Aggregate For Masonry Mortar
Aggregate For Masonry Mortar
Aggregate For Masonry Mortar
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
C 144 – 04
air content, and compressive strength requirements of the limitations set forth in Section 4, not greater than 10 % when
property specifications of Specification C 270. sodium sulfate is used or 15 % when magnesium sulfate is
5. Composition 6.2 Aggregate failing to meet the requirements of 6.1 may
5.1 Deleterious Substances—The amount of deleterious be accepted, provided that mortar of comparable properties
substances in aggregate for masonry mortar, each determined made from similar aggregates from the same source has been
on independent samples complying with the grading require- exposed to weathering, similar to that to be encountered, for a
ments of Section 4, shall not exceed the following: period of more than five years without appreciable disintegra-
Item Maximum Permissible tion.
Weight Percent
Friable particles 1.0 7. Test Methods for Sampling and Testing
Lightweight particles, floating on liquid having 0.5A 7.1 Sample and test the aggregate in accordance with the
a specific gravity of 2.0
following standards, except as otherwise provided in this
This requirement does not apply to blast-furnace slag aggregate. specification:
7.1.1 Sampling—Practice D 75.
5.2 Organic Impurities: 7.1.2 Sieve Analysis and Fineness Modulus—Method
5.2.1 The aggregate shall be free of injurious amounts of C 136.
organic impurities. Except as herein provided, aggregates 7.1.3 Amount of Material Finer Than (75-µm) No. 200
subjected to the test for organic impurities and producing a Sieve—Test Method C 117.
color darker than the standard shall be rejected. 7.1.4 Organic Impurities—Test Method C 40.
5.2.2 Aggregate failing in the test may be used, provided 7.1.5 Effect of Organic Impurities on Strength—Test
that the discoloration is due principally to the presence of small Method C 87.
quantities of coal, lignite, or similar discrete particles. 7.1.6 Friable Particles—Test Method C 142.
5.2.3 Aggregate failing in the test may be used provided 7.1.7 Lightweight Constituents—Test Method C 123.
that, when tested for the effect of organic impurities on strength 7.1.8 Soundness—Test Method C 88.
of mortar, the relative strength at seven days calculated in 7.1.9 Density—Determine the density of the fine aggregate
accordance with the Procedure Section of Test Method C 87, is in accordance with Test Method C 128. In calculating the air
not less than 95 %. content of mortars, use the method described in Specification
C 270.
6. Soundness
6.1 Except as herein provided, aggregate subjected to five 8. Keywords
cycles of the soundness test shall show a loss, weighted in 8.1 aggregate; fine aggregate; masonry; mortar; sand;
accordance with the grading of a sample complying with the soundness
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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