Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies: Assets
Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies: Assets
Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies: Assets
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Cost of sales:
Inventory, January 1 160,000
Purchases 1,200,000
Total goods available for sale 1,360,000
Inventory, December 31 (200,000) (1,160,000)
Gross income 440,000
Depreciation expense (200,000)
Distribution costs (140,000)
Bad debts expense (20,000)
Finance cost (40,000)
Profit before tax 40,000
Income tax expense (12,000)
Profit for the year 28,000
Other comprehensive income -
Total comprehensive income for the year 28,000
Additional information:
The land and building were acquired on April 1, 20x0.
The share capital was issued on March 1, 20x0.
Sales, purchases, and expenses (except interest expense) were incurred evenly during the year.
Interest expense was recognized and paid on December 31, 20x2.
Dividends of ₱120,000 were declared and paid on December 31, 20x2.
Selected values of general price indices (CPI) are shown below:
March 1, 20x0……………………………………………...100
April 1, 20x0………………………………………………..100
Average for 20x1…………………………………………..110
December 31, 20x1…………………..………….…………120
Average for 20x2…………………………………………..125
December 31, 20x2………………………………………….140
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Cost of sales:
Inventory, Jan. 1 160,000 140/110
Purchases 1,200,000 140/125
Total goods available for 1,547,636
sale 1,360,000
(1,160,000) (224,000) (1,323,636)
(200,000) 140/125
Inventory, Dec. 31
440,000 468,364
Gross income
(200,000) (280,000)
Depreciation expense 140/100
(140,000) (156,800)
Distribution costs 140/125
(20,000) (20,000)
Bad debts expense N/A
(40,000) (40,000)
Finance cost 140/140