Novax Axial Fan Installation and Maintenance
Novax Axial Fan Installation and Maintenance
Novax Axial Fan Installation and Maintenance
1. Application It also mentions product type e. g. ACN mum motor size employed and is in
1000/380 and serial No. or order No. as terms of kg.
2. Handling well as weight and fan speed. The motor is of ABB manufacture and
2.1 Marking A motor nameplate with relevant motor the data are for 4-pole motors (see fig. 4).
2.2 Weight data is also provided.
2.3 Transport
2.3 Transport
2.2 Weight The axial flow fan type ACN-ACW are
The total weights shown in figure 1, 2 delivered on pallets or bearers to allow
3. Storage
and 3 apply to axial flow fan type ACN- fork-lift transport.
4. Installation ACW. The total weight is determined on
the basis of type/size of fan and maxi-
4.1 Prior to attachment
4.2 Attachment
4.3 Mounting brackets Motor size
4.4 Duct connection size -71 -80 -90 -100 -112 -132 -160 -180 -200 -225 -250 -280
4.5 Electric connection
ACN 250 17,3
ACN 315 20 23,5
5. Start of operation
160, 230, 280, 330 og 380
6.3 Impeller ACN 1120 154 215 262 354 410 489
6.4 Motor ACN 1250 175 240 278 375 432 510 574
6.5 Dismounting of motor ACN 1400 251 356 414 470 549 623 864
6.6 Mounting of motor ACN 1600 496 621 660 901
6.7 Blade pitch adjustment
Figure 1. Total weights for type ACN (incl.motor).
6.8 Fault localization
Motor size
7. Sound Fan
size -71 -80 -90 -100 -112 -132 -160 -180 -200 -225 -250 -280
8. Attestation of conformity ACW 250 29.5
160, 230, 280, 330 and 380
mu 12382 02-00 1
Motor size
size -71 -80 -90 -100 -112 -132 -160 -180 -200 -225 -250 -280
ACW 250
ACW 315 50.5 54
160, 230, 280, 330 and 380
ACW 1000 341 417 475 518 fan to the surroundings, anti-vibration
403 and 578
ACW 1120 392 453 492 550 592 671 mountings may be inserted between fan
ACW 1250 464 528 568 626 668 747 786 and support and flexible connections
ACW 1400 553 667 725 767 846 885 1114
fitted in the ducts before and after the fan
ACW 1600 861 940 980 1209
(available as optional extras).
Figure 3. Total weights for type ACW fans with 10 mm thickness of plate in tubes Secure anti-vibration mountings (fig. 6
item 06) in the mounting feet by means of
Motor type -71 -80 -90 -100 -112 -132 -160 -180 -200 -225 -250 -280
bolts (item 05).
Motor 6,5 10 16 23,5 27 48 87 145 190 270 305 535 Mount base plates (item 07) for attach-
weight kg
ment in the foundation/floor at the bot-
Figure 4. Motors of ABB manufacture (data for 4 pole motors). tom of the rubber element.
The natural frequency of the support
3. Storage must differ at least 20% from the fan
Axial flow fans type ACN-ACW can The best way of installing the fan is using speed.
stand outdoor storage for 1 month pro- mounting feet (available as optional ex- The anti-vibration mountings serve to
vided the packing is intact. Fans with no tras), but it may also be suspended in the ensure that the natural frequency of the
packing must be stored in a sheltered fan casing flanges or in special carriers. system does not exceed 10 Hz and that
place. The carriers must not hamper the free in- the damping is at least 80% at 1500 r.p.m.
If the fans are stored indoors under well- let and outlet of air.
ventilated conditions with no risk of con- When the fan has been finally secured
densation the storage period may be ex- make sure that the impeller rotates freely
tended to 6 months. The storage place in the casing.
must not be exposed to vibrations likely If the motor is provided with drain holes
to damage the motor bearings. for condensed water the fan must be ori-
If the storage period exceeds 3 months, it ented so that the holes turn downwards
is recommended to turn the impeller re- (lowest point).
gularly by hand. Generally, it is of the utmost importance
for the performance and sound level of
4. Installation an axial flow fan that the air flow is
unimpeded and free from eddies.
4.1 Prior to attachment )LJ$&1ZLWKPRXQWLQJIRRWDQGDQWL
Prior to attachment make sure that the 4.3 Mounting feet YLEUDWLRQPRXQWLQJV
impeller rotates freely in the fan casing, Mounting feet for types ACN/ACW
consist of two mounting plates (see fig. 5
4.4 Duct connection
wherever possible with equal distance In order to achieve the capacities stated
between blade tip and fan casing throug- item 01).
on the performance curves the fans must
hout the circumference. Mount two stiffeners (item 02) between
be provided with ducts as shown in fig.
these by means of joining elements (item
4.2 Attachment 7 and fig. 8.
03). Stiffeners are only available from fan
The fan is provided with an arrow-plate size 630 mm inclusive.
denoting the direction of air flow
through the fan casing. See during instal-
lation that the fan is oriented so as to pro-
vide the desired direction of air flow in
the system.
Fig. 7. Installation in duct system.
Also check that the electric connections off and protected so that the fan is not cut
meet the prescribed requirements, that in uninterntionally.
any wire guard fitted on the fan inlet or
outlet side is correctly mounted and that 6.2 Fan casing
The fan casing requires no maintenance
the direction of rotation of the fan com-
other than ordinary cleaning.
plies with the arrow-plate (check by
Fig. 8. Inlet cone for connection to duct. If the fan casing is painted, the painted
short-time operation).
surface should be checked regularly and
The duct or inlet cone on the fan inlet si- repaired where necessary.
5.2 Motors with Y/∆ starting
de must be designed to ensure smooth The relay must be set to the calculated ti-
and undisturbed flow of the air; avoid, me. 6.3 Impeller
for instance, sharp duct bends immedia- From the factory the impeller is supplied
tely in front of the inlet opening. Flexible 5.3 Starting procedure with the blades adjusted to the pitch cor-
connections must be placed at least 0.5 x Start the fan. responding to the desired operating
the impeller diameter in front of the lea- Check that no abnormal noises occur. point (pressure and air flow) at the fan
ding edge of the impeller. See that the vibration level is normal. The speed in question. To ensure vibrati-
ACN-ACW fans are prepared for circu- vibration level at the fan operating speed onfree operation the impeller has been
lar duct connection on both inlet and out- must not exceed 7 mm/s rms, measured carefully balanced in this position.
let sides. radially at 2 points, 90º offset and at the Vibrations occurring during operation
Flanges supplied as standard free shaft end of the motor. Otherwise, will normally be due to accumulations of
for type ACN comply with EUROVENT the fan must be balanced. Operation at a dust or dirt on the hub and blades, and
1/2. higher vibration level exceeding 11 mm/ will disappear after cleaning. Should this
Flanges supplied as standard for type s rms* is not allowed in case of fixed fan not be the case, expert assistance should
ACW comply with DIN 24154 row 4. position. be called in immediately, as continued
Systems with higher vibration level or Operation at a higher vibration level ex- vibrations will shorten the life of the mo-
more exacting performance require- ceeding 18 mm/s rms* is not allowed in tor bearings.
ments must be provided with expansion case of position on feet or anti-vibration
mountings. 6.4 Motor
joints between fan and duct, and ducts
The motor normally only requires main-
must not be supported by the fan. After 30 minutes of operation check that
tenance of the bearings as indicated in
It is important to allow for free areas to the fan operates normally.
the maintenance instructions for electric
facilitate mounting and dismounting as * ISO 2954, Requirements for instru-
well as ordinary maintenance. ments for measuring vibration severity.
6.5 Dismounting of motor for types
4.5 Electric connection 6. Maintenance ACN/ACW (see fig. 9)
Connection to the mains is effected direct Prior to commencing the work, switch
in the motor terminal box or in the termi- 6.1 Protection prior to inspection
and maintenance off the current and disconnect the motor
nal box mounted on the outside of the cable. Next, dismount any ducts on the
When the fan is out of operation for rea-
fan casing. fan inlet and outlet sides. Remove the
sons of inspection or repair/maintenan-
For 3-phase motors the cables are con-
ce, the electric system must be switched
nected according to connection diagram
on the inside of the terminal box lid.
For 1-phase motors see connection dia-
gram for 1-phase, adjustable motors.
Having wired the motor terminal box,
check that the direction of rotation of the
impeller complies with the arrow-plate
fitted on the outside of the fan.
For reversible fans (alternating direc-
tions of rotation) a time delay arrange-
ment must be provided to ensure that the
impeller is stationary before restarting.
5. Start of operation
5.1 Prior to start of operation
Prior to start of operation check that the
fan and duct connections are clean and
free from tools and foreign substances. Fig. 9. Dismounting/mounting of axial flow fan type ACN/ACW.
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impeller centre screw (see item 01), cen- 6.8 Fault localization 8. Attestation of conformity
tre disc (see item 02) and hub cover (see These are likely causes of breakdowns/
EU - Attestation of Conformity
item 03). failures:
The Machinery Directive 98/37/EC,
Dismount the impeller by means of a
part 2, A
puller fastened in the 2 threaded holes of Deficiency in performance:
the hub boss (see item 05). Blocked air supply to the fan inlet side:
Detach the motor by loosening the - Damper closed
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screws in the motor shell (see item 06). - Duct choked
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Now the motor (see item 11) and motor - Supply fan, if any, stopped
flange (see item 10) can be removed. - Motor defective
In dismounting and disassembling the - Motor disconnected
Hereby declares that
fan be careful not to expose the individu- - Wrong direction of rotation of impeller
al parts to shocks etc. likely to damage
axial flow fans type ACN- and ACW 250-
the motor bearings or other fan compo- Noise/vibrations:
1600 have been manufactured in confor-
nents. - Bearings in electric motor defective
mity with the Council's directives
- Impeller out of balance
6.6 Mounting of motor for types 98/37/EC regarding mutual approxi-
- Impeller worn/damaged
ACN/ACW (see fig. 9) mation of the machinery laws (the Ma-
- Bolts/components loose
After servicing remount the motor; see chinery Directive) of the member states.
- Impeller blades have different pitch
that the motor flange (item 10) is correct-
ly located and that the motor shaft is con- Applied standards:
Fan operates in the stalling area. May re-
centrically placed in the fan casing befo-
sult in breakdown. Repair failures, see
re tightening the bolts (item 06). EN 292-1: Safety of machinery part 1
“Deficiency in performance”.
Mount the impeller (item 04) on the mo-
tor shaft by means of a tool fastened in EN 292-2: Safety of machinery part 2
7. Sound
the threaded hole of the motor shaft. Fix
the impeller hub to rest against the motor The sound generation of the fans de- EN 292-2/A1: Safety of machinery part 2
shaft collar. Check that the blade clea- pends on installation and operating con-
rance of the impeller is the same throug- ditions, which means that no general da- EN 294: Safety of machinery -
hout the circumference of the casing. If ta of the sound generation can be given. Safety distances
this is not the case, adjust the motor lo- Reference is made to our catalogues or
cation in the suspension arrangement. computer programs for calculation of EN 60204-1: Safety of machinery -
Now mount the centre screw (item 01), the specific sound generation. Electrical equipment of
centre disc (item 02) and hub cover (item machines Part 1 :
03). Replace lock washers/nuts during General Requirements
fan assembly. Finally, connect the motor
cable (item 13) in the terminal box (item It is a condition that Novenco's instruc-
12) and any ducts. tions for installation have been followed.
To start the fan follow the procedure de-
scribed in section 5: Start of operation. Næstved, January 31, 2000