Worksheet On Wave Basics
Worksheet On Wave Basics
Worksheet On Wave Basics
4. The two types of waves are transverse waves and longitudinal waves.
5. In a longitudinal wave, the particles of the medium move in a direction parallel to the direction which the
wave moves.
6. In a transverse. wave, the particles of the medium move in a direction perpendicular to the direction
which the wave moves.
Rarefaction (a)
Compression (c)
Trough (d)
10. Define:
a) Period: The time it takes a wavelength to go through one cycle,or the time it takes a point to go through
one phase of the wave.
b) Amplitude: The greatest distance from the equilibrium. The bigger the amplitude of the wave,the more
energy the wave has.
c) Wavelength: The shortest distance between points where the wave pattern repeats itself.