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Recent Developments Towards Commercialization of M

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Recent Developments towards Commercialization of
Metal Matrix Composites
Dae-Young Kim and Hyun-Joo Choi *
School of Advanced Materials Engineering, Kookmin University, Seoul 02707, Korea; kdy6603@kookmin.ac.kr
* Correspondence: hyunjoo@kookmin.ac.kr; Tel.: +82-2-910-4287

Received: 27 May 2020; Accepted: 23 June 2020; Published: 24 June 2020 

Abstract: Metal matrix composites (MMCs) are promising alternatives to metallic alloys. Their high
strength-to-weight ratios; high temperature stabilities; and unique thermal, electrical, and chemical
properties make them suitable for automotive, aerospace, defense, electrical, electronic, energy,
biomedical, and other applications. The wide range of potential combinations of materials allows the
properties of MMCs to be tailored by manipulating the morphology, size, orientation, and fraction of
reinforcement, offering further opportunities for a variety of applications in daily life. This Special Issue,
“Metal Matrix Composites”, addresses advances in the material science, processing, material modeling
and characterization, performance, and testing of metal matrix composites.

Keywords: metal matrix composites; aluminum nitride; nitridation; exothermic reaction; NISFAC
process; Diamond/Cu composites; neutral salt spray; corrosion behavior; thermal conductivity;
SiCp/Al composites; scratch test; 3D finite element model; material removal; surface defect

Metal matrix composites (MMCs) consist of a metallic matrix and a foreign reinforcement, such as
ceramic, metallic, or carbon materials. Therefore, their properties are responsive to the type, shape,
size, volume, or dispersion of the reinforcement. MMCs may overcome the limitations of conventional
alloys, such as unstable microstructures at high temperatures and trade-offs between features like
conductivity and strength. Given these advantages, the global market for MMCs is expected to reach
USD 433.3 million by 2022 [1]. An increasing need for high-performance composite metals is expected
from the automotive, aerospace, and marine industries because of the importance of weight reduction
to addressing fuel-efficiency and environmental issues.
Nevertheless, high manufacturing costs and limited technical expertise are expected to pose a
challenge for MMC market growth. Increasing the market share of the MMCs competing with light
metal alloys and plastic composites requires both greater mechanical performance and cost-effectiveness.
Conventional MMC manufacturing processes can be categorized as liquid-state or solid-state techniques.
Liquid-state techniques, which include stir casting and infiltration, proceed at temperatures above the
melting point of the matrix material. Solid-state techniques are conducted below the melting point of
the matrix material, with powder metallurgy (PM) being the representative technique. Stir casting [2,3]
is a well-known, economical route for processing MMCs, but it is limited to the dispersion of
small-sized reinforcement in the matrix and the development of composites containing continuous
fibers. Infiltration [4,5] enables near-net-shape forming of composites with high volumes (up to
~70 vol.%) of reinforcement, but the process involves a costly preform synthesis prior to infiltration.
Furthermore, these liquid-state techniques limit the type, shape, or size of the reinforcement because of
the formation of unfavorable reactants like oxides or carbides at high processing temperatures. The PM
route provides great flexibility in the selection of the type, shape, size, and volume of the reinforcement,
as well as superb mechanical and thermal properties stemming from the uniform dispersion of the
reinforcement with a clean interface. However, the high cost of the PM process limits its industrial use.

Materials 2020, 13, 2828; doi:10.3390/ma13122828 www.mdpi.com/journal/materials

Materials 2020, 13, 2828 2 of 3

Recently, nanocomposite materials, which contain nano-scale reinforcement such as graphene,

carbon nanotubes, and h-BN, have been actively studied. However, papers on technologies to overcome
bottle-neck for expanding the industrial application of conventional composites are relatively less
attended. This Special Issue introduces various efforts to increase the price competitiveness, reliability
and applicability of conventional MMC. This Special Issue consists of four articles covering topics
ranging from a new cost-effective manufacturing process for MMCs to a numerical and experimental
effort for enhancing reliability of MMCs. A series article in this Special Issue reports a new, cost-effective
MMC manufacturing process that overcomes the limitations of the existing processes [6,7]. In the
new process, aluminum powder and ceramic reinforcement mixtures are heated in nitrogen gas,
thus allowing the exothermic nitridation reaction to partially melt the aluminum powder, which assists
the composite densification and improves the wetting between the aluminum and the ceramic.
Achieving the degree of nitridation needed to form sufficient molten aluminum is key to producing
sound, pore-free aluminum matrix composites (AMCs). This series paper describes the systematic
investigation of the effects of the starting materials, including the chemical composition of the aluminum
powder and the type, size, and volume fraction of the ceramic reinforcement, and the processing
parameters, including the temperature, time, and nitrogen gas flow rate, on the nitridation behavior of
aluminum powder.
On the other hand, this Special Issue also introduces efforts to enhance the reliability of conventional
MMCs. One paper of this Special Issue introduces diamond-particle-reinforced copper matrix
composites (Diamond/Cu) with promising applications in electronic packaging [8]. The reliability of
the Diamond/Cu composites under extreme environmental conditions was evaluated by testing their
corrosion behavior in a 5 wt.% NaCl neutral salt spray. Interestingly, the copper matrix was found to
corrode mainly because of micro-galvanic corrosion, while the diamond and interface products did not
corrode. Finally, Zhao et al. analyzed the sensitivity of the material removal process and the surface
defect formation mechanism to the scratch depth during single-grit scratch tests of 50 vol.% SiCp/Al
composites. The authors also developed a three-dimensional (3D) finite element model with more
realistic 3D microstructures, particle–matrix interfacial behaviors, particle–particle contact behaviors,
and particle-matrix contact behaviors that incorporates a Johnson–Holmquist–Beissel (JHB) model of
SiC particles. Using the simulated and experimental results, the authors demonstrated the importance
of the scratch depth to SiC particle removal and surface quality. We believe this Special Issue will act
as a stepping-stone for commercialization in MMCs in various fields.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, writing—review and editing H.-J.C.; writing—original draft

preparation, D.-Y.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by Basic Science Research Program of the National Research Foundation of
Korea (NRF-2015R1A5A7037615).
Acknowledgments: This research was funded by Basic Science Research Program of the National Research
Foundation of Korea (NRF-2015R1A5A7037615).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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Electronics/Thermal Management, Aerospace) and Segment Forecasts to 2022. Available online:
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2. Kandpal, B.C.; Kumar, J.; Singh, H. Fabrication and characterisation of Al2 O3 /aluminium alloy 6061
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Materials 2020, 13, 2828 3 of 3

4. Yang, W.; Zhao, Q.; Xin, L.; Qiao, J.; Zou, J.; Shao, P.; Yu, Z.; Zhang, Q.; Wu, G. Microstructure and mechanical
properties of graphene nanoplates reinforced pure Al matrix composites prepared by pressure infiltration
method. J. Alloy. Compd. 2018, 732, 748–758. [CrossRef]
5. Yang, W.; Chen, G.; Qiao, J.; Liu, S.; Xiao, R.; Dong, R.; Hussain, M.; Wu, G. Graphene nanoflakes reinforced
Al-20Si matrix composites prepared by pressure infiltration method. Mat. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. 2017, 700,
351–357. [CrossRef]
6. Kim, D.Y.; Cha, P.R.; Nam, H.S.; Choi, H.J.; Lee, K.B. Effect of Material and Process Variables on Characteristics
of Nitridation-Induced Self-Formed Aluminum Matrix Composites—Part 1: Effect of Reinforcement Volume
Fraction, Size, and Processing Temperatures. Materials 2020, 13, 1309. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
7. Kim, D.Y.; Cha, P.R.; Nam, H.S.; Choi, H.J.; Lee, K.B. Effect of Material and Process Variables on Characteristics
of Nitridation-Induced Self-Formed Aluminum Matrix Composites—Part 2: Effect of Nitrogen Flow Rates
and Processing Temperatures. Materials 2020, 13, 1213. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
8. Xie, Z.; Guo, H.; Zhang, X.; Huang, S. Corrosion Behavior of Pressure Infiltration Diamond/Cu Composites
in Neutral Salt Spray. Materials 2020, 13, 1847. [CrossRef] [PubMed]

© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

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