Discount Variety Stores
Discount Variety Stores
Discount Variety Stores
Section 18-xx: General Retail
The board of adjustment may grant a variance from the separation
requirement if shown to be a reasonable accommodation under the A. Discount Variety Store
Fair Housing Act. To support a greater diversity in retail options and convenient
access to fresh meats, fruits, and vegetables; to better regulate the
Section 18-xx: Farmers’ Market total number and proximity of discount variety stores to assure the
A. Location best possible opportunity to provide fresh fruits and vegetables to
Stalls, sales tables, and any other outdoor facilities related to the the community; and to encourage economic development in a way
market shall be located at least 25 feet from any abutting street. that also supports the overall public health and welfare through
improved access to nutritious food, the following standards shall be
B. Operating Rules applied to discount variety stores.
The market shall submit a set of operating rules addressing the
governance structure of the market, hours of operation, and 1. Location Requirements
maintenance, waste management, and security requirements and
a. Such uses shall be separated at least one mile from any
other such discount variety store.
Section 18-xx: General Business Service b. No new discount variety store shall be located in an area
A. Parking identified by the US Department of Agriculture as a food
All fleet vehicles shall be parked or stored behind the principal desert.
2. Floor Area
B. Loading The maximum gross square footage of a store shall not exceed
Any loading docks shall be restricted to the rear of the building and 10,000 square feet.
shall screened from view of the right-of-way with vegetation.
B. Large (gross floor area 40,001 square feet or larger)
1. The minimum lot area shall be one acre.
2. The site shall have vehicular access to a major thoroughfare.
3. In addition to the accessory use standards for outdoor sales,
the following shall apply, In the event of a conflict, the more
stringent regulations shall be applicable.
a. Any outdoor storage shall be prohibited.
b. Any permanent outdoor display areas shall be behind the
plane of the front façade of the building and shall fully
enclosed be behind an opaque fence or wall.
City of Wilmington Land Development Code Draft 3.17.2020 3-16 Division 2. Use-Specific Standards
Article 3 Use Standards