions:

1. How do the policies and programs implemented by the Barangay level under the
Republic Act 9262?
2. To what extent is the level of awareness of the respondents about RA 9262 in
terms of the following?
a. Law implementation
b. Rights and protection of the victims

Terms and conditions as prescribe in the law

3. What are the ways in resolving VAWC cases at their level?


1. There are proper and accurate implementations of the policies under R.A. 9262
at Barangay level which help minimizes VAWC cases in the country particularly
in El Salvador City.

2. Barangay official’s levels of awareness towards R.A. 9262 in terms of law

implementation, rights and protection of the victims and terms and condition as
prescribe in the law are in the highest ratings.

3. Amicable settlement is the ways rendered by three selected Barangay’s in

resolving VAWC cases at their level.


This paper aims to know if policies, programs and services under Republic Act
9262 are totally and implemented in three (3) Barangay’s in El Salvador City
namely; Poblacion, Pedro Sa Baculio and Himaya.

The result of the study may help various sectors in society on rationally analysing,
and determining some factors that have been the hindrances in fully implementing
the R.A. 9262. The result of the study may also contribute important information
and ideas that may lead to the improvement on existing local policies and
ordinances as well as programs and projects provided as response to the
implementation of this act. Below are the different sectors in society where the
information’s may gathered are very useful:

Academe – the result of the study will give important and significant data to the
City college of El Salvador (CCE) as source of information related to law
implementation, violations of women’s rights and social welfare services
particularly the students of Bachelor of Science in Social Work whose course
engaging and all about the welfare of the society.

LGU – the result of the study will serve as information to the Local Government
Unit (LGU) about the Barangay’s implementation on R.A. 9262. It also helps the
local government unit to evaluate, monitor and determines what are policies and
ordinances needed, as well as may serve as a baseline in their policy formulation,
ordinances and development programs in order to lessening VAWC cases in the

CSWD – the result of the study will serve as additional information to the office of
City Social Welfare and Development regarding the implementation of Republic
Act 9262 in its area of responsibilities where they are accountable in lessening
VAWC cases. It also helps CSWD in determining programs and services needed to

strengthen the law and discovering underlying factors behind the continuous
occurrences of VAWC cases.

Barangay Council- the result serve as information tools that provide more
awareness to the Barangay officials on the selected barangays to widen their
knowledge about R.A. 9262 and weighing the importance of their participation in
minimizing VAWC cases in their respective areas of responsibilities.

Students/Researchers – the outcomes of the study will helps the

students/Researchers taking up Bachelor of Science in Social Work to understand
the dynamics on the continued existence of VAWC cases in El Salvador City.
Whatever the result maybe, the researcher’s may uses it as basis policies as well as
handling and managing programs and projects during their practice since social
work practitioners are the advocates of social well-beings.

Non-Government Agencies & Private Institutions – this study will serve as

reference for their planning of program policies and managements of the victims so
that they will be more efficient in carrying out their duties.

(Women and Protection Desk) WCPD – the study is beneficial for them in order
to provide feedback on their implementation and enable them to realize the
importance of proper enforcement and doing the right protocol in realizing the
objective of R.A. 9262 (Anti- VAWC) which can produce quality, productive and
competitive women and children in protecting their family against violence.

Media – may provide information and updates about the status of R.A. 9262 as it
was applied at the barangay level in the city of El Salvador.


The study focused on the policy implementation of Republic Act No. 9262 on the
three (3) selected Barangay’s in El Salvador City, Misamis Oriental. These three
(3) selected Barangay’s were Poblacion, Pedro Sa Baculio and Himaya.

The scope of the study limits and revolves only to the existence of VAWC cases on
the three selected barangay’s, what are the corresponding policies, programs and
resolutions barangay officials had been taken during the presence of certain type of
violations and on barangay officials level of awareness towards the implementation
of R.A. 9262 at their level


Amicable settlement – is an agreement reached during mediation and conciliation

proceedings. It is a peaceable agreement between the petitioner and the

Assault – it is a violent physical or verbal attack or a threat or attempt to inflict

offensive physical contact or bodily harm on a person that puts the person in
immediate danger.

Barangay- is the smallest administrative division in the Philippines and is the

native Filipino term for a village, district or ward. It is managed by Punong
Barangay together with her/his seven (7) elected Sangguniang Barangay,
Sangguniang Kabataan Chairman, appointed Barangay Treasurer and Secretary.

Barangay Anti-VAWC Desk Officer – Anti-Violence against Women and their

Children’s officer assigned and present in all barangay in the country. This officer
is in charge and must assess all cases related to women and children’s violations

Barangay Officials – consists of elected Punong Barangay, seven (7) elected

Sangguniang Barangay, Sangguniang Kabataan Chairman, appointive secretary
and treasurer.

Barangay Tanod – are commonly known as CVO or civilian volunteers who aims
on maintaining and securing peace and order in the barangay.

Battery- refers to an act of inflicting physical harm upon the woman or her child
resulting to the physicaland psychological or emotional distress.

Battered Woman Syndrome - refers to a scientifically defined pattern of

psychological and behavioral symptoms found in women living in battering
relationships as a result of cumulative abuse.

BPO- Barangay Protection Orders (BPOs) refer to the protection order issued by
the Punong Barangay ordering the perpetrator to desist from committing acts under
Sec. 5 (a) and (b) of this Act. A Punong Barangay who receives applications for a
BPO shall issue the protection order to the applicant on the date of filing after ex
parte determination of the basis of the application. It is effective for 15 days only,
without extension.
Children - refers to those below eighteen (18) years of age or older but are
incapable of taking care of their selves as defined under Republic Act No. 7610.
Dating relationship - refers to a situation wherein the parties live as husband and
wife without the benefit of marriage or are romantically involved over time and on
a continuing basis during the course of the relationship. A casual acquaintance or
ordinary socialization between two individuals in a business or social context is not
a dating relationship.
Economic abuse - refers to acts that make or attempt to make a woman financially
dependent. Like withdrawal of financial support or preventing the victim from
engaging in any legitimate profession, occupation, business or activity, deprivation
or threat of deprivation of financial resources and the right to the use and
enjoyment of the conjugal, community or property, destroying household property

and controlling the victims' own money or properties or solely controlling the
conjugal money or properties.
Intervention- it is the act of interfering with the outcome or course especially of a
condition or process so as to prevent harm or improve functioning. It is a process
in which a person with a problem is confronted by a group whose purpose is to
compel the person to acknowledge and deal with the problem.
Lupon ng Tagapamayapa - civilian volunteers who are assigned to asses mis-
understanding within Barangay’s area of responsibility
Physical Violence - refers to acts that include bodily or physical harm
PPO – Permanent Protection Order (PPO) refers to protection order issued by the
court after notice and hearing. It is permanent and only stop if revoked by the
PROGRAM - is a collection of projects, and a very big long term goals. Together
all the projects form a connected package of work. The different projects
complement each other to assist the program in achieving its overall objectives.

PROJECTS – can be defined as a scientifically evolved work plan devised to

achieve specific objectives within a specific period of time.

Psychological violence - refers to acts or omissions causing or likely to cause

mental or emotional suffering of the victim such as but not limited to intimidation,
harassment, stalking, damage to property, public ridicule or humiliation, repeated
verbal abuse and mental infidelity. It includes causing or allowing the victim to
witness the physical, sexual or psychological abuse of a member of the family to
which the victim belongs, or to witness

pornography in any form or to witness abusive injury to pets or to unlawful or

unwanted deprivation of the right to custody and/or visitation of common children.

Public Crime – is a crime that is perpetrated not only on a single individual but
against the entire society.
Punong Barangay- is the head of the Barangay.

Safe place or shelter - refers to any home or institution maintained or managed by

the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) or by any other
agency or voluntary organization accredited by the DSWD for the purposes of this
Act or any other suitable place the resident of which is willing temporarily to
receive the victim.
Services – the action of helping or doing work for someone. Such services are
created in order to cause or gives welfare to everyone.
Sexual relation - refers to a single sexual act which may or may not result in the
bearing of a common child.
Sexual violence - refers to an act which is sexual in nature, committed against a
woman or her child like rape, sexual harassment, acts of lasciviousness, treating a
woman or her child as a sex object, making demeaning and sexually suggestive
remarks, physically attacking the sexual parts of the victim's body, forcing her/him
to watch obscene publications and indecent shows or forcing the woman or her
child to do indecent acts and/or make films thereof, forcing the wife and
mistress/lover to live in the conjugal home or sleep together in the same room with
the abuser and prostituting the woman or child.
Stalking- refers to an intentional act committed by a person who, knowingly and
without lawful justification follows the woman or her child or places the woman or
her child under surveillance directly or indirectly or a combination thereof.
TPO – Temporary Protection Orders (TPOs) refers to the protection order issued
by the court on the date of filing of the application after ex parte determination that
such order should be issued. TPO is effective for thirty (30) days and continuously
extended or renewed until permanent protection orders is issued by the court.
VAWC- Violence against women and their children" refers to any act or a series of
acts committed by any person against a woman who is his wife, former wife, or
against a woman with whom the person has or had a sexual or dating relationship,
or with whom he has a
common child, or against her child whether legitimate or illegitimate, within or
without the

family abode, which result in or is likely to result in physical, sexual,

psychological harm or suffering, or economic abuse including threats of such acts,
battery, assault, coercion, harassment or arbitrary deprivation of liberty.
Victim-survivors – is what the society refers to the victims of any types of
violence prescribed in R.A. 9262.




Violence against Women and Children (VAWC) happens in all parts of the globe
and is seen as a major crisis in many societies. VAWC includes psychological,
emotional, financial, cultural, sexual and socioeconomic abuses towards the
victims, and even spiritual cruelties (United Nations, 1993) by family members or
relatives. It is being considered as a crisis due to its continuous existence despite
on various kinds of legislation and laws being formulated and educational
programs and seminars executed. And the worse of all is that their perpetrators are
the members of their own family.

It is said that Violence against women is caused by uneven power relationship

between women and men that promotes the so- called “gender based violence”
(Philippine Commission on Women, 2009). Truly that the uneven power relations
and maltreatments towards women by men still increasing and existing throughout
the time and it creates confusion to all because despite of having law to address
this doings it is still rampant nowadays.

A study regarding on the status of violence against women in the Philippines

revealed various factors that causes VAWC existence in the country such as
family, economic, social, socio-political and socio-cultural but only two
contributing factors to the existence of this phenomenon explained and expressed
how dominant men in our society ( Bernarte, et al. (2018) ). On Philippine national
police (PNP) reports despite of the existence of the law together with the creation
of IAC-VAWC council, from January to December 2013 until 2016 a total of

144,991 VAW cases are recorded (Source: Philippine National Police; Bernarte et
al.). PNP’s reports emphasizes how these two factors such as socio-political and
socio-cultural deeply influences peoples insights towards men and women’s
standing in the society that leads to discrimination and oppression to opposite sex.

A research focusing on knowing at what level of awareness about R.A. 9262 the
citizens of the City of Digos already have. Out of nineteen (19) barangays were
491 respondents resides, eleven (11) barangays responded that they are aware of
the existence of VAW, five (5) barangays considered themselves undecided if the
VAW exists in the country, while three (3) barangays reflected that they were
unaware of the existence of Violence Against Women (1Conrado B. Panerio, Jr.
& 2Edmundo R. Albay). This study influences the development of researcher’s
interest on assessing barangay levels performances on implementing the law at
their level.

The Anti-Violence Against Women and their children Act of 2004, commonly
referred to as VAWC law (WWTSVAW), 2009) was enacted into law on March 8,
2004 (SALIGAN Women’s Unit, 2008; Association of Progressive
Communication, 2013). The approval of the RA 9262 was based on the
“inalienable right of women not to suffer discrimination and violence “, most
especially in intimate relationships. The act particularly made violence against
women perpetrated by the intimate partners as a “public crime”. It also arranged
for the immediate legal relief of the victim of abuse through protection orders that
could address or minimize cases of domestic abuse, among other things
(WWTSVAW, 2009). Since it was considered as a public crime, every violations
of these Act committed by perpetrators accompanied by penalties of imprisonment
ranging from 1 month and 1 day to 20 years, payment of not less than 100,000 and
not greater than 300,000, mandatory psychological counselling or psychiatric
treatment towards the perpetrators (Section 6 of RA 9262). In response three (3)
kinds of protection orders are being issued to the victims of the abuse namely;
Barangay Protection Order (BPO), Temporary Protection Order (TPO), and

Permanent Protection Order (PPO) (Section 8 of RA 9262). This three (3)

protection orders are to be issued to the victim-survivors in order to prevent further
acts of violence and secures

the victims safety. Protection orders are also accompanied by relief aiming for
protection and convenient of the victims.

In Section 33 of this Act defines that the PNP Women and Children Protection
Desk (WCPD) in coordination with the Local Social Welfare Development Office
(LSWDO) shall conduct a timely, thorough and comprehensive investigation of all
cases involving violence against women and their children, committed within their
respective area of responsibility. They shall observe the rules and procedures as
provided in Section 48 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A. 9262.
While in Section 47 of Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of R.A. 9262
provides the barangay officials to strictly observe the following steps in handling
VAWC cases at the barangay level. Upon being informed of an act of VAWC, the
barangay official sha bll immediately verify the information. If it is necessary the
said official seek assistance or protection of the victim and respond immediately to
call for help where victims shall apply Barangay Protection Order (BPO) and
social workers for counselling, temporary shelters and other support services.

Preliminary findings of the 2017 National Demographic and Health Survey

(NDHS), stated that one in four (26%) of ever-married women aged 15-49 has ever
experienced physical, sexual and economic abuse from their husbands and partners
(Lisa Grace S. Bersales, Ph.D., 2018). It is very alarming that the number of
violations against women’s did not decrease even the Republic Act 9262 or the
Anti-Violence against Women and Children Act of 2004 already existed and

This chapter is important to the researcher’s objective to evaluate R.A. 9262

effectiveness as a law. These literatures helps researchers widely understand the
factors that contributed why violations against women still existing and considered

as a major crisis and a societal problems. It defines various types of violence that
are committed by own husbands and partners of the family, experiencing unequal
treatments between men and women within the relationship which are resulted
from deeply rooted cultures and traditions as influenced by previous colonizers of
the country. The PNP’s reports on thousands of cases happened in the country
from year 2013 until year 2016 indicated that despite of RA 9262 of 2004 presence

together with the imprisonment and penalties rendered, acts of violations are still
prevalence in the country. Through this reasons, the researcher’s aims to look at
the barangay level’s implementation of the law hoping to find important
information as contribution to the unstoppable issues of violence against women in
the country.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about one (1) in three (3)
women or (35%) in the world is experiencing either sexual violence and/or
physical violence from intimate partner or non-partner. While on the survey
conducted in 2017 in the Philippines by the National Demographic Health, the
Philippine Statistics Authority publicized one (1) out of four(4) or 26% Filipino
women, ranging age from 15-49 were experiencing physical, emotional or sexual
violence from their husband or partner (Lisa Grace S. Bersales, Ph.D., 2018).
Records show’s that VAWC cases happened all over the world and stays there for
a long period of time.
In recent years, the phenomenon of violence against women – domestic violence in
particular –has been identified by the Philippine government, together with the
international community, as a serious human right violation and a public health
concerns (Heise, Ellsberg, and Gottemoeller [1999]; Kishor and Johnson [2004]).
It emphasizes how it restricts access to opportunities, violates women’s dignity as

human being’s and poses a serious threat to the economic mobility, gender equity,
and development of as nation.

VAW has been part of the many significant issues in society. It has been stipulated
on the daily story of every individual on how they experienced such societal
disease that even up to this day still one of the unsolved problems of the state. It
has been considered that the most reprehensible human rights violation was
violence against women (Santiago & Aya, 2014) and considered to be the first
global public health problem (Moris,2007)
(https://papers.ssrn.com/so13/papers.cfm?abstract id=3576342). Yes, it is a
societal disease and a health problem whose medicine is not yet discovered, and
really hard to discover, it is

because human minds are rational and full of reasoning were no one knows what
each of us thinking.

Violence against women has been exists many years ago in many different forms.
In the Philippines, there are implemented laws to protect women’s rights and
prevention of violence against women. The government has built campaigns and
programs to strengthen their call of action for this phenomenon. But despite of this,
Philippines is one of the countries that have the most number of cases of violence
against women (Michelle J. Hiden in 2002). Violence against women is increasing
quickly that takes a big effect not only to women themselves, her family and her
household but also to the economy and productivity of the region and society. The
government has a big responsibility of this kind of situation. It is their duty to
evaluate the effectiveness of the law and find the factors that hindered its

In the national scene, the Philippines has been putting its lens towards protecting
women and their children by enacting RA 9262 or legally known as "Anti-
Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004." This has been the
result of the advocacy of women legislators, victim-survivors, human rights

advocates, and other government and non-government agencies (Caparas &

Amparado, 2012). It is their greatest accomplishments and it makes us new
generations feels secured and very thankful but at the same time doubted if the law
alone is enough because of still existence of VAW cases worldwide.

That is why Morris (2007) highlighted the following intervention and prevention
strategies like (1) educational, extracurricular, enrichment and vocational activities,
(2) reduce social disruption, improved parenting, and lessen teen pregnancy, (3)
increase educational opportunities, and poverty reduction, (4) decreased access to
alcohol and guns, and (5) greater community involvement and security. These
strategies were suggested to be implemented to lessen the violence-related public
health problem within the youth (1Conrado B. Panerio, Jr. & 2Edmundo R.
Albay). National and international government conducted different types of
educational campaign, seminars, human rights awareness, information drives about
VAWC and its corresponding Penalties worldwide but the question is why is it
VAWC cases still growing every year? Maybe there are or there is important
thing/s that being omitted or unintentionally miss looked in a long run. Both local
and international studies emphasizes the need to find out other factors that might
be miss looked in the long run in order to lessen VAWC cases worldwide.


The study entitled an assessment on policy implementation of Republic Act No.

9262 are necessary, it is because of the continuous existence of VAWC cases in the
country particularly in the El Salvador City, Misamis Oriental. Even there are
existing laws developed and being implemented nationwide in order to protect
women and children’s rights, prevalence of various kinds of violations are very

Many studies explained Violations against Women and their Children; identifies
different types of violations; determines various factors influencing such
violations; and explaining various types of laws created intended to lessen the
existence of VAWC cases as well as the awareness of the people towards the law
but all of such studies merely focuses on the interactions between the law and the
violations committed, they omitted to look at the lowest level of government
(Barangay) who in acted all the formulated laws, policies and programs.

Since Barangay’s are the front liners in responding every VAWC related cases in
their area of responsibility, Barangay Official must be aware on implementing RA

In these reasons we us a researcher aims that this study being approve by the
panellist in order to help the Government and legislators as well as the Local
Government Unit (LGU) to improve Barangay’s law implementation of RA 9262.



This chapter dealt with the methodological procedures that will be utilized in
describing and interpreting data and subdivided into the following: research design,
research locale, Research Instrument, Data Gathering Procedure, Respondents and
Sampling Procedure and Statistical tool.


The study utilized the descriptive method of research. It describes the data and
characteristics used in the population. This design describes and determines the
data were gathered and results were tabulated and interpreted. Explanations are
given base on the concepts and results that clarify the interpretation of the
outcomes. The quantitative data are analyzed and interpreted using some statistical


This study was conducted in three selected barangays in El Salvador City. Out of
15 barangays in El Salvador City, barangay Poblacion, Pedro Sa Baculio and
Himaya were chosen because it is the barangays were researchers resides. The
researchers found it

convenient in gathering data since we are facing this Pandemic Covid-19, were
safety protocols are strictly implemented on all corners of the country particularly
in this city including the prohibition on extrinsic travels to avoid local transmission
of the said virus.

Barangay Poblacion is located at the center of the City. It lies along the coastal
road and situated at approximately 8.5567, 124.5183 in the island of Mindanao.
The elevation of these coordinates is estimated at 33.6 meters or 110.2 feet above
mean sea level with the population of 8,372 based on the 2015 census (Philippine
atlas). This barangay considered as having the second largest population

Pedro Sa Baculio (PSB) is located next to barangay Poblacion going to the east
part of the city. It also lies along the coastal road and situated at approximately
8.5515, 124.5312 in the island of Mindanao. Elevation of these coordinates is
estimated at 4.4 meters or 14.4 feet above mean sea level with the population of
4,191 based on 2015 census (Philippine atlas). This barangay considered as having
the third largest population percentage.

Himaya is located at 180 degrees south from the center of the city which covers
some elevated areas and terrains in the city. It is situated at approximately 8.5247,
124.5183 in the island of Mindanao. Elevation of these coordinates is estimated at
136.9 meters or 449.1 feet above mean sea level with the population of 1,797 based
on 2015 census (Philippine atlas). This barangay is rank as eighth (8 th) in the
population percentage.


This study uses survey questionnaire as an instrument or assessment tool, to obtain

data from the respondents on their policy implementation of Republic Act No.
9262. It aims to know how the policies and programs implemented in the
Barangay’s, in what level of awareness does barangay officials already have and
what are their ways of resolving VAWC cases at their level.
The instruments or assessment tool uses likert scale type of questionnaires written
in an English language and will be translated into Bisayan language in a way that

respon idents may easily comprehends all the questions because it is their natural
dialect. The answer sheet is composed of four (4) parts, including the socio-
demographic profile of the respondents,
followed by three (3) research questions. All they have to do is to select from four
(4) choices between Strongly Agree(SA), Agree (A), Disagree (D) and Strongly
Disagree (SD), and put check on the feeling that exactly describe their knowledge
towards the question given.
Part I is all about the demographics profile of the respondents (Barangay’s
Punong Barangay, Barangay Kagawad, Peace and Order Committee, Lupon
Tagapamayapa, Barangay Police, and Barangay Anti-VAWC Desk Officer) name,
age, gender, status, position, and years in service. Part II stated the policies and
programs implemented by the selected barangays. While the Part III evaluating
the level of the respondents (barangays) awareness about R.A. No. 9262 in terms
of law implementation, rights and protection of the victims and terms and
conditions as prescribed in the law. And lastly the Part IV describes the ways how
the selected barangays resolves VAWC cases at their level.


Before gathering informative data, first an approval letter was sent to the office of
the School Dean of the City College of El Salvador (CCE). Second, the researchers
also sent a consent letter addressing the Punong Barangay of the three (3) selected
barangays of El Salvador City namely; Poblacion, Pedro Sa Baculio (PSB) and
Himaya to start conducting the survey. After the dissemination of the survey
questionnaires, the respondents are given one day to answer it and to be picked up
by the assigned researcher the following day and it was then organized and


This research in titled the Assessment on Policy Implementation of Republic Act

No. 9262 in three selected barangays of El Salvador City, Misamis Oriental uses
Non-Probability Sampling particularly the Purposive Sampling in selecting the
possible respondents of the study. These three (3) selected barangays namely;
Poblacion, Pedro Sa Baculio (PSB) and Himaya. Each Barangay’s respondents
focused on the barangay officials, personnel’s and civilian volunteers whose in line
of duty are concerning on Violation’s Against women and their children.

The respondents from each barangay are the Punong Barangay, seven (7) Barangay
Kagawad, Peace and Order Committee, ten (10) Lupon Tagapamayapa, ten (10)
Barangay Police, and Barangay Anti-VAWC Desk Officer. Therefore there are
three (3) Punong Barangay’s, twenty one (21) Barangay Kagawad, nine (9) Peace
and Order Committee, thirty (30) lupon tagapamayapa, thirty (30) Barangay police
and three (3) Barangay Anti-VAWC Desk in total of ninety six (96) respondents
from three selected Barangay’s of Poblacion, Pedro Sa Baculio (PSB) and Himaya.


Descriptive statistics such as Frequency distribution table in describing factors was

used in the discussion. The respondent’s demographic profile, the barangays
official’s level of awareness towards the law and the barangay’s ways in resolving
VAWC cases at their level were analysed using the frequency percentage and
distribution method by determining the mean, median and mode using the formula:

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