Internal Customer Satisfaction
Internal Customer Satisfaction
Internal Customer Satisfaction
Customer is the king, this is all the more apt for today's business
environment where, all other factors remaining more or less constant, it is the value
while optimally using resources. While most companies have developed strategies
emphasize that total customer satisfaction can be attained only if all employees
devoted to external customer satisfaction can work together and assist each other
to achieve the common objective, when the internal customer isn't satisfied,
customer oriented approach to keep the internal customer satisfied and motivated,
who in turn will focus their attention and energy upon meeting the requirements of
customer satisfaction.
Customer satisfaction survey is the process to monitor the satisfaction
quotient of their people. In internal satisfaction surveys therefore tracks the return
on your investments in keeping your people happy, high salaries, a quality culture,
Last, but not the least internal customer satisfaction survey helps in finding
Ø It enhance communication and hence helped in team building, hence there is
less wasted effort caused by lack of common purpose and poor communication.
Ø A good employee feedback survey improves employee attitude and boosts
series of activities takes place. There are different deptts. To which these activities
are assigned eg. Raw material for production is purchased by one deptt. And
supplied to other deptt. Where the production initiates. Thus every deptt. play an
The importance of a customer is well known from the maxim, “ Customer is
satisfaction of external customers i.e. the target market. But now it is being realized
that if the internal customer is satisfied the quality as well as the quantity is also
appreciable. Higher the customer satisfaction index, higher will be the quality of
the production. This results in the satisfaction of external customers and ultimately
brings profits & prosperity to the organization. It can benefit the organization in
following ways:-
6) Good reputation in the market and many more benefits can be accrued.
Thus, every deptt. should ensure that the customer deptt. is satisfied with the
the organization.
To serve a final customer first of all a company has to satisfy his employees.
If employees are satisfied then they will ultimately satisfy the final customer.
Company satisfy their employees because they are the person in touch with
When company communicates with its final end user regarding the
companies can outdo their competition if they can move from product and sales
doing a better job of meeting and satisfying customers needs. Only customer-
centered companies are adept at building customers, not just building product.
procure customers. If that department cannot, the company draws the conclusion
that its marketing people aren’t very good . but in fact, marketing is only one factor
in attracting and keeping customers. The best marketing department in the world
cannot spell products that are poorly made or fail to meet anyone’s need. The
Although the customer oriented firms seek to create high customer
satisfaction, its main goal is to maximize customer satisfaction ,first the company
can increase customer satisfaction by lowering its prices, but results may be lower
profits second the company might be able to increase prices. Third the company
has many stake-holders including employees, dealers, suppliers and stock holders
spending more to increase customer satisfaction might divert funds from increasing
the satisfaction of other partner. Estimate the company must operate on the
philosophy that it is trying to deliver a high level of satisfaction to the other stake-
holder within the constrains of its resources. From the past studies of last three
decades we observed that the company’s first task is to create and satisfy
customers. But today’s customers face a vast array of product and brand choice
It is generally believed that customers estimate which offer will deliver the
most value customers are like value maximizes, within the bounds of search costs
and limited knowledge, mobility income, they form an expectation of value and act
on it, whether or not the offer lives up to the value expectations affects customer’s
Customer delivered value is the difference between the total customer value
and total consumer cost. Consumer value is the bundle of benefits customers
expect from a given product or service. Total consumer cost it the bundle of costs
That two customers can report being “highly satisfied” for different reasons.
one may be easily satisfied most of the time and other might be hard to please but
was pleased on this occasion. Companies should also note that managers and
especially nice just before the survey. They can also try to exclude unhappy
customers from the survey. Another danger is that if customers will know that the
company will go out of its way to please customers, some customers may express
The value chain is a tool for identifying ways to create more customer value.
market, deliver and support its product. The value chain identifies nine
strategically relevant activities that create value and cost in a specific business.
These nine value-creating activities consist of five primary activities and four
support activities.
First, it can train and motivate the sales force to spot and report new
by other means.
Second, the company can motivate the distributors, retailers, and other
Internal Sources
External Sources
Ø The main objective of the study is to find out the level of satisfaction among
Ø To know the present status of the suppliers in terms of their supplied
Ø To make company's internal suppliers aware about the dissatisfaction part
of their customers.
The quality and reliability of research study is dependent on the
planning of designing of research method is a blue print for any research study.
Therefore, proper time and attention should be given in designing the plan of
research. While proper definition of problem tells the researcher where he has
to go, proper design tells him how he should go. Selection of methodology for
Efficient design is that which ensure that the relevant data are collected
should be adopted in the study. He should arrive at the final choice by seeing
that the methodology chosen for project is indeed the best one, when
Research design is the first and foremost step in methodology adopted
and undertaking research study. It is overall plan for the collection and analysis
Infact a well planned and well balanced research design guards against
collection of irrelevant data and achieves the result in the best possible way.
The universe of study being large, researcher has to resort to sampling
a prescribed manner one is able to deduce for the universe. For the sample
Data are the bricks with which the researcher has to make a house.
number of methods are at the disposal of the researcher of which one has to
select the most appropriate one for visualizing the research objective. Thus he
has to see that the method adopted is compatible with the resources and
research study.
a) Primary Data : Data which are collected fresh and for the first time and
specific purpose.
b) Secondary data : Data that collected from primary data i.e., they are
already exit some where. For the purpose of our study we collected both
the data.
were further divided into 12 parameter. Question, which were asked, were of
Personal interview were also conducted. There was face to face
conversation between researcher and the respondents. All the answers were
diagrams and graphs. It is only after presentation that data can be analyzed,
The likert scale has been used for getting the responses through
We used 5 point scale, which are assigned to degree of satisfaction level
1 2 3 4 5
Poor Average Good V. Good Excellent
The responses were collected and analyzed on the above mentioned 5 point
scale. We used weighted score and weighted average for the purpose of
Weighted Score : This score was observed for every individual attribute for
These score were used to make Radar chart type (spider chart) for the
each parameter.
Through this method the weighted average for each individual parameter
calculated the mean of the weighted average of a dept. Sum of the weighted
This weighted average was then used to make a pyramid chart to show the
Ø Department-wise analysis :
We take difference between highest and lowest rating obtained by the 2
Methods of evaluation
1. Non - availability of secondary data compelled me to start from the very
minute information .
2. Respondents in some department gave biased responses for fear of their
3. Some people at top level were afraid and showed complete reluctance
After conducting the survey and analysis the data collected, it can be
concluded that:-
1. The employees are not much aware of internal customer supplier
3. Things are seen from department point of view and not from
4. Certain problems which are faced by almost every department are:-
respective suppliers.
8. There is a need for the adoption of innovative tools and techniques.
customer deptt.
17. Lacking in the best technology like “ON LINE TRACKING” of each batch of
fabric etc.
2. Promptness
Supply/Service received___________________________________________
1 2 3 4 5
Poor Average Good Very Excellent
Sr. Parameters 1 2 3 4 5
1 Quality
a) Quality of Product/Service
b) Quality of feedback/communication
c) Consistency of services
2 Delivery 1 2 3 4 5
a) Promptness of response/service
b) Accessibility & availability of
c) Adherence of delivery
3 Innovation 1 2 3 4 5
a) Receptivity for innovation / new
b) Adoption of innovation tools &
c) Analysis of data/diagnostic
4 Productivity 1 2 3 4 5
a) Adopting cost control measures
b) Minimizing wastage of
c) Optimization of machine/men-
· Kindly give your expectation from the service department which has not
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