Math Grade 3 Module 7/7
Math Grade 3 Module 7/7
Math Grade 3 Module 7/7
3 Mathematics Curriculum
Table of Contents
Geometry and Measurement Word Problems
Topic D: Recording Perimeter and Area Data on Line Plots ...................................... 244
NOTE: Student sheets should be printed at 100% scale to preserve the intended size of figures for accurate
measurements. Adjust copier or printer settings to actual size, and set page scaling to none.
Grade 3 • Module 7
Geometry and Measurement Word
The final module of the year offers students intensive practice with word problems, as well as hands-on
investigation experiences with geometry and perimeter.
Topic A begins with solving one- and two-step word problems based on a variety of topics studied throughout
the year and including all four operations (3.OA.8). The lessons emphasize modeling and reasoning to
develop solution paths. They incorporate teacher-facilitated problem solving, opportunities for students to
independently make sense of problems and persevere in solving them, and time for students to share
solutions and critique peer strategies.
Topic B introduces an exploration of geometry. Students build on Grade 2 ideas
about polygons and their properties, specifically developing and expanding their
knowledge of quadrilaterals. They explore the attributes of quadrilaterals and Tangram
classify examples into various categories, including recognizing the Puzzle
characteristics of polygons (3.G.1). Students draw polygons based on their
attributes, producing sketches from descriptions like, “This shape has two long
sides that are parallel, two short sides, and no right angles.”
Students next use tangrams and tetrominoes (see examples to the right) to
compose and decompose shapes. They reason about the relationships
between shapes and between attributes. For example, students understand
that quadrilaterals can be decomposed into triangles and recognize that the
two smallest triangles in a tangram puzzle can be put together to form a
parallelogram, a square, or a medium triangle.
Students tessellate to bridge geometry experience with the study of perimeter in Topic C. They first
decompose a quadrilateral and then rearrange the parts. They use the new shape to tile. Students then
define perimeter in two distinct ways: (1) as the boundary of a planar region and (2) as the length of the
boundary curve. Students see varied examples from the tiles used to tessellate.
Cut on the line. Then, slide the piece to the opposite side or rotate it to an adjacent
side to make a new shape. Then, tile with the new shape.
As they learn about perimeter as an attribute of plane figures, students apply their knowledge to real-world
situations through problem solving (3.MD.8). They measure side lengths of shapes in whole number units to
determine perimeter and solve problems where side lengths are given. They use string and rulers to measure
the length around circles of different sizes. This variation prompts students to think more flexibly about
perimeter, understanding that it can be the boundary of any shape and that its measurements are not limited
to whole numbers. The topic ends with problems in which some measurements around the perimeter of a
polygon are unknown but can be determined by reasoning. Students consider the efficiency of their
strategies and identify tools for solving; for example, they use multiplication as a tool when measurements
are repeated.
Topic D utilizes the line plot, familiar from Module 6, to help students draw conclusions about perimeter and
area measurements (3.MD.4). Early in the topic, students find different possible perimeters or areas for
rectangles based on information given about the rectangles. For example, using knowledge of factors from
experience with multiplication, students find the following:
Different perimeters of rectangles composed of a given number of unit squares (3.MD.8).
For example, given a rectangle composed of 24 unit squares, students find four possible perimeters:
50, 28, 22, and 20 length units.
Different areas of rectangles with a given perimeter and composed of unit squares.
For example, students use unit squares to build rectangles with a perimeter of 12 units and
determine that they can do so using 5, 8, or 9 unit squares.
(Forming rectangles with unit squares results in whole number side lengths.)
Students use line plots to show the number of rectangles they were able to construct for each set of given
information. The line plots are tools that students use to help them analyze and draw conclusions about their
data. Students draw their rectangles on grid paper and reason about their findings. They notice, for example,
that for rectangles of a given area, those with side lengths that are equal or almost equal (more square-like)
have smaller perimeters than those whose side lengths are very different (a long and narrow shape).
By the end of the topic, students are able to conclude that there is no direct relationship between area and
perimeter. If an area is given, there is no way of knowing a shape’s corresponding perimeter without more
information about the side lengths.
In Topic E, students solve problems involving area and perimeter. After an initial lesson of problem solving
with perimeter, students create a robot composed of rectangles. Given specific perimeter measurements for
the rectangles, they reason about the different possible side lengths. Students compare and analyze their
work, discussing how different choices for side lengths can affect area while conforming to the criteria for
perimeter. Students synthesize their learning in the final lessons through solving word problems involving
area and perimeter using all four operations (3.OA.8).
Topic F concludes the school year with a set of engaging lessons that briefly review the
fundamental Grade 3 concepts of fractions, multiplication, and division. This topic comes after
the End-of-Module Assessment. It begins with a pair of lessons on fractions, engaging students
in analyzing and creating unusual representations of one-half, such as those shown to the right.
Students analyze and discuss these representations, using their knowledge of fractions to justify
their constructions and critique the work of others. The final lessons in this topic are fluency
based and engage students in games that provide practice to solidify their automaticity with
Grade 3 skills. Using simple origami techniques, students create booklets of these games. The
booklets go home and become resources for summer practice.
Foundational Standards
2.MD.1 Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers,
yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes.
2.MD.6 Represent whole numbers as lengths from 0 on a number line diagram with equally spaced
points corresponding to the numbers 0, 1, 2, ..., and represent whole-number sums and
differences within 100 on a number line diagram.
2.G.1 Recognize and draw shapes having specified attributes, such as a given number of angles or a
given number of equal faces. Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and
cubes. (Sizes are compared directly or visually, not compared by measuring.)
3.MD.5 Recognize area as an attribute of plane figures and understand concepts of area
a. A square with side length 1 unit, called “a unit square,” is said to have “one square unit”
of area, and can be used to measure area.
b. A plane figure which can be covered without gaps or overlaps by n unit squares is said to
have an area of n square units.
3.MD.6 Measure areas by counting unit squares (square cm, square m, square in, square ft, and
improvised units).
3.MD.7 Relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition.
a. Find the area of a rectangle with whole-number side lengths by tiling it, and show that
the area is the same as would be found by multiplying the side lengths.
b. Multiply side lengths to find areas of rectangles with whole-number side lengths in the
context of solving real world and mathematical problems, and represent whole-number
products as rectangular areas in mathematical reasoning.
c. Use tiling to show in a concrete case that the area of a rectangle with whole-number side
lengths a and b + c is the sum of a × b and a × c. Use area models to represent the
distributive property in mathematical reasoning.
d. Recognize area as additive. Find areas of rectilinear figures by decomposing them into
non-overlapping rectangles and adding the areas of the non-overlapping parts, applying
this technique to solve real world problems.
F Year in Review 4
Lessons 31–32: Explore and create unconventional representations of one-half.
Lesson 33: Solidify fluency with Grade 3 skills.
Lesson 34: Create resource booklets to support fluency with Grade 3 skills.
New or Recently Introduced Terms
Diagonal (e.g., the line drawn between opposite corners of a quadrilateral)
Perimeter (the boundary or length of the boundary of a two-dimensional shape)
Regular polygon (a polygon whose side lengths and interior angles are all equal)
Tessellate (to tile a plane without gaps or overlaps)
Tetromino (a shape composed of four squares that are connected so that every square shares at
least one side with another square)
4Theseare terms and symbols students have seen previously. Each of the asterisked terms in this section was introduced in Grade 2
Module 8. However, given the importance of their specific definitions to this module and the amount of time elapsed between
Grade 2 Module 8 and Grade 3 Module 7, they are bolded at first use in the lessons.
The scaffolds integrated into A Story of Units give alternatives for how students access information as well as
express and demonstrate their learning. Strategically placed margin notes are provided within each lesson
elaborating on the use of specific scaffolds at applicable times. They address many needs presented by
English language learners, students with disabilities, students performing above grade level, and students
performing below grade level. Many of the suggestions are organized by Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
principles and are applicable to more than one population. To read more about the approach to
differentiated instruction in A Story of Units, please refer to “How to Implement A Story of Units.”
Assessment Summary
Type Administered Format Standards Addressed
Mid-Module After Topic C Constructed response with rubric 3.OA.8
Assessment Task 3.MD.8
End-of-Module After Topic E Constructed response with rubric 3.OA.8
Assessment Task 3.MD.4
5Students with disabilities may require Braille, large print, audio, or special digital files. Please visit the website for specific information on how to obtain student materials that satisfy the National Instructional
Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS) format.
Mathematics Curriculum
Topic A
Solving Word Problems
Focus Standard: 3.OA.8 Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems
using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the
reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies
including rounding. (This standard is limited to problems posed with whole numbers
and having whole number answers; students should know how to perform operations
in the conventional order when there are no parentheses to specify a particular order
[Order of Operations].)
Instructional Days: 3
Coherence -Links from: G3–M1 Properties of Multiplication and Division and Solving Problems with Units of 2–5 and 10
G3–M3 Multiplication and Division with Units of 0, 1, 6–9, and Multiples of 10
-Links to: G4–M1 Place Value, Rounding, and Algorithms for Addition and Subtraction
G4–M3 Multi-Digit Multiplication and Division
In Topic A, students use all four operations to solve one- and two-step word problems within various contexts
that were studied throughout the year. The problems are challenging and require students to carefully
consider solution paths as they “make sense of problems and persevere in solving them” (MP.1).
Guided practice with strategies for problem solving is built into Lessons 1 and 2. These lessons emphasize the
use of modeling through the Read-Draw-Write (RDW) process and revisit models such as tape diagrams and
number bonds. Students flexibly use a letter to represent the unknown as they solve. This practice readies
them for problem solving with perimeter and area in Topics C and E.
In Lesson 3, students’ level of independence within the lesson increases. They work together or on their own
to develop solution paths and then share strategies and solutions. Students think critically about their own
work and that of others through peer review and critique. They discuss the clarity, practicality, and efficiency
of different models and strategies, refining their own understandings and approaches. Student presentations
of work and protocols for critiquing are structures that provide a platform for this dialogue.
Objective 2: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems.
(Lesson 3)
Lesson 1
Objective: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to
represent the unknown.
Lesson 1: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 14
Multiply by 3 (8 minutes)
Materials: (S) Multiply by 3 (1–5) (Pattern Sheet)
Note: This activity builds fluency with multiplication facts using units of 3. It works toward students knowing
from memory all products of two one-digit numbers.
T: (Write 5 × 3 = .) Let’s skip-count up by threes to find the answer. (Raise a finger for each
number to track the count. Record the skip-count answers on the board.)
S: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15.
T: (Circle 15, and write 5 × 3 = 15 above it. Write 3 × 3 = .) Let’s skip-count up by threes again.
(Track with fingers as students count.)
S: 3, 6, 9.
T: Let’s see how we can skip-count down to find the answer, too. Start at 15 with 5 fingers, 1 for each
three. (Count down with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 15 (5 fingers), 12 (4 fingers), 9 (3 fingers).
Repeat the process for 4 × 3.
T: (Distribute the Multiply by 3 Pattern Sheet.) Let’s practice multiplying by 3. Be sure to work left to
right across the page.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 two 2 twos 3 twos 4 twos 5 twos 6 twos 7 twos 8 twos 9 twos 10 twos
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Lesson 1: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 15
Lesson 1: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 16
T: Reread the problem, and think about your answer to that question. (Allow students time to do so.)
Show your thinking on your personal white board. As you label your drawing, use a letter to
represent the unknown.
Some possible student models are shown below.
T: Tell your partner how your drawing represents the problem. Be sure to discuss your labels, too.
S: (Discuss drawings and labels with partners.)
Circulate and identify two or three students with different models to share their explanations with the class.
Encourage the class to question the presenter if the explanation is incomplete or clarification is needed. Ask
students to discuss the usefulness of the various models presented by their classmates.
T: What information is known, and what information is unknown in this problem?
S: We know the cost of adult and child tickets and how many of each the family bought. We don’t
know how much the tickets cost altogether. We know parts but not the whole.
MP.1 T: Look back at your drawing. Think about what equations you can write based on your drawing to
model the problem and solve. Share your thinking with a partner.
S: I was just going to write 7 + 7 + 4 + 4 = c and find the answer. I was thinking 2 × 7 = 14 and
2 × 4 = 8, so 14 + 8 = n. That works, but if you’re going to multiply, you can just write
(2 × 7) + (2 × 4) = p. Or you can write 2 × (7 + 4) = n.
T: Choose a strategy and solve.
S: (Solve.)
Circulate and identify two or three students with different solutions to share their work with the class. During
the discussion, focus on the relationship between the drawing and the equation. Students should notice that
most, if not all, combinations of models and equations work together.
T: What is the final step of our Read-Draw-Write process?
S: Write! Write a sentence with words to answer the problem.
T: Do that now. Reread the question to be sure your sentence accurately answers it.
S: (Possible answer: It costs Lena’s family $22 to go on the hayride.)
T: Look back at your work, and try to remember your thinking at each step of the way. (Give students a
few moments to recall their thoughts.) Explain your steps to your partner.
S: I first read the problem and visualized. Then, I noticed the chart with prices. I drew a number bond
to show 2 adult tickets and 2 child tickets, and I labeled the whole as the unknown. I thought about
what I knew and what I didn’t know. Then, I wrote this equation to find the total of the adult tickets
and then the total of the child tickets. I found the whole total. Last, I reread the question and wrote
a word sentence to answer it.
Lesson 1: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 17
MP.1 T: Suppose you tried this problem again. Would you try a different drawing? A different equation?
Why or why not? Discuss with your partner. (Allow students time to discuss.)
Depending on lesson pacing and the needs of the class, guide students through another problem. Consider
other methods of guidance, including the following:
Have students read and draw the situation independently. Share and discuss more after they have
completed their drawings.
Discuss the visualization of the story, and then release students to draw and label a model and write
a matching equation. Share and discuss after they have finished their drawings and equations.
If another problem is selected, facilitate discussion that encourages students to think about more than one
approach to a problem. Dialogue should broaden their perspectives and begin to engage them in critically
considering their choices.
Lesson Objective: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the unknown.
The Student Debrief is intended to invite reflection and active processing of the total lesson experience.
Invite students to review their solutions for the Problem Set. They should check work by comparing answers
with a partner before going over answers as a class. Look for misconceptions or misunderstandings that can
be addressed in the Debrief. Guide students in a conversation to debrief the Problem Set and process the
Lesson 1: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 18
Lesson 1: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 19
multiply by 3 (1–5)
Lesson 1: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 20
Name Date
Lena’s family visits Little Tree Apple Orchard. Use the RDW process to solve the problems about Lena’s visit
to the orchard. Use a letter to represent the unknown in each problem.
Adult ticket . . . . . . . . . $7
Child ticket . . . . . . . . . $4
a. Lena’s family buys 2 adult tickets and 2 child tickets for the hayride. How much does it cost Lena’s
family to go on the hayride?
b. Lena’s mom pays for the tickets with $5 bills. She receives $3 in change. How many $5 bills does
Lena’s mom use to pay for the hayride?
c. Lena’s family wants to go on the fourth hayride of the day. It’s 11:38 now. How many minutes do
they have to wait for the fourth hayride?
Lesson 1: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 21
2. Lena picked 17 apples, and her brother picked 19. Lena’s mom has a pie recipe that requires 9 apples.
How many pies can Mom make with the apples that Lena and her brother picked?
3. Lena’s dad gives the cashier $30 to pay for 6 liters of apple cider. The cashier gives him $6 in change.
How much does each liter of apple cider cost?
4. The apple orchard has 152 apple trees. There are 88 trees with red apples. The rest of the trees have
green apples. How many more trees have red apples than green apples?
Lesson 1: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 22
Name Date
Use the RDW process to solve the problem below. Use a letter to represent the unknown.
Sandra keeps her sticker collection in 7 albums. Each album has 40 stickers in it. She starts a new album that
has 9 stickers in it. How many total stickers does she have in her collection?
Lesson 1: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 23
Name Date
Max’s family takes the train to visit the city zoo. Use the RDW process to solve the problems about Max’s trip
to the zoo. Use a letter to represent the unknown in each problem.
1. The sign below shows information about the train schedule into the city.
a. Max’s family buys 2 adult tickets and 3 child tickets. How much does it cost Max’s family to take the
train into the city?
b. Max’s father pays for the tickets with $10 bills. He receives $6 in change. How many $10 bills does
Max’s father use to pay for the train tickets?
c. Max’s family wants to take the fourth train of the day. It’s 6:38 a.m. now. How many minutes do
they have to wait for the fourth train?
Lesson 1: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 24
2. At the city zoo, they see 17 young bats and 19 adult bats. The bats are placed equally into 4 areas. How
many bats are in each area?
3. Max’s father gives the cashier $20 to pay for 6 water bottles. The cashier gives him $8 in change. How
much does each water bottle cost?
4. The zoo has 112 types of reptiles and amphibians in their exhibits. There are 72 types of reptiles, and the
rest are amphibians. How many more types of reptiles are there than amphibians in the exhibits?
Lesson 1: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 25
Lesson 2
Objective: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to
represent the unknown.
Lesson 2: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 26
Multiply by 3 (8 minutes)
Materials: (S) Multiply by 3 (6–10) Pattern Sheet
Note: This activity builds fluency with multiplication facts using units of 3. It works toward students knowing
from memory all products of two one-digit numbers. See Lesson 1 for the directions for administration of a
Multiply-By Pattern Sheet.
T: (Write 7 × 3 = .) Let’s skip-count up by threes. I’ll raise a finger for each three. (Raise a finger
for each number to track the count.)
S: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21.
T: Let’s skip-count by threes starting at 15. Why is 15 a good place to start?
S: It’s a fact we already know, so we can use it to figure out a fact we don’t know.
T: (Track with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 15 (5 fingers), 18 (6 fingers), 21 (7 fingers).
T: Let’s see how we can skip-count down to find the answer, too. Start at 30 with 10 fingers, 1 for each
three. (Count down with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 30 (10 fingers), 27 (9 fingers), 24 (8 fingers), 21 (7 fingers).
Continue with the following possible sequence: 9 × 3, 6 × 3, and 8 × 3.
T: (Distribute the Multiply by 3 Pattern Sheet.) Let’s practice multiplying by 3. Be sure to work left to
right across the page.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 four 2 fours 3 fours 4 fours 5 fours 6 fours 7 fours 8 fours 9 fours 10 fours
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
S: 1 four, 2 fours, 3 fours, 4 fours, 5 fours, 6 fours, 7 fours, 8 fours, 9 fours, 10 fours.
T: Count by fours to 40. (Write as students count.)
S: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40.
Lesson 2: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 27
T: (Write 1 four beneath the 4. Write 8 beneath the 8.) I’m going to give you a challenge. Let’s
alternate between saying the units of four and the number. (Write as students count.)
S: 1 four, 8, 3 fours, 16, 5 fours, 24, 7 fours, 32, 9 fours, 40.
T: (Write 4 beneath 1 four and 2 fours beneath the 8.) Let’s alternate again. (Write as students count.)
S: 4, 2 fours, 12, 4 fours, 20, 6 fours, 28, 8 fours, 36, 10 fours.
Materials: (S) Problem Set, 1 piece of chart paper per pair or triad, 1 different color marker per student in
each group
Lesson 2: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 28
T: As you drew, what did you notice about the problem that will help you solve?
S: We noticed it’s a two-step problem. We know the total and the amount of rain in Year 1.
We have to find out how much rain there was in Year 2. That doesn’t answer the question,
though. We have to know how much more rain there was in Year 1. That’s subtracting two times!
T: You have more than one drawing on your paper. As a group, discuss which one represents the
problem most clearly. Circle it, and be ready to talk about your choice.
S: (Discuss and circle a model.)
Select two or three groups to share their thinking with the rest of the class. Choose groups strategically to
spark discussion and push learning in terms of both modeling and oral explanation. Selections could include a
group with an exemplary choice, a group with an unusual choice, or a group with an excellent explanation.
S: (Listen to groups share, ask questions, and compare work.)
T: Is your thinking about your work or the problem different after listening to your friends? Take a
moment to check in with your group. Adjust your drawing or thinking based on what you saw and
S: (Discuss and possibly make modifications to work.)
T: Think about the Read-Draw-Write process. What is our next step?
S: To write equations and solve!
T: Work with your group to write equations and solve the problem. Use your drawing. Record your
work in the middle third of your chart paper, and be ready to talk about your steps.
S: The first step is just subtraction. We can do 282 cm – 185 cm to find the amount of rain in Year 2.
It’s not that easy with mental math. Let’s use the algorithm. Actually, you can think of 282 as
285. Then, I can subtract 185 easily to get 100. Since I added 3 to 282 to get 285, I have to subtract
3 from the answer, so it’s 97. Now, I think we should subtract again. We can do 185 – 97 to find
out how much more rain there was. Let’s solve that one with the algorithm. 185 – 97 = 88. So,
the answer is 88 centimeters. I don’t have to use the algorithm. I can break apart 185 as 100 and
85. That’s 3 + 85 because I took the 97 from 100. The answer is 88 cm.
Select a few groups to share their thinking with the rest of the class. Again, choose groups strategically.
Allow students time to listen to the groups, share, and ask questions.
T: Take a moment to compare your work with what you saw and heard, and maybe make adjustments.
S: (Briefly discuss comparison within groups and possibly modify work.)
T: Work with your group to finish the problem. What is our final step?
S: To write a sentence that answers the question.
T: Record your sentence on the bottom third of your paper.
S: (Write a sentence with words to answer the question. Possible responses: 88 more centimeters of
rain fell in the first year than in the second. There were 88 more centimeters of rain in Year 1.)
Select a few groups to share their work with the rest of the class. Notice which students may not have reread
the question before writing. If necessary, guide students to adjust their sentences so that their answers more
closely align with the question asked.
Lesson 2: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 29
Part 2: Work independently to solve and present problems using multiple solution paths.
Assign each student two problems from the Problem Set.
Challenge them to record more than one way to draw for each A NOTE
problem they solve. Ask students to share their work with the ON STANDARDS
members of their groups from Part 1. When sharing, students ALIGNMENT:
should include answers to the following questions:
Problems 2 and 5 on the Problem Set,
How does your drawing represent the problem clearly? the Exit Ticket, and Problems 1 and 5
on the Homework are two-step word
How did your drawing help you decide on a way to
problems involving milliliters and
grams. The masses and volumes are
Why does the equation that you used to model make given in the same units in each
sense with your drawing and with the problem? problem. Standard 3.MD.2 specifically
How do you know you answered the question? states that students “solve one-step
problems involving masses or volumes
Have students share their work in groups of three or four. that are given in the same units.”
Encourage group members to practice asking questions of the However, these problems look ahead
presenter. They might ask some of the questions listed below. to 4.MD.2. Students working above
grade level might enjoy the challenge
I’m not sure what you mean. Can you say more of solving these two-step word
about that? problems involving milliliters and
Why did you decide ? grams. To make these problems
What do you think about instead? accessible to students working below
grade level, modify the problems so
Which other way did you try to draw the problem? they can be solved with one step.
One way to close this process is to have students write a
compliment to another presenter. If time allows,
students may solve problems on the Problem Set that
they have not already completed on their own before the
Student Debrief.
Lesson 2: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 30
Lesson 2: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 31
multiply by 3 (6–10)
Lesson 2: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 32
Name Date
Use the RDW process to solve. Use a letter to represent the unknown in each problem.
1. Leanne needs 120 tiles for an art project. She has 56 tiles. If tiles are sold in boxes of 8, how many more
boxes of tiles does Leanne need to buy?
2. Gwen pours 236 milliliters of water into Ravi’s beaker. Henry pours 189 milliliters of water into Ravi’s
beaker. Ravi’s beaker now contains 800 milliliters of water. How much water was in Ravi’s beaker to
begin with?
3. Maude hung 3 pictures on her wall. Each picture measures 8 inches by 10 inches. What is the total area
of the wall covered by the pictures?
Lesson 2: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 33
4. Kami scored a total of 21 points during her basketball game. She made 6 two-point shots, and the rest
were three-point shots. How many three-point shots did Kami make?
5. An orange weighs 198 grams. A kiwi weighs 85 grams less than the orange. What is the total weight of
the fruit?
6. The total amount of rain that fell in New York City in two years was 282 centimeters. In the first year,
185 centimeters of rain fell. How many more centimeters of rain fell in the first year than in the second
Lesson 2: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 34
Name Date
Use the RDW process to solve the problem below. Use a letter to represent the unknown.
Jaden’s bottle contains 750 milliliters of water. He drinks 520 milliliters at practice and then another 190
milliliters on his way home. How many milliliters of water are left in Jaden’s bottle when he gets home?
Lesson 2: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 35
Name Date
Use the RDW process to solve. Use a letter to represent the unknown in each problem.
1. A box containing 3 small bags of flour weighs 950 grams. Each bag of flour weighs 300 grams. How much
does the empty box weigh?
2. Mr. Cullen needs 91 carpet squares. He has 49 carpet squares. If the squares are sold in boxes of 6, how
many more boxes of carpet squares does Mr. Cullen need to buy?
3. Erica makes a banner using 4 sheets of paper. Each paper measures 9 inches by 10 inches. What is the
total area of Erica’s banner?
Lesson 2: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 36
4. Monica scored 32 points for her team at the Science Bowl. She got 5 four-point questions correct, and
the rest of her points came from answering three-point questions. How many three-point questions did
she get correct?
5. Kim’s black kitten weighs 175 grams. Her gray kitten weighs 43 grams less than the black kitten. What is
the total weight of the two kittens?
6. Cassias and Javier’s combined height is 267 centimeters. Cassias is 128 centimeters tall. How much taller
is Javier than Cassias?
Lesson 2: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the
unknown. 37
Lesson 3
Objective: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word
T: (Project the trapezoid.) How many sides does this shape have?
S: Four sides.
T: What’s the name for all four-sided figures?
S: Quadrilateral.
T: (Project the pentagon.) How many sides does this shape have?
S: Five.
T: What’s the name for all five-sided figures?
S: Pentagon.
Continue the process for all three hexagons.
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems.
Multiply by 4 (8 minutes)
Materials: (S) Multiply by 4 (1–5) Pattern Sheet
Note: This activity builds fluency with multiplication facts using units of 4. It works toward students knowing
from memory all products of two one-digit numbers. See Lesson 1 for the directions for administration of a
Multiply-By Pattern Sheet.
T: (Write 5 × 4 = .) Let’s skip-count up by fours to find the answer. (Raise a finger for each
number to track the count. Record the skip-count answers on the board.)
S: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20.
T: (Circle 20, and write 5 × 4 = 20 above it. Write 3 × 4 = .) Let’s skip-count up by fours again.
(Track with fingers as students count.)
S: 4, 8, 12.
T: Let’s see how we can skip-count down to find the answer, too. Start at 20 with 5 fingers, 1 for each
four. (Count down with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 20 (5 fingers), 16 (4 fingers), 12 (3 fingers).
Repeat the process for 4 × 4.
T: (Distribute the Multiply by 4 Pattern Sheet.) Let’s practice multiplying by 4. Be sure to work left to
right across the page.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 three 2 threes 3 threes 4 threes 5 threes 6 threes 7 threes 8 threes 9 threes 10 threes
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
S: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
T: (Write 1 three beneath the 1.) Count to 10 threes. (Write as students count.)
S: 1 three, 2 threes, 3 threes, 4 threes, 5 threes, 6 threes, 7 threes, 8 threes, 9 threes, 10 threes.
T: Count by threes to 30. (Write as students count.)
S: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30.
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems.
T: (Write 1 three beneath the 3. Write 6 beneath the 6.) I’m going to give you a challenge.
Let’s alternate between saying the units of three and the number. (Write as students count.)
S: 1 three, 6, 3 threes, 12, 5 threes, 18, 7 threes, 24, 9 threes, 30.
T: (Write 3 beneath 1 three and 2 threes beneath the 6.) Let’s alternate again.
(Write as students count.)
S: 3, 2 threes, 9, 4 threes, 15, 6 threes, 21, 8 threes, 27, 10 threes.
Materials: (T) Student work samples (Template) pictured below (S) Problem Set, personal white board
Student A
T: Other than getting the right answer, what did Student A do well?
S: Student A used all the steps in the RDW process. He labeled the parts of the problem, Total
pencils and Pencils she gave away. He broke apart 24 into 6 × 4, which helped him solve 24 × 2.
He moved the parentheses to solve hard multiplication.
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems.
Facilitate a discussion in which students analyze this work. Choose any combination of the following
questions to help guide the conversation:
Was the drawing helpful? What makes the drawing helpful or unhelpful?
Did Student A represent all the important information in his drawing? Why or why not?
Was this drawing the best one to use? Why or why not?
Can you retell the story using only the drawing and labels? Explain.
How did he organize the information?
Was his method of solving the most efficient way? Why or why not?
Would you have chosen to solve the problem this way? Why or why not?
Student B Student C
Note: While considering the discussion that would most benefit the needs of students, try modifying the
samples to show the following common mistakes:
Student B might miscalculate 6 × 9 as 56.
Student C might forget to cross out or draw a pencil.
The sentence might not address the question directly.
The student might misread the problem (e.g., solve for a scenario where Mrs. Mashburn gives each
student 6 pencils).
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems.
T: Discuss with a partner: How are the three ways of solving similar? How are they different?
S: (Allow time for partner discussion.)
T: Which solution would you say is most efficient? Why? Talk with your partner.
S: Either Student A’s or Student B’s. I think Student B’s because he solved 24 × 2 more easily than
Student A. I agree. They both drew clear pictures to find the total number of pencils, but Student
B’s way of doing the equation is easier and may be quicker for finding the number of pencils the
teacher gave away.
T: Which solution would you say is least efficient? Why?
S: Student C’s. Drawing the pencils and crossing them out must have taken forever. And Student C
didn’t really even need the equation if she did it that way. It’s easy to see from the model that there
are 6 left.
T: Compare all three samples to your own work. With a partner, discuss the strengths of your own
work, and also talk about what you might try differently.
S: (Discuss.)
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems.
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems.
multiply by 4 (1–5)
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems.
Name Date
Use the RDW process to solve the problems below. Use a letter to represent the unknown in each problem.
When you are finished, share your solutions with a partner. Discuss and compare your strategies with your
partner’s strategies.
1. Monica measures 91 milliliters of water into 9 tiny beakers. She measures an equal amount of water into
the first 8 beakers. She pours the remaining water into the ninth beaker. It measures 19 milliliters. How
many milliliters of water are in each of the first 8 beakers?
2. Matthew and his dad put up 8 six-foot lengths of fence on Monday and 9 six-foot lengths on Tuesday.
What is the total length of the fence?
3. The total weight of Laura’s new pencils is 112 grams. One pencil rolls off the scale. Now the scale reads
105 grams. What is the total weight of 7 new pencils?
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems.
4. Mrs. Ford’s math class starts at 8:15. They do 3 fluency activities that each last 4 minutes. Just when
they finish all of the fluency activities, the fire alarm goes off. When they return to the room after the
drill, it is 8:46. How many minutes did the fire drill last?
5. On Saturday, the baker bought a total of 150 pounds of flour in five-pound bags. By Tuesday, he had
115 pounds of flour left. How many five-pound bags of flour did the baker use?
6. Fred cut an 84-centimeter rope into 2 parts and gave his sister 1 part. Fred’s part is 56 centimeters long.
His sister cut her rope into 4 equal pieces. How long is 1 of his sister’s pieces of rope?
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems.
Name Date
Use the RDW process to solve the problem below. Use a letter to represent the unknown.
Twenty packs of fruit snacks come in a box. Each pack weighs 6 ounces. Students eat some. There are
48 ounces of fruit snacks left in the box. How many ounces of fruit snacks did the students eat?
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems.
Name Date
Use the RDW process to solve the problems below. Use a letter to represent the unknown in each problem.
1. Jerry pours 86 milliliters of water into 8 tiny beakers. He measures an equal amount of water into the
first 7 beakers. He pours the remaining water into the eighth beaker. It measures 16 milliliters. How
many milliliters of water are in each of the first 7 beakers?
2. Mr. Chavez’s third graders go to gym class at 11:15. Students rotate through three activities for
8 minutes each. Lunch begins at 12:00. How many minutes are there between the end of gym activities
and the beginning of lunch?
3. A box contains 100 pens. In each box there are 38 black pens and 42 blue pens. The rest are green pens.
Mr. Cane buys 6 boxes of pens. How many green pens does he have in total?
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems.
4. Greg has $56. Tom has $17 more than Greg. Jason has $8 less than Tom.
5. Laura cuts 64 inches of ribbon into two parts and gives her mom one part. Laura’s part is 28 inches long.
Her mom cuts her ribbon into 6 equal pieces. How long is one of her mom’s pieces of ribbon?
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems.
Student A
Student B
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems.
Student C
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems.
3 Mathematics Curriculum
Topic B
Attributes of Two-Dimensional
Focus Standard: 3.G.1 Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombuses, rectangles, and
others) may share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes
can define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles,
and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do
not belong to any of these subcategories.
Instructional Days: 6
Coherence -Links from: G2–M8 Time, Shapes, and Fractions as Equal Parts of Shapes
-Links to: G4–M4 Angle Measure and Plane Figures
In Topic B, students use their understanding of geometry from Grade 2 to explore quadrilaterals. In Lesson 4,
they learn that different shapes (e.g., squares, rectangles, and rhombuses) have shared attributes that can fall
within a larger category (parallelograms, quadrilaterals, and trapezoids). They explore these new, larger
categories and understand, for example, that any quadrilateral can be decomposed into two triangles. As
they learn which attributes are shared, the process of comparing shapes also leads to discussion about the
differences between shapes; students learn, for example, that not all rectangles are squares.
Students use their understanding of the attributes of quadrilaterals to compare other polygons in Lesson 5.
They look for shared attributes and learn to recognize polygons with sides that are equal—regular polygons—
which helps lay a foundation for problem solving with perimeter in later topics.
While students analyze the attributes of given shapes in Lessons 4 and 5, in Lesson 6 they draw shapes based
on given attributes. For example, students may be asked to draw a quadrilateral with at least two right angles
and talk about which shapes are possibilities. They also draw quadrilaterals that do not fit any subcategories.
Prompts such as “draw a polygon with only two sides and two angles” spark investigative discussion through
which students determine the impossibility of such a shape. This lesson helps students solidify their intuitive
understanding of polygons.
In Lesson 7, students work with tetrominoes. They use grid paper to
construct a set and then reason about how to create larger shapes,
such as rectangles, using them. This develops spatial structuring
skills by way of manipulating and composing shapes.I
Students use their experience with composing shapes to help them decompose a
square to create a tangram puzzle (pictured to the right). Lesson 8 guides students
through the process of decomposing, and then reconstructing, the original square
using the seven puzzle pieces.
In Lesson 9, students learn to analyze relationships between tangram pieces. For
example, students might discover that the two largest triangles compose one larger
triangle or that the two smallest triangles can be manipulated to compose a small
square, parallelogram, or medium triangle.
Students solve tangram puzzles using their pieces and discuss whether or not there
is more than one way to compose a given polygon. Describing their strategies
provides engaging context for using the vocabulary of attributes: “I found that the
right angle of the small triangle forms the top of the duck’s head.” Students may
create their own polygons and trade with partners to see if a peer can use their
tangram pieces to complete the outline.
Objective 5: Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the shapes.
(Lesson 8)
Lesson 4
Objective: Compare and classify quadrilaterals.
Multiply by 4 (8 minutes)
Materials: (S) Multiply by 4 (6─10) Pattern Sheet
Note: This activity builds fluency with multiplication facts using units of 4. It works toward students knowing
from memory all products of two one-digit numbers. See Lesson 1 for the directions for administration of a
Multiply-By Pattern Sheet.
T: (Write 7 × 4 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by fours. I’ll raise a finger for each four. (Raise a finger for
each number to track the count.)
S: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28.
T: Let’s skip-count up by fours starting at 20. Why is 20 a good place to start?
S: It’s a fact we already know, so we can use it to figure out a fact we don’t know.
T: (Track with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 20 (5 fingers), 24 (6 fingers), 28 (7 fingers).
T: Let’s see how we can skip-count down to find the answer, too. Start at 40 with 10 fingers, 1 for each
four. (Count down with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 40 (10 fingers), 36 (9 fingers), 32 (8 fingers), 28 (7 fingers).
Continue with the following possible sequence: 9 × 4, 6 × 4, and 8 × 4.
T: (Distribute the Multiply by 4 Pattern Sheet.) Let’s practice multiplying by 4. Be sure to work left to
right across the page.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 five 2 fives 3 fives 4 fives 5 fives 6 fives 7 fives 8 fives 9 fives 10 fives
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
T: (Write 1 five beneath the 1.) Count to 10 fives. (Write as students count.)
S: 1 five, 2 fives, 3 fives, 4 fives, 5 fives, 6 fives, 7 fives, 8 fives, 9 fives, 10 fives.
T: Count by fives to 50. (Write as students count.)
S: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50.
T: (Write 1 five beneath the 5. Write 10 beneath the 10.) I’m going to give you a challenge. Let’s
alternate between saying the units of five and the number. (Write as students count.)
S: 1 five, 10, 3 fives, 20, 5 fives, 30, 7 fives, 40, 9 fives, 50.
T: (Write 5 beneath 1 five and 2 fives beneath the 10.) Let’s alternate again. (Write as students count.)
S: 5, 2 fives, 15, 4 fives, 25, 6 fives, 35, 8 fives, 45, 10 fives.
multiply by 4 (6─10)
Name Date
1. Cut out all the polygons (A–L) in the Template. Then, use the polygons to complete the following chart.
Attribute Write the letters of the polygons in Sketch 1 polygon from the group.
this group.
Polygons: Y, Z
3 Sides
4 Sides Polygons:
2. Write the letters of the polygons that are quadrilaterals. Explain how you know these polygons are
3. Sketch a polygon below from the group that has 2 sets of parallel sides. Trace 1 pair of parallel sides red.
Trace the other pair of parallel sides blue. What makes parallel sides different from sides that are not
4. Draw a diagonal line from one corner to the opposite corner of each polygon you drew in the chart using
a straightedge. What new polygon(s) did you make by drawing the diagonal lines?
Name Date
Name Date
3 Sides
4 Sides
4 Right Angles
2. a. Each quadrilateral below has at least 1 set of parallel sides. Trace each set of parallel sides with a
colored pencil.
b. Using a straightedge, sketch a different quadrilateral with at least 1 set of parallel sides.
polygons (A─L)
Lesson 5
Objective: Compare and classify other polygons.
Multiply by 5 (7 minutes)
Materials: (S) Multiply by 5 (1─5) Pattern Sheet
Note: This activity builds fluency with multiplication facts using units of 5. It works toward students knowing
from memory all products of two one-digit numbers. See Lesson 1 for the directions for administration of a
Multiply-By Pattern Sheet.
T: (Write 5 × 5 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by fives to find the answer. (Raise a finger for each number
to track the count. Record the skip-count answers on the board.)
S: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25.
T: (Circle 25, and write 5 × 5 = 25 above it. Write 3 × 5 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by fives again.
(Track with fingers as students count.)
S: 5 (one finger), 10 (two fingers), 15 (three fingers).
T: Let’s see how we can skip-count down to find the answer, too. Start at 25 with 5 fingers, 1 for each
five. (Count down with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 25 (five fingers), 20 (4 fingers), 15 (3 fingers).
Repeat the process for 4 × 5.
T: (Distribute the Multiply by 5 Pattern Sheet.) Let’s practice multiplying by 5. Be sure to work left to
right across the page.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 six 2 sixes 3 sixes 4 sixes 5 sixes 6 sixes 7 sixes 8 sixes 9 sixes 10 sixes
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
T: (Write 1 six beneath the 1.) Count to 10 sixes. (Write as students count.)
S: 1 six, 2 sixes, 3 sixes, 4 sixes, 5 sixes, 6 sixes, 7 sixes, 8 sixes, 9 sixes, 10 sixes.
T: Count by sixes to 60. (Write as students count.)
S: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60.
T: (Write 1 six beneath the 6. Write 12 beneath the 12.) I’m going to give you a challenge. Let’s
alternate between saying the units of six and the number. (Write as students count.)
S: 1 six, 12, 3 sixes, 24, 5 sixes, 36, 7 sixes, 48, 9 sixes, 60.
T: (Write 6 beneath 1 six and 2 sixes beneath the 12.) Let’s alternate again. (Write as students count.)
S: 6, 2 sixes, 18, 4 sixes, 30, 6 sixes, 42, 8 sixes, 54, 10 sixes.
T: Why?
S: It has at least one set of parallel lines.
T: Is this trapezoid also a parallelogram?
S: Yes.
T: Why?
S: It has two sets of parallel sides.
T: Is this parallelogram also a rectangle?
S: No.
T: Why?
S: It has two sets of parallel sides but no right angles.
T: The sides of this parallelogram are equal. What do we call a parallelogram with 4 equal sides?
S: A rhombus.
T: What is a rhombus with 4 right angles called?
S: A square!
T: How else can a square be classified?
S: Trapezoid. Quadrilateral. Rectangle. Parallelogram. Polygon.
T: Group into categories of all sides are equal and not all sides are equal. Then, complete the first two
sections of your chart.
S: (Group and complete the chart.)
T: Did you group each of your polygons into one of the categories?
S: Yes!
T: The next two parts of our chart start with the words at least 1. When it says at least 1, can the
polygon have more than one?
S: Yes. It just means that you need to have one for sure.
T: Use your right angle tool to measure, and group the polygons that have at least 1 right angle.
Have students complete the rest of the chart. Circulate to look for and correct any misconceptions.
T: Let’s examine the polygons that have all equal sides more closely. Look at Polygon S. What do you
know about the side lengths?
S: They’re all the same!
T: What do you know about the angles? 1 in
1 in
S: They’re all right angles. So, the angles are all the same, too!
T: A polygon with all equal sides and all equal angles is called a
regular polygon. (Project the polygon as shown.) How many
sides does this polygon have? 1 in 1 in
S: Five sides!
T: What do we call a polygon with five sides? 1 in
S: A pentagon!
T: Talk to a partner. Is this a regular pentagon?
S: All the sides are equal. But it doesn’t look like all the angles are equal. Yeah. It looks like
there are two right angles, but the angle at the top looks smaller than a right angle. So, this
pentagon can’t be a regular pentagon!
T: You’re right! This isn’t a regular pentagon because the sides are all equal, but the angles aren’t all
Compare student sketches in Problem 4(b). Continue to have students draw different polygons on
their personal white boards while the teacher calls out different attributes. For example, “Sketch a
pentagon with no equal sides; sketch a triangle with one right angle.” Have students compare
polygons to understand that polygons are defined by the number of sides, not just how they look.
Was it easier to group quadrilaterals or group polygons with different numbers of sides? Why?
Tell your partner two attributes of a regular polygon. Which quadrilateral is a regular polygon?
How did today’s Fluency Practice connect to the lesson?
multiply by 5 (1─5)
Name Date
1. Cut out all the polygons (M–X) in the Template. Then, use the polygons to complete the following chart.
Attribute List polygons’ letters for each group. Sketch 1 polygon from the group.
3 Sides Polygons: Y, Z
At Least 1 Polygons:
Right Angle
3. Jenny says, “Polygon N, Polygon R, and Polygon S are all regular quadrilaterals!” Is she correct? Why or
why not?
4. “I have six equal sides and six equal angles. I have three sets of parallel lines. I have no right angles.”
a. Write the letter and the name of the polygon described above.
b. Estimate to draw the same type of polygon as in part (a), but with no equal sides.
Name Date
Jonah draws the polygon below. Use your ruler and right angle tool to measure his polygon. Then, answer
the questions below.
2. How many right angles does his polygon have? Circle the right angles on his polygon.
Name Date
1. Match the polygons with their appropriate clouds. A polygon can match to more than 1 cloud.
2. The two polygons below are regular polygons. How are these polygons the same? How are they
3. Lucia drew the polygons below. Are any of the polygons she drew regular polygons? Explain how you
polygons (M─X)
polygons (M─X)
Lesson 6
Objective: Draw polygons with specified attributes to solve problems.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 seven 2 sevens 3 sevens 4 sevens 5 sevens 6 sevens 7 sevens 8 sevens 9 sevens 10 sevens
7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70
T: (Write 1 seven beneath the 1.) Count to 10 sevens. (Write as students count.)
S: 1 seven, 2 sevens, 3 sevens, 4 sevens, 5 sevens, 6 sevens, 7 sevens, 8 sevens, 9 sevens, 10 sevens.
T: Count by sevens to 70. (Write as students count.)
S: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70.
T: (Write 1 seven beneath the 7. Write 14 beneath the 14.) I’m going to give you a challenge. Let’s
alternate between saying the units of seven and the number. (Write as students count.)
S: 1 seven, 14, 3 sevens, 28, 5 sevens, 42, 7 sevens, 56, 9 sevens, 70.
T: (Write 7 beneath 1 seven and 2 sevens beneath the 14.) Let’s alternate again. (Write as students
S: 7, 2 sevens, 21, 4 sevens, 35, 6 sevens, 49, 8 sevens, 63, 10 sevens.
Frankie says that all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are
squares. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Draw
diagrams to support your statement.
Note: This Application Problem engages students in MP.3,
constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others,
while revisiting the classification of squares as being a special type of
Project Template 1 as shown, and give a copy of the shape to each pair of Template 1
T: Work with a partner to analyze this shape, and list as many
attributes as you can on your personal white board. Use your
right angle tools and rulers to help you.
S: (Work in pairs. Produce these possible responses:
quadrilateral, trapezoid, four-sided, one pair of parallel sides,
two right angles, two equal sides.)
Build class consensus by inviting different pairs to share
attributes. Use a right angle tool to verify the two right angles NOTES ON
and a ruler to verify the equal sides. Write the list of attributes MULTIPLE MEANS
on the board as students share. Then, ask students to erase
their boards.
T: We found two angles that are right angles. Let’s talk Scaffold shape analysis with questions
about a way to describe the other angles, too. Now or sentence frames:
compare this angle with our right angle tool. (Place the I see _____ angles.
right angle tool so that students can see that one angle How many right angles do you
is greater than a right angle.) Is this angle greater than count?
or less than a right angle? How do you know? How many equal sides do you
S: It’s greater than a right angle because it’s bigger than measure?
the right angle tool! The sides of the angle open This shape is called a _____.
wider than the right angle. The right angle is just a How many sets of parallel sides do
part of the bigger angle. you see?
T: True. Let’s play a game! (Hold up Template 2.) These are Template 2 Front
the directions:
Place the cards facedown.
Pick one card from each letter, A, B, and C.
Flip over the cards you chose. Record the game card
descriptions in your journal.
Use the appropriate tools to draw the shape in your math
journal. If the shape is not possible, list reasons in your math
journal why it is not.
T: Ready? (Draw three cards, and read or project the cards. Is a
quadrilateral, has all equal sides, and has at least 1 right
angle are the cards used in the example that follows.)
S: This one is easy! I can just draw a square! (Record
descriptions, and draw the shape.) Template 2 Back
T: At the signal, show your drawing. (Signal. Validate shapes,
and repeat the process. The cards has no parallel sides, has
more than 4 angles, and is a parallelogram are used in the
example that follows.)
S: Wait! I can’t draw this shape! (Note descriptions and
reasons in math journals.)
T: Tell your partner why this shape can’t be drawn.
S: Because a parallelogram has to have two sets of parallel
sides! It can’t have no parallel sides!
Repeat the process. As students are ready, have them work
independently, in pairs, or in small groups to play the game on their
own. Have them play two or three rounds on their own.
Name Date
Use a ruler and a right angle tool to help you draw the figures with the attributes given below.
2. Draw a quadrilateral with 4 right angles and sides that are all 2 inches long.
3. Draw a quadrilateral with at least 1 set of parallel sides. Trace the parallel sides green.
4. Draw a pentagon with at least 2 equal sides. Label the 2 equal side lengths of your shape.
5. Draw a hexagon with at least 2 equal sides. Label the 2 equal side lengths of your shape.
6. Sam says that he drew a polygon with 2 sides and 2 angles. Can Sam be correct? Use pictures to help you
explain your answer.
Name Date
Use a ruler and a right angle tool to help you draw a shape that matches the attributes of Jeanette’s shape.
Label your drawing to explain your thinking.
Jeanette says her shape has 4 right angles and 2 sets of parallel sides. It is not a regular quadrilateral.
Name Date
Use a ruler and a right angle tool to help you draw the figures with the given attributes below.
1. Draw a triangle that has no right angles.
3. Draw a quadrilateral with 2 equal sides. Label the 2 equal side lengths of your shape.
4. Draw a hexagon with at least 2 equal sides. Label the 2 equal side lengths of your shape.
5. Draw a pentagon with at least 2 equal sides. Label the 2 equal side lengths of your shape.
6. Cristina describes her shape. She says it has 3 equal sides that are each 4 centimeters in length. It has no
right angles. Do your best to draw Cristina’s shape, and label the side lengths.
game cards
game cards
Lesson 7
Objective: Reason about composing and decomposing polygons using
Multiply by 5 (8 minutes)
Materials: (S) Multiply by 5 (6─10) Pattern Sheet
Note: This activity builds fluency with multiplication facts using units of 5. It works toward students knowing
from memory all products of two one-digit numbers. See Lesson 1 for directions for administration of a
Multiply-By Pattern Sheet.
T: (Write 7 × 5 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by fives. I’ll raise a finger for each five. (Raise a finger for
each number to track the count.)
S: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35.
T: Let’s skip-count by fives starting at 25. Why is 25 a good place to start?
S: It’s a fact we already know, so we can use it to figure out a fact we don’t know.
T: (Track with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 25 (5 fingers), 30 (6 fingers), 35 (7 fingers).
T: Let’s see how we can skip-count down to find the answer, too. Start at 50 with 10 fingers, 1 for each
five. (Count down with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 50 (10 fingers), 45 (9 fingers), 40 (8 fingers), 35 (7 fingers).
Continue with the following possible sequence: 9 × 5, 6 × 5, and 8 × 5.
T: (Distribute the Multiply by 5 Pattern Sheet.) Let’s practice multiplying by 5. Be sure to work left to
right across the page.
Physiometry (3 minutes)
Note: Kinesthetic memory is strong memory. This activity reviews terms from Lessons 4 and 5.
T: Stand up.
S: (Stand up.)
T: (Stretch one arm up, directly toward the ceiling. Stretch the other arm parallel to the floor.) What
type of angle do you think I’m modeling with my arms?
S: Right angle.
T: Model a right angle with your arms.
S: (Mirror the teacher.)
T: (Stretch the arm parallel to the floor toward the ceiling. Move the arm pointing toward the ceiling
so that it points toward the opposite wall.) Model another right angle.
S: (Mirror the teacher.)
T: How many sides does a triangle have?
S: Three sides.
T: Using your arms, model a triangle with the person standing next to you.
S: (Model a triangle in pairs.)
T: What do we call a four-sided figure?
S: Quadrilateral.
T: Use your body to make a quadrilateral with your partner.
S: (Model a quadrilateral in pairs.)
T: (Point to a side wall.) Point to the wall that runs parallel to the one to which I’m pointing.
S: (Point to the opposite side wall.)
T: (Point to the back wall so students point to the front wall.)
T: (Point to the front wall so students point to the back wall.)
T: Point to the walls that make a right angle with the wall to which I’m pointing.
T: (Point to the back wall so students point to the side walls.)
T: (Point to the side wall so students point to the front and back walls.)
Repeat with the front wall.
Repeat Classify the Polygon from Lesson 5 with different shapes or orienting the same shapes differently.
Note: This activity reviews Lesson 4.
Materials: (T) Tetrominoes (Template) (S) Problem Set, tetrominoes (Template), crayons
Note: The Template in this lesson is a full sheet of each of the five types of tetrominoes (shown on the next
page). Make copies of each sheet on different color cardstock to color-code the pieces. Then, cut the
tetrominoes out, and bag sets that include multiple copies of each tetromino type for student use during the
lesson. Enlist the help of volunteers to assist in preparing the tetrominoes for this lesson.
T: Talk to a partner: How do you know the shapes that you made in Problem 1 are rectangles?
S: They look like rectangles! I counted the units for the sides of my shapes. The opposite sides are
equal. I know rectangles have opposite sides that are equal. I can use the corner of an index card
to make sure my shapes have four right angles. My shapes have two sets of parallel lines, like a
rectangle. Opposite sides that are equal, four right angles, and two sets of parallel lines are
MP.3 attributes of rectangles. My shapes have all of these attributes, so my shapes are rectangles!
T: Talk to a partner: What is the smallest rectangle you can make with tetrominoes? How do you
S: A 1 unit by 4 unit rectangle. The long, straight tetromino is already a rectangle, and its area is
4 square units. Or we could make a 2 unit by 2 unit rectangle with the square piece. The
square is a rectangle, too, and its area is 4 square units!
T: Work with a partner to make the smallest rectangle you can without using the square or long,
straight tetromino. (Allow students time to work.) How did you make your rectangle?
S: We made a 3 unit by 4 unit rectangle with two T-shaped tetrominoes and one L-shaped tetromino.
We made the same size rectangle, but we used two L-shaped tetrominoes and one Z-shaped
tetromino. I think our rectangle is the smallest because we made a 2 by 4 rectangle using two
L-shaped tetrominoes.
T: If that works for you, then use that strategy. Or you can use the strategy you used with the
rectangles and build with the tetrominoes first and then color the grid.
Have students solve all of Problem 2. When students are done, facilitate a discussion using the following
suggested questions.
How do you know your shape is a square?
What is the smallest square you can make with tetrominoes?
What is the smallest square you can make without using the square tetromino?
Can you make a square with tetrominoes that has an area of 25 square units? Why or why not?
Lesson Objective: Reason about composing and decomposing polygons using tetrominoes.
The Student Debrief is intended to invite reflection and active processing of the total lesson experience.
Invite students to review their solutions for the Problem
Set. They should check work by comparing answers with
a partner before going over answers as a class. Look for
misconceptions or misunderstandings that can be
addressed in the Debrief. Guide students in a
conversation to debrief the Problem Set and process the
Any combination of the questions below may be used to
lead the discussion.
Compare the rectangles you made in Problem 1
to a partner’s. How are they the same? How are
they different?
Compare the squares you made in Problem 2 to a
partner’s. How are they the same? How are they
Say the addition equation in Problem 2(a) as a
multiplication equation. Explain to a partner
what the factors in the multiplication equation
Invite students to share how they justified their
solution to Problem 3(a).
multiply by 5 (6–10)
Name Date
1. Use tetrominoes to create at least two different rectangles. Then, color the grid below to show how you
created your rectangles. You may use the same tetromino more than once.
2. Use tetrominoes to create at least two squares, each with an area of 36 square units. Then, color the grid
below to show how you created your squares. You may use the same tetromino more than once.
a. Write an equation to show the area of a square above as the sum of the areas of the tetrominoes you
used to make the square.
b. Write an equation to show the area of a square above as the product of its side lengths.
3. a. Use tetrominoes to create at least two different rectangles, each with an area of 12 square units.
Then, color the grid below to show how you created the rectangles. You may use the same tetromino
more than once.
b. Explain how you know the area of each rectangle is 12 square units.
4. Marco created a rectangle with tetrominoes and traced its outline in the space below. Use tetrominoes
to re-create it. Estimate to draw lines inside the rectangle below to show how you re-created Marco’s
Name Date
Use your tetrominoes to make a rectangle that has an area of 20 square units. Then, color the grid to show
how you made your rectangle. You may use the same tetromino more than once.
Name Date
1. Color tetrominoes on the grid to create three different rectangles. You may use the same tetromino
more than once.
3. Explain how you know the rectangles you created in Problem 2(b) have the correct area.
Lesson 8
Objective: Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the
Multiply by 6 (7 minutes)
Materials: (S) Multiply by 6 (1–5) Pattern Sheet
Note: This activity builds fluency with multiplication facts using units of 6. It works toward students knowing
from memory all products of two one-digit numbers. See Lesson 1 for the directions for administration of a
Multiply-By Pattern Sheet.
T: (Write 5 × 6 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by sixes to find the answer. (Raise a finger for each number
to track the count. Record the skip-count answers on the board.)
S: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30.
T: (Circle 30, and write 5 × 6 = 30 above it. Write 3 × 6 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by sixes again.
(Track with fingers as students count.)
S: 6, 12, 18.
T: Let’s see how we can skip-count down to find the answer, too. Start at 30 with 5 fingers, 1 for each
six. (Count down with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 30 (five fingers), 24 (4 fingers), 18 (3 fingers).
Repeat the process for 4 × 6.
T: (Distribute the Multiply by 6 Pattern Sheet.) Let’s practice multiplying by 6. Be sure to work left to
right across the page.
Lesson 8: Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the shapes.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 eight 2 eights 3 eights 4 eights 5 eights 6 eights 7 eights 8 eights 9 eights 10 eights
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80
T: (Write 1 eight beneath the 1.) Count to 10 eights. (Write as students count.)
S: 1 eight, 2 eights, 3 eights, 4 eights, 5 eights, 6 eights, 7 eights, 8 eights, 9 eights, 10 eights.
T: Count by eights to 80. (Write as students count.)
S: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80.
T: (Write 1 eight beneath the 8. Write 16 beneath the 16.) I’m going to give you a challenge. Let’s
alternate between saying the units of eight and the number. (Write as students count.)
S: 1 eight, 16, 3 eights, 32, 5 eights, 48, 7 eights, 64, 9 eights, 80.
T: (Write 8 beneath 1 eight and 2 eights beneath the 16.) Let’s alternate again. (Write as students
S: 8, 2 eights, 24, 4 eights, 40, 6 eights, 56, 8 eights, 72, 10 eights.
Lesson 8: Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the shapes.
Materials: (T) 8½″ × 11″ sheet of paper, scissors (S) 8½″ × 11″ sheet of paper, scissors, Problem Set
Lesson 8: Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the shapes.
Problem 2
T: Take one of your triangles. (Model.) Fold it in half
to make two equal sides, and crease it. Open the
paper, and cut on the fold. (Allow students time to
fold and cut.) Which smaller shapes is the big
triangle composed of?
S: Two smaller triangles.
T: Draw and label these two new shapes in Problem 2.
S: (Draw and label.)
Problem 3
T: Take the remaining big triangle. (Model.) First, fold it in half to make our two triangles. Then, open
the paper, and fold the tip of the triangle down to meet the bottom side of the triangle in the
middle. Make a horizontal crease, and open it up. Cut only on the horizontal crease. What shapes
did we make?
S: A quadrilateral and a triangle. A trapezoid and a smaller triangle.
T: Draw and label these two new shapes in Problem 3 as a trapezoid and triangle.
S: (Draw and label.)
Problem 4
T: Take the trapezoid. Fold it in half, and cut it on the fold. Now you
have two of what type of shape?
S: Quadrilaterals. Trapezoids.
T: Draw and label these two new shapes in Problem 4.
S: (Draw and label.)
Problem 5
T: Take one of the trapezoids, and fold the longest point in.
Make the long point meet the opposite corner, and crease it.
Open it up, and cut on the fold. What shapes did we make?
S: We made a triangle and a square.
T: Draw and label these two new shapes in Problem 5.
S: (Draw and label.)
Lesson 8: Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the shapes.
Problem 6
T: Use the last trapezoid. Put the longest side at the bottom, with the right angles to the left. Fold the
bottom left angle up to meet the diagonal corner, and crease it. Open it up, and cut on the crease
line. (Allow students time to fold and cut.) What shapes did we make?
S: We made a small triangle and a parallelogram.
T: Draw and label these two new shapes in
Problem 6.
S: (Draw and label.)
Lesson 8: Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the shapes.
Lesson 8: Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the shapes.
multiply by 6 (1─5)
Lesson 8: Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the shapes.
Name Date
1. Fold and cut the square on the diagonal. Draw and label your 2 new shapes below.
2. Fold and cut one of the triangles in half. Draw and label your 2 new shapes below.
3. Fold twice, and cut your large triangle. Draw and label your 2 new shapes below.
4. Fold and cut your trapezoid in half. Draw and label your 2 new shapes below.
Lesson 8: Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the shapes.
5. Fold and cut one of your trapezoids. Draw and label your 2 new shapes below.
6. Fold and cut your second trapezoid. Draw and label your 2 new shapes below.
a. Draw lines inside the square below to show how the shapes go together to form the square. The first
one has been done for you.
b. Describe the process of forming the square. What was easy, and what was challenging?
Lesson 8: Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the shapes.
Name Date
Choose three shapes from your tangram puzzle. Trace them below. Label the name of each shape, and
describe at least one attribute that they have in common.
Lesson 8: Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the shapes.
Name Date
2. Draw a line to divide the triangle below into 2 equal, smaller triangles.
Lesson 8: Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the shapes.
6. Describe the steps you took to divide the square in Problem 5 into 8 equal triangles.
Lesson 8: Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the shapes.
Lesson 9
Objective: Reason about composing and decomposing polygons using
Multiply by 6 (8 minutes)
Materials: (S) Multiply by 6 (6–10) Pattern Sheet
Note: This activity builds fluency with multiplication facts using units of 6. It works toward students knowing
from memory all products of two one-digit numbers. See Lesson 1 for the directions for administration of a
Multiply-By Pattern Sheet.
T: (Write 7 × 6 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by sixes. I’ll raise a finger for each six. (Raise a finger for
each number to track the count.)
S: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42.
T: Let’s skip-count up by sixes starting at 30. Why is 30 a good place to start?
S: It’s a fact we already know, so we can use it to figure out a fact we don’t know.
T: (Track with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 30 (5 fingers), 36 (6 fingers), 42 (7 fingers).
T: Let’s see how we can skip-count down to find the answer, too. Start at 60 with 10 fingers, 1 for each
six. (Count down with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 60 (10 fingers), 54 (9 fingers), 48 (8 fingers), 42 (7 fingers).
Continue with the following possible sequence: 9 × 6, 6 × 6, and 8 × 6.
T: (Distribute the Multiply by 6 Pattern Sheet.) Let’s practice multiplying by 6. Be sure to work left to
right across the page.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 nine 2 nines 3 nines 4 nines 5 nines 6 nines 7 nines 8 nines 9 nines 10 nines
9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90
T: (Write 1 nine beneath the 1.) Count to 10 nines. (Write as students count.)
S: 1 nine, 2 nines, 3 nines, 4 nines, 5 nines, 6 nines, 7 nines, 8 nines, 9 nines, 10 nines.
T: Count by nines to 90. (Write as students count.)
S: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90.
T: (Write 1 nine beneath the 9. Write 18 beneath the 18.) I’m going to give you a challenge. Let’s
alternate between saying the units of nine and the number. (Write as students count.)
S: 1 nine, 18, 3 nines, 36, 5 nines, 54, 7 nines, 72, 9 nines, 90.
T: (Write 9 beneath 1 nine and 2 nines beneath the 18.) Let’s alternate again. (Write as students
S: 9, 2 nines, 27, 4 nines, 45, 6 nines, 63, 8 nines, 81, 10 nines.
Materials: (S) Tangram pieces (from Lesson 8), blank piece of paper, Problem Set
Problem 1
Use at least two tangram pieces to make and draw two of each
of the following shapes. Draw lines to show where the tangram NOTES ON
pieces meet. MULTIPLE MEANS
a. A rectangle that does not have all equal sides. OF ACTION AND
b. A triangle. EXPRESSION:
c. A parallelogram. It may be beneficial to have a variety of
tangrams to meet the needs of
d. A trapezoid. students. Plastic or virtual tangrams
may be easier for some students to
T: Use the square and the two small triangles to make a manipulate. Alternatively, tangram
rectangle. (Allow students time to work.) Estimate to pieces (from Lesson 8) can be copied
draw your rectangle in Problem 1(a). Draw lines to on heavier paper, such as cardstock.
show where the triangles and square meet to make
the rectangle.
S: (Draw a rectangle in Problem 1(a).)
T: Use at least two tangram pieces to make another rectangle. (Allow students time to work.) Which
shapes did you use to make another rectangle?
S: I used the medium triangle and the two small triangles. I used the square, the medium triangle,
and the two small triangles. I used the square, the medium triangle, the two small triangles, and
the parallelogram.
T: Compare your rectangle to a partner’s. Discuss how they are similar and how they are different.
S: (Compare rectangles and discuss similarities and differences.)
T: Estimate to draw your rectangle in Problem 1(a). Draw lines to show where the tangram pieces
meet to make the rectangle.
S: (Draw a rectangle in Problem 1(a).)
Continue the process to make the rest of the shapes in Problem 1.
Note: Students should try to make parallelograms and trapezoids that are not rectangles.
Problem 2
Use your two smallest triangles to create a square, a parallelogram, and a triangle. Show how you created
them below.
T: Use the two small triangles to make a square. (Allow students time to work.) Estimate to draw your
square in Problem 2. Draw lines to show where the triangles meet to make the square.
S: (Draw a square in Problem 2.)
T: Compare the square you made using two small triangles with the square tangram piece. What do
you notice?
S: They’re the same! Two small triangles equal the square tangram piece!
T: Now, use the two small triangles to make a parallelogram. (Allow students time to work.) Estimate
to draw your parallelogram in Problem 2. Draw lines to show where the triangles meet to make the
S: (Draw a parallelogram in Problem 2.)
T: Finally, use the two small triangles to make a new triangle. (Allow students time to work.) Estimate
to draw your triangle in Problem 2. Draw lines to show where the small triangles meet to make the
new triangle.
S: (Draw a triangle in Problem 2.)
T: Talk to a partner: Compare the size of the parallelogram and the new triangle that you made to the
size of the square tangram piece.
S: They’re all equal! We saw that the two small triangles are the same size as the square. Since we
used the two small triangles to make the parallelogram and the new triangle, then those shapes are
the same size as the square tangram piece.
Problems 3 and 4
Problem 3: Create your own shape on a separate sheet of paper using all seven pieces. Describe its
attributes below.
Problem 4: Trade your outline with a partner to see if you can re-create his shape using your tangram pieces.
Reflect on your experience below. What was easy? What was challenging?
T: Use all seven tangram pieces to create a new shape. Trace the outline of the shape on the blank
piece of paper. Describe attributes of your shape in Problem 3. When you’ve answered Problem 3,
trade outlines with a partner, and try to re-create your partner’s shape with your tangram pieces.
Then, answer Problem 4.
To prepare students, do the following:
Remind them that the shapes they create cannot have gaps or overlaps.
Generate a list of possible attributes that they might use to describe their new shapes.
Clarify that, if necessary, they can gently guide their partners to re-create shapes if their partners
have independently put forth significant effort in attempting to re-create the shapes.
If time permits, students can perform a gallery walk to view the shapes that their classmates created with all
seven tangram pieces.
Note: Students need their tangram pieces for the Exit Ticket and Homework.
multiply by 6 (6─10)
Name Date
1. Use at least two tangram pieces to make and draw two of each of the following shapes. Draw lines to
show where the tangram pieces meet.
b. A triangle.
c. A parallelogram.
d. A trapezoid.
2. Use your two smallest triangles to create a square, a parallelogram, and a triangle. Show how you
created them below.
3. Create your own shape on a separate sheet of paper using all seven pieces. Describe its attributes below.
4. Trade your outline with a partner to see if you can re-create her shape using your tangram pieces. Reflect
on your experience below. What was easy? What was challenging?
Name Date
Nancy uses her tangram pieces to make a trapezoid without using the square piece. Below, sketch how she
might have created her trapezoid.
Name Date
1. Use at least two tangram pieces to make and draw each of the following shapes. Draw lines to show
where the tangram pieces meet.
a. A triangle.
b. A square.
c. A parallelogram.
d. A trapezoid.
2. Use your tangram pieces to create the cat below. Draw lines to show where the tangram pieces meet.
3. Use the five smallest tangram pieces to make a square. Sketch your square below, and draw lines to
show where the tangram pieces meet.
Mathematics Curriculum
Topic C
Problem Solving with Perimeter
3.MD.8, 3.G.1
Focus Standard: 3.MD.8 Solve real world and mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons,
including finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding an unknown side length,
and exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas or with the
same area and different perimeters.
Instructional Days: 8
Coherence -Links from: G2–M6 Foundations of Multiplication and Division
G3–M3 Multiplication and Division with Units of 0, 1, 6–9, and Multiples of 10
G3–M4 Multiplication and Area
-Links to: G4–M3 Multi-Digit Multiplication and Division
Students are introduced to perimeter in Topic C. Conceptual exploration begins by creating tessellations. In
Lessons 10 and 11, students decompose a quadrilateral. They rearrange the parts to form a new shape. They
then use the new shape to tile, tracing its perimeter until a new larger shape (the complete tessellation) is
formed. Through this work, students define perimeter as the boundary of a two-dimensional shape and use
their new vocabulary in context as they describe the process of tessellating. These lessons begin the study of
perimeter with unusual shapes to encourage flexible thinking about perimeter and avoid the misconception
that it is a property of rectangles alone.
Cut on the line. Then, slide the piece to the opposite side, or rotate it to an
adjacent side to make a new shape.
In Lesson 12, students measure side lengths and calculate perimeters. They measure the side lengths of
polygons (in whole number units) using rulers and then use these side lengths to determine perimeter.
Students attend to units as they solve and discuss the efficiency of strategies for adding side lengths. The
complexity increases in Lesson 13 when students are given pictorial models, including the side lengths of
polygons, from which they determine the perimeter.
Lesson 14 provides more complex problem solving; students determine the perimeter of a figure when whole
number side length measurements are unknown. Students use their knowledge of attributes of shapes to fill
in unknown information and then calculate the perimeter. For example, they may be told that a hexagon is
regular and that one side length is 5 centimeters. Based on that information, students fill in the unknown
side lengths and calculate the perimeter and discuss whether addition or multiplication is a more efficient
strategy for solving the problem.
In Lesson 15, students apply their basic understanding of perimeter to real-world contexts. They explore how
perimeter is used in everyday life and develop strategies for calculating perimeters using known information.
Lesson 16 extends students’ knowledge of perimeter to circles. In this lesson, students wrap string around
various circular objects, such as lids. Students measure their strings to the nearest quarter inch using rulers
and record their measurements for comparison and discussion. This lesson reinforces that perimeter is a
measureable attribute for any shape, not just polygons, and that those measurements can occur in both
whole and fractional units.
Lesson 17 involves using all four operations to determine a perimeter and any unknown measurements.
Students develop strategies for finding the perimeter of part of a larger shape, for example, the shaded
rectangle in the figure below. In this example, students understand that they can subtract the known part of
the length from the total length to find the unknown measurement. The unknown measurements may then
be used to find the perimeter of the shaded rectangle.
10 cm
6 cm
3 cm
20 cm
Objective 3: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the perimeter of polygons.
(Lesson 12)
Objective 5: Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when whole number
measurements are unknown.
(Lesson 14)
Objective 6: Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side lengths.
(Lesson 15)
Objective 7: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest quarter inch.
(Lesson 16)
Objective 8: Use all four operations to solve problems involving perimeter and unknown measurements.
(Lesson 17)
Lesson 10
Objective: Decompose quadrilaterals to understand perimeter as the
boundary of a shape.
Multiply by 7 (8 minutes)
Materials: (S) Multiply by 7 (1–5) Pattern Sheet
Note: This activity builds fluency with multiplication facts using units of 7. It works toward students knowing
from memory all the products of two one-digit numbers. See Lesson 1 for the directions for administration of
a Multiply-By Pattern Sheet.
T: (Write 5 × 7 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by sevens to find the answer. (Raise a finger for each
number to track the count. Record the skip-count answers on the board.)
S: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35.
T: (Circle 35, and write 5 × 7 = 35 above it. Write 3 × 7 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by sevens again.
(Track with fingers as students count.)
S: 7, 14, 21.
T: Let’s see how we can skip-count down to find the answer, too. Start at 35 with 5 fingers, 1 for each
seven. (Count down with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 35 (5 fingers), 28 (4 fingers), 21 (3 fingers).
Repeat the process for 4 × 7.
T: (Distribute the Multiply by 7 Pattern Sheet.) Let’s practice multiplying by 7. Be sure to work left to
right across the page.
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
1 two 2 twos 3 twos 4 twos 5 twos 6 twos 7 twos 8 twos 9 twos 10 twos
T: Let’s count to 10 twos again. This time, stop when I raise my hand.
S: 1 two, 2 twos, 3 twos.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 3 × 2 = 6.
T: Continue.
S: 4 twos, 5 twos.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 5 × 2 = 10.
T: Continue.
S: 6 twos, 7 twos, 8 twos.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 8 × 2 = 16.
Continue the process up to 10 twos and down to 1 two.
Application Problem (8 minutes) MULTIPLE MEANS
Trista uses all seven of her tangram pieces to make a square as Scaffold the Application Problem with
shown. One side of the large square is 4 inches long. What is questions such as the following:
the total area of the two large triangles? Explain your answer. What do you know about the sides
of a square?
What other measures can you
What is the area of the square?
4 in Shade the two large triangles.
What is the shaded fraction of the
What is the area of the two large
Note: This problem reviews the work done with tangrams in Lessons 8 and 9. It also reviews the concept of
area from Module 4. Students may not immediately recognize that the two large triangles make up half of
the square. If necessary, have them use tangram pieces to demonstrate this before solving.
Materials: (T) 2″ square on cardstock, scissors, tape (S) 2″ square on cardstock, tape, crayons, Problem Set,
scissors, black marker, red marker, white string
T: (Give each student a 2-inch square.) Trace your 2-inch square in Problem 1(a) with a red crayon.
S: (Trace the square with a red crayon.)
T: (Distribute the white string.) Work with your partner to wrap the string around the outside edges of
your square. (Model.) Partner A, hold the string in place. Partner B, use the black marker to mark
the string where it meets the end after going all the way around once.
S: (Mark the string.)
T: Switch roles to help your partner mark his string.
S: (Switch roles and mark the string.)
T: Set your string aside. Draw a path from the top right-hand corner of
the square to the bottom right-hand corner. Be creative! Your path
shouldn’t be straight, but you will cut along it. Keep that in mind as
you draw. (Model.)
S: (Draw the path.)
T: Carefully cut along your path. (Model.)
S: (Cut along the path.)
T: Use your finger to trace around the edge of the piece you cut out. We
call the boundary of the shape its perimeter. Say the word to yourself
as you trace.
S: Perimeter. (Trace with finger.)
T: Slide the piece that you cut out to the opposite side of your square.
Line up the straight edge of the piece that you cut out with the edge of
the square. Tape the pieces together, making sure that there aren’t
any gaps. (Model.)
S: (Slide and tape.)
T: What happened to the perimeter of the shape you cut out?
S: It got curvy instead of straight. Two sides changed, and two sides
stayed the same. Part of it is stuck to the square. The new
perimeter is the edge of the whole new shape we made by taping.
T: Work with a partner to wrap your string around your new shape. This time, use the red marker to
mark the string where it meets the end after going all the way around once. Then, switch roles so
your partner can mark her string.
S: (Mark the string.)
T: The marks on your string represent the perimeters of the square and your new shape. Talk to a
partner. Compare the perimeters of the square and your new shape.
S: The perimeter of my new shape is greater than the perimeter of the square. Yeah! Mine too!
T: Did the area of the square change when you made your new shape? Talk to a partner.
S: We didn’t get rid of any part of the square; we just changed the way it looks. Yeah. The same
amount of space is covered, so the area stays the same.
T: Follow the directions to complete Problem 1(b–g) on your Problem Set. (Allow students time to
work.) Which color in Problem 1 (a) and (b) represents the perimeter of the shapes?
S: Red!
T: What does the color blue represent?
S: Area!
multiply by 7 (1–5)
Name Date
b. Trace the new shape you made with the square in the space below with a red crayon.
d. Color the inside of the shapes in Problem 1 (a) and (b) with a blue crayon.
e. Which color represents the perimeters of the shapes? How do you know?
b. Explain how you know you outlined the perimeters of the shapes above.
Name Date
Jason paints the outside edges of a rectangle purple. Celeste paints the inside of the rectangle yellow.
1. Use your crayons to color the rectangle that Jason and Celeste painted.
2. Which color represents the perimeter of the rectangle? How do you know?
Name Date
a. Explain how you know you traced the perimeters of the shapes above.
b. Explain how you could use a string to figure out which shape above has the greatest perimeter.
3. Maya draws the shape shown below. Noah colors the inside of Maya’s shape as shown. Noah says he
colored the perimeter of Maya’s shape. Maya says Noah colored the area of her shape. Who is right?
Explain your answer.
Lesson 11
Objective: Tessellate to understand perimeter as the boundary of a shape.
Name Date
1. Follow the directions below using the shape you created yesterday.
a. Tessellate your shape on a blank piece of paper.
b. Color your tessellation to create a pattern.
c. Outline the perimeter of your tessellation with a highlighter.
d. Use a string to measure the perimeter of your tessellation.
2. Compare the perimeter of your tessellation to a partner’s. Whose tessellation has a greater perimeter?
How do you know?
4. How would overlapping your shape when you tessellated change the perimeter of your tessellation?
Name Date
Estimate to draw at least four copies of the given regular hexagon to make a new shape, without gaps or
overlaps. Outline the perimeter of your new shape with a highlighter. Shade in the area with a colored
Name Date
b. Explain how Samson could use a string to measure the perimeter of his new shape.
2. Estimate to draw at least four copies of the given triangle to make a new shape, without gaps or overlaps.
Outline the perimeter of your new shape with a highlighter. Shade in the area with a colored pencil.
3. The marks on the strings below show the perimeters of Shyla’s and Frank’s shapes. Whose shape has a
greater perimeter? How do you know?
Shyla’s String:
Frank’s String:
4. India and Theo use the same shape to create the tessellations shown below.
a. Estimate to draw the shape India and Theo used to make their tessellations.
b. Theo says both tessellations have the same perimeter. Do you think Theo is right? Why or why not?
Lesson 12
Objective: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the
perimeter of polygons.
Note: This activity builds fluency with multiplication facts using units of 7. It works toward students knowing
from memory all the products of two one-digit numbers. See Lesson 1 for the directions for administration of
a Multiply-By Pattern Sheet.
T: (Write 7 × 7 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by sevens. I’ll raise a finger for each seven. (Raise a finger
for each number to track the count.)
S: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49.
T: Let’s skip-count up by sevens starting at 35. Why is 35 a good place to start?
S: It’s a fact we already know, so we can use it to figure out a fact we don’t know.
T: (Track with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 35 (5 fingers), 42 (6 fingers), 49 (7 fingers).
T: Let’s see how we can skip-count down to find the answer, too. Start at 70 with 10 fingers, 1 for each
seven. (Count down with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 70 (10 fingers), 63 (9 fingers), 56 (8 fingers), 49 (7 fingers).
Continue with the following possible sequence: 9 × 7, 6 × 7, and 8 × 7.
T: (Distribute the Multiply by 7 Pattern Sheet.) Let’s practice multiplying by 7. Be sure to work left to
right across the page.
Lesson 12: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the
perimeter of polygons. 157
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
1 three 2 threes 3 threes 4 threes 5 threes 6 threes 7 threes 8 threes 9 threes 10 threes
T: (Write 1 three beneath the 3.) Count to 10 threes. (Write as students count.)
S: 1 three, 2 threes, 3 threes, 4 threes, 5 threes, 6 threes, 7 threes, 8 threes, 9 threes, 10 threes.
T: Let’s count to 10 threes again. This time, stop when I raise my hand.
S: 1 three, 2 threes, 3 threes.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 3 × 3 = 9.
T: Continue.
S: 4 threes, 5 threes.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 5 × 3 = 15.
Continue the process up to 10 threes and down to 1 three.
Lesson 12: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the
perimeter of polygons. 158
Lesson 12: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the
perimeter of polygons. 159
Note: This problem allows students to transfer their conceptual knowledge from the lesson to an Application
Problem before practicing this independently with the remainder of the Problem Set.
Lesson 12: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the
perimeter of polygons. 160
Lesson 12: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the
perimeter of polygons. 161
multiply by 7 (6–10)
Lesson 12: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the
perimeter of polygons. 162
Name Date
1. Measure and label the side lengths of the shapes below in centimeters. Then, find the perimeter of each
a. b.
= _______ cm = _______ cm
Perimeter = _____________________
= _______ cm
Perimeter = _____________________
= _______ cm
Perimeter = _____________________
= _______ cm
Lesson 12: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the
perimeter of polygons. 163
2. Carson draws two triangles to create the new shape shown below. Use a ruler to find the side lengths of
Carson’s shape in centimeters. Then, find the perimeter.
3. Hugh and Daisy draw the shapes shown below. Measure and label the side lengths in centimeters.
Whose shape has a greater perimeter? How do you know?
Hugh’s Shape
Daisy’s Shape
4. Andrea measures one side length of the square below and says she can find the perimeter with that
measurement. Explain Andrea’s thinking. Then, find the perimeter in centimeters.
Lesson 12: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the
perimeter of polygons. 164
Name Date
Measure and label the side lengths of the shape below in centimeters. Then, find the perimeter.
Perimeter = __________________________________________
= _______ cm
Lesson 12: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the
perimeter of polygons. 165
Name Date
1. Measure and label the side lengths of the shapes below in centimeters. Then, find the perimeter of each
a. b.
c. d.
Perimeter = _____________________
Perimeter = _____________________
= _______ cm
= _______ cm
Perimeter = _____________________
= _______ cm
Lesson 12: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the
perimeter of polygons. 166
2. Melinda draws two trapezoids to create the hexagon shown below. Use a ruler to find the side lengths of
Melinda’s hexagon in centimeters. Then, find the perimeter.
3. Victoria and Eric draw the shapes shown below. Eric says his shape has a greater perimeter because it
has more sides than Victoria’s shape. Is Eric right? Explain your answer.
4. Jamal uses his ruler and a right angle tool to draw the rectangle shown below. He says the perimeter of
his rectangle is 32 centimeters. Do you agree with Jamal? Why or why not?
Lesson 12: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the
perimeter of polygons. 167
Lesson 12: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the
perimeter of polygons. 168
Lesson 13
Objective: Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve
Multiply by 8 (8 minutes)
Materials: (S) Multiply by 8 (1–5) Pattern Sheet
Note: This activity builds fluency with multiplication facts using units of 8. It works toward students knowing
from memory all the products of two one-digit numbers. See Lesson 1 for the directions for administration of
a Multiply-By Pattern Sheet.
T: (Write 5 × 8 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by eights to find the answer. (Raise a finger for each
number to track the count. Record the skip-count answers on the board.)
S: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40.
T: (Circle 40, and write 5 × 8 = 40 above it. Write 3 × 8 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by eights again.
(Track with fingers as students count.)
S: 8, 16, 24.
T: Let’s see how we can skip-count down to find the answer, too. Start at 40 with 5 fingers, 1 for each
eight. (Count down with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 40 (five fingers), 32 (4 fingers), 24 (3 fingers).
Repeat the process for 4 × 8.
T: (Distribute the Multiply by 8 Pattern Sheet.) Let’s practice multiplying by 8. Be sure to work left to
right across the page.
Lesson 13: Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve problems.
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
1 four 2 fours 3 fours 4 fours 5 fours 6 fours 7 fours 8 fours 9 fours 10 fours
S: 1 four, 2 fours, 3 fours, 4 fours, 5 fours, 6 fours, 7 fours, 8 fours, 9 fours, 10 fours.
T: Let’s count to 10 fours again. This time, stop when I raise my hand.
S: 1 four, 2 fours, 3 fours.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 3 × 4 = 12.
T: Continue.
S: 4 fours, 5 fours.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 5 × 4 = 20.
T: Continue the process up to 10 fours and down to 1 four.
Lesson 13: Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve problems.
Note: This problem reviews Lesson 11’s concept of measuring side lengths to calculate perimeter. Discuss
the predictions that students made in part (b), and clear up any misconceptions about the perimeter of the
new shape being double the perimeter of one index card.
T: (Project the shape to the right.) How can you use the
information in this picture to find the perimeter of the shape?
Talk to a partner.
S: I can just add the side lengths! Side lengths are given, so I 4 in 4 in
can add them to find the perimeter.
T: Write and solve an equation that shows the perimeter as the
sum of the given side lengths.
2 in
S: (Write 3 in + 3 in + 4 in + 4 in + 2 in = 16 inches.)
T: Talk to a partner. What strategy did you use to solve?
S: I added the fours to get 8. 8 + 2 = 10. Then, I added 2 threes to 10 to get 16. I doubled 3 to get 6
and then added a 4 to make 10. Then, I added 4 plus 2 plus 10 to get 16. I added 3 plus 4 to get
7. Then, I doubled 7 to get 14 and added 2 to 14 to get 16. I did 4 times 4 by just using the two to
change the threes to fours.
Lesson 13: Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve problems.
8m 12 cm
Part 2: Practice calculating the perimeter of various shapes with given side lengths. Quiz-Quiz-Trade Cards
Materials: (T) Timer (S) Quiz-Quiz-Trade cards (Template) (pictured to the right),
personal white board
Students play Quiz-Quiz-Trade, applying what they learned in Part 1 to calculate the
perimeters of various shapes using either mental math or their personal white
Directions for Quiz-Quiz-Trade:
1. Each person gets 1 Quiz-Quiz-Trade card.
2. Calculate the perimeter of the shape on the card.
3. Quiz-Quiz: Ask a partner to calculate the perimeter of the shape on your
card while you calculate the perimeter of the shape on your partner’s card.
Try again if your answers for the same shape differ.
4. Trade: When both partners agree on the perimeters, trade cards, and
repeat Step 3 with a new partner.
Lesson 13: Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve problems.
Lesson 13: Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve problems.
Lesson 13: Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve problems.
multiply by 8 (1–5)
Lesson 13: Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve problems.
Name Date
8 in 4 cm
a. b.
4 cm 4 cm
3 in 3 in
4 cm
8 in
= _________ in = _________ cm
11 cm
6 cm 9m
15 m
9 cm
9 in
2 in
3 in
P = ____ in + ____ in + ____ in + ____ in + ____ in
2 in
= _________ in
9 in
Lesson 13: Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve problems.
2. Alan’s rectangular swimming pool is 10 meters long and 16 meters wide. What is the perimeter?
16 m
10 m 10 m
16 m
3 in
2 in
6 in
4 in
9 in
b. Lila says the shape is a pentagon. Is she correct? Explain why or why not.
Lesson 13: Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve problems.
Name Date
Which shape below has the greater perimeter? Explain your answer.
2 in 2 in
4 in
2 in 2 in
2 in
Shape A
3 in Shape B
2 in
2 in 2 in
4 in
2 in
Lesson 13: Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve problems.
Name Date
1. Find the perimeters of the shapes below. Include the units in your equations. Match the letter inside
each shape to its perimeter to solve the riddle. The first one has been done for you.
7 cm
6 ft 6 ft
7 in 7 in 5 cm 5 cm
q r s
9 ft 9 ft
7 in 6 ft 7 cm
P = 7 in + 7 in + 7 in
P = 21 in
5 yd
8 cm
4 in 4 in
7 yd a 7 yd
m 5 cm e 5 cm
4 in 4 in
9 yd
8 cm
7m 4m
3m u 4m 3m l
6m 4m
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ !
24 21 20 28 36 26 16 26 28 15 24
Lesson 13: Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve problems.
2. Alicia’s rectangular garden is 33 feet long and 47 feet wide. What is the perimeter of Alicia’s garden?
47 ft
33 ft 33 ft
47 ft
4 in
3 in
5 in
2 in
5 in 4 in
3 in
7 in
Lesson 13: Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve problems.
Note: Each Template page must be copied separately for students to cut out the cards.
9 cm
3 in 3 in
6 cm 6 cm
3 in 3 in
9 cm
9 yd
7 ft 7 ft
11 yd 11 yd
10 ft 10 ft
7 ft 13 yd
7 cm
8m 8m
7 cm
8m 8m
7 cm
14 cm
8m 8m 7 cm
8m 14 cm
6 yd
6 cm
5 yd 5 yd
4 cm 4 cm
5 yd 5 yd 6 cm
6 yd
4m 9 in 9 in
5m 9 in
quiz-quiz-trade cards
Lesson 13: Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve problems.
2m 2m 5 ft
4 ft
6m 3 ft
7 cm 12 yd
7 cm 7 cm
7 cm 7 cm 12 yd 12 yd
7 cm 7 cm
12 yd
7 cm
8 in 17 m
2 in 2 in 9m 10 m
8 in
16 m
9 yd
7 yd
13 yd
15 ft 15 ft 9 yd
7 ft 14 yd
7 cm 7 cm 7 in
3 in 3 in
6 cm 6 cm
3 in 3 in
8 cm 7 in
quiz-quiz-trade cards
Lesson 13: Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve problems.
Lesson 14
Objective: Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles
when whole number measurements are unknown.
Multiply by 8 (8 minutes)
Materials: (S) Multiply by 8 (6–10) Pattern Sheet
Note: This activity builds fluency with multiplication facts using units of 8. It works toward students knowing
from memory all the products of two one-digit numbers. See Lesson 1 for the directions for administration of
a Multiply-By Pattern Sheet.
T: (Write 7 × 8 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by eights. I’ll raise a finger for each eight. (Raise a finger
for each number to track the count.)
S: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56.
T: Let’s skip-count up by eights starting at 40. Why is 40 a good place to start?
S: It’s a fact we already know, so we can use it to figure out a fact we don’t know.
T: (Track with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 40 (5 fingers), 48 (6 fingers), 56 (7 fingers).
T: Let’s see how we can skip-count down to find the answer, too. Start at 80 with 10 fingers, 1 for each
eight. (Count down with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 80 (10 fingers), 72 (9 fingers), 64 (8 fingers), 56 (7 fingers).
Continue with the following possible sequence: 9 × 8, 6 × 8, and 8 × 8.
T: (Distribute the Multiply by 8 Pattern Sheet.) Let’s practice multiplying by 8. Be sure to work left to
right across the page.
Lesson 14: Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when
whole number measurements are unknown. 183
1 seven 2 sevens 3 sevens 4 sevens 5 sevens 6 sevens 7 sevens 8 sevens 9 sevens 10 sevens
S: 1 seven, 2 sevens, 3 sevens, 4 sevens, 5 sevens, 6 sevens, 7 sevens, 8 sevens, 9 sevens, 10 sevens.
T: Let’s count to 10 sevens again. This time, stop when I raise my hand.
S: 1 seven, 2 sevens, 3 sevens.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 3 × 7 = 21.
T: Continue.
S: 4 sevens, 5 sevens.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 5 × 7 = 35.
T: Continue.
S: 6 sevens, 7 sevens, 8 sevens.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 8 × 7 = 56.
T: Continue.
S: 9 sevens, 10 sevens.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 10 × 7 = 70.
T: Let’s count back down, starting at 10 sevens.
Continue the process back down to 1 seven.
Lesson 14: Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when
whole number measurements are unknown. 184
Problem 2: Find the perimeter of regular polygons with one side length given.
T: (Project or draw the hexagon as shown.) This is a regular hexagon.
Talk to a partner. How can the labeled side length help you find the 3 cm
unknown side lengths?
S: Since I know it’s a regular hexagon, and I know one side length, I know the
other side lengths. Yeah. Since it’s a regular hexagon, I know that all
the side lengths are equal. So, all 6 sides are each 3 centimeters.
T: That’s right. Sketch the hexagon on your personal white board, and label
the unknown side lengths.
S: (Sketch and label the unknown side lengths.)
Lesson 14: Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when
whole number measurements are unknown. 185
Lesson 14: Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when
whole number measurements are unknown. 186
Lesson 14: Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when
whole number measurements are unknown. 187
multiply by 8 (6–10)
Lesson 14: Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when
whole number measurements are unknown. 188
Name Date
1. Label the unknown side lengths of the regular shapes below. Then, find the perimeter of each shape.
a. b.
8 in 7 ft
Perimeter = _______ ft
Perimeter = _______ in
c. d.
6 in
Perimeter = _______ m
Perimeter = _______ in
2. Label the unknown side lengths of the rectangle below. Then, find the perimeter of the rectangle.
2 cm Perimeter = _______ cm
7 cm
Lesson 14: Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when
whole number measurements are unknown. 189
3. David draws a regular octagon and labels a side length as shown below. Find the perimeter of David’s
6 cm
4. Paige paints an 8-inch by 9-inch picture for her mom’s birthday. What is the total length of wood that
Paige needs to make a frame for the picture?
5. Mr. Spooner draws a regular hexagon on the board. One of the sides measures 4 centimeters. Giles and
Xander find the perimeter. Their work is shown below. Whose work is correct? Explain your answer.
Perimeter = 4 cm + 4 cm + 4 cm + 4 cm + 4 cm + 4 cm Perimeter = 6 × 4 cm
Perimeter = 24 cm Perimeter = 24 cm
Lesson 14: Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when
whole number measurements are unknown. 190
Name Date
Travis traces a regular pentagon on his paper. Each side measures 7 centimeters. He also traces a regular
hexagon on his paper. Each side of the hexagon measures 5 centimeters. Which shape has a greater
perimeter? Show your work.
Lesson 14: Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when
whole number measurements are unknown. 191
Name Date
1. Label the unknown side lengths of the regular shapes below. Then, find the perimeter of each shape.
a. b.
4 in
8 cm
Perimeter = _______ cm
Perimeter = _______ in
c. 9m d.
6 in
2. Label the unknown side lengths of the rectangle below. Then, find the perimeter of the rectangle.
4 cm
9 cm Perimeter = _______ cm
Lesson 14: Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when
whole number measurements are unknown. 192
3. Roxanne draws a regular pentagon and labels a side length as shown below. Find the perimeter of
Roxanne’s pentagon.
7 cm
4. Each side of a square field measures 24 meters. What is the perimeter of the field?
5. What is the perimeter of a rectangular sheet of paper that measures 8 inches by 11 inches?
Lesson 14: Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when
whole number measurements are unknown. 193
Lesson 15
Objective: Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side
Multiply by 9 (7 minutes)
Materials: (S) Multiply by 9 (1–5) Pattern Sheet
Note: This activity builds fluency with multiplication facts using units of 9. It works toward students knowing
from memory all the products of two one-digit numbers. See Lesson 1 for the directions for administration of
a Multiply-By Pattern Sheet.
T: (Write 7 × 9 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by nines. I’ll raise a finger for each nine. (Raise a finger for
each number to track the count.)
S: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63.
T: Let’s skip-count up by nines starting at 45. Why is 45 a good place to start?
S: It’s a fact we already know, so we can use it to figure out a fact we don’t know.
T: (Track with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 45 (5 fingers), 54 (6 fingers), 63 (7 fingers).
T: Let’s see how we can skip-count down to find the answer, too. Start at 90 with 10 fingers, 1 for each
nine. (Count down with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 90 (10 fingers), 81 (9 fingers), 72 (8 fingers), 63 (7 fingers).
Continue with the following possible sequence: 9 × 9, 6 × 9, and 8 × 9.
T: (Distribute the Multiply by 9 Pattern Sheet.) Let’s practice multiplying by 9. Be sure to work left to
right across the page.
Lesson 15: Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side lengths.
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
1 five 2 fives 3 fives 4 fives 5 fives 6 fives 7 fives 8 fives 9 fives 10 fives
S: 1 five, 2 fives, 3 fives, 4 fives, 5 fives, 6 fives, 7 fives, 8 fives, 9 fives, 10 fives.
T: Let’s count to 10 fives again. This time, stop when I raise my hand.
S: 1 five, 2 fives, 3 fives.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 3 × 5 = 15.
T: Continue.
S: 4 fives, 5 fives.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 5 × 5 = 25.
T: Continue.
S: 6 fives, 7 fives, 8 fives.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 8 × 5 = 40.
T: Continue.
S: 9 fives, 10 fives.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 10 × 5 = 50.
T: Let’s count back down starting at 10 fives.
Continue the process back down to 1 five.
Lesson 15: Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side lengths.
2 cm 2 cm
5 cm
Application Problem (5 minutes)
Clara and Pedro each use four 3-inch by 5-inch cards to make the rectangles below. Whose rectangle has a
greater perimeter?
Pedro’s Rectangle
Clara’s Rectangle
3 in
5 in
3 in
5 in
Note: This problem reviews adding side lengths to find the perimeter.
Lesson 15: Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side lengths.
Lesson 15: Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side lengths.
Lesson 15: Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side lengths.
Any combination of the questions below may be used to lead the discussion.
Share your solution to Problem 3 with a partner.
Compare your equations. How are they the
same? How are they different?
What multiplication equation could you use to
solve Problem 4? What is 18 tens?
How was solving Problems 5 and 6 different from
the rest of the problems?
Explain to a partner how you solved Problem 6.
Did you use the break apart and distribute
strategy? How did you use it?
Describe a different real-world situation in which
it would be necessary to find the perimeter.
Lesson 15: Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side lengths.
multiply by 9 (1–5)
Lesson 15: Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side lengths.
Name Date
1. Mrs. Kozlow put a border around a 5-foot by 6-foot rectangular bulletin board. How many feet of border
did Mrs. Kozlow use?
2. Jason built a model of the Pentagon for a social studies project. He made each outside wall
33 centimeters long. What is the perimeter of Jason’s model pentagon?
3. The Holmes family plants a rectangular 8-yard by 9-yard vegetable garden. How many yards of fencing do
they need to put a fence around the garden?
Lesson 15: Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side lengths.
4. Marion paints a 5-pointed star on her bedroom wall. Each side of the star is 18 inches long. What is the
perimeter of the star?
5. The soccer team jogs around the outside of the soccer field twice to warm up. The rectangular field
measures 60 yards by 100 yards. What is the total number of yards the team jogs?
6. Troop 516 makes 3 triangular flags to carry at a parade. They sew ribbon around the outside edges of the
flags. The flags’ side lengths each measure 24 inches. How many inches of ribbon does the troop use?
Lesson 15: Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side lengths.
Name Date
Marlene ropes off a square section of her yard where she plants grass. One side length of the square
measures 9 yards. What is the total length of rope Marlene uses?
Lesson 15: Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side lengths.
Name Date
1. Miguel glues a ribbon border around the edges of a 5-inch by 8-inch picture to create a frame. What is
the total length of ribbon Miguel uses?
2. A building at Elmira College has a room shaped like a regular octagon. The length of each side of the
room is 5 feet. What is the perimeter of this room?
3. Manny fences in a rectangular area for his dog to play in the backyard. The area measures 35 yards by 45
yards. What is the total length of fence that Manny uses?
Lesson 15: Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side lengths.
4. Tyler uses 6 craft sticks to make a hexagon. Each craft stick is 6 inches long. What is the perimeter of
Tyler’s hexagon?
5. Francis made a rectangular path from her driveway to the porch. The width of the path is 2 feet. The
length is 28 feet longer than the width. What is the perimeter of the path?
6. The gym teacher uses tape to mark a 4-square court on the gym floor as shown. The outer square has
side lengths of 16 feet. What is the total length of tape the teacher uses to mark Square A?
16 ft
Lesson 15: Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side lengths.
Lesson 16
Objective: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the
nearest quarter inch.
Multiply by 9 (8 minutes)
Materials: (S) Multiply by 9 (6–10) Pattern Sheet
Note: This activity builds fluency with multiplication facts using units of 9. It works toward students knowing
from memory all the products of two one-digit numbers. See Lesson 1 for the directions for administration of
a Multiply-By Pattern Sheet.
T: (Write 5 × 9 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by nine to find the answer. (Raise a finger for each number
to track the count. Record the skip-count answers on the board.)
S: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45.
T: (Circle 45, and write 5 × 9 = 45 above it. Write 3 × 9 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by nines again.
(Track with fingers as students count.)
S: 9, 18, 27.
T: Let’s see how we can skip-count down to find the answer, too. Start at 45 with 5 fingers, 1 for each
nine. (Count down with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 45 (five fingers), 36 (4 fingers), 27 (3 fingers).
Repeat the process for 4 × 9.
T: (Distribute the Multiply by 9 Pattern Sheet.) Let’s practice multiplying by 9. Be sure to work left to
right across the page.
Lesson 16: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest
quarter inch. 206
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
1 six 2 sixes 3 sixes 4 sixes 5 sixes 6 sixes 7 sixes 8 sixes 9 sixes 10 sixes
S: 1 six, 2 sixes, 3 sixes, 4 sixes, 5 sixes, 6 sixes, 7 sixes, 8 sixes, 9 sixes, 10 sixes.
T: Let’s count to 10 sixes again. This time, stop when I raise my hand.
S: 1 six, 2 sixes, 3 sixes.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 3 × 6 = 18.
T: Continue.
S: 4 sixes, 5 sixes.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 5 × 6 = 30.
T: Continue.
S: 6 sixes, 7 sixes, 8 sixes.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 8 × 6 = 48.
T: Continue.
S: 9 sixes, 10 sixes.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 10 × 6 = 60.
T: Let’s count back down, starting at 10 sixes.
Continue the pattern back down to 1 six.
Lesson 16: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest
quarter inch. 207
S: 3 centimeters.
T: (Write P = ___ cm + __ cm + __ cm + __ cm.) On your personal white board, find the perimeter by
writing an addition sentence.
S: (Write P = 5 cm + 3 cm + 5 cm + 3 cm and P = 16 cm beneath it.)
T: (Project the square with a given side length of 4 cm.) What’s the length of each side of the square?
S: 4 centimeters.
T: (Write P = __ cm + __ cm + __ cm + __ cm.) Write the perimeter as an addition sentence.
S: (Write P = 4 cm + 4 cm + 4 cm + 4 cm and P = 16 cm beneath it.)
Continue the process with a regular pentagon and a regular hexagon.
Materials: (T) Circles (Template) (copied on cardstock), white string, black marker, ruler
(S) White string (per pair), ruler, black marker, circle (Template) (one circle per pair, copied on
cardstock), personal white board
Note: The white string in the materials list is used in both parts of this lesson. Be sure to cut the string so it is
long enough to go around the item with the greatest perimeter in Part 2.
Lesson 16: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest
quarter inch. 208
Part 2: Use string and a ruler to find the perimeter of circular objects.
Materials: (S) Problem Set, markers, variety of circular objects (e.g., paper plates, lids, Frisbee, CDs, pie
pans, cups, rolls of masking tape), ruler, white string
Students work in pairs at a station with 10 circular objects, applying what they learned in Part 1 to find the
perimeters of those objects. (There may be more than one pair per station.) They use string and a ruler as
T: Work with a partner at your station to complete the
chart in Problem 1 of the Problem Set. Use your string
and a ruler to find the perimeters of 10 circular objects. NOTES ON
Record the perimeters in the chart to the nearest
quarter inch.
Prepare students by doing the following: EXPRESSION:
Explain how to use different color markers to mark the Support English language learners as
perimeter of each object on the string so that they can they construct their written responses
keep track of the length they are measuring. on the Problem Set. Provide sentence
starters and a word bank.
Clarify that, if necessary, students can get a new piece
Sentence starters may include
of string.
“I agree/don’t agree because …”
Discuss how to use the string and a ruler to find the Possible words for the word bank may
perimeter of a circular object that has a perimeter include the following:
greater than 12 inches. first then next finally
Remind students that they are working with a partner stretch string perimeter
and that they need to be sure the work is done measure length long because
Lesson 16: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest
quarter inch. 209
Lesson 16: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest
quarter inch. 210
Extend the discussion by having students compare the distance across the middle of a circle to the
circle’s perimeter. They can then estimate to see that the circle’s perimeter is about 3 times
Lesson 16: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest
quarter inch. 211
multiply by 9 (6–10)
Lesson 16: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest
quarter inch. 212
Name Date
1. Find the perimeter of 10 circular objects to the nearest quarter inch using string. Record the name and
perimeter of each object in the chart below.
(to the nearest quarter inch)
a. Explain the steps you used to find the perimeter of the circular objects in the chart above.
b. Could the same process be used to find the perimeter of the shape below? Why or why not?
Lesson 16: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest
quarter inch. 213
2. Can you find the perimeter of the shape below using just your ruler? Explain your answer.
3. Molly says the perimeter of the shape below is 6 inches. Use your string to check her work. Do you
agree with her? Why or why not?
4. Is the process you used to find the perimeter of a circular object an efficient method to find the perimeter
of a rectangle? Why or why not?
Lesson 16: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest
quarter inch. 214
Name Date
Use your string to the find the perimeter of the shape below to the nearest quarter inch.
Lesson 16: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest
quarter inch. 215
Name Date
1. a. Find the perimeter of 5 circular objects from home to the nearest quarter inch using string. Record
the name and perimeter of each object in the chart below.
(to the nearest quarter inch)
b. Explain the steps you used to find the perimeter of the circular objects in the chart above.
Lesson 16: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest
quarter inch. 216
2. Use your string and ruler to find the perimeter of the two shapes below to the nearest quarter inch.
3. Describe the steps you took to find the perimeter of the objects in Problem 2. Would you use this
method to find the perimeter of a square? Explain why or why not.
Lesson 16: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest
quarter inch. 217
Lesson 16: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest
quarter inch. 218
Lesson 17
Objective: Use all four operations to solve problems involving perimeter
and unknown measurements.
Note: This activity builds fluency with multiplication and division facts.
T: (Write 8 × __ = 8.) Say the equation, filling in the unknown factor.
S: 8 × 1 = 8.
T: (Write 2 × __ = 8.) Say the equation, filling in the unknown factor.
S: 2 × 4 = 8.
T: (Write ___ × 2 = 8.) Write the equation, filling in the unknown factor.
S: (Write 4 × 2 = 8.)
Continue with the following possible sequence of products: 12, 15, and 24.
Lesson 17: Use all four operations to solve problems involving perimeter and
unknown measurements. 219
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80
1 eight 2 eights 3 eights 4 eights 5 eights 6 eights 7 eights 8 eights 9 eights 10 eights
S: 1 eight, 2 eights, 3 eights, 4 eights, 5 eights, 6 eights, 7 eights, 8 eights, 9 eights, 10 eights.
T: Let’s count to 10 eights again. This time, stop when I raise my hand.
S: 1 eight, 2 eights, 3 eights.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 3 × 8 = 24.
T: Continue.
S: 4 eights, 5 eights.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 5 × 8 = 40.
T: Continue.
S: 6 eights, 7 eights, 8 eights.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 8 × 8 = 64.
T: Continue.
S: 9 eights, 10 eights.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 10 × 8 = 80.
T: Let’s count back down, starting at 10 eights.
S: 10 eights, 9 eights.
T: (Raise hand.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 9 × 8 = 72.
Continue the process going back down to 1 eight.
Lesson 17: Use all four operations to solve problems involving perimeter and
unknown measurements. 220
Gil places two regular hexagons side by side as shown to make a new shape. Each side measures
6 centimeters. Find the perimeter of his new shape.
6 cm
Note: Today’s Application Problem reviews finding the perimeter of regular shapes from Lesson 15. Students
may also choose to represent their equations as repeated addition.
Lesson 17: Use all four operations to solve problems involving perimeter and
unknown measurements. 221
Now we can see two rectangles. We can use what
we know about rectangles and the given side lengths
to find the unknown side lengths. Yeah. We know
that opposite side lengths are equal, which will help us
find the unknown side lengths.
T: Work with a partner. Use the bottom rectangle to find OF ACTION AND
the length of the dashed line.
S: If the whole bottom is 5 centimeters, then we have to Magnifying the composite figure and
subtract the 2 centimeters that we know. drawing brackets may make it easier
5 cm – 2 cm = 3 cm. The dashed line is 3 centimeters. for students to match the measures
T: (Label the length of the dashed line.) How does this with the correct sides. In addition,
help us find the value of a? consider marking ticks to show equal
MP.3 sides. If technology is available,
S: The dashed line is the side opposite of a, so a is 3, too!
consider using color to highlight the
T: (Label 3 for a.) Look at the side lengths for the top two rectangles. Alternate between a
rectangle. We know that three side lengths are one-colored composite figure and the
3 centimeters. What does that tell us about the fourth two-colored rectangles.
side length?
S: It has to be 3 centimeters, too! It’s a square!
T: Does that mean that b is 3, too?
S: No! We have to add on the side length from the bottom rectangle to find the total length of b.
T: Work with a partner to find the total length of b. (Allow students time to work.) What is the value
of b?
S: 4.
T: (Label 4 for b, and draw an arrow as shown on the previous page.) I drew an arrow to show that the
length of this entire side is 4 centimeters. Write a number sentence, including units, that shows the
perimeter of this shape.
S: (Possible number sentences include the following: 5 cm + 1 cm + 2 cm + 3 cm + 3 cm + 4 cm = 18 cm
or (3 × 3 cm) + 4 cm + 5 cm = 18 cm.)
T: What is the perimeter of the shape?
a cm
S: 18 centimeters!
T: (Erase the dashed line and draw the new dashed line as
3 cm
shown.) Discuss with a partner how you would solve by
visualizing the rectangles this way instead. b cm
2 cm
S: (Discuss.)
1 cm
Continue with the following possible shapes.
5 cm
5 in 5 in
Lesson 17: Use all four operations to solve problems involving perimeter and
unknown measurements. 222
Lesson 17: Use all four operations to solve problems involving perimeter and
unknown measurements. 223
Lesson 17: Use all four operations to solve problems involving perimeter and
unknown measurements. 224
Name Date
1. The shapes below are made up of rectangles. Label the unknown side lengths. Then, write and solve an
equation to find the perimeter of each shape.
2 cm b. 5 ft
2 ft
3 cm 1 ft
2 cm
2 ft 2 ft
4 cm
2 yd
c. d.
2 yd
4 yd
2 yd 2 yd
2 yd
7 yd
Lesson 17: Use all four operations to solve problems involving perimeter and
unknown measurements. 225
2. Nathan draws and labels the square and rectangle below. Find the perimeter of the new shape.
6 cm 6 cm
12 cm
3. Label the unknown side lengths. Then, find the perimeter of the shaded rectangle.
8 in
a in
b in
7 in
2 in
16 in
Lesson 17: Use all four operations to solve problems involving perimeter and
unknown measurements. 226
Name Date
Label the unknown side lengths. Then, find the perimeter of the shaded rectangle.
am 5m
14 m
12 m
Lesson 17: Use all four operations to solve problems involving perimeter and
unknown measurements. 227
Name Date
1. The shapes below are made up of rectangles. Label the unknown side lengths. Then, write and solve an
equation to find the perimeter of each shape.
7m 8 cm
a. b.
9m 6 cm 5 cm
3 cm
4 cm
2 cm
4m 2 cm
P= P=
c. d. 2 ft
3 ft
3 ft
6 in
7 ft 1 ft
4 in 4 in
2 in
12 in 8 ft
P= P=
Lesson 17: Use all four operations to solve problems involving perimeter and
unknown measurements. 228
2. Sari draws and labels the squares and rectangle below. Find the perimeter of the new shape.
6 cm
6 cm
6 cm
18 cm
3. Label the unknown side lengths. Then, find the perimeter of the shaded rectangle.
18 in
2 in
8 in
b in
5 in a in
Lesson 17: Use all four operations to solve problems involving perimeter and
unknown measurements. 229
Name Date
Rhombus Trapezoid
c. Which of the three shapes are quadrilaterals? Explain how you know.
2. Use your ruler and right angle tool to draw the following shapes.
b. Draw a four-sided shape with no right angles and no equal sides. Label the side lengths.
3. Mr. Cooper builds a fence to make a rectangular horse stall. The stall is 5 meters long and 7 meters wide.
How many meters of fence does Mr. Cooper use? Draw a picture and write an equation to show your
4. Jamal wants to put wood trim around his rectangular bedroom and square closet. His bedroom is 10 feet
wide and 8 feet long. His closet is 3 feet wide and 3 feet long.
Jamal’s 3 ft
8 ft
3 ft
10 ft
a. Wood trim is sold by the foot. How many feet of wood trim does Jamal need to go around his
bedroom and closet? Show your work.
b. How much more wood trim does Jamal need for his bedroom than his closet? Write and solve an
equation. Use a letter to represent the unknown.
5. The figure below is composed of rectangles. Use the picture and the descriptions to find the perimeter of
the shape. Show your work.
6. Mrs. Gomez builds a fence around her backyard. Her plan shows the fence as a dotted line below.
10 feet
15 feet
35 feet 15 feet
Together, the garage and backyard make a rectangle. The fence goes only where there is a dotted line.
How many feet of fence does Mrs. Gomez need to build? Show your work.
1 Student answers one Student answers two Student answers all Student answers all
part correctly. parts correctly. parts correctly, parts correctly.
OR including explanations a. The trapezoid is
3.G.1 Student answers all in part (c). Explanation circled.
parts correctly, but in part (c) may include b. The rhombus and
there is no explanation information that rectangle are
in part (c). reveals a possible crossed out.
misconception about c. All three shapes
the properties of are quadrilaterals.
quadrilaterals (e.g., a Explanation
statement that each includes that they
shape has at least one each have four
set of sides that do not sides.
2 Student answers one Student answers two Student correctly All answers are correct,
or fewer parts parts correctly. draws all three shapes and appropriate work
correctly. and names the shape is shown. Student:
3.G.1 in part (a). Side lengths a. Draws and names a
in parts (b) and (c) may shape with four
or may not be labeled. right angles (e.g., a
b. Draws and labels
side lengths of a
four-sided shape
with no right angles
and no equal sides.
c. Draws and labels
side lengths of a
rhombus using
triangles (may use
more than two
3 Student answer is Student answer may or Student work Student answers that
incorrect, and work may not be correct. demonstrates a Mr. Cooper uses
demonstrates an Student work shows a strategy for solving 24 meters of fence.
3.MD.8 entirely incorrect strategy for solving that makes sense for Student work
strategy (e.g., 5 × 7). that is unclear. the problem, but the demonstrates a
OR answer may be strategy for solving
Student gives only a incorrect because of a that makes sense for
correct answer with no calculation error. the problem (e.g., a
other work shown. rectangular picture of
the stall with side
lengths appropriately
labeled and an
equation like 5 + 5 +
7 + 7 = 24 or 10 + 14 =
4 Student may or may Student may or may Student answers at Student answers are all
not have a correct not have a correct least one part correct, and
answer. Student work answer. correctly; an incorrect appropriate work is
3.OA.8 is missing in one or a. Strategy may be answer in one part is shown.
both parts. unclear or the result of a a. Student answers
OR inappropriate for calculation error. 42 feet of wood
Student may or may the problem. AND trim. Student work
not have a correct b. Student answer a. Student work demonstrates a
answer. Student work may or may not demonstrates a strategy
in both parts include a letter for strategy appropriate to the
demonstrates a the unknown, and appropriate to the problem (e.g., 10 +
strategy or an equation equation may not problem. 10 + 8 + 8 + 3 + 3.)
that is inappropriate entirely match the b. Student writes an b. Student answers
for the problem. problem. appropriate that 24 more feet
equation(s) of wood trim are
including a letter needed for the
for the unknown. bedroom than for
the closet. Student
writes an
including a letter
for the unknown
(e.g., 8 + 10 + 10 +
5 = 33, 33 – (3 + 3 +
3) = w).
6 Student answer is Student work Student answer may be Student answers that
correct, but there is no demonstrates a incorrect because of a Mrs. Gomez needs to
work. strategy appropriate to calculation error. build 85 feet of fence.
3.MD.8 OR the problem, but Student work Student work
Student work several calculation demonstrates a demonstrates a
demonstrates an errors result in an strategy appropriate to strategy appropriate to
inappropriate strategy incorrect answer. the problem. the problem (e.g., 10 ft
for the problem, and + 15 ft = 25 ft and 25 ft
the answer is incorrect. + 35 ft + 15 ft + 10 ft =
85 feet, or 25 ft + 50 ft
+ 10 ft = 85 feet).
Mathematics Curriculum
Topic D
Recording Perimeter and Area Data
on Line Plots
3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1
Focus Standards: 3.MD.4 Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers marked with halves and
fourths of an inch. Show the data by making a line plot, where the horizontal scale is
marked off in appropriate units—whole numbers, halves, or quarters.
3.MD.8 Solve real world and mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons,
including finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding an unknown side length,
and exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas or with the
same area and different perimeters.
Instructional Days: 5
Coherence -Links from: G2–M6 Foundations of Multiplication and Division
G3–M6 Collecting and Displaying Data
-Links to: G4–M3 Multi-Digit Multiplication and Division
In Topic D, students utilize a line plot to draw conclusions about perimeter and area measurements.
Students use a given number of unit squares to build and determine different perimeters
of rectangles in Lesson 18. For example, given a rectangle composed of 24 unit squares,
students find there are four possible perimeters: 50, 28, 22, and 20 length units. They
draw their rectangles on grid paper and discuss the fact that rectangles with side lengths
that are equal or almost equal (squares or square-like rectangles) have smaller
perimeters than rectangles whose side lengths are very different (long and narrow
rectangles). Students continue to explore with different numbers of unit squares and
record the number of possibilities, noting when they have found all the possible
combinations. They recognize that area and perimeter are measured in different units
and conclude that, in general, there is no way of knowing an exact perimeter for any
number of unit squares without more information about the side lengths.
In Lesson 19, students use a given number of unit squares to make all possible rectangles. They construct line
plots showing the number of rectangles they constructed for each number of unit squares. Students analyze
the line plot and draw conclusions based on the data. They discuss why some numbers of unit squares, such
as 13, produce only one possible perimeter.
Using the understanding that perimeter is double the sum of the length
and width, in Lessons 20 and 21, students find the different areas of
rectangles made with unit squares and a given perimeter. For example,
they are asked to build rectangles with a perimeter of 12 unit squares
and divide 12 by 2 to find that the sum of the length and width is 6.
Students then determine that they can make three rectangles whose
lengths and widths add up to 6, which results in rectangles made with 5,
8, and 9 unit squares. Students discuss differences in the areas of
rectangles with the same perimeter. They record their findings for use
in Lesson 22, when they again construct a line plot and draw
conclusions about the data.
A Teaching Sequence Toward Mastery of Recording Perimeter and Area Data on Line Plots
Objective 1: Construct rectangles from a given number of unit squares and determine the perimeters.
(Lesson 18)
Objective 2: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed from a given number of unit
(Lesson 19)
Objective 3: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and determine their areas.
(Lessons 20–21)
Objective 4: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed in Lessons 20 and 21.
(Lesson 22)
Lesson 18
Objective: Construct rectangles from a given number of unit squares and
determine the perimeters.
Lesson 18: Construct rectangles from a given number of unit squares and
determine the perimeters. 247
T: (Write 14 at the top of the tape diagram.) Complete your diagram with equal units. Close the tape
diagram when the total value of your units reaches 14.
S: (Draw 6 more units of 2.)
T: (Write ___ × 2 = 14.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 7 × 2 = 14.
T: (Write 2 × __ = 14.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 2 × 7 = 14.
Continue with the following possible sequence: 8 units of 3, 4 units of 7, and 6 units of 9.
T: (Write 4 units below the rectangle.) What’s the width A = 8 square units
of the rectangle?
S: 2 units. P = 12 units
T: (Write 2 units to the right of the rectangle. Beneath it, write
A = ___.) On your board, write the area.
S: (Write A = 8 square units.)
T: (Write A = 8 square units. Write P = ___.) Write the perimeter of the rectangle.
S: (Write P = 12 units.)
Continue with the following possible sequence: 4-unit by 3-unit rectangle, 2-unit by 6-unit rectangle, 4-unit
by 4-unit square, 8-unit by 2-unit rectangle, and 3-unit by 6-unit rectangle.
Lesson 18: Construct rectangles from a given number of unit squares and
determine the perimeters. 248
Note: This problem activates prior knowledge about determining factors that equal a specific product. This
skill is needed in the Concept Development as students list all factors and then draw rectangles for a given
T: With your partner, use unit square tiles to build as many rectangles as you can that have an area of
18 square units. Shade unit squares on your grid paper to represent each rectangle you build, and
label the side lengths.
S: (Build and shade the rectangles.)
T: Talk to your partner. Can you build any other rectangles with your unit squares that have an area of
18 square units? How can you be sure?
S: I think we got them all. We’re really just building arrays, so we can think about multiplication facts.
We can list all the pairs of factors that make 18 when you multiply them. Then, we can check to
make sure we have a rectangle for each pair of factors.
T: Work with your partner to write all the multiplication facts you know for 18.
S: (Write 1 × 18, 2 × 9, 3 × 6, 6 × 3, 9 × 2, 18 × 1.)
T: How many facts did you come up with, and what are they? (As students share facts, list them on the
S: 6 facts!
T: How can you be sure you found them all?
S: We started at 1 and thought, “1 times what equals 18?” We wrote down facts when we found ones
that worked. We did that for every number up to 18. It’s kind of like our Find the Unknown Factors
fluency activity.
T: Which of these facts are related through
commutativity? NOTES ON
S: 1 × 18 and 18 × 1, 2 × 9 and 9 × 2, 3 × 6 and 6 × 3. MULTIPLE MEANS
T: If you ignore duplicates, how many rectangles can you OF ACTION AND
build using these facts? EXPRESSION:
S: 3. Support English language learners by
providing a word bank and allowing
T: Check your work to be sure you found all the possible
students to discuss their thoughts
rectangles that you can make with your unit square
before writing on their Problem Sets.
tiles that have an area of 18 square units.
Here is a possible sentence starter:
S: (Check work and make adjustments, if necessary.) “To find the perimeter, we need to
T: Your three rectangles look different. How do you know know…”
they have the same area? Possible words for the word bank are
S: I used 18 unit squares to make each one. When given below:
I multiply the side lengths, I get 18 for each of them. length width rectangle
different area perimeter
Lesson 18: Construct rectangles from a given number of unit squares and
determine the perimeters. 249
T: Talk to a partner. Do you think our three rectangles also have the same perimeter?
S: (Discuss with partner.)
T: Find the perimeter for each rectangle.
S: (The perimeter of the 1 by 18 rectangle is 38 units, the perimeter of the 2 by 9 rectangle is 22 units,
and the perimeter of the 3 by 6 rectangle is 18 units.)
T: Talk to your partner. Why do you think these rectangles have different perimeters?
S: The sides of the rectangles are all different lengths. But why does that matter? They all have the
same total number of square units! But the squares are arranged differently. In the 1 by 18
rectangle, a lot of the sides on each unit square are part of the perimeter. That makes this rectangle
have the greatest perimeter. But in the 2 by 9 rectangle, most unit squares have only one side
that is part of the perimeter. I get it now. Like on the 3 by 6 rectangle, some unit squares aren’t
part of the perimeter at all because they’re just stuck in the middle. That’s why it has the smallest
T: What is the relationship between the shape of the rectangle and the size of its perimeter?
S: Rectangles that are long and skinny have greater perimeters because more sides of each square are
part of the perimeter. You mean more sides of each square are counted as part of the perimeter.
Yeah, and that makes the numbers you add up greater. And that means a greater perimeter.
The ones that are wider and closer to being squares have some unit squares in the middle that
don’t have any sides that are part of the perimeter.
T: Compare the areas and perimeters of your rectangles. Do you see a connection between them?
S: The 3 by 6 rectangle has a perimeter of 18 units and an area of 18 square units. But the other
ones don’t match at all, so area and perimeter don’t go together all the time. Yeah. That must’ve
just been a coincidence that it matched up for the 18-square-unit rectangle.
Note: Students need 24 unit square tiles and grid paper to complete the Problem Set.
Lesson 18: Construct rectangles from a given number of unit squares and
determine the perimeters. 250
Lesson 18: Construct rectangles from a given number of unit squares and
determine the perimeters. 251
Name Date
1. Use unit squares to build as many rectangles as you can with an area of 24 square units. Shade in squares
on your grid paper to represent each rectangle that you made with an area of 24 square units.
a. Estimate to draw and label the side lengths of each rectangle you built in Problem 1. Then, find the
perimeter of each rectangle. One rectangle is done for you.
24 units
1 unit
b. The areas of the rectangles in part (a) above are all the same. What do you notice about the
Lesson 18: Construct rectangles from a given number of unit squares and
determine the perimeters. 252
2. Use unit square tiles to build as many rectangles as you can with an area of 16 square units. Estimate to
draw each rectangle below. Label the side lengths.
b. What is the perimeter of the square? Explain how you found your answer.
3. Doug uses square unit tiles to build rectangles with an area of 15 square units. He draws the rectangles
as shown below but forgets to label the side lengths. Doug says that Rectangle A has a greater perimeter
than Rectangle B. Do you agree? Why or why not?
Rectangle A
Rectangle B
Lesson 18: Construct rectangles from a given number of unit squares and
determine the perimeters. 253
Name Date
Tessa uses square-centimeter tiles to build rectangles with an area of 12 square centimeters. She draws the
rectangles as shown below. Label the unknown side lengths of each rectangle. Then, find the perimeter of
each rectangle.
12 cm
______ cm
P = ________
______ cm
3 cm
P = ________
6 cm
______ cm
P = ________
Lesson 18: Construct rectangles from a given number of unit squares and
determine the perimeters. 254
Name Date
1. Shade in squares on the grid below to create as many rectangles as you can with an area of 18 square
Lesson 18: Construct rectangles from a given number of unit squares and
determine the perimeters. 255
3. Estimate to draw as many rectangles as you can with an area of 20 square centimeters. Label the side
lengths of each rectangle.
a. Which rectangle above has the greatest perimeter? How do you know just by looking at its shape?
b. Which rectangle above has the smallest perimeter? How do you know just by looking at its shape?
Lesson 18: Construct rectangles from a given number of unit squares and
determine the perimeters. 256
grid paper
Lesson 18: Construct rectangles from a given number of unit squares and
determine the perimeters. 257
Lesson 19
Objective: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed
from a given number of unit squares.
Lesson 19: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed from a
given number of unit squares. 258
Marci says, “If a rectangle has a greater area than another rectangle, it must have a larger perimeter.” Do you
agree or disagree? Show an example to prove your thinking.
Students working below grade level
may find success manipulating unit
square tiles to solve the Application
Note: This problem contributes to the growing number of examples that help students conclude that there is
no relationship between area and perimeter. It also reviews using multiplication to calculate area, which
students use in today’s lesson.
Lesson 19: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed from a
given number of unit squares. 259
Part 1: Use unit square tiles to make rectangles with a given number of unit squares.
T: Read the directions for Problem 1 on your Problem Set.
S: (Read: Use unit square tiles to make rectangles for each given number of unit squares. Complete
the charts to show how many rectangles you can make for each given number of unit squares. [12,
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.] The first one is done for you. You might not use all the spaces in each chart.)
T: Look at the completed chart for 12 unit squares. It shows a 1 by 12 rectangle. Talk to a partner.
Why doesn’t the chart also list a 12 by 1 rectangle?
S: They’re really the same rectangle, just turned.
T: How do we know the chart shows all the rectangles that we can make with our 12 unit square tiles?
S: We can list the multiplication facts that equal 12 and check to make sure they’re on the chart.
T: Work with a partner and use your unit square tiles to make as many rectangles as you can for each
given number of unit squares. Record the widths and lengths of the rectangles in the charts.
Once students have completed Problem 1, take a few minutes to review the data to be sure that everyone
has the correct information because it is used in Part 2 of this lesson.
Part 2: Create a line plot to display how many rectangles can be made with a given number of unit squares.
T: Let’s record our data on the line plot in
Problem 2. (Create a line plot with the data
collected in Problem 1.)
T: What symbol will we use to represent a
rectangle on our line plot? How do you know?
S: We’ll use an X. I know because the key says an X
equals 1 rectangle.
T: Is the number line in Problem 2 fully labeled
and ready to have data plotted?
S: No!
T: What’s missing? OF ACTION AND
S: The numbers between 12 and 18. EXPRESSION:
T: Which numbers do we need to add? Ease the task of estimating to make
S: We need to add 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17. equal spaces between numbers on the
number line for students working
T: Add those numbers to the number line. Estimate to below grade level and others. Direct
make equal spaces between numbers. students to estimate and draw the
S: (Add the missing numbers.) midpoint first, if helpful. Use of grid
paper and colored pencils may also be
Lesson 19: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed from a
given number of unit squares. 260
T: Tell your partner how you’ll record the data for 12 unit squares on the line plot.
S: There were three possible rectangles for 12 unit squares, so I’ll draw 3 X’s above the number 12.
T: Go ahead and do that now. Then, plot the data for each of the other numbers of unit squares, too.
(Allow students time to work.)
T: Study your line plot, and think about a true statement to share with others about the data. (Allow
students time to think of a statement.)
S: 13 and 17 had the least number of rectangles. 12, 16, and 18 had the most. 14 and 15 had the
same number of possible rectangles. You can make 15 total rectangles using the given numbers
of unit squares. None of the odd numbers had the greatest number of rectangles.
T: Why do you think 12, 16, and 18 unit squares have the largest possible number of rectangles?
S: Because there are more factor pairs that make those numbers than the other ones.
T: Talk to a partner. Why do you think 13 and 17 unit squares have the least possible rectangles?
S: 13 and 17 had the least because they can both make only one rectangle. The only two numbers
that multiply to get 13 are 1 and 13. And the only two numbers that multiply to get 17 are 1 and 17.
T: Record your thinking on Problems 3 and 4 of your Problem Set.
Consider extending the activity by asking students to find and then plot data for numbers greater than 18 unit
Lesson Objective: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed from a given number of
unit squares.
The Student Debrief is intended to invite reflection and
active processing of the total lesson experience.
Invite students to review their solutions for the Problem
Set. They should check work by comparing answers with a
partner before going over answers as a class. Look for
misconceptions or misunderstandings that can be
addressed in the Debrief. Guide students in a
conversation to debrief the Problem Set and process the
Any combination of the questions below may be used to
lead the discussion.
For which number of unit squares in Problem 1
can a square be drawn? How do you know? Can
you brainstorm other numbers of unit squares
from which a square can be drawn? Can you
think of other numbers of unit squares, like 13
and 17, that only have one possible rectangle?
How did you come up with them?
Lesson 19: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed from a
given number of unit squares. 261
Lesson 19: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed from a
given number of unit squares. 262
Name Date
1. Use unit square tiles to make rectangles for each given number of
unit squares. Complete the charts to show how many rectangles Number of unit squares = 12
you can make for each given number of unit squares. The first
one is done for you. You might not use all the spaces in each Number of rectangles I made: 3
Width Length
1 12
2 6
3 4
Lesson 19: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed from a
given number of unit squares. 263
12 18
4. Why do some numbers of unit squares, such as 13, only produce one rectangle?
Lesson 19: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed from a
given number of unit squares. 264
Name Date
Use unit square tiles to make rectangles for the given number of unit squares. Complete the chart to show
how many rectangles you made for the given number of unit squares. You might not use all the spaces in the
Width Length
Lesson 19: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed from a
given number of unit squares. 265
Name Date
1. Cut out the unit squares at the bottom of the page. Then, use them to make rectangles for each given
number of unit squares. Complete the charts to show how many rectangles you can make for each given
number of unit squares. You might not use all the spaces in each chart.
Lesson 19: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed from a
given number of unit squares. 266
6 11
a. Luke looks at the line plot and says that all odd numbers of unit squares produce only 1 rectangle. Do
you agree? Why or why not?
b. How many X’s would you plot for 4 unit squares? Explain how you know.
Lesson 19: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed from a
given number of unit squares. 267
Lesson 20
Objective: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares
and determine their areas.
Note: This Sprint builds fluency with multiplication and division facts using units of 2.
Molly builds a rectangular playpen for her pet rabbit. The playpen has an area of 15 square yards.
a. Estimate to draw and label as many possibilities as you can for the playpen.
b. Find the perimeters of the rectangles in part (a).
c. What other information do you need in order to re-create Molly’s playpen?
Note: This reviews the concepts learned in Lessons 18 and 19. Consider inviting students to discuss whether
or not one of the rectangles from part (a) would be preferred as an outdoor playpen for a rabbit.
Lesson 20: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 268
Note: Today’s lesson includes two strategies for finding the length and width of a rectangle when the
perimeter is known. One strategy is written into the vignette, and the other is explained after the vignette.
Before delivering the lesson, read through both, and decide which is most appropriate for the class.
Depending on the class, both may be taught.
T: Read the first sentence in Problem 1.
S: (Read: Use your square unit tiles to build as many
rectangles as you can with a perimeter of 12 units.)
T: How is this problem different from the work we’ve OF ACTION AND
been doing the past few days?
S: Before, we knew the area of the rectangle and had to
Offer students the option of using a
find length and width. Now we need to use the 12-centimeter or 12-inch piece of string
perimeter to find the length and width. or wire (rather than square tiles) to
T: When we knew the area, we used pairs of factors to build rectangles with a perimeter of 12
help us find length and width. What strategy might we units in Problem 1 of the Problem Set.
use to help us when we know the perimeter?
S: We have to build or draw rectangles with different
lengths and widths and see if the perimeter is 12 units. 8 cm
That could take a long time.
T: Let’s see what we can figure out. (Project the labeled
3 cm 3 cm
rectangle and equation shown to the right.) Discuss with a
partner how this equation represents the perimeter of the
rectangle. 8 cm
S: (Discuss.) P = 2 × (3 cm + 8 cm)
T: Solve the addition fact, and rewrite the equation using the sum.
S: (Write P = 2 × 11 cm.)
T: When we multiply a number by 2, what are we doing to that number?
S: Doubling it!
T: So, this equation shows perimeter as double the sum of the width and length. Talk to a partner.
Can the perimeter of all rectangles be written as double the sum of the width and length?
MP.5 S: Yes, because all rectangles have opposite sides that are equal.
T: Let’s see how knowing that helps with Problem 1. It asks us to use unit squares to build as many
rectangles as we can that have a perimeter of 12 units. We know that the perimeter, 12 units, is
double the sum of the width and length. What is the opposite of doubling a number?
S: Dividing a number by 2. Halving a number.
Lesson 20: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 269
Lesson 20: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 270
These pairs of doubles represent double the widths and lengths, so students have to divide each
number by 2 to get the widths and lengths.
For example, given a perimeter of 22 centimeters, students could find possible side lengths as shown below.
P = 22 cm
Doubles: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
Pairs of Doubles That Add to 22: Half of These Doubles:
2 + 20 w = 1, l = 10
4 + 18 w = 2, l = 9
6 + 16 w = 3, l = 8
8 + 14 w = 4, l = 7
10 + 12 w = 5, l = 6
Lesson 20: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 271
Lesson 20: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 272
Number Correct: _______
Multiply or Divide by 2
4. 5×2= 26. 20 ÷ 2 =
5. 1×2= 27. 10 ÷ 2 =
8. 10 ÷ 2 = 30. 6÷2=
15. 10 × 2 = 37. 12 ÷ 2 =
16. 16 ÷ 2 = 38. 16 ÷ 2 =
17. 14 ÷ 2 = 39. 11 × 2 =
18. 18 ÷ 2 = 40. 22 ÷ 2 =
19. 12 ÷ 2 = 41. 12 × 2 =
20. 20 ÷ 2 = 42. 24 ÷ 2 =
Lesson 20: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 273
Number Correct: _______
Improvement: _______
Multiply or Divide by 2
6. 6÷2= 28. 20 ÷ 2 =
7. 4÷2= 29. 10 ÷ 2 =
16. 14 ÷ 2 = 38. 14 ÷ 2 =
17. 12 ÷ 2 = 39. 11 × 2 =
18. 16 ÷ 2 = 40. 22 ÷ 2 =
19. 20 ÷ 2 = 41. 12 × 2 =
20. 18 ÷ 2 = 42. 24 ÷ 2 =
Lesson 20: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 274
Name Date
1. Use your square unit tiles to build as many rectangles as you can with a perimeter of 12 units.
a. Estimate to draw your rectangles below. Label the side lengths of each rectangle.
d. The perimeters of all the rectangles are the same. What do you notice about their areas?
Lesson 20: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 275
2. Use your square unit tiles to build as many rectangles as you can with a perimeter of 14 units.
a. Estimate to draw your rectangles below. Label the side lengths of each rectangle.
c. Given a rectangle’s perimeter, what other information do you need to know about the rectangle to
find its area?
Lesson 20: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 276
Name Date
Use your square unit tiles to build as many rectangles as you can with a perimeter of 8 units.
a. Estimate to draw your rectangles below. Label the side lengths of each rectangle.
Lesson 20: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 277
Name Date
1. Cut out the unit squares at the bottom of the page. Then, use them to make as many rectangles as you
can with a perimeter of 10 units.
a. Estimate to draw your rectangles below. Label the side lengths of each rectangle.
Lesson 20: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 278
2. Gino uses unit square tiles to make rectangles with a perimeter of 14 units. He draws his rectangles as
shown below. Using square unit tiles, can Gino make another rectangle that has a perimeter of 14 units?
Explain your answer.
4 units
6 units
1 unit
3 units
c. Estimate to draw a different rectangle that has the same perimeter as Katie’s square.
Lesson 20: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 279
Name Date
Use the data you gathered from Problem Sets 20 and 21 to complete the charts to show how many rectangles
you can create with a given perimeter. You might not use all the spaces in the charts.
Number of rectangles you made: _____ Number of rectangles you made: _____
Width Length Area Width Length Area
1 unit 4 units 4 square units
Number of rectangles you made: _____ Number of rectangles you made: _____
Width Length Area Width Length Area
Number of rectangles you made: _____ Number of rectangles you made: _____
Width Length Area Width Length Area
Lesson 20: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 280
Lesson 21
Objective: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares
and determine their areas.
Note: This Sprint builds fluency with multiplication and division facts using units of 3.
Note: This problem reviews Lesson 20. If time allows, invite students to discuss which rectangular target they
would want to try to hit by throwing a ball from the opposite side of the gym.
Lesson 21: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 281
Materials: (S) Centimeter grid paper (Template), Problem Set, personal white board
Lesson 21: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 282
Lesson Objective: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and determine their areas.
The Student Debrief is intended to invite reflection and active processing of the total lesson experience.
Invite students to review their solutions for the Problem Set. They should check work by comparing answers
with a partner before going over answers as a class. Look for misconceptions or misunderstandings that can
be addressed in the Debrief. Guide students in a conversation to debrief the Problem Set and process the
Any combination of the questions below may be used to lead the discussion.
Compare the rectangles you drew on your grid paper for Problems 1 and 2. What patterns do you
see in the side lengths?
Look at the charts in Problem 3. Can a rectangle with a perimeter of 10 units have a greater area
than a rectangle with a perimeter of 20 units? How do you know?
Share your answers to Problem 4. Do you know for sure what Macy’s and Gavin’s rectangles look
like? Why or why not?
Lesson 21: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 283
Lesson 21: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 284
Number Correct: _______
Multiply or Divide by 3
4. 5×3= 26. 30 ÷ 3 =
5. 1×3= 27. 15 ÷ 3 =
8. 15 ÷ 3 = 30. 9÷3=
15. 10 × 3 = 37. 18 ÷ 3 =
16. 24 ÷ 3 = 38. 24 ÷ 3 =
17. 21 ÷ 3 = 39. 11 × 3 =
18. 27 ÷ 3 = 40. 33 ÷ 3 =
19. 18 ÷ 3 = 41. 12 × 3 =
20. 30 ÷ 3 = 42. 36 ÷ 3 =
Lesson 21: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 285
Number Correct: _______
Improvement: _______
Multiply or Divide by 3
6. 9÷3= 28. 30 ÷ 3 =
7. 6÷3= 29. 15 ÷ 3 =
8. 12 ÷ 3 = 30. 9÷3=
16. 21 ÷ 3 = 38. 21 ÷ 3 =
17. 18 ÷ 3 = 39. 11 × 3 =
18. 24 ÷ 3 = 40. 33 ÷ 3 =
19. 30 ÷ 3 = 41. 12 × 3 =
20. 27 ÷ 3 = 42. 36 ÷ 3 =
Lesson 21: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 286
Name Date
1. On your centimeter grid paper, shade and label as many rectangles as you can with a perimeter of
16 centimeters.
a. Sketch the rectangles below, and label the side lengths.
2. On your centimeter grid paper, shade and label as many rectangles as you can with a perimeter of 18
a. Sketch the rectangles below, and label the side lengths.
Lesson 21: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 287
3. Use centimeter grid paper to shade in as many rectangles as you can with the given perimeters.
a. Use the charts below to show how many rectangles you shaded for each given perimeter. You might
not use all the spaces in the charts.
Perimeter = 10 cm Perimeter = 20 cm
b. Did you make a square with either of the given perimeters? How do you know?
4. Macy and Gavin both draw rectangles with perimeters of 16 centimeters. Use words and pictures to
explain how it is possible for Macy’s and Gavin’s rectangles to have the same perimeters but different
Lesson 21: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 288
Name Date
On the grid below, shade and label at least two different rectangles with a perimeter of 20 centimeters.
Lesson 21: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 289
Name Date
a. Shade Margo’s rectangles on the grid below. Label the length and width of each rectangle.
c. The perimeters of the rectangles are the same. What do you notice about the areas?
Lesson 21: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 290
2. Tanner uses unit squares to build rectangles that have a perimeter of 18 units. He creates the chart
below to record his findings.
a. Complete Tanner’s chart. You might not use all the spaces in the chart.
Perimeter = 18 units
b. Explain how you found the widths and lengths in the chart above.
3. Jason and Dina both draw rectangles with perimeters of 12 centimeters, but their rectangles have
different areas. Explain with words, pictures, and numbers how this is possible.
Lesson 21: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 291
Lesson 21: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 292
Name Date
Use the data you gathered from Problem Sets 20 and 21 to complete the charts to show how many rectangles
you can create with a given perimeter. You might not use all the spaces in the charts.
Number of rectangles you made: _____ Number of rectangles you made: _____
Width Length Area Width Length Area
1 unit 4 units 4 square units
Number of rectangles you made: _____ Number of rectangles you made: _____
Width Length Area Width Length Area
Number of rectangles you made: _____ Number of rectangles you made: _____
Width Length Area Width Length Area
Lesson 21: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and
determine their areas. 293
Lesson 22
Objective: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed
in Lessons 20 and 21.
Lesson 22: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed in
Lessons 20 and 21. 294
Lesson 22: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed in
Lessons 20 and 21. 295
T: Use your ruler to measure the side lengths of your rectangle to the nearest quarter inch.
S: (Measure the side lengths.)
T: Are the side lengths of your rectangle whole numbers?
S: No. They have fractions of inches!
T: That’s right! Your rectangle has an odd perimeter because the side lengths aren’t whole numbers.
Use this information to help you answer Problem 2. (Why are all of the perimeter measurements
even? Do all rectangles have an even perimeter?)
S: (Answer Problem 2.)
T: Now, study the data on your line plot. Think of a true statement to share about the data. (Allow
students time to think, and then invite them to share.)
S: We made the most rectangles with a perimeter of 20 units. We made the fewest rectangles with
a perimeter of 10 units. We made the same number of rectangles with perimeters of 12 and
14 units and 16 and 18 units. We made a total of 21 rectangles from these six perimeters.
The number of rectangles is mostly growing as the perimeter measurement gets larger.
T: Let me show you what the line plot looks like with more measurements. (Project Template 1, shown
to the right.) What pattern do you notice in the data? Template 1
S: Starting with 8, the number of rectangles grows
for every other measurement. Not just that,
but they grow in pairs. Look. 4 and 6 are the
same. Then, 8 and 10 are the same, except they
grow by 1 more possible rectangle. It’s like that
all the way to 30!
T: Using this pattern, how many rectangles do you think you could build with unit squares, given
perimeters of 32 units and 34 units?
S: Both would be 8 rectangles since each pair of measurements grows by 1.
T: Use your ruler to help you cut an inch off your string. (Allow students time
to cut.) How long is your string now? Template 2
S: 10 inches.
T: (Pass out Template 2, shown to the right.) Working with your partner, use
your string to measure the perimeters of these rectangles. (Allow students
time to measure.) What did you notice about the perimeters of these
S: They’re all 10 inches!
T: Use your ruler to measure the side lengths of Rectangle A to the nearest
quarter inch. (Allow students time to measure.) Are the side lengths of
this rectangle whole numbers?
S: No. They have fractions of inches.
T: On your line plot, it shows that you only made two rectangles with a perimeter of 10, but here we
have four rectangles with a perimeter of 10. When we have side lengths that are not whole
numbers, we can find more rectangles for given perimeters than our line plot shows.
Lesson 22: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed in
Lessons 20 and 21. 296
Lesson 22: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed in
Lessons 20 and 21. 297
They should check work by comparing answers with a partner before going over answers as a class. Look for
misconceptions or misunderstandings that can be addressed in the Debrief. Guide students in a conversation
to debrief the Problem Set and process the lesson.
Any combination of the questions below may be used to
lead the discussion.
How did using a ruler help you partition your
number line evenly?
How does a line plot make data easier to read
and compare?
Share your answers to Problem 4.
Did you agree with Alicia in Problem 5? Why or
why not?
What did using the string in today’s lesson help
you discover about perimeter?
What do you notice about the connection
between area and perimeter?
Lesson 22: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed in
Lessons 20 and 21. 298
Number Correct: _______
Multiply or Divide by 4
4. 5×4= 26. 40 ÷ 4 =
5. 1×4= 27. 20 ÷ 4 =
7. 12 ÷ 4 = 29. 8÷4=
8. 20 ÷ 4 = 30. 12 ÷ 4 =
15. 10 × 4 = 37. 24 ÷ 4 =
16. 32 ÷ 4 = 38. 32 ÷ 4 =
17. 28 ÷ 4 = 39. 11 × 4 =
18. 36 ÷ 4 = 40. 44 ÷ 4 =
19. 24 ÷ 4 = 41. 12 ÷ 4 =
20. 40 ÷ 4 = 42. 48 ÷ 4 =
Lesson 22: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed in
Lessons 20 and 21. 299
Number Correct: _______
Improvement: _______
Multiply or Divide by 4
6. 12 ÷ 4 = 28. 40 ÷ 4 =
7. 8÷4= 29. 20 ÷ 4 =
8. 16 ÷ 4 = 30. 12 ÷ 4 =
16. 28 ÷ 4 = 38. 28 ÷ 4 =
17. 24 ÷ 4 = 39. 11 × 4 =
18. 32 ÷ 4 = 40. 44 ÷ 4 =
19. 40 ÷ 4 = 41. 12 × 4 =
20. 36 ÷ 4 = 42. 48 ÷ 4 =
Lesson 22: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed in
Lessons 20 and 21. 300
Name Date
1. Use the data you gathered from your Problem Sets to create a line plot for the number of rectangles you
created with each given perimeter.
2. Why are all of the perimeter measurements even? Do all rectangles have an even perimeter?
Lesson 22: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed in
Lessons 20 and 21. 301
3. Compare the two line plots we created. Is there any reason to think that knowing only the area of a
rectangle would help you to figure out its perimeter or knowing only the perimeter of a rectangle would
help you figure out its area?
4. Sumi uses unit square tiles to build 3 rectangles that have an area of 32 square units. Does knowing this
help her find the number of rectangles she can build for a perimeter of 32 units? Why or why not?
5. George draws 3 rectangles that have a perimeter of 14 centimeters. Alicia tells George that there are
more than 3 rectangles that have a perimeter of 14 centimeters. Explain why Alicia is correct.
Lesson 22: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed in
Lessons 20 and 21. 302
Name Date
Suppose you have a rectangle with a perimeter of 2 cm. What can you conclude about the side lengths? Can
all 4 sides of the rectangle measure a whole number of centimeters?
Lesson 22: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed in
Lessons 20 and 21. 303
Name Date
1. The following line plot shows the number of rectangles a student made using square unit tiles. Use the
line plot to answer the questions below.
a. Why are all of the perimeter measurements even? Do all rectangles have even perimeters?
b. Explain the pattern in the line plot. What types of side lengths make this pattern possible?
c. How many X’s would you draw for a perimeter of 32? Explain how you know.
Lesson 22: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed in
Lessons 20 and 21. 304
2. Luis uses square inch tiles to build a rectangle with a perimeter of 24 inches. Does knowing this help him
find the number of rectangles he can build with an area of 24 square inches? Why or why not?
3. Esperanza makes a rectangle with a piece of string. She says the perimeter of her rectangle is 33
centimeters. Explain how it’s possible for her rectangle to have an odd perimeter.
Lesson 22: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed in
Lessons 20 and 21. 305
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
line plot
Lesson 22: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed in Lessons 20 and 21.
Minds.Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Rectangle A
Rectangle B
Rectangle C
Rectangle D
Lesson 22: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed in
Lessons 20 and 21. 307
Mathematics Curriculum
Topic E
Problem Solving with Perimeter and
3.MD.8, 3.G.1
Focus Standards: 3.MD.8 Solve real world and mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons,
including finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding an unknown side length,
and exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas or with the
same area and different perimeters.
3.G.1 Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombuses, rectangles, and
others) may share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes
can define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles,
and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do
not belong to any of these subcategories.
Instructional Days: 8
Coherence -Links from: G2–M6 Foundations of Multiplication and Division
G3–M3 Multiplication and Division with Units of 0, 1, 6–9, and Multiples of 10
G3–M4 Multiplication and Area
-Links to: G4–M3 Multi-Digit Multiplication and Division
In Topic E, students solve problems with perimeter and area. Lesson 23 focuses on solving a variety of word
problems involving perimeter. This provides students an opportunity to use multiplication and division
strategies to solve problems about perimeter.
Students use rectangles and circles to create robots and environments for the robots using specified
perimeter measurements in Lessons 24 through 27. They reason about the different whole number side
lengths that may be produced for a given perimeter. For example, when given the requirement that the
perimeter of the arms of the robot must be 14 inches, students experiment and draw different possibilities
for rectangles to determine which ones they prefer for the robot’s arms. Students cut out and assemble the
parts of the robot from grid or construction paper and compare their robots with those of their peers. This
comparison leads to a discussion about the different areas that are generated for their classmates’ robot
bodies, despite the fact that they have the same given perimeter. The final lesson in this sequence provides
an opportunity for peer review and critique.
Students return to problem solving in Lessons 28 and 29, this time working with a variety of word problems
involving both area and perimeter. For example, if students are given both the length and the width of a
rectangular football field, they should be able to determine both the perimeter and the area of the field.
In these lessons, students explore and develop strategies for solving a sequence of increasingly complex
problems. In Lesson 30, students further develop analyzing and critiquing skills. They initially discuss
anonymous student work samples before sharing their own work and receiving feedback in small groups.
A Teaching Sequence Toward Mastery of Problem Solving with Perimeter and Area
Objective 1: Solve a variety of word problems with perimeter.
(Lesson 23)
Objective 2: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter measurements, and reason about
the different areas that may be produced.
(Lessons 24–27)
Objective 3: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all four operations.
(Lessons 28–29)
Lesson 23
Objective: Solve a variety of word problems with perimeter.
Note: This Sprint builds fluency with multiplication and division facts using units of 5.
Problem 1: Gale makes a miniature stop sign, a regular octagon, with a perimeter of 48 centimeters for the
town he built with blocks. What is the length of each side of the stop sign?
Students might solve by first drawing an octagon, then labeling a side length with a letter, and dividing the
perimeter (48 cm) by the number of sides on an octagon (8).
Problem 2: Travis bends wire to make rectangles. Each rectangle measures 34 inches by 12 inches. What is
the total length of the wire needed for two rectangles?
This is a two-step problem. Students find the perimeter of one rectangle and then add to find the perimeter
of two rectangles. They should recognize that the total perimeter of two rectangles is equal to the total
length of wire needed. To solve the first step, students might draw a rectangle, label the side lengths, and
find the perimeter. In the second step, students might use a variety of strategies to solve 92 + 92, including
using the standard algorithm or adding like units: 9 tens plus 9 tens equals 18 tens, and 2 ones plus 2 ones
equals 4 ones, and 18 tens 4 ones equals 184.
Problem 5: Mischa makes a 4-foot by 6-foot rectangular banner. She puts ribbon around the outside edges.
The ribbon costs $2 per foot. What is the total cost of the ribbon?
Students recognize that the length of the ribbon is equal to the perimeter of the banner, so they find the
perimeter of the banner (20 feet). They might calculate the cost of the ribbon by multiplying its length
(20 feet) by the cost ($2 per foot). Students can use a variety of strategies to solve, including turning it into a
doubles addition fact or thinking of it as 2 tens times 2. Students might also calculate the cost of the ribbon
for each side and then add to find the total cost. Encourage drawing the rectangular banner with the side
lengths labeled. In the second step, encourage using a letter to represent the unknown cost of the ribbon.
Problem 6: Colton buys a roll of wire fencing that is 120 yards long. He uses it to fence in his 18-yard by
24-yard rectangular garden. Will Colton have enough wire fencing left over to fence in a 6-yard by 8-yard
rectangular play space for his pet rabbit?
To solve, students need to find the perimeter of the garden, the difference between the length of the wire
fencing and the perimeter of the garden, and the perimeter of the rabbit’s play space. Students then
compare the amount of leftover fencing to the perimeter of the rabbit’s play space to determine whether or
not Colton has enough left over.
Number Correct: _______
Multiply or Divide by 5
4. 5×5= 26. 50 ÷ 5 =
5. 1×5= 27. 25 ÷ 5 =
6. 10 ÷ 5 = 28. 5÷5=
7. 15 ÷ 5 = 29. 10 ÷ 5 =
8. 25 ÷ 5 = 30. 15 ÷ 5 =
15. 10 × 5 = 37. 30 ÷ 5 =
16. 40 ÷ 5 = 38. 40 ÷ 5 =
17. 35 ÷ 5 = 39. 11 × 5 =
18. 45 ÷ 5 = 40. 55 ÷ 5 =
19. 30 ÷ 5 = 41. 15 ÷ 5 =
20. 50 ÷ 5 = 42. 60 ÷ 5 =
Number Correct: _______
Improvement: _______
Multiply or Divide by 5
4. 4×5= 26. 10 ÷ 5 =
6. 15 ÷ 5 = 28. 50 ÷ 5 =
7. 10 ÷ 5 = 29. 25 ÷ 5 =
8. 20 ÷ 5 = 30. 15 ÷ 5 =
16. 35 ÷ 5 = 38. 35 ÷ 5 =
17. 30 ÷ 5 = 39. 11 × 5 =
18. 40 ÷ 5 = 40. 55 ÷ 5 =
19. 50 ÷ 5 = 41. 12 × 5 =
20. 45 ÷ 5 = 42. 60 ÷ 5 =
Name Date
1. Gale makes a miniature stop sign, a regular octagon, with a perimeter of 48 centimeters for the town he
built with blocks. What is the length of each side of the stop sign?
2. Travis bends wire to make rectangles. Each rectangle measures 34 inches by 12 inches. What is the total
length of the wire needed for two rectangles?
3. The perimeter of a rectangular bathroom is 32 feet. The width of the room is 8 feet. What is the length
of the room?
4. Raj uses 6-inch square tiles to make a rectangle, as shown below. What is the perimeter of the rectangle
in inches?
6 in
5. Mischa makes a 4-foot by 6-foot rectangular banner. She puts ribbon around the outside edges.
The ribbon costs $2 per foot. What is the total cost of the ribbon?
6. Colton buys a roll of wire fencing that is 120 yards long. He uses it to fence in his 18-yard by 24-yard
rectangular garden. Will Colton have enough wire fencing left over to fence in a 6-yard by 8-yard
rectangular play space for his pet rabbit?
Name Date
Adriana traces a regular triangle to create the shape below. The perimeter of her shape is 72 centimeters.
What are the side lengths of the triangle?
Name Date
1. Rosie draws a square with a perimeter of 36 inches. What are the side lengths of the square?
2. Judith uses craft sticks to make two 24-inch by 12-inch rectangles. What is the total perimeter of the
2 rectangles?
3. An architect draws a square and a rectangle, as shown below, to represent a house that has a garage.
What is the total perimeter of the house with its attached garage?
55 ft 30 ft
40 ft
4. Manny draws 3 regular pentagons to create the shape shown below. The perimeter of 1 of the
pentagons is 45 inches. What is the perimeter of Manny’s new shape?
5. Johnny uses 2-inch square tiles to make a square, as shown below. What is the perimeter of Johnny’s
2 in
6. Lisa tapes three 7-inch by 9-inch pieces of construction paper together to make a happy birthday sign for
her mom. She uses a piece of ribbon that is 144 inches long to make a border around the outside edges
of the sign. How much ribbon is leftover?
9 in
7 in
Lesson 24
Objective: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
Multiply by 6 (8 minutes)
Materials: (S) Multiply by 6 (6–10) Pattern Sheet
Note: This activity builds fluency with multiplication facts using units of 6. It works toward students knowing
from memory all products of two one-digit numbers. See Lesson 1 for the directions for administration of a
Multiply-By Pattern Sheet.
T: (Write 7 × 6 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by sixes. I’ll raise a finger for each six. (Raise a finger for
each number to track the count.)
S: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42.
T: Let’s skip-count up by sixes starting at 30. Why is 30 a good place to start?
S: It is a fact we already know, so we can use it to figure out a fact we do not know.
T: (Track with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 30 (5 fingers), 36 (6 fingers), 42 (7 fingers).
T: Let’s see how we can skip-count down to find the answer, too. Start at 60 with 10 fingers, 1 for each
six. (Count down with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 60 (10 fingers), 54 (9 fingers), 48 (8 fingers), 42 (7 fingers).
Continue with the following possible sequence: 9 × 6, 6 × 6, and 8 × 6.
T: (Distribute the Multiply by 6 Pattern Sheet.) Let’s practice multiplying by 6. Be sure to work left to
right across the page.
P = 24 cm
P = 90 in P = 48 m
Note: The whole-class portion of the Concept Development should take about 15 minutes, with the
remainder of the time allotted to be used for completing the Problem Set. Save today’s Problem Set for use
in Lessons 25–26.
T: Today, you will use all you have learned about
perimeter and area to start designing a robot and an NOTES ON
environment for it. We’ll work on this for four days, so MULTIPLE MEANS
today we will just do our planning. Read the directions OF ACTION AND
for completing the chart on the first page of the EXPRESSION:
Problem Set.
When introducing and giving
S: (Read: Use the given perimeters in the chart below to instructions for designing a robot and
choose the widths and lengths of your robot’s its environment, it may be necessary to
rectangular body parts. Write the widths and lengths make certain adjustments for English
in the chart below. Use the blank rows if you want to language learners. Speaking slower,
add extra rectangular body parts to your robot.) pausing more frequently, giving an
example, using visual aids or gestures
T: We will not be working with fractional units, only
while checking for understanding, and
whole numbers, throughout the project. Talk to a
explaining in students’ first languages
partner. How can you use the given perimeters to find may prove helpful.
possible widths and lengths of each robot body part?
Lesson Objective: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter measurements, and reason about
the different areas that may be produced.
The Student Debrief is intended to invite reflection and active processing of the total lesson experience.
Invite students to review their solutions for the Problem Set. They should check work by comparing answers
with a partner before going over answers as a class. Look for misconceptions or misunderstandings that can
be addressed in the Debrief. Guide students in a conversation to debrief the Problem Set and process the
Any combination of the questions below may be used to
lead the discussion.
Which body part has the greatest perimeter?
Why? The smallest perimeter? Why?
The perimeter of the body is double the
perimeter of an arm. Are the width and length of
your robot’s body double the width and length of
its arm? Why or why not?
The perimeter of the neck is half the perimeter of
the head. Are the width and length of your
robot’s neck half the width and length of its
head? Why or why not?
Explain to a partner how you found the width and
length of your robot’s house. What shape house
will your robot have? How do you know?
What extra body parts or items for the
environment did you plan? What shapes are
your extra body parts or items?
multiply by 6 (6–10)
Name Date
Use the given perimeters in the chart below to choose the widths and lengths of your robot’s rectangular
body parts. Write the widths and lengths in the chart below. Use the blank rows if you want to add extra
rectangular body parts to your robot.
H __________ cm by __________cm
I __________ cm by __________cm
Use the information in the chart below to plan an environment for your robot. Write the width and length for
each rectangular item. Use the blank rows if you want to add extra circular or rectangular items to your
robot’s environment.
__________ cm by __________cm
K house rectangle 82 cm
__________ cm by __________cm
M tree trunk rectangle 30 cm
__________ cm by __________cm
O tree trunk rectangle 20 cm
Name Date
Estimate to draw three different rectangles with a perimeter of 16 centimeters. Label the width and length of
each rectangle.
Name Date
1. Brian draws a square with a perimeter of 24 inches. What is the width and length of the square?
a. Estimate to draw as many different rectangles as you can that have a perimeter of 18 centimeters.
Label the width and length of each rectangle.
A 6 cm __________ cm by __________ cm
B 10 cm __________ cm by __________ cm
C 14 cm __________ cm by __________ cm
b. Double the perimeters of the rectangles in part (a). Then, find possible widths and lengths.
A 12 cm __________ cm by __________ cm
B __________ cm by __________ cm
C __________ cm by __________ cm
Lesson 25
Objective: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
Note: This Sprint builds fluency with multiplication and division facts using units of 6.
Students use today’s Problem Set to map out the robot in its
environment. Once they have their maps completed, students create
just their robots using the widths and lengths they recorded on the
Problem Set in Lesson 24. Give them the option of cutting their
rectangles out of centimeter grid paper or creating rectangles on
construction paper with a right angle tool and ruler. Once all pieces for
the robot are cut, students can glue the pieces to a 12″ × 18″ piece of
construction paper.
To prepare students:
Inform students that they will sketch a map of their robot in their
environment on the Problem Set. The widths, lengths, and perimeters
of the rectangles need to be labeled. Circular items should be labeled
with their perimeters. This map will be used again in Lesson 26 as
students construct their robot’s environment.
Inform students they may use either centimeter grid paper or a right
angle tool and ruler to create their rectangular robot pieces. Those who Figure A Figure B
use centimeter grid paper might color their pieces if time allows.
Let students know that their peers will analyze their work. It is important to glue pieces on the
MP.6 12″ × 18″ construction paper without affecting the perimeters of the objects, as in Figure A above.
Demonstrate that the measurable perimeter of the tree trunk changes with the placement of the
tree top in Figure B.
Inform students that they will have time
during the next lesson to put the
finishing touches on their robots if they
do not have enough time today.
Share the Evaluation Rubric (pictured to
the right and included at the end of the
lesson) with students so they know the
expectations for the finished product.
Note: This Evaluation Rubric is for teacher use. Students
use a different form to analyze one another’s work for
accuracy in Lesson 27. If an anonymous process is
preferred for the student analysis, have students identify
their work with a number or other symbol, rather than by
Number Correct: _______
Multiply or Divide by 6
4. 5×6= 26. 60 ÷ 6 =
5. 1×6= 27. 30 ÷ 6 =
6. 12 ÷ 6 = 28. 6÷6=
7. 18 ÷ 6 = 29. 12 ÷ 6 =
8. 30 ÷ 6 = 30. 18 ÷ 6 =
15. 10 × 6 = 37. 36 ÷ 6 =
16. 48 ÷ 6 = 38. 48 ÷ 6 =
17. 42 ÷ 6 = 39. 11 × 6 =
18. 54 ÷ 6 = 40. 66 ÷ 6 =
19. 36 ÷ 6 = 41. 12 × 6 =
20. 60 ÷ 6 = 42. 72 ÷ 6 =
Number Correct: _______
Improvement: _______
Multiply or Divide by 6
4. 4×6= 26. 12 ÷ 6 =
6. 18 ÷ 6 = 28. 60 ÷ 6 =
7. 12 ÷ 6 = 29. 30 ÷ 6 =
8. 24 ÷ 6 = 30. 18 ÷ 6 =
16. 42 ÷ 6 = 38. 42 ÷ 6 =
17. 36 ÷ 6 = 39. 11 × 6 =
18. 48 ÷ 6 = 40. 66 ÷ 6 =
19. 60 ÷ 6 = 41. 12 × 6 =
20. 54 ÷ 6 = 42. 72 ÷ 6 =
Name Date
Draw a picture of your robot in its environment in the space below. Label the widths, lengths, and perimeters
of all rectangles. Label the perimeters of all circular shapes.
Name Date
1. Sketch rectangles with the following perimeters. Label the side lengths.
a. 22 cm
b. 30 cm
2. Explain the steps you took to create the rectangles with the given perimeters.
Name Date
The robot below is made of rectangles. The side lengths of each rectangle are labeled. Find the perimeter of
each rectangle, and record it in the table on the next page.
4 cm
4 cm A
2 cm
2 cm B
5 cm 5 cm
2 cm D E 2 cm
8 cm C
6 cm
7 cm F G 7 cm
2 cm 2 cm
Rectangle Perimeter
P = 4 × 4 cm
P = 16 cm
Name Date
Evaluation Rubric
4 3 2 1 Subtotal
Perimeter Perimeter Perimeter Perimeter
calculations for calculations calculations calculations
all shapes are include 1 to 2 include 3 to 4 include 5 or _____/4
correct, and errors, and errors, and at more errors,
both evaluations both least 1 and at least 1
of a classmate’s evaluations of evaluation of a evaluation of a
project have a classmate’s classmate’s classmate’s
been completed. project have project has project has
been been been
completed. completed. completed.
Name Date
Evaluation Rubric
4 3 2 1 Subtotal
Perimeter Perimeter Perimeter Perimeter
calculations for calculations calculations calculations
all shapes are include 1 to 2 include 3 to 4 include 5 or _____/4
correct, and errors, and errors, and at more errors,
both evaluations both least 1 and at least 1
of a classmate’s evaluations of evaluation of a evaluation of a
project have a classmate’s classmate’s classmate’s
been completed. project have project has project has
been been been
completed. completed. completed.
Lesson 26
Objective: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
Multiply by 7 (8 minutes)
Materials: (S) Multiply by 7 (6–10) Pattern Sheet
Note: This activity builds fluency with multiplication facts using units of 7. It works toward students knowing
from memory all products of two one-digit numbers. See Lesson 1 for the directions for administration of a
Multiply-By Pattern Sheet.
T: (Write 7 × 7 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by sevens.
I’ll raise a finger for each seven. (Raise a finger for NOTES ON
each number to track the count.) MULTIPLE MEANS
S: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49. OF ACTION AND
T: Let’s skip-count up by sevens starting at 35. Why is
Adjust the Multiply by 7 fluency activity
35 a good place to start?
according to student needs. For
S: It’s a fact we already know. It can help us figure out a English language learners, try speaking
fact we don’t know. more slowly, pausing more frequently,
T: (Track with fingers as students say the numbers.) giving an example, or coupling
language with visual aids such as arrays
S: 35 (5 fingers), 42 (6 fingers), 49 (7 fingers).
or tape diagrams. Students who have
not memorized the 7 skip-count may
benefit from repeating the count many
T: Let’s see how we can skip-count down to find the answer, too. Start at 70 with 10 fingers, 1 for each
seven. (Count down with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 70 (10 fingers), 63 (9 fingers), 56 (8 fingers), 49 (7 fingers).
Continue with the following possible sequence: 9 × 7, 6 × 7, and 8 × 7.
T: (Distribute the Multiply by 7 Pattern Sheet.) Let’s practice multiplying by 7. Be sure to work left to
right across the page.
Find the Side Lengths (3 minutes)
Materials: (S) Personal white board OF ENGAGEMENT:
Scaffold the Find the Side Lengths
Note: This activity reviews Lesson 23. fluency activity for students working
below grade level with graduated
T: (Project Image A. Beneath it, write ___ cm ÷ ___ = ___
cm.) Each side of the triangle is the same length. The
perimeter of this shape is 80 cm. Find the side lengths What is the perimeter of Image A?
Each triangle side is the same
of each triangle by filling in the missing numbers.
S: (Write 80 cm ÷ 8 = 10 cm.)
How many triangle sides do you
count around the perimeter?
Image A P = 80 cm Count with me.
Say the division sentence to solve
for the side length.
Repeat the process for Images B and C, which are composed of
squares and regular pentagons.
Image B
Image C
P = 90 m P = 64 in
Materials: (S) Ruler, scissors, string, Problem Sets from Lessons 25 and 26, circles (A–F) (Template)
S: (Discuss.)
T: What does this tell you about the relationship
between area and perimeter?
S: That we can have many different areas for the
same perimeter. They are two separate
things. Maybe there is not really a connection
between them.
T: Take some time to record your answers to
Problem 1 (a) and (b).
S: (Record.)
multiply by 7 (6–10)
Name Date
1. Collect the area measurements of your classmates’ robot bodies. Make a line plot using everyone’s area
a. How many different measurements are on the line plot? Why are the measurements different?
b. What does this tell you about the relationship between area and perimeter?
2. Measure and calculate the perimeter of your construction paper in inches. Show your work below.
3. Sketch and label two shapes with the same perimeter from the robot’s environment. What do you
notice about the way they look?
4. Write two or three sentences describing your robot and the environment in which it lives.
Name Date
1. Use string to help you sketch a circle with a perimeter of about 15 centimeters.
2. Estimate to draw a rectangle with a perimeter of 15 centimeters. Label the width and length.
Name Date
4 cm 5 cm
4 cm Rectangle A 3 cm Rectangle B
e. Use your answers to parts (a–d) to help you explain the relationship between area and perimeter.
2. Each student in Mrs. Dutra’s class draws a rectangle with whole number side lengths and a perimeter of
28 centimeters. Then, they find the area of each rectangle and create the table below.
a. Give two examples from Mrs. Dutra’s class to show how it is possible to have different areas for
rectangles that have the same perimeter.
b. Did any students in Mrs. Dutra’s class draw a square? Explain how you know.
c. What are the side lengths of the rectangle that most students in Mrs. Dutra’s class made with a
perimeter of 28 centimeters?
circles (A–F)
Lesson 27
Objective: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
5 in
Perimeter = 12 in 5 cm Perimeter = 14 cm
Materials: (T) Completed sample robot project, Evaluation Rubric (S) Ruler, 3 strings from Lesson 26, sample
Problem Set (Template) (per pair), Problem Set
Note: Students may analyze one another’s work anonymously. If that is best for the class, be sure that work
is labeled with a number or symbol rather than with student names.
Sample Robot
Part A: Robot Evaluation
T: (Project a sample robot as shown to the right. Consider using
blank paper to cover the environment to help students focus
on the robot.) Here is a finished robot. Let’s analyze the
work. How can we check the measurements and perimeter
S: We can use rulers to check the measurements and then add
to double-check the perimeters.
T: (Pass out the Template, shown to the right.) To analyze the
accuracy of this robot, I used my ruler to measure the widths
and lengths of each body part and recorded them on the chart Sample Problem Set Template
in front of you. Then, I calculated the perimeter of Rectangle A
and checked it with the required perimeter, labeled in the final
column. Check my calculation for Rectangle A. Does it match
the required perimeter?
S: Yes. They are both 14 centimeters.
T: Work with a partner to finish calculating the rest of the
perimeters using the given lengths and widths. If you find that
your measurements differ from the required perimeter, put a
star by the letter of the rectangle.
S: (Calculate the perimeters.)
T: What did you find?
S: These perimeters are all correct!
Number Correct: _______
Multiply or Divide by 7
4. 5×7= 26. 70 ÷ 7 =
5. 1×7= 27. 35 ÷ 7 =
6. 14 ÷ 7 = 28. 7÷7=
7. 21 ÷ 7 = 29. 14 ÷ 7 =
8. 35 ÷ 7 = 30. 21 ÷ 7 =
15. 10 × 7 = 37. 42 ÷ 7 =
16. 56 ÷ 7 = 38. 56 ÷ 7 =
17. 49 ÷ 7 = 39. 11 × 7 =
18. 63 ÷ 7 = 40. 77 ÷ 7 =
19. 42 ÷ 7 = 41. 12 × 7 =
20. 70 ÷ 7 = 42. 84 ÷ 7 =
Number Correct: _______
Improvement: _______
Multiply or Divide by 7
4. 4×7= 26. 14 ÷ 7 =
6. 21 ÷ 7 = 28. 70 ÷ 7 =
7. 14 ÷ 7 = 29. 35 ÷ 7 =
8. 28 ÷ 7 = 30. 21 ÷ 7 =
16. 49 ÷ 7 = 38. 49 ÷ 7 =
17. 42 ÷ 7 = 39. 11 × 7 =
18. 56 ÷ 7 = 40. 77 ÷ 7 =
19. 70 ÷ 7 = 41. 12 × 7 =
20. 63 ÷ 7 = 42. 84 ÷ 7 =
Name Date
1. Use the chart below to evaluate your friend’s robot. Measure the width and length of each rectangle.
Then, calculate the perimeter. Record that information in the chart below. If your measurements differ
from those listed on the project, put a star by the letter of the rectangle.
Rectangle Width and Length Student’s Perimeter
A __________ cm by __________cm 14 cm
B __________ cm by __________cm 14 cm
C __________ cm by __________cm 18 cm
D __________ cm by __________cm 18 cm
E __________ cm by __________cm 28 cm
F __________ cm by __________cm 16 cm
G __________ cm by __________cm 8 cm
H __________ cm by __________cm
I __________ cm by __________cm
2. Is the perimeter of the robot’s body double that of the arm? Show calculations below.
3. Is the perimeter of the robot’s neck half the perimeter of the head? Show calculations below.
4. Use the chart below to evaluate your friend’s robot environment. Measure the width and length of each
rectangle. Then, calculate the perimeter. Use your string to measure the perimeters of nonrectangular
items. Record that information in the chart below. If your measurements differ from those listed on the
project, put a star by the letter of the shape.
Item Width and Length Student’s Perimeter
J About 25 cm
K __________ cm by __________cm 82 cm
L About 30 cm
M __________ cm by __________cm 30 cm
N About 20 cm
O __________ cm by __________cm 20 cm
Name Date
1. Record the perimeters and areas of Rectangles A and B in the chart below.
2 cm
5 cm
5 cm A
8 cm B
A _________ cm by _________ cm
B _________ cm by _________cm
Name Date
Record the perimeters and areas of the rectangles in the chart on the next page.
1 cm
6 cm
8 cm
6 cm A
11 cm
4 cm
5 cm
8 cm
5 cm D
2 cm E
6 cm
4 cm F
A __________ cm by __________cm
B __________ cm by __________cm
C __________ cm by __________cm
D __________ cm by __________cm
E __________ cm by __________cm
F __________ cm by __________cm
4. Which two rectangles are squares? Which square has the greater perimeter?
Name Date
Evaluation Rubric
4 3 2 1 Subtotal
Perimeter Perimeter Perimeter Perimeter
calculations for calculations calculations calculations
all shapes are include 1 to 2 include 3 to 4 include 5 or _____/4
correct, and errors, and both errors, and at more errors,
both evaluations of a least 1 and at least 1
evaluations of a classmate’s evaluation of a evaluation of a
classmate’s project have classmate’s classmate’s
project have been project has project has
been completed. been been
completed. completed. completed.
Name Date
Evaluation Rubric
4 3 2 1 Subtotal
Perimeter Perimeter Perimeter Perimeter
calculations for calculations calculations calculations
all shapes are include 1 to 2 include 3 to 4 include 5 or _____/4
correct, and errors, and both errors, and at more errors,
both evaluations of a least 1 and at least 1
evaluations of a classmate’s evaluation of a evaluation of a
classmate’s project have classmate’s classmate’s
project have been project has project has
been completed. been been
completed. completed. completed.
Lesson 28
Objective: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter
using all four operations.
Multiply by 8 (8 minutes)
Materials: (S) Multiply by 8 (6–10) Pattern Sheet
Note: This activity builds fluency with multiplication facts using units of 8. It works toward students knowing
from memory all products of two one-digit numbers. See Lesson 1 for the directions for administration of a
Multiply-By Pattern Sheet.
T: (Write 7 × 8 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by eights. I’ll raise a finger for each eight. (Raise a finger
for each number to track the count.)
S: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56.
T: Let’s skip-count up by eights starting at 40. Why is 40 a good place to start?
S: It is a fact we already know, so we can use it to figure out a fact we do not know.
T: (Track with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 40 (5 fingers), 48 (6 fingers), 56 (7 fingers).
T: Let’s see how we can skip-count down to find the answer, too. Start at 80 with 10 fingers, 1 for each
eight. (Count down with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 80 (10 fingers), 72 (9 fingers), 64 (8 fingers), 56 (7 fingers).
Continue with the following possible sequence: 9 × 8, 6 × 8, and 8 × 8.
T: (Distribute the Multiply by 8 Pattern Sheet.) Let’s practice multiplying by 8. Be sure to work left to
right across the page.
Lesson 28: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 367
Note: This activity prepares students for the word problems in today’s Concept Development.
T: (Project the rectangle with a width of 2 cm. Inside the
rectangle, write Area = 10 sq cm.) On your personal
white board, write the length of this rectangle.
S: (Write 5 cm.)
T: (Write 5 cm on the length of the rectangle. Below the
rectangle, write Perimeter = ___.) On your board,
write the perimeter of this rectangle. Write a four-step
addition sentence if you need to.
S: (Write Perimeter = 14 cm.)
T: On your board, sketch a rectangle that has an area of
10 square cm but different side lengths from this
S: (Sketch a rectangle with side lengths of 1 cm and 10
T: (Write Perimeter = ___.) Calculate the perimeter of
the new rectangle.
S: (Write Perimeter = 22 cm.)
Repeat the process for the other rectangles.
Note: Save this lesson’s Problem Set for use in Lesson 30. NOTES ON
This is a problem-solving lesson in which students work in pairs MULTIPLE MEANS
or independently to solve the four problems on the Problem OF ACTION AND
Set. Consider using the three-step approach outlined in EXPRESSION:
Lesson 23 to guide them through solving (the basic steps are Students who have not memorized 7,
shown below). Specific information about each problem follows 8, and 9 facts may benefit from using
and can be used to further facilitate conversation. strategies to solve the word problems
on the Problem Set. Encourage
Three-Step Approach to Solving: students to use personally efficient
1. Read and model. strategies, such as counting up from
familiar facts (as practiced in the
2. Write an equation, calculate to solve, and write a Multiply by 8 fluency activity) and the
statement. distributive property.
3. Assess the solution for reasonableness.
Lesson 28: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 368
Lesson 28: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 369
Lesson Objective: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all four operations.
The Student Debrief is intended to invite reflection and active processing of the total lesson experience.
Invite students to review their solutions for the Problem Set. They should check work by comparing answers
with a partner before going over answers as a class. Look for misconceptions or misunderstandings that can
be addressed in the Debrief. Guide students in a conversation to debrief the Problem Set and process the
Lesson 28: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 370
Any combination of the questions below may be used to lead the discussion.
How was it helpful to have each question broken down into several parts?
Share your drawing of Elijah’s larger rectangle in Problem 2(d). How does the drawing of the
rectangle help you figure out the side lengths?
Explain to a partner how knowing the area and the width helped you find the length of the rectangle
in Problem 3.
How did you know you needed to add the areas of three paintings in Problem 3(d)?
Explain to a partner the steps you took to find the width of the rectangle in Problem 4(b).
Compare your model with your partner’s model for Problem 4(d). What was the same? What was
Which problem did you find most difficult? Why?
Lesson 28: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 371
multiply by 8 (6–10)
Lesson 28: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 372
Name Date
1. Gia measures her rectangular garden and finds the width is 9 yards and the length is 7 yards.
Lesson 28: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 373
d. Elijah connects three of these squares to make one long rectangle. What is the perimeter of this
3. The area of Mason’s rectangular painting is 72 square inches. The width of the painting is 8 inches.
d. Mason’s mom hangs the painting on a wall that already has two of Mason’s other paintings. The
areas of the other paintings are 64 square inches and 81 square inches. What is the total area of the
wall that is covered with Mason’s paintings?
Lesson 28: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 374
4. The perimeter of Jillian’s rectangular bedroom is 34 feet. The length of her bedroom is 9 feet.
d. Jillian has a 4-foot by 6-foot rug in her room. What is the area of the floor that is not covered by the
Lesson 28: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 375
Name Date
Jennifer measures her rectangular sandbox and finds the width is 8 feet and the length is 6 feet.
Lesson 28: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 376
Name Date
d. Carl draws two of these squares to make one long rectangle. What is the perimeter of this
Lesson 28: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 377
2. Mr. Briggs puts food for the class party on a rectangular table. The table has a perimeter of 18 feet and a
width of 3 feet.
d. Mr. Briggs puts three of these tables together side by side to make 1 long table. What is the area of
the long table?
Lesson 28: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 378
Lesson 29
Objective: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter
using all four operations.
Note: This Sprint builds fluency with multiplication and division facts using units of 8.
Note: This activity reviews finding perimeter using multiple steps. 3m Area = 24 square m
Lesson 29: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 379
T: On your board, sketch a rectangle that has an area of 24 square meters but different side lengths
than this rectangle.
S: (Sketch a rectangle with side lengths of 1 m and 24 m, 4 m and 6 m, or 2 m and 12 m.)
T: (Write Perimeter = ___.) Calculate the perimeter of the new rectangle.
S: (Write Perimeter = 50 m, 20 m, or 28 m.)
Repeat the process with the other rectangles.
Lesson 29: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 380
Lesson 29: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 381
Lesson Objective: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all four operations.
The Student Debrief is intended to invite reflection and active processing of the total lesson experience.
Invite students to review their solutions for the Problem Set. They should check work by comparing answers
with a partner before going over answers as a class. Look for misconceptions or misunderstandings that can
be addressed in the Debrief. Guide students in a conversation to debrief the Problem Set and process the
Any combination of the questions below may be used to lead the discussion.
How were you able to figure out the unknown side lengths in Problem 1(a)?
Problem 1(c) had a rectangle formed from combining two copies of the shape from Problem 1 (a)
and (b). Why was the answer in Problem 1(c) not double the answer of Problem 1(a)?
How did you figure out the side lengths for the smaller rectangles in Problem 3?
Describe the steps you took to solve Problem 4.
How were today’s problems similar to yesterday’s problems? How were they different?
What complexity did you notice in each problem of the Problem Set today?
Lesson 29: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 382
Lesson 29: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 383
Number Correct: _______
Multiply or Divide by 8
4. 5×8= 26. 80 ÷ 8 =
5. 1×8= 27. 40 ÷ 8 =
6. 16 ÷ 8 = 28. 8÷8=
7. 24 ÷ 8 = 29. 16 ÷ 8 =
8. 40 ÷ 8 = 30. 24 ÷ 8 =
15. 10 × 8 = 37. 48 ÷ 8 =
16. 64 ÷ 8 = 38. 64 ÷ 8 =
17. 56 ÷ 8 = 39. 11 × 8 =
18. 72 ÷ 8 = 40. 88 ÷ 8 =
19. 48 ÷ 8 = 41. 12 × 8 =
20. 80 ÷ 8 = 42. 96 ÷ 8 =
Lesson 29: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 384
Number Correct: _______
Improvement: _______
Multiply or Divide by 8
4. 4×8= 26. 16 ÷ 8 =
6. 24 ÷ 8 = 28. 80 ÷ 8 =
7. 16 ÷ 8 = 29. 40 ÷ 8 =
8. 32 ÷ 8 = 30. 24 ÷ 8 =
16. 56 ÷ 8 = 38. 56 ÷ 8 =
18. 64 ÷ 8 = 40. 88 ÷ 8 =
19. 80 ÷ 8 = 41. 12 × 8 =
20. 72 ÷ 8 = 42. 96 ÷ 8 =
Lesson 29: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 385
Name Date
1. Kyle puts two rectangles together to make the L-shaped figure below. He measures some of the side
lengths and records them as shown.
8 in
12 in
6 in
16 in
c. Kyle makes two copies of the L-shaped figure to create the rectangle shown below. Find the
perimeter of the rectangle.
12 in
16 in
Lesson 29: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 386
2. Jeremiah and Hayley use a piece of rope to mark a square space for their booth at the science fair. The
area of their space is 49 square feet. What is the length of the rope that Jeremiah and Hayley use if they
leave a 3-foot opening so they can get in and out of the space?
3. Vivienne draws four identical rectangles as shown below to make a new, larger rectangle. The perimeter
of one of the small rectangles is 18 centimeters, and the width is 6 centimeters. What is the perimeter of
the new, larger rectangle?
4. A jogging path around the outside edges of a rectangular playground measures 48 yards by 52 yards.
Maya runs 3 laps on the jogging path. What is the total number of yards Maya runs?
Lesson 29: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 387
Name Date
Jeannette draws four identical squares as shown below to make a new, larger square. The length of one of
the small square sides is 8 centimeters. What is the perimeter of the new, larger square?
8 cm
Lesson 29: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 388
Name Date
1. Katherine puts two squares together to make the rectangle below. The side lengths of the squares
measure 8 inches.
8 in
a. What is the perimeter of the rectangle Katherine made with her 2 squares?
c. Katherine decides to draw another rectangle of the same size. What is the area of the new, larger
8 in
Lesson 29: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 389
2. Daryl draws 6 equal-sized rectangles as shown below to make a new, larger rectangle. The area of one of
the small rectangles is 12 square centimeters, and the width of the small rectangle is 4 centimeters.
3. The recreation center soccer field measures 35 yards by 65 yards. Chris dribbles the soccer ball around
the perimeter of the field 4 times. What is the total number of yards Chris dribbles the ball?
Lesson 29: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all
four operations. 390
Lesson 30
Objective: Share and critique peer strategies for problem solving.
Multiply by 9 (8 minutes)
Materials: (S) Multiply by 9 (6–10) Pattern Sheet
Note: This activity builds fluency with multiplication facts using units of 9. It works toward students knowing
from memory all products of two one-digit numbers. See Lesson 1 for the directions for administration of a
Multiply-By Pattern Sheet.
T: (Write 7 × 9 = ____.) Let’s skip-count up by nines. I’ll raise a finger for each nine. (Raise a finger for
each number to track the count.)
S: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63.
T: Let’s skip-count up by nines starting at 45. Why is 45 a good place to start?
S: It is a fact we already know, so we can use it to figure out a fact we do not know.
T: (Track with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 45 (5 fingers), 54 (6 fingers), 63 (7 fingers).
T: Let’s see how we can skip-count down to find the answer, too. Start at 90 with 10 fingers, 1 for each
nine. (Count down with fingers as students say the numbers.)
S: 90 (10 fingers), 81 (9 fingers), 72 (8 fingers), 63 (7 fingers).
Continue with the following possible sequence: 9 × 9, 6 × 9, and 8 × 9.
T: (Distribute the Multiply by 9 Pattern Sheet.) Let’s practice multiplying by 9. Be sure to work left to
right across the page.
Lesson 30: Share and critique peer strategies for problem solving.
Lesson 30: Share and critique peer strategies for problem solving.
S: He found the side lengths of the square. Then, he figured out the perimeter of the square and
subtracted the 3-foot opening to find the length of the rope.
T: Other than getting the right answer, what did Student A do well?
S: He drew a picture of the square and labeled the area and the side lengths. He multiplied 4 sides
times 7 centimeters to find the perimeter. He drew a tape diagram to show why he subtracted in
the last step. He used a letter to represent the unknown.
Facilitate a discussion in which students analyze this work more closely. Use any combination of the following
questions to guide the conversation.
Was the drawing helpful? What makes it helpful or unhelpful?
Did Student A represent all the important information in his drawing? Why or why not?
Was this drawing the best one to use? Why or why not?
Can you retell the story using only the drawing and labels? Explain.
How did he organize the information?
T: What suggestion would you make to Student A to improve his work?
S: He does not need the addition number sentence for perimeter since he has the multiplication
number sentence. In the second step of the problem, it is not really clear what he is solving for.
Maybe instead of using the letter P, he could write perimeter so anyone who looks at his work knows
he is finding the perimeter. He could draw another picture to show the square with the 3-foot
opening in it. Then, he could just add the side lengths, and he would not have to show the third step
of subtracting.
Repeat the process of analyzing using the two samples from the Template below. Modify these or create
others as appropriate for the class. Select samples that are likely to stimulate discussion beneficial to student
Student B Student C
Conclude the analysis of the sample student work for this problem by discussing the following questions:
Can you think of a quicker way to solve this problem? Why or why not?
Would you have chosen any of these ways to solve this problem? Why or why not?
Lesson 30: Share and critique peer strategies for problem solving.
Lesson Objective: Share and critique peer strategies for problem solving.
The Student Debrief is intended to invite reflection and active processing of the total lesson experience.
Invite students to review their solutions for the Problem Set. They should check work by comparing answers
with a partner before going over answers as a class. Look for misconceptions or misunderstandings that can
be addressed in the Debrief. Guide students in a conversation to debrief the Problem Set and process the
Any combination of the questions below may be used to lead the discussion.
How did today’s Problem Set or critiquing tool help you analyze your classmates’ work?
How does having your work critiqued by your classmates improve your problem-solving skills?
Lesson 30: Share and critique peer strategies for problem solving.
Lesson 30: Share and critique peer strategies for problem solving.
multiply by 9 (6–10)
Lesson 30: Share and critique peer strategies for problem solving.
Name Date
Strategies My
Classmate Used:
Things My
Classmate Did
Suggestions for
Strategies I Would
Like to Try Based
on My Classmate’s
Lesson 30: Share and critique peer strategies for problem solving.
Name Date
The recreation center soccer field measures 35 yards by 65 yards. Chris dribbles the soccer ball around the
field 4 times. What is the total number of yards Chris dribbles the ball?
Lesson 30: Share and critique peer strategies for problem solving.
Name Date
Use this form to critique Student A’s problem-solving work on the next page.
Strategies Student
A Used:
Things Student A
Did Well:
Suggestions for
Strategies I Would
Like to Try Based
on Student A’s
Lesson 30: Share and critique peer strategies for problem solving.
1. Katherine puts 2 squares together to make the rectangle below. The side lengths of the squares measure
8 inches.
8 in
a. What is the perimeter of Katherine’s rectangle? b. What is the area of Katherine’s rectangle?
Lesson 30: Share and critique peer strategies for problem solving.
c. Katherine draws 2 of the rectangles in Problem 1 side by side. Her new, larger rectangle is shown
below. What is the area of the new, larger rectangle?
8 in
Lesson 30: Share and critique peer strategies for problem solving.
Student A
Student B
Student C
Lesson 30: Share and critique peer strategies for problem solving.
Name Date
1. Katy and Jane construct a four-sided wall to surround their castle. The wall has a perimeter of 100 feet.
One side measures 16 feet. A different side measures 16 feet. A third side measures 34 feet.
a. Draw and label a diagram of the wall. Use a letter to represent the unknown side length.
b. What is the unknown side length? Show your work, or explain how you know.
c. Katy and Jane build a square fence around the castle’s pool. It has a perimeter of 36 feet. What is
the area that the fence encloses? Use a letter to represent the unknown. Show your work.
2. Each shape has a missing side length labeled with a letter. The perimeter of the shape is labeled inside.
Find the unknown side length for each shape.
6 cm 9 cm
6 cm P = 24 cm a cm b cm P = 30 cm 6 cm
6 cm
9 cm
e cm
2 cm
4 cm P = 20 cm 4 cm
6 cm 7 cm 7 cm
P = 22 cm
c cm
6 cm 6 cm
P = 24 cm
6 cm d cm
b. John says, “If two shapes have the same area, they must also have the same perimeter.” Is John
correct? Use your answer from part (a) above to explain why or why not.
4. Mr. Jackson’s class finds all possible perimeters for a rectangle composed of 36 centimeter tiles. The
chart below shows how many students found each rectangle.
a. Check the students’ work. Did they find all the possible perimeters? How do you know?
b. Use the chart. Estimate to construct a line plot of how many students found each perimeter.
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
b. Draw copies of the square above to make a figure with a perimeter of 32 centimeters.
c. Write a number sentence to show that your figure has the correct perimeter of 32 centimeters.
Mathematics Curriculum
Topic F
Year in Review
Instructional Days: 4
Coherence -Links from: G2–M8 Time, Shapes, and Fractions as Equal Parts of Shapes
G3–M3 Multiplication and Division with Units of 0, 1, 6–9, and Multiples of 10
-Links to: G4–M3 Multi-Digit Multiplication and Division
G4–M5 Fraction Equivalence, Ordering, and Operations
G4–M7 Exploring Measurement with Multiplication
In this final topic of Grade 3, students review fundamental skills and prepare resources to maintain their
learning during the summer break.
Students create and analyze unusual representations of one-half in Lessons 31 and 32. They analyze the
representations created by their peers and discuss whether or not they agree with each representation,
finding ways to adjust some representations to accurately reflect one-half. Students’ creations can be joined
together to create a class paper quilt to display the one-half representations.
Lesson 33 gives students the opportunity to play fluency games related to a range of Grade 3 skills, including
fractions, rounding, multiplication, and division. The lesson includes a variety of fluency activities from which
to choose when considering student needs. Students discover fluency games they enjoy playing and decide
which ones they would like to continue to play during the summer recess. In Lesson 34, students fold a
simple origami booklet to record directions for their favorite fluency games. This booklet becomes a resource
for students at home for summer practice.
Lesson 31
Objective: Explore and create unconventional representations of one-half.
Note: This Sprint builds fluency with multiplication and division facts using units of 9.
Mara draws a 6-inch by 8-inch rectangle. She shades one-half of the rectangle. What is the area of the
shaded part of Mara’s rectangle?
Note: Students may also divide the rectangle lengthwise and get an 8-inch by 3-inch rectangle or find the
area of the whole rectangle and divide it by 2. This problem reviews calculating area from Module 4. Invite
students to discuss how this problem could be solved using reasoning skills and mental math.
S: Shape A definitely does because the black and white parts look like they are the same size. I think
Shape C does, too, because that little black trapezoid just got cut out and flipped over. The black and
white parts still look equal. I do not think Shape B shows one-half shaded. That bottom black
part looks like it is made of two parallelograms, not one. That means that three are shaded and two
are not. Three shaded parallelograms are more than one-half of that shape.
T: I heard many students mention same-sized, or equal, parts. Tell your partner why equal parts are
important when we are talking about one-half.
S: If the parts are the same size and the same number of parts are shaded and unshaded, then we
know we have one-half. If the parts are not equal, we cannot really tell. You can compare the
number of shaded and unshaded parts when shapes are divided up into equal parts. Like my friend
did when she was talking about Shape B. Three out of 5 parts are shaded.
T: When I asked you to study the shapes, I said you should estimate to decide which represent one-
half. Why did I use the word estimate?
S: Because you wanted us to look at them and take a guess. We do not really know for sure if the
parts are equal just by looking at them. It seems like it, but they could be a little different. To be
sure, we would have to measure or maybe make the shapes ourselves out of unit squares or
T: Let’s do that now. I’ll pass out squares with grids in them that will help you be precise in showing
one-half. Instead of making my shapes, make your own representations. Be as creative as you can!
Number Correct: _______
Multiply or Divide by 9
4. 5×9= 26. 90 ÷ 9 =
5. 1×9= 27. 45 ÷ 9 =
6. 18 ÷ 9 = 28. 9÷9=
7. 27 ÷ 9 = 29. 18 ÷ 9 =
8. 45 ÷ 9 = 30. 27 ÷ 9 =
15. 10 × 9 = 37. 54 ÷ 9 =
16. 72 ÷ 9 = 38. 72 ÷ 9 =
17. 63 ÷ 9 = 39. 11 × 9 =
18. 81 ÷ 9 = 40. 99 ÷ 9 =
19. 54 ÷ 9 = 41. 12 × 9 =
Number Correct: _______
Improvement: _______
Multiply or Divide by 9
4. 4×9= 26. 18 ÷ 9 =
6. 27 ÷ 9 = 28. 90 ÷ 9 =
7. 18 ÷ 9 = 29. 45 ÷ 9 =
8. 36 ÷ 9 = 30. 27 ÷ 9 =
16. 63 ÷ 9 = 38. 63 ÷ 9 =
17. 54 ÷ 9 = 39. 11 × 9 =
18. 72 ÷ 9 = 40. 99 ÷ 9 =
19. 90 ÷ 9 = 41. 12 × 9 =
Name Date
Name Date
Marty shades the square as shown below and says one-half of the big square is shaded. Do you agree? Why
or why not?
Name Date
2. During math class, Arthur, Emily, and Gia draw a shape and then shade one-half of it. Analyze each
student’s work. Determine if each student was correct or not, and explain your thinking.
3. Shade the grid below to show two different ways of shading half of each shape.
Lesson 32
Objective: Explore and create unconventional representations of one-half.
Note: This Sprint focuses on student mastery of all products of one-digit numbers.
Divide (3 minutes)
Materials: (S) Personal white board
Note: This activity focuses on student mastery of all quotients within 100.
T: (Write 10 ÷ 2 = ____.) Say the division sentence.
S: 10 ÷ 2 = 5.
Continue with the following possible sequence: 4 ÷ 2, 8 ÷ 4, and 15 ÷ 3.
T: (Write 24 ÷ 4 = ____.) Write the answer.
S: (Write 24 ÷ 4 = 6.)
Continue with the following possible sequence: 45 ÷ 9, 63 ÷ 7, 48 ÷ 6, 56 ÷ 8, and 81 ÷ 9.
Hannah traces square-inch tiles to draw 3 larger squares. She draws the 3 large squares side by side to make
a rectangle. She shades one-half of each larger square, as shown.
a. Do you agree that all 3 squares are one-half shaded? Explain your answer.
b. What is the area of the rectangle?
c. What is the total area of the shaded space?
Note: Today’s Application Problem reviews the concept of unconventional representations of one-half from
Lesson 31.
Materials: (T) Completed page 1 sample of Problem Set (analyzing tool) (S) Circles with dots (Template),
ruler, crayons, scissors, Problem Set
Distribute the Template to the students, and instruct them to cut out the circles.
T: Let’s represent one-half using our circles. They don’t have a grid like
yesterday’s squares did. Talk with your partner about what tools or
strategies you might use to help you be precise as you show one-half.
S: We can fold the circle in half and use the fold line for help. Or we
could use rulers. That little dot looks like it’s in the middle. If we
fold or draw from that, it should be pretty close to one-half.
Number Correct: _______
Mixed Multiplication
Number Correct: _______
Improvement: _______
Mixed Multiplication
Name Date
1. Look at the circles you shaded today. Glue a circle that is about one-half shaded in the space below.
a. Write the letters of the circles that are about one-half shaded.
b. Choose one circle from your answer to Part (a), and explain how you know it’s about one-half shaded.
Circle _______
c. Choose one circle that you did not list in Part (a), and explain how it could be changed so that it is
about one-half shaded.
Circle _______
. b. Shade in 2 parts.
c. Erase a small circle from each shaded part.
d. Estimate to draw and shade 2 circles in the unshaded
parts that are the same size as the circles you erased in
Part (c).
4. Did you shade in one-half of the circle in Problem 3? How do you know?
Name Date
Name Date
1. Estimate to finish shading the circles below so that each circle is about one-half shaded.
a. b. c.
2. Choose one of the circles in Problem 1, and explain how you know it’s about one-half shaded.
Circle _____
3. Can you say the circles in Problem 1 are exactly one-half shaded? Why or why not?
b. Explain how the circle that is not one-half shaded can be changed so that it is one-half shaded.
. . .
. .
. .
. .
Lesson 33
Objective: Solidify fluency with Grade 3 skills.
Note: This Sprint focuses on student mastery of all quotients within 100.
Multiply (3 minutes)
Materials: (S) Personal white board
Note: This activity focuses on student mastery of all products of two one-digit numbers.
T: (Write 4 × 2 = ___.) Say the multiplication sentence.
S: 4 × 2 = 8.
Continue with the following possible sequence: 3 × 4, NOTES ON
4 × 4, and 5 × 6. MULTIPLE MEANS
T: (Write 7 × 6 = ___.) Write the answer. OF REPRESENTATION:
Clarify the expression “flip the factors”
S: (Write 42.)
for English language learners and
Continue with the following possible sequence: 8 × 7 and 9 × 6. others. Explain that students are to
switch the placement of the factors in
T: (Write 3 × 2 = ___.) Say the multiplication sentence. the multiplication sentence. It may be
S: 3 × 2 = 6. helpful to give an example.
T: Flip the factors, and say it.
S: 2 × 3 = 6.
Continue with the following possible sequence: 6 × 3, 7 × 5, 7 × 6, and 9 × 8.
Number Correct: _______
Mixed Division
1. 4÷2= 23. 16 ÷ 8 =
2. 6÷2= 24. 40 ÷ 8 =
3. 10 ÷ 2 = 25. 32 ÷ 8 =
4. 20 ÷ 2 = 26. 56 ÷ 8 =
5. 10 ÷ 5 = 27. 18 ÷ 9 =
6. 15 ÷ 5 = 28. 45 ÷ 9 =
7. 25 ÷ 5 = 29. 36 ÷ 9 =
8. 20 ÷ 5 = 30. 63 ÷ 9 =
9. 8÷4= 31. 64 ÷ 8 =
10. 12 ÷ 4 = 32. 48 ÷ 8 =
11. 20 ÷ 4 = 33. 81 ÷ 9 =
12. 16 ÷ 4 = 34. 54 ÷ 9 =
15. 15 ÷ 3 = 37. 28 ÷ 7 =
16. 12 ÷ 3 = 38. 27 ÷ 3 =
17. 60 ÷ 6 = 39. 24 ÷ 8 =
18. 12 ÷ 6 = 40. 32 ÷ 4 =
19. 18 ÷ 6 = 41. 27 ÷ 9 =
20. 35 ÷ 7 = 42. 72 ÷ 9 =
21. 14 ÷ 7 = 43. 56 ÷ 7 =
22. 21 ÷ 7 = 44. 72 ÷ 8 =
Number Correct: _______
Improvement: _______
Mixed Division
1. 10 ÷ 5 = 23. 18 ÷ 9 =
2. 15 ÷ 5 = 24. 45 ÷ 9 =
3. 25 ÷ 5 = 25. 27 ÷ 9 =
4. 50 ÷ 5 = 26. 63 ÷ 9 =
5. 4÷2= 27. 16 ÷ 8 =
6. 6÷2= 28. 40 ÷ 8 =
7. 10 ÷ 2 = 29. 24 ÷ 8 =
8. 8÷2= 30. 56 ÷ 8 =
9. 6÷3= 31. 81 ÷ 9 =
11. 15 ÷ 3 = 33. 64 ÷ 8 =
12. 12 ÷ 3 = 34. 48 ÷ 8 =
14. 12 ÷ 4 = 36. 18 ÷ 2 =
15. 20 ÷ 4 = 37. 35 ÷ 7 =
16. 16 ÷ 4 = 38. 24 ÷ 3 =
17. 70 ÷ 7 = 39. 32 ÷ 8 =
18. 14 ÷ 7 = 40. 36 ÷ 4 =
19. 21 ÷ 7 = 41. 45 ÷ 9 =
20. 30 ÷ 6 = 42. 72 ÷ 8 =
21. 12 ÷ 6 = 43. 49 ÷ 7 =
22. 18 ÷ 6 = 44. 72 ÷ 9 =
Name Date
List some games we played today in the chart below. Place a check mark in the box that shows how you felt
about your level of fluency as you played each activity. Check off the last column if you would like to practice
this activity over the summer.
Name Date
What fluency activity helped you the most in becoming fluent with your multiplication and division facts this
year? Write three or four sentences to explain what made it so useful.
Name Date
Teach a family member your favorite fluency game from class. Record information about the game you
taught below.
Describe what it was like to teach the game. Was it easy? Hard? Why? ________________________
Will you play the game together again? Why or why not? __________________________________
Was the game as fun to play at home as in class? Why or why not? ___________________________
T: (Draw an array with 3 rows of 2.) Say the T: (Draw a picture with 2 groups of 4 circled.)
repeated addition sentence. Say the total as a repeated addition
S: 2 + 2 + 2 = 6. sentence.
T: (Write 3 × ____ = ____.) On your personal S: 4 + 4 = 8.
white board, complete the multiplication T: Write a division sentence that means the
sentence. number of groups is unknown.
S: (Write 3 × 2 = 6.) S: (Write 8 ÷ 4 = 2.)
Repeat using the following ideas: 4 rows of 10, 3 T: Below that division sentence, write a
rows of 4, 7 rows of 3, and 8 rows of 2. Or you can division sentence that means the number in
think of your own. each group is unknown.
S: (Write 8 ÷ 2 = 4.)
Repeat using the following ideas: 5 groups of 3, 3
groups of 4, and 6 groups of 2. Or you can think of
your own.
T: (Draw an array with 3 rows of 2 dots.) How T: (Draw a tape diagram with 5 equal units
many rows of 2 do you see? and 2 stars in the first unit.) What is the
S: 3 rows of 2. value of each unit?
T: Write four different multiplication S: 2 stars.
sentences for the picture. T: How many units are there?
S: (Write 3 × 2 = 6, 2 × 3 = 6, 6 = 3 × 2, and S: 5 units.
6 = 2 × 3.) T: Write a multiplication sentence for this tape
Repeat using the following ideas: 3 rows of 5 and 4 diagram.
rows of 3. Or you can think of your own. S: (Write 5 × 2 = 10.)
T: (Write 4 × 2 = 2 × ___.) On your personal Repeat using the following ideas:
white board, fill in the blank. 4 × 3 = 12, 8 ÷ 4 = 2, and 15 ÷ 3 = 5. Or you can think
S: (Write 4 × 2 = 2 × 4.) of your own.
Repeat using the following ideas: 9 × 5 = 5 × ___ and
3 × 6 = 6 × ___. Or you can think of your own.
Lesson 34
Objective: Create resource booklets to support fluency with Grade 3 skills.
Lesson 34: Create resource booklets to support fluency with Grade 3 skills.
Note: This Sprint focuses on student mastery of all products and quotients within 100.
Model for students step by step, as shown in the photos to the right.
T: Let’s make a booklet of practice materials that you can
use over the summer. Start with a blank piece of
paper. Lay it on your desk so that the long sides of the
rectangle are at the top and the bottom.
S: (Lay the paper on the desks.)
Lesson 34: Create resource booklets to support fluency with Grade 3 skills.
T: Fold the left edge of the paper to meet the right edge. The short sides should be together. Make a
tight crease when you fold. The tighter the creases, the better your book will turn out.
S: (Fold the paper.)
T: Keep the paper folded. Again, fold the left edge of the paper to meet
the right edge. This time, the long sides should be together. Make a
tight crease. You should have a long, skinny rectangle now.
S: (Fold the paper.)
T: Before we unfold, think about what fraction our paper is folded into.
Say the fraction at my signal. (Signal.)
S: Fourths.
T: Unfold the paper completely, and lay it out flat.
S: (Unfold the paper.)
T: Now, fold the top edge of the paper down to meet the bottom edge.
S: (Fold the paper.)
T: Now what fraction is the paper folded into?
S: Eighths.
T: Unfold the paper completely, and lay it out flat.
S: (Unfold the paper.)
T: Fold the paper again the same way we first folded it. Make the left
edge meet the right edge.
S: (Fold the paper.)
T: Make sure the open side is on the right. Trace the middle fold line
halfway across, starting from the left. Do not go past the fold that
shows halfway.
S: (Trace.)
T: Now, cut on the line that you just drew. Do not cut past the fold that
shows halfway.
S: (Cut.)
T: Please put your scissors away. (This is to prevent students from cutting
the edges of the finalized book to even up the pages. If they do that,
the book will fall apart because they may cut folds that hold the book
S: (Put away the scissors.)
T: Open up the paper again. You should have cut a slit in the middle of the paper.
S: (Open up the paper.)
T: Fold the top edge to meet the bottom edge so that you have a long rectangle and the slit you cut is at
the top of the folded rectangle.
S: (Fold the paper.)
Lesson 34: Create resource booklets to support fluency with Grade 3 skills.
T: Push the right side of the rectangle toward the left side. Keep going until the pages push together
and fall to either side.
S: (Push the rectangle together to make the booklet.)
T: Fold the cover over the rest of the pages. Your pages
will not line up perfectly, and it is important that you
do not trim them with scissors, or your book will fall
apart. On the cover of the book, write Summer
Practice and your name underneath.
S: (Title the books.)
T: Pull out the sheet where you recorded your favorite games from yesterday. Work with a partner to
write the names of your favorite games and directions for those games in your booklets so that you
will remember them later. (Alternatively, print the directions for the games from Lesson 33 for
students to cut out their favorites and glue into the booklets.)
Allow time for students to finish the booklets.
Lesson 34: Create resource booklets to support fluency with Grade 3 skills.
Lesson Objective: Create resource booklets to support fluency with Grade 3 skills.
The Student Debrief is intended to invite reflection and active processing of the total lesson experience.
Guide students in a conversation to process the lesson. Any combination of the questions below may be
used to lead the discussion.
What was your favorite math topic in third grade? Why?
What models or manipulatives helped you with new concepts?
What was your greatest accomplishment in math this year?
What are some ways you can keep your math skills sharp during the summer?
What are you most excited to learn next year as a fourth grader?
Lesson 34: Create resource booklets to support fluency with Grade 3 skills.
Number Correct: _______
4. 15 ÷ 5 = 26. 5×7=
5. 4×2= 27. 36 ÷ 6 =
6. 8÷4= 28. 42 ÷ 7 =
7. 3×3= 29. 64 ÷ 8 =
8. 9÷3= 30. 45 ÷ 9 =
12. 25 ÷ 5 = 34. 45 ÷ 5 =
16. 16 ÷ 8 = 38. 63 ÷ 9 =
20. 36 ÷ 9 = 42. 49 ÷ 7 =
21. 14 ÷ 7 = 43. 54 ÷ 6 =
Lesson 34: Create resource booklets to support fluency with Grade 3 skills.
Number Correct: _______
Improvement: _______
Multiply and Divide
2. 10 ÷ 2 = 24. 3×8=
5. 3×2= 27. 36 ÷ 6 =
6. 6÷2= 28. 42 ÷ 7 =
7. 4×4= 29. 64 ÷ 8 =
8. 16 ÷ 4 = 30. 45 ÷ 9 =
16. 18 ÷ 9 = 38. 63 ÷ 9 =
20. 32 ÷ 8 = 42. 49 ÷ 7 =
21. 12 ÷ 6 = 43. 54 ÷ 6 =
Lesson 34: Create resource booklets to support fluency with Grade 3 skills.
Name Date
Complete a math activity each day. To track your progress, color the box after you finish.
Do squats as you Play a game from Collect data about Read a recipe. Complete a Multiply
count by threes your Summer your family’s or What fractions does by Pattern Sheet.
from 3 to 30 and Practice booklet. friends’ favorite the recipe use?
Week 2
Hop on one foot as Create a Measure the widths Read the weight in Complete a Sprint.
you count by fours multiplication of different leaves grams of different
from 4 to 40 and and/or division from the same tree food items in your
Week 3
Bounce a ball as you Find, draw, and/or Go on a shape Find the sum and Complete a Multiply
count by 5 minutes create different scavenger hunt. difference of 453 by Pattern Sheet.
Week 4
to 1 hour and then objects to show Find as many mL and 379 mL.
to the half hour and one-fourth. quadrilaterals in
quarter hours. your neighborhood
or house as you can.
Do arm swings as Draw and label a Measure the Use a stopwatch to Complete a Sprint.
you count by sixes floor plan of your perimeter of the measure how fast
Week 5
Lesson 34: Create resource booklets to support fluency with Grade 3 skills.
Name Date
Complete a math activity each day. To track your progress, color the box after you finish.
Jump forward and Play a game from Use string to Build a 4 by 6 array Complete a Sprint.
back as you count your Summer measure the with objects from
Week 7
Do arm crosses as Create a Write a story Measure or find the Complete a Multiply
you count by nines multiplication problem for 72 ÷ 8. capacity in milliliters by Pattern Sheet.
from 9 to 90 and and/or division of different liquids
Week 8
Jump rope as you Find, draw, and/or Go on a shape Measure the weight Complete a Sprint.
count up by tens create different scavenger hunt. of different produce
from 280 to 370 objects to show Find as many at the grocery store.
Week 9
and back down. one-third. triangles and What unit did you
hexagons in your measure in? What
neighborhood as are the lightest and
you can. heaviest objects you
Count by sixes Draw and label a Find the perimeter Show someone your Complete a Multiply
starting at 48. floor plan of your of a different room strategy to solve 8 × by Pattern Sheet.
Count as high as dream tree house. in your house. How 16.
Week 10
Lesson 34: Create resource booklets to support fluency with Grade 3 skills.
3 Mathematics Curriculum
Answer Key
Geometry and Measurement Word Problems
Lesson 1
Pattern Sheet
3 6 9 12
15 3 6 3
9 3 12 3
15 3 6 9
6 12 6 15
6 3 6 9
3 9 6 9
12 9 15 9
12 3 12 6
12 9 12 15
12 15 3 15
6 15 9 15
12 6 12 9
15 9 6 12
9 15 6 12
Problem Set
1. a. $22 2. 4
b. 5 3. $4
c. 7 minutes 4. 24
Exit Ticket
1. a. $34 2. 9
b. 4 3. $2
c. 7 minutes 4. 32
Lesson 2
Pattern Sheet
3 6 9 12
15 18 21 24
27 30 15 18
15 21 15 24
15 27 15 30
18 15 18 21
18 24 18 27
18 21 18 21
24 21 27 21
24 18 24 21
24 27 27 18
27 21 27 24
27 24 18 27
21 27 18 24
27 21 18 24
Problem Set
1. 8 4. 3
2. 375 milliliters 5. 311 grams
3. 240 square inches 6. 88 centimeters
Exit Ticket
40 milliliters
1. 50 grams 4. 4
2. 7 5. 307 grams
3. 360 square inches 6. 11 centimeters
Lesson 3
Pattern Sheet
4 8 12 16
20 4 8 4
12 4 16 4
20 4 8 12
8 16 8 20
8 4 8 12
4 12 8 12
16 12 20 12
16 4 16 8
16 12 16 20
16 20 4 20
8 20 12 20
16 8 16 12
20 12 8 16
12 20 8 16
Problem Set
1. 9 milliliters 4. 19 minutes
2. 102 feet 5. 7
3. 49 grams 6. 7 centimeters
Exit Ticket
72 ounces
1. 10 milliliters 4. a. $65
2. 21 minutes b. $194
3. 120 5. 6 inches
Lesson 4
Pattern Sheet
4 8 12 16
20 24 28 32
36 40 20 24
20 28 20 32
20 36 20 40
24 20 24 28
24 32 24 36
24 28 24 28
32 28 36 28
32 24 32 28
32 36 36 24
36 28 36 32
36 32 24 36
28 36 24 32
36 28 24 32
Problem Set
1. Answer provided
A–L; one polygon sketched
B, C, E, F, G, H, I, J, L; one polygon sketched
B, C, F, G, H, I, L; one polygon sketched
B, C, F, H; one polygon sketched
C, F; one polygon sketched
2. A–L; explanations will vary.
3. Polygon sketched and traced; explanations will vary.
4. Diagonal line drawn in chart polygons; answers will vary.
Exit Ticket
1. 4 equal sides, 2 sets of parallel sides
2. 4 sides, 1 set of parallel sides
1. Answer provided
2. a. Parallel sides traced with a colored pencil
b. A shape with at least 1 set of parallel sides drawn
Lesson 5
Pattern Sheet
5 10 15 20
25 5 10 5
15 5 20 5
25 5 10 15
10 20 10 25
10 5 10 15
5 15 10 15
20 15 25 15
20 5 20 10
20 15 20 25
20 25 5 25
10 25 15 25
20 10 20 15
25 15 10 20
15 25 10 20
Problem Set
1. Answer provided
M, P, S, U, W; one polygon sketched
N, O, R, T, Q, V, X; one polygon sketched
N, Q, T, S; one polygon sketched
M, N, R, P, S, U, T, X; one polygon sketched
2. Answers will vary.
3. No; answers will vary.
4. a. U; regular hexagon
b. Drawings will vary.
Exit Ticket
1. No; explanations will vary.
2. 2; right angles circled
3. 1
4. Pentagon
1. Hexagon matches At least 1 right angle and All sides are not equal
Rectangle matches At least 1 right angle, All sides are not equal, and At least 1 set of parallel sides
Regular octagon matches All sides are equal and At least 1 set of parallel sides
Decagon matches All sides are not equal
Pentagon matches All sides are not equal
Square matches All sides are equal, At least 1 right angle, and At least 1 set of parallel sides
2. Answers will vary.
3. Yes; explanations will vary.
Lesson 6
Problem Set
1. Right triangle drawn
2. Square with side lengths of 2 inches drawn
3. Quadrilateral drawn; parallel sides traced in green
4. Pentagon with at least 2 equal sides drawn; equal side lengths labeled
5. Hexagon with at least 2 equal sides drawn; equal side lengths labeled
6. No; explanations and drawings will vary.
Exit Ticket
Rectangle drawn
1. Triangle with no right angles drawn
2. Square, rectangle, or trapezoid drawn
3. Quadrilateral with 2 equal sides drawn; equal side lengths labeled
4. Hexagon with at least 2 equal sides drawn; equal side lengths labeled
5. Pentagon with at least 2 equal sides drawn; equal side lengths labeled
6. Regular triangle with side lengths of 4 cm drawn
Lesson 7
Pattern Sheet
5 10 15 20
25 30 35 40
45 50 25 30
25 35 25 40
25 45 25 50
30 25 30 35
30 40 30 45
30 35 30 35
40 35 45 35
40 30 40 35
40 45 45 30
45 35 45 40
45 40 30 45
35 45 30 40
45 35 30 40
Problem Set
1. Grid colored
2. Grid colored
a. Number sentence will vary.
b. Number sentence will vary.
3. a. Grid colored
b. Explanations will vary.
4. Answers will vary.
Exit Ticket
Grid colored
1. 3 rectangles colored
2. a. Square with 16 units colored
b. 2 rectangles with 24 units colored
3. Explanations will vary.
Lesson 8
Pattern Sheet
6 12 18 24
30 6 12 6
18 6 24 6
30 6 12 18
12 24 12 30
12 6 12 18
6 18 12 18
24 18 30 18
24 6 24 12
24 18 24 30
24 30 6 30
12 30 18 30
24 12 24 18
30 18 12 24
18 30 12 24
Problem Set
1. 2 right triangles drawn and labeled
2. 2 smaller triangles drawn and labeled
3. Trapezoid and triangle drawn and labeled
4. 2 smaller trapezoids drawn and labeled
5. Square and triangle drawn and labeled
6. Parallelogram and triangle drawn and labeled
7. a. Lines drawn correctly inside the square
b. Descriptions and explanations will vary.
Exit Ticket
3 shapes traced and labeled; one common attribute described
1. Line drawn to divide square
2. Line drawn to divide triangle
3. Line drawn to divide trapezoid
4. Line drawn to divide quadrilateral
5. 4 lines drawn to divide square into 8 equal triangles
6. Descriptions will vary.
Lesson 9
Pattern Sheet
6 12 18 24
30 36 42 48
54 60 30 36
30 42 30 48
30 54 30 60
36 30 36 42
36 48 36 54
36 42 36 42
48 42 54 42
48 36 48 42
48 54 54 36
54 42 54 48
54 48 36 54
42 54 36 48
54 42 36 48
Problem Set
1. a. Drawings will vary.
b. Drawings will vary.
c. Drawings will vary.
d. Drawings will vary.
2. Drawings will vary.
3. Description of attributes will vary.
4. Outlines and descriptions will vary.
Exit Ticket
Sketches will vary.
1. a. Drawings will vary.
b. Drawings will vary.
c. Drawings will vary.
d. Drawings will vary.
2. Lines are drawn correctly on the cat.
3. Drawings will vary.
Lesson 10
Pattern Sheet
7 14 21 28
35 7 14 7
21 7 28 7
35 7 14 21
14 28 14 35
14 7 14 21
7 21 14 21
28 21 35 21
28 7 28 14
28 21 28 35
28 35 7 35
14 35 21 35
28 14 28 21
35 21 14 28
21 35 14 28
Problem Set
1. a. 2-inch square traced with red crayon
b. New shape traced with red crayon
c. Answers will vary.
d. Shapes colored with blue crayon
e. Red; explanations will vary.
f. Area; explanations will vary.
g. Neither; explanations will vary.
2. a. Perimeters of shapes outlined with red crayon
b. Explanations will vary.
3. Paper outlined with highlighter
Exit Ticket
1. Outside edges colored purple; inside colored yellow
2. Purple; explanations will vary.
1. Perimeter of each shape traced
a. Explanations will vary.
b. Explanations will vary.
2. Rectangle drawn on grid
a. Perimeter traced
b. Area shaded
c. Explanations will vary.
3. Maya; explanations will vary.
Lesson 11
Problem Set
1. a. Answers will vary.
b. Answers will vary.
c. Answers will vary.
d. Answers will vary.
2. Answers will vary.
3. Answers will vary.
4. Answers will vary.
Exit Ticket
Drawings will vary.
1. a. Shape outlined with highlighter
b. Explanations will vary.
c. 18
d. Shape shaded in with colored pencil
2. Drawings will vary.
3. Frank; explanations will vary.
4. a. Triangle drawn correctly
b. Yes, explanations will vary.
Lesson 12
Pattern Sheet
7 14 21 28
35 42 49 56
63 70 35 42
35 49 35 56
35 63 35 70
42 35 42 49
42 56 42 63
42 49 42 49
56 49 63 49
56 42 56 49
56 63 63 42
63 49 63 56
63 56 42 63
49 63 42 56
63 49 42 56
Problem Set
1. a. Labeled each side 3 cm; 3, 3, 3, 3; 12
b. Labeled each side 3 cm; 3 cm + 3 cm + 3 cm + 3 cm + 3 cm + 3 cm; 18
c. Labeled each side 4 cm; 4 cm + 4 cm + 4 cm + 4 cm; 16
d. Labeled 6 cm, 6 cm, 5 cm; 6 cm + 6 cm + 5 cm; 17
e. Labeled 3 cm, 3 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, 1 cm, 6 cm; 3 cm + 3 cm + 2 cm + 3 cm + 1 cm + 6 cm; 18
2. Labeled each side 3 cm; Perimeter = 3 cm + 3 cm + 3 cm + 3 cm = 12 cm
3. Shapes labeled; Daisy; explanations will vary.
4. Explanations will vary; 16 cm
Exit Ticket
Labeled 4 cm, 2 cm, 2 cm, 4 cm, 2 cm, 2 cm, 4 cm, 2 cm, 2 cm, 4 cm, 2 cm, 2 cm;
4 cm + 2 cm + 2 cm + 4 cm + 2 cm + 2 cm + 4 cm + 2 cm + 2 cm + 4 cm + 2 cm + 2 cm; 32
1. a. Labeled 3 cm, 4 cm, 5 cm; 3, 4, 5; 12
b. Labeled 6 cm, 4 cm, 6 cm, 4 cm; 6 cm + 4 cm + 6 cm + 4 cm; 20
c. Labeled 3 cm, 4 cm, 5 cm, 4 cm; 3 cm + 4 cm + 5 cm + 4 cm; 16
d. Labeled each side 5 cm; 5 cm + 5 cm + 5 cm + 5 cm; 20
e. Labeled 8 cm, 3 cm, 2 cm, 2 cm, 4 cm, 2 cm, 2 cm, 4 cm;
8 cm + 3 cm + 2 cm + 2 cm + 4 cm + 2 cm + 2cm + 4 cm; 27
2. Labeled each side 3 cm; Perimeter = 3 cm + 3 cm + 3 cm + 3 cm + 3 cm + 3 cm = 18 cm
3. No; explanations will vary.
4. No; explanations will vary.
Lesson 13
Pattern Sheet
8 16 24 32
40 8 16 8
24 8 32 8
40 8 16 24
16 32 16 40
16 8 16 24
8 24 16 24
32 24 40 24
32 8 32 16
32 24 32 40
32 40 8 40
16 40 24 40
32 16 32 24
40 24 16 32
24 40 16 32
Problem Set
1. a. 22
b. 4, 4, 4, 4; 16
c. 11, 9, 6; 26
d. 15, 5, 9, 7; 36
e. 9, 9, 2, 2, 3; 25
2. 52 m
3. a. 24 in
b. Yes; 5 sides
Exit Ticket
Shape B; explanations will vary.
1. Shape q: Answer provided
Shape r: P = 6 ft + 9 ft + 6 ft + 6 ft + 9 ft; P = 36 ft
Shape s: P = 7 cm + 5 cm + 7 cm + 5 cm; P = 24 cm
Shape a: P = 9 yd + 7 yd + 5 yd + 7 yd; P = 28 yd
Shape m: P = 4 in + 4 in + 4 in + 4 in; P = 16 in
Shape e: P = 8 cm + 5 cm + 8 cm + 5 cm; P = 26 cm
Shape u: P = 6 m + 3 m + 7 m + 4 m; P = 20 m
Shape l: P = 4 m + 3 m + 4 m + 2 m + 2 m; P = 15 m
Square meals
2. 160 ft
3. a. 33 in
b. Yes; 8 sides
Lesson 14
Pattern Sheet
8 16 24 32
40 48 56 64
72 80 40 48
40 56 40 64
40 72 40 80
48 40 48 56
48 64 48 72
48 56 48 56
64 56 72 56
64 48 64 56
64 72 72 48
72 56 72 64
72 64 48 72
56 72 48 64
72 56 48 64
Problem Set
1. a. Labeled each side 8 in; 56
b. Labeled each side 7 ft; 21
c. Labeled each side 9 m; 36
d. Labeled each side 6 in; 30
2. Labeled 7 cm and 2 cm; 18
3. 48 cm
4. 34 in
5. Both; explanations will vary.
Exit Ticket
Regular pentagon; work shown correctly
1. a. Labeled each side 4 in; 12
b. Labeled each side 8 cm; 32
c. Labeled each side 9 m; 72
d. Labeled each side 6 in; 36
2. Labeled 4 cm and 9 cm; 26
3. 35 cm
4. 96 m
5. 38 in
Lesson 15
Pattern Sheet
9 18 27 36
45 9 18 9
27 9 36 9
45 9 18 27
18 36 18 45
18 9 18 27
9 27 18 27
36 27 45 27
36 9 36 18
36 27 36 45
36 45 9 45
18 45 27 45
36 18 36 27
45 27 18 36
27 45 18 36
Problem Set
1. 22 ft 4. 180 in
2. 165 cm 5. 640 yd
3. 34 yd 6. 216 in
Exit Ticket
36 yd
1. 26 in 4. 36 in
2. 40 ft 5. 64 ft
3. 160 yd 6. 32 ft
Lesson 16
Pattern Sheet
9 18 27 36
45 54 63 72
81 90 45 54
45 63 45 72
45 81 45 90
54 45 54 63
54 72 54 81
54 63 54 63
72 63 81 63
72 54 72 63
72 81 81 54
81 63 81 72
81 72 54 81
63 81 54 72
81 63 54 72
Problem Set
1. Answers will vary.
a. Explanations will vary.
b. Yes, explanations will vary.
2. No; explanations will vary.
3. No; explanations will vary.
4. No; explanations will vary.
Exit Ticket
Answers will vary.
1. a. Answers will vary.
b. Explanations will vary.
2. Shape A: 8 in; Shape B: 8 in
a. Shape B
b. About 1 in; answers may vary.
3. Answers will vary.
Lesson 17
Problem Set
1. a. Labeled 1 cm, 2 cm; P = (3 × 2 cm) + 1 cm + 3 cm + 4 cm = 14 cm (equations may vary)
b. Labeled 1 ft, 1 ft, 2 ft; P = (4 × 2 ft) + (3 × 1 ft) + 5 ft = 16 ft (equations may vary)
c. Labeled 2 m, 2 m, 4 m; P = (5 × 2 m) + (2 × 4 m) + 6 m = 24 m (equations may vary)
d. Labeled 2 yd, 1 yd, 2 yd; P = (7 × 2 yd) + 7 yd + 1 yd + 4 yd = 26 yd (equations may vary)
2. 48 cm
3. a = 8 in, b = 5 in; 26 in
Exit Ticket
a = 7 m, b = 8 m; 30 m
1. a. Labeled 3 m, 7 m; P = (2 × 7 m) + 3 m + 2 m + 9 m + 4 m = 32 m (equations may vary)
b. Labeled 4 cm; P = (2 × 2 cm) + (2 × 4 cm) + 3 cm + 5 cm + 6 cm + 8 cm = 34 cm (equations may vary)
c. Labeled 2 in, 6 in, 4 in; P = (2 × 2 in) + (3 × 4 in) +(2 × 6 in) + 12 in = 40 in (equations may vary)
d. Labeled 3 ft, 3 ft; P = (4 × 3 ft) + 1 ft + 2 ft + 7 ft + 8 ft = 30 ft (equations may vary)
2. 72 cm
3. a = 13 in, b = 6 in; 38 in
Lesson 18
Problem Set
1. a. 4 rectangles drawn and labeled correctly; perimeters calculated correctly
b. Answers will vary.
2. a. 3 rectangles drawn and labeled correctly
b. 16 units, explanations will vary.
3. Yes; explanations will vary.
Exit Ticket
1; 26 cm
4; 14 cm
2; 16 cm
1. 3 rectangles shaded correctly on the grid
2. Answers will vary.
3. 3 rectangles drawn with side lengths labeled correctly
a. The 1 × 20 rectangle will have the greatest perimeter. Explanations will vary.
b. The 4 × 5 rectangle will have the smallest perimeter. Explanations will vary.
Lesson 19
Problem Set
1. 1, 1, 13; 2, 1, 14, 2, 7; 2, 1, 15, 3, 5; 3, 1, 16, 2, 8, 4, 4; 1, 1, 17; 3, 1, 18, 2, 9, 3, 6
2. Line plot created
3. 12, 16, and 18 unit squares
4. Answers will vary.
Exit Ticket
3, 1, 20, 2, 10, 4, 5
1. 2, 1, 6, 2, 3; 1, 1, 7; 2, 1, 8, 2, 4; 2, 1, 9, 3, 3; 2, 1, 10, 2, 5; 1, 1, 11
2. Line plot created
a. No; explanations will vary.
b. 2; explanations will vary.
Lesson 20
Side A
1. 4 12. 14 23. 10 34. 8
2. 6 13. 16 24. 2 35. 7
3. 8 14. 18 25. 3 36. 9
4. 10 15. 20 26. 10 37. 6
5. 2 16. 8 27. 5 38. 8
6. 2 17. 7 28. 2 39. 22
7. 3 18. 9 29. 2 40. 11
8. 5 19. 6 30. 3 41. 24
9. 2 20. 10 31. 6 42. 12
10. 4 21. 5 32. 7 43. 28
11. 12 22. 6 33. 9 44. 14
Side B
1. 2 12. 12 23. 2 34. 7
2. 4 13. 14 24. 10 35. 8
3. 6 14. 16 25. 3 36. 9
4. 8 15. 18 26. 2 37. 6
5. 10 16. 7 27. 2 38. 7
6. 3 17. 6 28. 10 39. 22
7. 2 18. 8 29. 5 40. 11
8. 4 19. 10 30. 3 41. 24
9. 2 20. 9 31. 6 42. 12
10. 5 21. 6 32. 8 43. 26
11. 20 22. 5 33. 9 44. 13
Problem Set
1. a. 3 rectangles drawn and labeled
b. Answers will vary.
c. 6 square units, 8 square units, 9 square units
d. Areas are different
2. a. 3 rectangles drawn and labeled
b. 6 square units, 10 square units, 12 square units
c. Answers will vary.
Exit Ticket
a. 2 rectangles are drawn and labeled
b. 3 square units, 4 square units
1. a. 2 rectangles drawn and labeled
b. 4 square units, 6 square units
2. Yes; explanations will vary.
3. a. 5 cm by 5 cm square drawn and labeled
b. 25 sq cm
c. Different rectangle drawn
d. Katie’s square
Lesson 21
Side A
1. 6 12. 21 23. 10 34. 8
2. 9 13. 24 24. 2 35. 7
3. 12 14. 27 25. 3 36. 9
4. 15 15. 30 26. 10 37. 6
5. 3 16. 8 27. 5 38. 8
6. 2 17. 7 28. 1 39. 33
7. 3 18. 9 29. 2 40. 11
8. 5 19. 6 30. 3 41. 36
9. 1 20. 10 31. 6 42. 12
10. 4 21. 5 32. 7 43. 39
11. 18 22. 1 33. 9 44. 13
Side B
1. 3 12. 18 23. 2 34. 7
2. 6 13. 21 24. 10 35. 8
3. 9 14. 24 25. 3 36. 9
4. 12 15. 27 26. 2 37. 6
5. 15 16. 7 27. 1 38. 7
6. 3 17. 6 28. 10 39. 33
7. 2 18. 8 29. 5 40. 11
8. 4 19. 10 30. 3 41. 36
9. 1 20. 9 31. 6 42. 12
10. 5 21. 1 32. 8 43. 39
11. 30 22. 5 33. 9 44. 13
Problem Set
1. a. 4 rectangles sketched and labeled
b. 7 sq cm, 12 sq cm, 15 sq cm, 16 sq cm
2. a. 4 rectangles sketched and labeled
b. 8 sq cm, 14 sq cm, 18 sq cm, 20 sq cm
3. a. 2, 2 cm, 3 cm, 6 sq cm
5, 2 cm, 8 cm, 16 sq cm; 3 cm 7 cm, 21 sq cm; 4 cm, 6 cm, 24 sq cm; 5 cm, 5 cm, 25 sq cm
b. Yes, explanations will vary.
4. Answers will vary.
Exit Ticket
Answers will vary.
1. a. 3 rectangles shaded and labeled
b. 6 sq cm, 10 sq cm, 12 sq cm
c. Answers will vary.
2. a. 4, 2 units, 7 units, 14 sq units; 3 units, 6 units, 18 sq units; 4 units, 5 units, 20 sq units
b. Explanations will vary.
3. Answers will vary.
Lesson 22
Side A
1. 8 12. 28 23. 10 34. 8
2. 12 13. 32 24. 2 35. 7
3. 16 14. 36 25. 3 36. 9
4. 20 15. 40 26. 10 37. 6
5. 4 16. 8 27. 5 38. 8
6. 2 17. 7 28. 1 39. 44
7. 3 18. 9 29. 2 40. 11
8. 5 19. 6 30. 3 41. 3
9. 1 20. 10 31. 6 42. 12
10. 4 21. 5 32. 7 43. 56
11. 24 22. 1 33. 9 44. 14
Side B
1. 4 12. 24 23. 2 34. 7
2. 8 13. 28 24. 10 35. 8
3. 12 14. 32 25. 3 36. 9
4. 16 15. 36 26. 2 37. 6
5. 20 16. 7 27. 1 38. 7
6. 3 17. 6 28. 10 39. 44
7. 2 18. 8 29. 5 40. 11
8. 4 19. 10 30. 3 41. 48
9. 1 20. 9 31. 3 42. 12
10. 5 21. 1 32. 4 43. 52
11. 40 22. 5 33. 9 44. 13
Problem Set
1. Line plot created
2. Answers will vary.
3. No
4. No; explanations will vary.
5. Explanations will vary.
Exit Ticket
Answers will vary.
1. a. Explanations will vary; no
b. Explanations will vary; whole number side lengths
c. 8; explanations will vary.
2. No; explanations will vary.
3. Explanations will vary.
Lesson 23
Side A
1. 10 12. 35 23. 10 34. 8
2. 15 13. 40 24. 2 35. 7
3. 20 14. 45 25. 3 36. 9
4. 25 15. 50 26. 10 37. 6
5. 5 16. 8 27. 5 38. 8
6. 2 17. 7 28. 1 39. 55
7. 3 18. 9 29. 2 40. 11
8. 5 19. 6 30. 3 41. 3
9. 1 20. 10 31. 6 42. 12
10. 4 21. 5 32. 7 43. 60
11. 30 22. 1 33. 9 44. 14
Side B
1. 5 12. 30 23. 2 34. 7
2. 10 13. 35 24. 10 35. 8
3. 15 14. 40 25. 3 36. 9
4. 20 15. 45 26. 2 37. 6
5. 25 16. 7 27. 1 38. 7
6. 3 17. 6 28. 10 39. 55
7. 2 18. 8 29. 5 40. 11
8. 4 19. 10 30. 3 41. 60
9. 1 20. 9 31. 3 42. 12
10. 5 21. 1 32. 4 43. 65
11. 50 22. 5 33. 9 44. 13
Problem Set
1. 6 cm 4. 96 in
2. 184 in 5. $40
3. 8 ft 6. Yes
Exit Ticket
9 cm
1. 9 in 4. 99 in
2. 144 in 5. 24 in
3. 250 ft 6. 76 in
Lesson 24
Pattern Sheet
6 12 18 24
30 36 42 48
54 60 30 36
30 42 30 48
30 54 30 60
36 30 36 42
36 48 36 54
36 42 36 42
48 42 54 42
48 36 48 42
48 54 54 36
54 42 54 48
54 48 36 54
42 54 36 48
54 42 36 48
Problem Set
A. Width and length will vary. J. Estimated and measured with string
B. Width and length will vary. K. Width and length will vary.
C. Width and length will vary. L. Estimated and measured with string
D. Width and length will vary. M. Width and length will vary.
E. 28; width and length will vary. N. Estimated and measured with string
F. Width and length will vary. O. Width and length will vary.
G. 8; width and length will vary. P. Extra items and information will vary.
H. Extra body parts and information will vary. Q. Extra items and information will vary.
I. Extra body parts and information will vary.
Exit Ticket
Answers will vary.
1. 6 in
2. a. 8 cm by 1 cm
7 cm by 2 cm
6 cm by 3 cm
5 cm by 4 cm
b. 4 rectangles
c. Explanations will vary.
3. a. 1 cm by 2 cm
1 cm by 4 cm or 2 cm by 3 cm
1 cm by 6 cm, 2 cm by 5 cm, or 3 cm by 4 cm
b. 1 cm by 5 cm, 2 cm by 4 cm, or 3 cm by 3 cm
P = 20 cm; 1 cm by 9 cm, 2 cm by 8 cm, 3 cm by 7 cm, 4 cm by 6 cm, or 5 cm by 5 cm
P = 28 cm; 1 cm by 13 cm, 2 cm by 12 cm, 3 cm by 11 cm, 4 cm by 10 cm, 5 cm by 9 cm, 6 cm by 8
cm, or 7 cm by 7 cm
Lesson 25
Side A
1. 12 12. 42 23. 10 34. 8
2. 18 13. 48 24. 2 35. 7
3. 24 14. 54 25. 3 36. 9
4. 30 15. 60 26. 10 37. 6
5. 6 16. 8 27. 5 38. 8
6. 2 17. 7 28. 1 39. 66
7. 3 18. 9 29. 2 40. 11
8. 5 19. 6 30. 3 41. 72
9. 1 20. 10 31. 6 42. 12
10. 4 21. 5 32. 7 43. 84
11. 36 22. 1 33. 9 44. 14
Side B
1. 6 12. 36 23. 2 34. 7
2. 12 13. 42 24. 10 35. 8
3. 18 14. 48 25. 3 36. 9
4. 24 15. 54 26. 2 37. 6
5. 30 16. 7 27. 1 38. 7
6. 3 17. 6 28. 10 39. 66
7. 2 18. 8 29. 5 40. 11
8. 4 19. 10 30. 3 41. 72
9. 1 20. 9 31. 3 42. 12
10. 5 21. 1 32. 4 43. 78
11. 60 22. 5 33. 9 44. 13
Problem Set
Pictures and labels will vary.
Exit Ticket
1. a. Answers will vary.
b. Answers will vary.
2. Answers will vary.
A. Answer provided
B. P = 4 × 2 cm, or P = 2 cm + 2 cm + 2 cm + 2 cm
P = 8 cm
C. P = 8 cm + 6 cm + 8 cm + 6 cm
P = 28 cm
D. P = 2 cm + 5 cm + 2 cm + 5 cm
P = 14 cm
E. P = 2 cm + 5 cm + 2 cm + 5 cm
P = 14 cm
F. P = 7 cm + 2 cm + 7 cm + 2 cm
P = 18 cm
G. P = 7 cm + 2 cm + 7 cm + 2 cm
P = 18 cm
Lesson 26
Pattern Sheet
7 14 21 28
35 42 49 56
63 70 35 42
35 49 35 56
35 63 35 70
42 35 42 49
42 56 42 63
42 49 42 49
56 49 63 49
56 42 56 49
56 63 63 42
63 49 63 56
63 56 42 63
49 63 42 56
63 49 42 56
Problem Set
1. a. Answers will vary.
b. Answers will vary.
2. Answers will vary.
3. Explanations will vary.
4. Answers will vary.
Exit Ticket
1. Answers will vary.
2. Answers will vary.
1. a. 16 cm
b. 16 cm
c. 16 sq cm
d. 15 sq cm
e. Explanations will vary.
2. a. Answers will vary.
b. Yes; explanations will vary.
c. 4 cm by 10 cm
Lesson 27
Side A
1. 14 12. 49 23. 10 34. 8
2. 21 13. 56 24. 2 35. 7
3. 28 14. 63 25. 3 36. 9
4. 35 15. 70 26. 10 37. 6
5. 7 16. 8 27. 5 38. 8
6. 2 17. 7 28. 1 39. 77
7. 3 18. 9 29. 2 40. 11
8. 5 19. 6 30. 3 41. 84
9. 1 20. 10 31. 6 42. 12
10. 4 21. 5 32. 7 43. 98
11. 42 22. 1 33. 9 44. 14
Side B
1. 7 12. 42 23. 2 34. 7
2. 14 13. 49 24. 10 35. 8
3. 21 14. 56 25. 3 36. 9
4. 28 15. 63 26. 2 37. 6
5. 35 16. 7 27. 1 38. 7
6. 3 17. 6 28. 10 39. 77
7. 2 18. 8 29. 5 40. 11
8. 4 19. 10 30. 3 41. 84
9. 1 20. 9 31. 3 42. 12
10. 5 21. 1 32. 4 43. 91
11. 70 22. 5 33. 9 44. 13
Problem Set
Part A
1. Evaluations will vary.
2. Answers and calculations will vary.
3. Answers and calculations will vary.
Part B
4. Evaluations will vary.
Exit Ticket
1. Rectangle A: 5, 5; 20 cm; 25 sq cm
Rectangle B: 8, 2; 20 cm; 16 sq cm
2. Answers will vary.
1. Rectangle A: 6, 6; 24 cm; 36 sq cm
Rectangle B: 4, 8; 24 cm; 32 sq cm
Rectangle C: 11, 1; 24 cm; 11 sq cm
Rectangle D: 5, 5; 20 cm; 25 sq cm
Rectangle E: 2, 8; 20 cm; 16 sq cm
Rectangle F: 4, 6; 20 cm; 24 sq cm
2. Answers will vary.
3. Answers will vary.
4. A, D; A
Lesson 28
Pattern Sheet
8 16 24 32
40 48 56 64
72 80 40 48
40 56 40 64
40 72 40 80
48 40 48 56
48 64 48 72
48 56 48 56
64 56 72 56
64 48 64 56
64 72 72 48
72 56 72 64
72 64 48 72
56 72 48 64
72 56 48 64
Problem Set
1. a. 7 yd by 9 yd rectangle drawn and labeled correctly
b. 63 sq yd
c. 32 yd
2. a. 8 cm by 8 cm square drawn and labeled correctly
b. 64 sq cm
c. 32 cm
d. 64 cm
3. a. Drawings will vary.
b. 9 in
c. 34 in
d. 217 sq in
4. a. Drawings will vary.
b. 8 ft
c. 72 sq ft
d. 48 sq ft
Exit Ticket
a. 6 ft by 8 ft rectangle drawn and labeled correctly
b. 48 sq ft
c. 28 ft
1. a. 7 cm by 7 cm square drawn and labeled correctly
b. 49 sq cm
c. 28 cm
d. 42 cm
2. a. Drawings will vary.
b. 6 ft
c. 18 sq ft
d. 54 sq ft
Lesson 29
Side A
1. 16 12. 56 23. 10 34. 8
2. 24 13. 64 24. 2 35. 7
3. 32 14. 72 25. 3 36. 9
4. 40 15. 80 26. 10 37. 6
5. 8 16. 8 27. 5 38. 8
6. 2 17. 7 28. 1 39. 88
7. 3 18. 9 29. 2 40. 11
8. 5 19. 6 30. 3 41. 96
9. 1 20. 10 31. 6 42. 12
10. 4 21. 5 32. 7 43. 112
11. 48 22. 1 33. 9 44. 14
Side B
1. 8 12. 48 23. 2 34. 7
2. 16 13. 56 24. 10 35. 8
3. 24 14. 64 25. 3 36. 9
4. 32 15. 72 26. 2 37. 6
5. 40 16. 7 27. 1 38. 7
6. 3 17. 1 28. 10 39. 88
7. 2 18. 8 29. 5 40. 11
8. 4 19. 10 30. 3 41. 96
9. 1 20. 9 31. 3 42. 12
10. 5 21. 1 32. 4 43. 104
11. 80 22. 5 33. 9 44. 13
Problem Set
1. a. 56 in 2. 25 ft
b. 144 sq in 3. 36 cm
c. 72 in 4. 700 yd
Exit Ticket
64 cm
1. a. 48 in 2. a. 36 cm
b. 128 sq in b. 72 sq cm
c. 256 sq in 3. 800 yd
Lesson 30
Pattern Sheet
9 18 27 36
45 54 63 72
81 90 45 54
45 63 45 72
45 81 45 90
54 45 54 63
54 72 54 81
54 63 54 63
72 63 81 63
72 54 72 63
72 81 81 54
81 63 81 72
81 72 54 81
63 81 54 72
81 63 54 72
Problem Set
Answers will vary.
Exit Ticket
1. Answers will vary.
2. Answers will vary.
Answers will vary.
Lesson 31
Side A
1. 18 12. 63 23. 10 34. 8
2. 27 13. 72 24. 2 35. 7
3. 36 14. 81 25. 3 36. 9
4. 45 15. 90 26. 10 37. 6
5. 9 16. 8 27. 5 38. 8
6. 2 17. 7 28. 1 39. 99
7. 3 18. 9 29. 2 40. 11
8. 5 19. 6 30. 3 41. 108
9. 1 20. 10 31. 6 42. 12
10. 4 21. 5 32. 7 43. 126
11. 54 22. 1 33. 9 44. 14
Side B
1. 9 12. 54 23. 2 34. 7
2. 18 13. 63 24. 10 35. 8
3. 27 14. 72 25. 3 36. 9
4. 36 15. 81 26. 2 37. 6
5. 45 16. 7 27. 1 38. 7
6. 3 17. 6 28. 10 39. 99
7. 2 18. 8 29. 5 40. 11
8. 4 19. 10 30. 3 41. 108
9. 1 20. 9 31. 3 42. 12
10. 5 21. 1 32. 4 43. 117
11. 90 22. 5 33. 9 44. 13
Problem Set
Answers will vary.
Exit Ticket
Answers will vary.
1. a. 18 square units
b. 9 square units
c. Half of the rectangle shaded
d. Answers will vary.
2. Explanations will vary.
3. Answers will vary.
Lesson 32
Side A
1. 2 12. 6 23. 14 34. 16
2. 4 13. 9 24. 25 35. 18
3. 6 14. 5 25. 30 36. 35
4. 4 15. 10 26. 35 37. 40
5. 8 16. 15 27. 20 38. 45
6. 12 17. 7 28. 24 39. 28
7. 6 18. 14 29. 28 40. 32
8. 12 19. 9 30. 15 41. 36
9. 8 20. 18 31. 18 42. 21
10. 16 21. 10 32. 21 43. 24
11. 3 22. 12 33. 14 44. 27
Side B
1. 5 12. 4 23. 35 34. 40
2. 10 13. 6 24. 10 35. 45
3. 15 14. 4 25. 12 36. 14
4. 3 15. 8 26. 14 37. 16
5. 6 16. 12 27. 15 38. 18
6. 9 17. 6 28. 18 39. 21
7. 7 18. 12 29. 21 40. 24
8. 14 19. 8 30. 20 41. 27
9. 9 20. 16 31. 24 42. 28
10. 18 21. 25 32. 28 43. 32
11. 2 22. 30 33. 35 44. 36
Problem Set
1. a. Answers will vary.
b. No, explanations will vary.
2. a. A, C, D
b. Answers will vary.
c. Answers will vary.
3. Circle shaded correctly
4. Yes, explanations will vary.
Exit Ticket
1. Yes; explanations will vary.
2. Circle shaded
1. Circles shaded correctly
2. Answers will vary.
3. No; explanations will vary.
4. a. Marissa; explanations will vary.
b. Explanations will vary.
5. Circle shaded
Lesson 33
Side A
1. 2 12. 4 23. 2 34. 6
2. 3 13. 2 24. 5 35. 4
3. 5 14. 3 25. 4 36. 8
4. 10 15. 5 26. 7 37. 4
5. 2 16. 4 27. 2 38. 9
6. 3 17. 10 28. 5 39. 3
7. 5 18. 2 29. 4 40. 8
8. 4 19. 3 30. 7 41. 3
9. 2 20. 5 31. 8 42. 8
10. 3 21. 2 32. 6 43. 8
11. 5 22. 3 33. 9 44. 9
Side B
1. 2 12. 4 23. 2 34. 6
2. 3 13. 2 24. 5 35. 5
3. 5 14. 3 25. 3 36. 9
4. 10 15. 5 26. 7 37. 5
5. 2 16. 4 27. 2 38. 8
6. 3 17. 10 28. 5 39. 4
7. 5 18. 2 29. 3 40. 9
8. 4 19. 3 30. 7 41. 5
9. 2 20. 5 31. 9 42. 9
10. 3 21. 2 32. 6 43. 7
11. 5 22. 3 33. 8 44. 8
Problem Set
Answers will vary.
Exit Ticket
Answers will vary.
Answers will vary.
Lesson 34
Side A
1. 6 12. 5 23. 14 34. 9
2. 3 13. 12 24. 24 35. 42
3. 15 14. 3 25. 36 36. 49
4. 3 15. 28 26. 35 37. 7
5. 8 16. 2 27. 6 38. 7
6. 2 17. 6 28. 6 39. 36
7. 9 18. 2 29. 8 40. 64
8. 3 19. 24 30. 5 41. 9
9. 12 20. 4 31. 16 42. 7
10. 3 21. 2 32. 27 43. 9
11. 25 22. 24 33. 8 44. 8
Side B
1. 10 12. 3 23. 14 34. 9
2. 5 13. 14 24. 24 35. 42
3. 6 14. 3 25. 36 36. 49
4. 2 15. 24 26. 35 37. 7
5. 6 16. 2 27. 6 38. 7
6. 3 17. 7 28. 6 39. 36
7. 16 18. 2 29. 8 40. 64
8. 4 19. 27 30. 5 41. 9
9. 12 20. 4 31. 16 42. 7
10. 4 21. 2 32. 27 43. 9
11. 9 22. 28 33. 8 44. 8
Problem Set
Summer Math Review Calendar